Provided by: libmath-gsl-perl_0.44-1build3_amd64 bug


       Math::GSL::Randist - Probability Distributions


        use Math::GSL::RNG;
        use Math::GSL::Randist qw/:all/;

        my $rng = Math::GSL::RNG->new();
        my $coinflip = gsl_ran_bernoulli($rng->raw(), .5);


       Here is a list of all the functions included in this module. For all sampling methods, the first argument
       $r is a raw gsl_rnd structure retrieve by calling raw() on an Math::GSL::RNG object.

       gsl_ran_bernoulli($r, $p)
           This function returns either 0 or 1, the result of a Bernoulli trial with probability $p. The
           probability distribution for a Bernoulli trial is, p(0) = 1 - $p and  p(1) = $p. $r is a gsl_rng

       gsl_ran_bernoulli_pdf($k, $p)
           This function computes the probability p($k) of obtaining $k from a Bernoulli distribution with
           probability parameter $p, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_beta($r, $a, $b)
           This function returns a random variate from the beta distribution. The distribution function is,
           p($x) dx = {Gamma($a+$b) \ Gamma($a) Gamma($b)} $x**{$a-1} (1-$x)**{$b-1} dx for 0 <= $x <= 1.$r is a
           gsl_rng structure.

       gsl_ran_beta_pdf($x, $a, $b)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a beta distribution with parameters $a
           and $b, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_binomial($k, $p, $n)
           This function returns a random integer from the binomial distribution, the number of successes in n
           independent trials with probability $p. The probability distribution for binomial variates is p($k) =
           {$n! \ $k! ($n-$k)! } $p**$k (1-$p)^{$n-$k} for 0 <= $k <= $n.  Uses Binomial Triangle Parallelogram
           Exponential algorithm.

       gsl_ran_binomial_knuth($k, $p, $n)
           Alternative and original implementation for gsl_ran_binomial using Knuth's algorithm.

       gsl_ran_binomial_tpe($k, $p, $n)
           Same as gsl_ran_binomial.

       gsl_ran_binomial_pdf($k, $p, $n)
           This function computes the probability p($k) of obtaining $k from a binomial distribution with
           parameters $p and $n, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_exponential($r, $mu)
           This function returns a random variate from the exponential distribution with mean $mu. The
           distribution is, p($x) dx = {1 \ $mu} exp(-$x/$mu) dx for $x >= 0. $r is a gsl_rng structure.

       gsl_ran_exponential_pdf($x, $mu)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for an exponential distribution with mean
           $mu, using the formula given above.

   Exponential Power
       gsl_ran_exppow($r, $a, $b)
           This function returns a random variate from the exponential power distribution with scale parameter
           $a and exponent $b. The distribution is, p(x) dx = {1 / 2 $a Gamma(1+1/$b)} exp(-|$x/$a|**$b) dx for
           $x >= 0. For $b = 1 this reduces to the Laplace distribution. For $b = 2 it has the same form as a
           gaussian distribution, but with $a = sqrt(2) sigma. $r is a gsl_rng structure.

       gsl_ran_exppow_pdf($x, $a, $b)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for an exponential power distribution with
           scale parameter $a and exponent $b, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_cauchy($r, $scale)
           This function returns a random variate from the Cauchy distribution with $scale. The probability
           distribution for Cauchy random variates is,

            p(x) dx = {1 / $scale pi (1 + (x/$$scale)**2) } dx

           for x in the range -infinity to +infinity.  The Cauchy distribution is also known as the Lorentz
           distribution. $r is a gsl_rng structure.

       gsl_ran_cauchy_pdf($x, $scale)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a Cauchy distribution with $scale,
           using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_chisq($r, $nu)
           This function returns a random variate from the chi-squared distribution with $nu degrees of freedom.
           The distribution function is, p(x) dx = {1 / 2 Gamma($nu/2) } (x/2)**{$nu/2 - 1} exp(-x/2) dx for $x
           >= 0. $r is a gsl_rng structure.

