Provided by: libpdf-api2-perl_2.045-1_all bug


       PDF::API2::Resource::BaseFont - Base class for font resources


       $font = PDF::API2::Resource::BaseFont->new($pdf, $name)
           Return a font resource object.

       $descriptor = $font->descrByData()
           Return the font's FontDescriptor key structure based on the font's data.


       $name = $font->fontname()
           Return the font's name (a.k.a. display name).

       $name = $font->altname()
           Return the font's alternative name (a.k.a. Windows name for a postscript font).

       $name = $font->subname()
           Return the font's subname (a.k.a. font variant, schriftschnitt).

       $name = $font->apiname()
           Return the font's name to be used internally (should be equal to $font->name()).

       $issymbol = $font->issymbol()
           Return the font's symbol flag.

       $iscff = $font->iscff()
           Return the font's Compact Font Format flag.


       ($llx, $lly, $urx, $ury) = $font->fontbbox()
           Return the font's bounding box.

       $capheight = $font->capheight()
           Return the font's capheight value.

       $xheight = $font->xheight()
           Return the font's xheight value.

       $missingwidth = $font->missingwidth()
           Return the font's missingwidth value.

       $maxwidth = $font->maxwidth()
           Return the font's maxwidth value.

       $avgwidth = $font->avgwidth()
           Return the font's avgwidth value.

       $flags = $font->flags()
           Return the font's flags value.

       $stemv = $font->stemv()
           Return the font's stemv value.

       $stemh = $font->stemh()
           Return the font's stemh value.

       $italicangle = $font->italicangle()
           Return the font's italicangle value.

       $isfixedpitch = $font->isfixedpitch()
           Return the font's isfixedpitch flag.

       $underlineposition = $font->underlineposition()
           Return the font's underlineposition value.

       $underlinethickness = $font->underlinethickness()
           Return the font's underlinethickness value.

       $ascender = $font->ascender()
           Return the font's ascender value.

       $descender = $font->descender()
           Return the font's descender value.


       @names = $font->glyphNames()
           Return the defined glyph names of the font.

       $glNum = $font->glyphNum()
           Return the number of defined glyph names of the font.

       $uni = $font->uniByGlyph($char)
           Return the unicode by glyph name.

       $uni = $font->uniByEnc($char)
           Return the unicode by the fonts encoding map.

       $uni = $font->uniByMap($char)
           Return the unicode by the font's default map.

       $char = $font->encByGlyph($glyph)
           Return the character by the given glyph name of the font's encoding map.

       $char = $font->encByUni($uni)
           Return the character by the given unicode of the font's encoding map.

       $char = $font->mapByGlyph($glyph)
           Return the character by the given glyph name of the font's default map.

       $char = $font->mapByUni($uni)
           Return the character by the given unicode of the fonts default map.

       $name = $font->glyphByUni($uni)
           Return the glyph's name by the font's unicode map.  BEWARE: non-standard glyph-names are mapped onto
           the ms-symbol area (0xF000).

       $name = $font->glyphByEnc($char)
           Return the glyph's name by the font's encoding map.

       $name = $font->glyphByMap($char)
           Return the glyph's name by the font's default map.

       $width = $font->wxByGlyph($glyph)
           Return the glyph's width.

       $width = $font->wxByUni($uni)
           Return the unicode's width.

       $width = $font->wxByEnc($char)
           Return the character's width based on the current encoding.

       $width = $font->wxByMap($char)
           Return the character's width based on the font's default encoding.

       $wd = $font->width($text)
           Return the width of $text as if it were at size 1.

       @widths = $font->width_array($text)
           Return the widths of the words in $text as if they were at size 1.


       $utf8_string = $font->utfByStr($string)
           Return the utf8-string from string based on the font's encoding map.

       $string = $font->strByUtf($utf8_string)
           Return the encoded string from utf8-string based on the font's encoding map.

       $pdf_string = $font->textByStr($text)
           Return a properly formatted representation of $text for use in the PDF.