Provided by: libpdf-builder-perl_3.026-1_all 

PDF::Builder::Resource::BaseFont - Base class for font resources
new $font = PDF::Builder::Resource::BaseFont->new($pdf, $name) Return a font resource object. descrByData $descriptor = $font->descrByData() Return the font's FontDescriptor key structure based on the font's data.
fontname $name = $font->fontname() Return the font's name (a.k.a. display name). altname $name = $font->altname() Return the font's alternative name (a.k.a. Windows name for a PostScript font). subname $name = $font->subname() Return the font's subname (a.k.a. font variant). apiname $name = $font->apiname() Return the font's name to be used internally (should be equal to $font->name()). issymbol $issymbol = $font->issymbol() Return the font's symbol flag (i.e., is this a symbol font). iscff $iscff = $font->iscff() Return the font's Compact Font Format flag.
fontbbox ($llx,$lly, $urx,$ury) = $font->fontbbox() Return the font's bounding box. capheight $capheight = $font->capheight() Return the font's capheight value. xheight $xheight = $font->xheight() Return the font's xheight value. missingwidth $missingwidth = $font->missingwidth() Return the font's missingwidth value. maxwidth $maxwidth = $font->maxwidth() Return the font's maxwidth value. avgwidth $avgwidth = $font->avgwidth() Return the font's avgwidth (average width) value. flags $flags = $font->flags() Return the font's flags value. stemv $stemv = $font->stemv() Return the font's stemv value. stemh $stemh = $font->stemh() Return the font's stemh value. italicangle $italicangle = $font->italicangle() Return the font's italicangle (slant, obliqueness) value. isfixedpitch $isfixedpitch = $font->isfixedpitch() Return the font's isfixedpitch flag. underlineposition $underlineposition = $font->underlineposition() Return the font's underlineposition value. underlinethickness $underlinethickness = $font->underlinethickness() Return the font's underlinethickness value. ascender $ascender = $font->ascender() Return the font's ascender value. descender $descender = $font->descender() Return the font's descender value.
glyphNames @names = $font->glyphNames() Return the defined glyph names of the font. glyphNum $glNum = $font->glyphNum() Return the number of defined glyph names of the font. uniByGlyph $uni = $font->uniByGlyph($char) Return the unicode by glyph name. uniByEnc $uni = $font->uniByEnc($char) Return the Unicode by the font's encoding map. uniByMap $uni = $font->uniByMap($char) Return the Unicode by the font's default map. encByGlyph $char = $font->encByGlyph($glyph) Return the character by the given glyph name of the font's encoding map. encByUni $char = $font->encByUni($uni) Return the character by the given Unicode of the font's encoding map. mapByGlyph $char = $font->mapByGlyph($glyph) Return the character by the given glyph name of the font's default map. mapByUni $char = $font->mapByUni($uni) Return the character by the given Unicode of the font's default map. glyphByUni $name = $font->glyphByUni($unicode) Return the glyph's name by the font's Unicode map. CAUTION: non-standard glyph-names are mapped onto the ms-symbol area (0xF000). glyphByEnc $name = $font->glyphByEnc($char) Return the glyph's name by the font's encoding map. glyphByMap $name = $font->glyphByMap($char) Return the glyph's name by the font's default map. wxByGlyph $width = $font->wxByGlyph($glyph) Return the glyph's width. This is a value, that when divided by 1000 and multiplied by the font size (height in points), gives the advance width to the next character's start. Typically, the width will be under 1000. wxByUni $width = $font->wxByUni($uni) Return the Unicode character's width. This is a value, that when divided by 1000 and multiplied by the font size (height in points), gives the advance width to the next character's start. Typically, the width will be under 1000. wxByEnc $width = $font->wxByEnc($char) Return the character's width based on the current encoding. This is a value, that when divided by 1000 and multiplied by the font size (height in points), gives the advance width to the next character's start. Typically, the width will be under 1000. wxMissingByEnc $flag = $font->wxMissingByEnc($char) Return true if the character's width (based on the current encoding) is supplied by "missing width" of font. wxByMap $width = $font->wxByMap($char) Return the character's width based on the font's default encoding. This is a value, that when divided by 1000 and multiplied by the font size (height in points), gives the advance width to the next character's start. Typically, the width will be under 1000. width $wd = $font->width($text) Return the width of $text as if it were at font size 1 (unscaled). CAUTION: works correctly only if a proper Perl string is used, either in native or UTF-8 format (check utf8-flag). width_array @widths = $font->width_array($text) Return (as an array) the widths of the words in $text as if they were at size 1. utfByStr $utf8string = $font->utfByStr($string) Return the utf8-string from string based on the font's encoding map. strByUtf $string = $font->strByUtf($utf8_string) Return the encoded string from utf8-string based on the font's encoding map. textByStr $pdf_string = $font->textByStr($string) Return a properly formatted representation of $string for use in the PDF. textByStrKern $pdf_string = $font->textByStrKern($string) Return a properly formatted representation of $string, with kerning, for use in the PDF.