       gsl_ran_chisq_pdf($x, $nu)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a chi-squared distribution with $nu
           degrees of freedom, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_dirichlet($r, $alpha)
           This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random variates from a
           Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function is

             p(\theta_1, ..., \theta_K) d\theta_1 ... d\theta_K =
                (1/Z) \prod_{i=1}^K \theta_i^{\alpha_i - 1} \delta(1 -\sum_{i=1}^K \theta_i) d\theta_1 ... d\theta_K

           for theta_i >= 0 and alpha_i > 0. The delta function ensures that \sum \theta_i = 1. The
           normalization factor Z is

             Z = {\prod_{i=1}^K \Gamma(\alpha_i)} / {\Gamma( \sum_{i=1}^K \alpha_i)}

           The random variates are generated by sampling K values from gamma distributions with parameters
           a=alpha_i, b=1, and renormalizing. See A.M. Law, W.D. Kelton, Simulation Modeling and Analysis

       gsl_ran_dirichlet_pdf($theta, $alpha)
           This function computes the probability density p(\theta_1, ... , \theta_K) at theta[K] for a
           Dirichlet distribution with parameters alpha[K], using the formula given above. $alpha and $theta
           should be array references of the same size.  Theta should be normalized to sum to 1.

       gsl_ran_dirichlet_lnpdf($theta, $alpha)
           This function computes the logarithm of the probability density p(\theta_1, ...  , \theta_K) for a
           Dirichlet distribution with parameters alpha[K]. $alpha and $theta should be array references of the
           same size.  Theta should be normalized to sum to 1.

       gsl_ran_erlang($r, $scale, $shape)
           Equivalent to gsl_ran_gamma($r, $shape, $scale) where $shape is an integer.

           Equivalent to gsl_ran_gamma_pdf($r, $shape, $scale) where $shape is an integer.

       gsl_ran_fdist($r, $nu1, $nu2)
           This function returns a random variate from the F-distribution with degrees of freedom nu1 and nu2.
           The distribution function is, p(x) dx = { Gamma(($nu_1 + $nu_2)/2) / Gamma($nu_1/2) Gamma($nu_2/2) }
           $nu_1**{$nu_1/2} $nu_2**{$nu_2/2} x**{$nu_1/2 - 1} ($nu_2 + $nu_1 x)**{-$nu_1/2 -$nu_2/2} for $x >=
           0. $r is a gsl_rng structure.

       gsl_ran_fdist_pdf($x, $nu1, $nu2)
           This function computes the probability density p(x) at x for an F-distribution with nu1 and nu2
           degrees of freedom, using the formula given above.

   Uniform/Flat distribution
       gsl_ran_flat($r, $a, $b)
           This function returns a random variate from the flat (uniform) distribution from a to b. The
           distribution is, p(x) dx = {1 / ($b-$a)} dx if $a <= x < $b and 0 otherwise. $r is a gsl_rng

       gsl_ran_flat_pdf($x, $a, $b)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a uniform distribution from $a to $b,
           using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_gamma($r, $shape, $scale)
           This function returns a random variate from the gamma distribution. The distribution function is,
                     p(x) dx = {1 \over \Gamma($shape) $scale^$shape} x^{$shape-1} e^{-x/$scale} dx for x > 0.
           Uses Marsaglia-Tsang method. Can also be called as gsl_ran_gamma_mt.

       gsl_ran_gamma_pdf($x, $shape, $scale)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a gamma distribution with parameters
           $shape and $scale, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_gamma($r, $shape, $scale)
           Same as gsl_ran_gamma.

       gsl_ran_gamma_knuth($r, $shape, $scale)
           Alternative implementation for gsl_ran_gamma, using algorithm in Knuth volume 2.

       gsl_ran_gaussian($r, $sigma)
           This function returns a Gaussian random variate, with mean zero and standard deviation $sigma. The
           probability distribution for Gaussian random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / sqrt{2 pi $sigma**2}}
           exp(-x**2 / 2 $sigma**2) dx for x in the range -infinity to +infinity. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
           Uses Box-Mueller (polar) method.

       gsl_ran_gaussian_ratio_method($r, $sigma)
           This function computes a Gaussian random variate using the alternative Kinderman-Monahan-Leva ratio

       gsl_ran_gaussian_ziggurat($r, $sigma)
           This function computes a Gaussian random variate using the alternative Marsaglia-Tsang ziggurat ratio
           method. The Ziggurat algorithm is the fastest available algorithm in most cases. $r is a gsl_rng

       gsl_ran_gaussian_pdf($x, $sigma)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a Gaussian distribution with standard
           deviation sigma, using the formula given above.

