Provided by: libmusic-scales-perl_0.07-2_all bug


        Scales - supply necessary notes / offsets for musical scales


           use Music::Scales;

           my @maj = get_scale_notes('Eb');           # defaults to major
           print join(" ",@maj);                      # "Eb F G Ab Bb C D"
           my @blues = get_scale_nums('bl');          # 'bl','blu','blue','blues'
           print join(" ",@blues);                    # "0 3 5 6 7 10"
           my %min = get_scale_offsets ('G','mm',1);  # descending melodic minor
           print map {"$_=$min{$_} "} sort keys %min; # "A=0 B=-1 C=0 D=0 E=-1 F=0 G=0"


        Given a keynote A-G(#/b) and a scale-name, will return the scale,
        either as an array of notenames or as a hash of semitone-offsets for each note.


       returns an array of semitone offsets for the requested scale, ascending/descending the given scale for
       one octave.  The descending flag determines the direction of the scale, and also affects those scales
       (such as melodic minor) where the notes vary depending upon the direction.  Scaletypes and valid values
       for $scale are listed below.

       returns an array of notenames, starting from the given keynote.  Enharmonic equivalencies (whether to use
       F# or Gb, for instance) are calculated based on the keynote and the scale. Basically, it attempts to do
       the Right Thing if the scale is an 8-note one, (the 7th in G harmonic minor being F# rather than Gb,
       although G minor is a 'flat' key), but for any other scales, (Chromatic, blues etc.) it picks
       equivalencies based upon the keynote.  This can be overidden with $keypref, setting to be either '#' or
       'b' for sharps and flats respectively. Cruftiness abounds here :)

       as get_scale_notes(), except it returns a hash of notenames with the values being a semitone offset (-1,
       0 or 1) as shown in the synopsis.

       as get_scale_notes(), but returns an array of MIDI note-numbers, given an octave number (-1..9).

       as get_scale_MIDI(), but returns an array of PDL-format notes.

       returns true if $scalename is a valid scale name used in this module.


       Scales can be passed either by name or number.  The default scale is 'major' if none  / invalid is given.
       Text::Abbrev is used on scalenames, so they can be as abbreviated as unambiguously possible ('dor','io'
       etc.).  Other abbreviations are shown in brackets.

         1 ionian / major / hypolydian
         2 dorian / hypmixolydian
         3 phrygian / hypoaeolian
         4 lydian  / hypolocrian
         5 mixolydian / hypoionian
         6 aeolian / hypodorian / minor / m
         7 locrian / hypophrygian
         8 harmonic minor / hm
         9 melodic minor / mm
        10 blues
        11 pentatonic (pmajor)
        12 chromatic
        13 diminished
        14 wholetone
        15 augmented
        16 hungarian minor
        17 3 semitone
        18 4 semitone
        19 neapolitan minor (nmin)
        20 neapolitan major (nmaj)
        21 todi
        22 marva
        23 persian
        24 oriental
        25 romanian
        26 pelog
        27 iwato
        28 hirajoshi
        29 egyptian
        30 pentatonic minor (pminor)


       This will print every scale in every key, adjusting the enharmonic equivalents accordingly.

               foreach my $note qw (C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B) {
               foreach my $mode (1..30) {
                   my @notes = get_scale_notes($note,$mode);
                   push @notes, get_scale_notes($note,$mode,1); # descending
                   print join(" ",@notes),"\n";


        Add further range of scales from
        Improve enharmonic eqivalents.
        Generate ragas,gamelan etc.  - maybe needs an 'ethnic' subset of modules


        Ben Daglish (

        Thanks to Steve Hay for pointing out my 'minor' mix-up and many suggestions.
        Thanks also to Gene Boggs for the 'is_scale' suggestion / code.


        A few enharmonic problems still...

        All feedback most welcome.


        Copyright (c) 2003, Ben Daglish. All Rights Reserved.
        This program is free software; you can redistribute
        it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

        The full text of the license can be found in the
        LICENSE file included with this module.


       PDL::Audio::Scale, perl(1).