           This function computes results for the unit Gaussian distribution. It is equivalent to the gaussian
           functions above with a standard deviation of one, sigma = 1.

       gsl_ran_bivariate_gaussian($r, $sigma_x, $sigma_y, $rho)
           This function generates a pair of correlated Gaussian variates, with mean zero, correlation
           coefficient rho and standard deviations $sigma_x and $sigma_y in the x and y directions. The first
           value returned is x and the second y. The probability distribution for bivariate Gaussian random
           variates is, p(x,y) dx dy = {1 / 2 pi $sigma_x $sigma_y sqrt{1-$rho**2}} exp (-(x**2/$sigma_x**2 +
           y**2/$sigma_y**2 - 2 $rho x y/($sigma_x $sigma_y))/2(1- $rho**2)) dx dy for x,y in the range
           -infinity to +infinity. The correlation coefficient $rho should lie between 1 and -1. $r is a gsl_rng

       gsl_ran_bivariate_gaussian_pdf($x, $y, $sigma_x, $sigma_y, $rho)
           This function computes the probability density p($x,$y) at ($x,$y) for a bivariate Gaussian
           distribution with standard deviations $sigma_x, $sigma_y and correlation coefficient $rho, using the
           formula given above.

   Gaussian Tail
       gsl_ran_gaussian_tail($r, $a, $sigma)
           This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard
           deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The
           probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi
           sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant,
           N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.

       gsl_ran_gaussian_tail_pdf($x, $a, $gaussian)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a Gaussian tail distribution with
           standard deviation sigma and lower limit $a, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_ugaussian_tail($r, $a)
           This functions compute results for the tail of a unit Gaussian distribution. It is equivalent to the
           functions above with a standard deviation of one, $sigma = 1. $r is a gsl_rng structure.

       gsl_ran_ugaussian_tail_pdf($x, $a)
           This functions compute results for the tail of a unit Gaussian distribution. It is equivalent to the
           functions above with a standard deviation of one, $sigma = 1.

           This function returns a random variate from the Landau distribution. The probability distribution for
           Landau random variates is defined analytically by the complex integral, p(x) = (1/(2 \pi i))
           \int_{c-i\infty}^{c+i\infty} ds exp(s log(s) + x s) For numerical purposes it is more convenient to
           use the following equivalent form of the integral, p(x) = (1/\pi) \int_0^\infty dt \exp(-t \log(t) -
           x t) \sin(\pi t). $r is a gsl_rng structure.

           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for the Landau distribution using an
           approximation to the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_geometric($r, $p)
           This function returns a random integer from the geometric distribution, the number of independent
           trials with probability $p until the first success. The probability distribution for geometric
           variates is, p(k) =  p (1-$p)^(k-1) for k >= 1. Note that the distribution begins with k=1 with this
           definition. There is another convention in which the exponent k-1 is replaced by k. $r is a gsl_rng

       gsl_ran_geometric_pdf($k, $p)
           This function computes the probability p($k) of obtaining $k from a geometric distribution with
           probability parameter p, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_hypergeometric($r, $n1, $n2, $t)
           This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability
           distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t)
           where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If
           a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric
           distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the
           population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.

       gsl_ran_hypergeometric_pdf($k, $n1, $n2, $t)
           This function computes the probability p(k) of obtaining k from a hypergeometric distribution with
           parameters $n1, $n2 $t, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_gumbel1($r, $a, $b)
           This function returns a random variate from the Type-1 Gumbel distribution. The Type-1 Gumbel
           distribution function is, p(x) dx = a b \exp(-(b \exp(-ax) + ax)) dx for -\infty < x < \infty. $r is
           a gsl_rng structure.

       gsl_ran_gumbel1_pdf($x, $a, $b)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a Type-1 Gumbel distribution with
           parameters $a and $b, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_gumbel2($r, $a, $b)
           This function returns a random variate from the Type-2 Gumbel distribution. The Type-2 Gumbel
           distribution function is, p(x) dx = a b x^{-a-1} \exp(-b x^{-a}) dx for 0 < x < \infty. $r is a
           gsl_rng structure.

       gsl_ran_gumbel2_pdf($x, $a, $b)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a Type-2 Gumbel distribution with
           parameters $a and $b, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_logistic($r, $a)
           This function returns a random variate from the logistic distribution. The distribution function is,
           p(x) dx = { \exp(-x/a) \over a (1 + \exp(-x/a))^2 } dx for -\infty < x < +\infty. $r is a gsl_rng

       gsl_ran_logistic_pdf($x, $a)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a logistic distribution with scale
           parameter $a, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_lognormal($r, $zeta, $sigma)
           This function returns a random variate from the lognormal distribution. The distribution function is,
           p(x) dx = {1 \over x \sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^2} } \exp(-(\ln(x) - \zeta)^2/2 \sigma^2) dx for x > 0. $r is
           a gsl_rng structure.

       gsl_ran_lognormal_pdf($x, $zeta, $sigma)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a lognormal distribution with
           parameters $zeta and $sigma, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_logarithmic($r, $p)
           This function returns a random integer from the logarithmic distribution. The probability
           distribution for logarithmic random variates is, p(k) = {-1 \over \log(1-p)} {(p^k \over k)} for k >=
           1. $r is a gsl_rng structure.

       gsl_ran_logarithmic_pdf($k, $p)
           This function computes the probability p($k) of obtaining $k from a logarithmic distribution with
           probability parameter $p, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_multinomial($r, $P, $N)
           This function computes and returns a random sample n[] from the multinomial distribution formed by N
           trials from an underlying distribution p[K]. The distribution function for n[] is,

            P(n_1, n_2, ..., n_K) =
               (N!/(n_1! n_2! ... n_K!)) p_1^n_1 p_2^n_2 ... p_K^n_K

           where (n_1, n_2, ..., n_K) are nonnegative integers with sum_{k=1}^K n_k = N, and (p_1, p_2, ...,
           p_K) is a probability distribution with \sum p_i = 1. If the array p[K] is not normalized then its
           entries will be treated as weights and normalized appropriately.

           Random variates are generated using the conditional binomial method (see C.S.  Davis, The computer
           generation of multinomial random variates, Comp. Stat. Data Anal. 16 (1993) 205-217 for details).

       gsl_ran_multinomial_pdf($counts, $P)
           This function returns the probability for the multinomial distribution P(counts[1], counts[2], ...,
           counts[K]) with parameters p[K].

       gsl_ran_multinomial_lnpdf($counts, $P)
           This function returns the logarithm of the probability for the multinomial distribution P(counts[1],
           counts[2], ..., counts[K]) with parameters p[K].

   Negative Binomial
       gsl_ran_negative_binomial($r, $p, $n)
           This function returns a random integer from the negative binomial distribution, the number of
           failures occurring before n successes in independent trials with probability p of success. The
           probability distribution for negative binomial variates is, p(k) = {\Gamma(n + k) \over \Gamma(k+1)
           \Gamma(n) } p^n (1-p)^k Note that n is not required to be an integer.

       gsl_ran_negative_binomial_pdf($k, $p, $n)
           This function computes the probability p($k) of obtaining $k from a negative binomial distribution
           with parameters $p and $n, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_pascal($r, $p, $n)
           This function returns a random integer from the Pascal distribution. The Pascal distribution is
           simply a negative binomial distribution with an integer value of $n. p($k) = {($n + $k - 1)! \ $k!
           ($n - 1)! } $p**$n (1-$p)**$k for $k >= 0. $r is gsl_rng structure

       gsl_ran_pascal_pdf($k, $p, $n)
           This function computes the probability p($k) of obtaining $k from a Pascal distribution with
           parameters $p and $n, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_pareto($r, $a, $b)
           This function returns a random variate from the Pareto distribution of order $a. The distribution
           function is p($x) dx = ($a/$b) / ($x/$b)^{$a+1} dx for $x >= $b. $r is a gsl_rng structure

       gsl_ran_pareto_pdf($x, $a, $b)
           This function computes the probability density p(x) at x for a Pareto distribution with exponent a
           and scale b, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_poisson($r, $lambda)
           This function returns a random integer from the Poisson distribution with mean $lambda. $r is a
           gsl_rng structure. The probability distribution for Poisson variates is,

            p(k) = {$lambda**$k \ $k!} exp(-$lambda)

           for $k >= 0. $r is a gsl_rng structure.

       gsl_ran_poisson_pdf($k, $lambda)
           This function computes the probability p($k) of obtaining $k from a Poisson distribution with mean
           $lambda, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_rayleigh($r, $sigma)
           This function returns a random variate from the Rayleigh distribution with scale parameter sigma. The
           distribution is, p(x) dx = {x \over \sigma^2} \exp(- x^2/(2 \sigma^2)) dx for x > 0. $r is a gsl_rng

       gsl_ran_rayleigh_pdf($x, $sigma)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a Rayleigh distribution with scale
           parameter sigma, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_rayleigh_tail($r, $a, $sigma)
           This function returns a random variate from the tail of the Rayleigh distribution with scale
           parameter $sigma and a lower limit of $a. The distribution is, p(x) dx = {x \over \sigma^2} \exp
           ((a^2 - x^2) /(2 \sigma^2)) dx for x > a. $r is a gsl_rng structure

       gsl_ran_rayleigh_tail_pdf($x, $a, $sigma)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a Rayleigh tail distribution with
           scale parameter $sigma and lower limit $a, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_tdist($r, $nu)
           This function returns a random variate from the t-distribution. The distribution function is, p(x) dx
           = {\Gamma((\nu + 1)/2) \over \sqrt{\pi \nu} \Gamma(\nu/2)} (1 + x^2/\nu)^{-(\nu + 1)/2} dx for
           -\infty < x < +\infty.

       gsl_ran_tdist_pdf($x, $nu)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a t-distribution with nu degrees of
           freedom, using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_laplace($r, $a)
           This function returns a random variate from the Laplace distribution with width $a. The distribution
           is, p(x) dx = {1 \over 2 a}  \exp(-|x/a|) dx for -\infty < x < \infty.

       gsl_ran_laplace_pdf($x, $a)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a Laplace distribution with width $a,
           using the formula given above.

       gsl_ran_levy($r, $c, $alpha)
           This function returns a random variate from the Levy symmetric stable distribution with scale $c and
           exponent $alpha. The symmetric stable probability distribution is defined by a fourier transform,
           p(x) = {1 \over 2 \pi} \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} dt \exp(-it x - |c t|^alpha) There is no explicit
           solution for the form of p(x) and the library does not define a corresponding pdf function. For
           \alpha = 1 the distribution reduces to the Cauchy distribution. For \alpha = 2 it is a Gaussian
           distribution with \sigma = \sqrt{2} c. For \alpha < 1 the tails of the distribution become extremely
           wide. The algorithm only works for 0 < alpha <= 2. $r is a gsl_rng structure

       gsl_ran_levy_skew($r, $c, $alpha, $beta)
           This function returns a random variate from the Levy skew stable distribution with scale $c, exponent
           $alpha and skewness parameter $beta. The skewness parameter must lie in the range [-1,1]. The Levy
           skew stable probability distribution is defined by a fourier transform, p(x) = {1 \over 2 \pi}
           \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} dt \exp(-it x - |c t|^alpha (1-i beta sign(t) tan(pi alpha/2))) When \alpha
           = 1 the term \tan(\pi \alpha/2) is replaced by -(2/\pi)\log|t|. There is no explicit solution for the
           form of p(x) and the library does not define a corresponding pdf function. For $alpha = 2 the
           distribution reduces to a Gaussian distribution with $sigma = sqrt(2) $c and the skewness parameter
           has no effect. For $alpha < 1 the tails of the distribution become extremely wide. The symmetric
           distribution corresponds to $beta = 0. The algorithm only works for 0 < $alpha <= 2. The Levy alpha-
           stable distributions have the property that if N alpha-stable variates are drawn from the
           distribution p(c, \alpha, \beta) then the sum Y = X_1 + X_2 + \dots + X_N will also be distributed as
           an alpha-stable variate, p(N^(1/\alpha) c, \alpha, \beta). $r is a gsl_rng structure

       gsl_ran_weibull($r, $scale, $exponent)
           This function returns a random variate from the Weibull distribution with $scale and $exponent (aka
           scale). The distribution function is

            p(x) dx = {$exponent \over $scale^$exponent} x^{$exponent-1}
                      \exp(-(x/$scale)^$exponent) dx

           for x >= 0. $r is a gsl_rng structure

       gsl_ran_weibull_pdf($x, $scale, $exponent)
           This function computes the probability density p($x) at $x for a Weibull distribution with $scale and
           $exponent, using the formula given above.

   Spherical Vector
           This function returns two values. The first is $x and the second is $y of a random direction vector v
           = ($x,$y) in two dimensions. The vector is normalized such that |v|^2 = $x^2 + $y^2 = 1. $r is a
           gsl_rng structure

           This function returns two values. The first is $x and the second is $y of a random direction vector v
           = ($x,$y) in two dimensions. The vector is normalized such that |v|^2 = $x^2 + $y^2 = 1. $r is a
           gsl_rng structure

           This function returns three values. The first is $x, the second $y and the third $z of a random
           direction vector v = ($x,$y,$z) in three dimensions. The vector is normalized such that |v|^2 = x^2 +
           y^2 + z^2 = 1. The method employed is due to Robert E. Knop (CACM 13, 326 (1970)), and explained in
           Knuth, v2, 3rd ed, p136. It uses the surprising fact that the distribution projected along any axis
           is actually uniform (this is only true for 3 dimensions).

       gsl_ran_dir_nd (Not yet implemented )
           This function returns a random direction vector v = (x_1,x_2,...,x_n) in n dimensions. The vector is
           normalized such that

               |v|^2 = x_1^2 + x_2^2 + ... + x_n^2 = 1.

           The method uses the fact that a multivariate Gaussian distribution is spherically symmetric. Each
           component is generated to have a Gaussian distribution, and then the components are normalized. The
           method is described by Knuth, v2, 3rd ed, p135-136, and attributed to G. W. Brown, Modern Mathematics
           for the Engineer (1956).

   Shuffling and Sampling
           Please use the "shuffle" method in the GSL::RNG module OO interface.

           Please use the "choose" method in the GSL::RNG module OO interface.

           Please use the "sample" method in the GSL::RNG module OO interface.

       gsl_ran_discrete($r, $g)
           After gsl_ran_discrete_preproc has been called, you use this function to get the discrete random
           numbers. $r is a gsl_rng structure and $g is a gsl_ran_discrete structure

       gsl_ran_discrete_pdf($k, $g)
           Returns the probability P[$k] of observing the variable $k. Since P[$k] is not stored as part of the
           lookup table, it must be recomputed; this computation takes O(K), so if K is large and you care about
           the original array P[$k] used to create the lookup table, then you should just keep this original
           array P[$k] around. $r is a gsl_rng structure and $g is a gsl_ran_discrete structure

           De-allocates the gsl_ran_discrete pointed to by g.

        You have to add the functions you want to use inside the qw /put_function_here /.
        You can also write use Math::GSL::Randist qw/:all/; to use all available functions of the module.
        Other tags are also available, here is a complete list of all tags for this module :


        For example the beta tag contains theses functions : gsl_ran_beta, gsl_ran_beta_pdf.

       For more information on the functions, we refer you to the GSL official documentation:

        You might also want to write

           use Math::GSL::RNG qw/:all/;

       since a lot of the functions of Math::GSL::Randist take as argument a structure that is created by
       Math::GSL::RNG.  Refer to Math::GSL::RNG documentation to see how to create such a structure.

       Math::GSL::CDF also contains a structure named gsl_ran_discrete_t. An example is given in the EXAMPLES
       part on how to use the function related to this structure.


           use Math::GSL::Randist qw/:all/;
           print gsl_ran_exponential_pdf(5,2) . "\n";

           use Math::GSL::Randist qw/:all/;
           my $x = Math::GSL::gsl_ran_discrete_t::new;


       Jonathan "Duke" Leto <> and Thierry Moisan <>


       Copyright (C) 2008-2023 Jonathan "Duke" Leto and Thierry Moisan

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl