Provided by: libpdl-io-hdf5-perl_0.75-5build4_amd64 

PDL::IO::HDF5::Group - PDL::IO::HDF5 Helper Object representing HDF5 groups.
This is a helper-object used by PDL::IO::HDF5 to interface with HDF5 format's group objects. Information on the HDF5 Format can be found at the HDF Group's web site at .
ID ID number given to the group by the HDF5 library name Name of the group. (Absolute to the root group '/'. e.g. /maingroup/subgroup) parent Ref to parent object (file or group) that owns this group. fileObj Ref to the PDL::IO::HDF5 object that owns this object.
####--------------------------------------------------------- new PDL::IO::HDF5::Group Constructor - creates new object Usage: This object will usually be created using the calling format detailed in the SYNOPSIS. The following syntax is used by the PDL::IO::HDF5 object to build the object. $a = new PDL::IO::HDF5:Group( name => $name, parent => $parent, fileObj => $fileObj ); Args: $name Name of the group (relative to the parent) $parent Parent Object that owns this group $fileObj PDL::HDF (Top Level) object that owns this group. DESTROY PDL::IO::HDF5 Destructor - Closes the HDF5::Group Object. Usage: No Usage. Automatically called attrSet Set the value of an attribute(s) Supports null-terminated strings, integers and floating point scalar and 1D array attributes. Usage: $group->attrSet( 'attr1' => 'attr1Value', 'attr2' => 'attr2 value', 'attr3' => $pdl, . . . ); Returns undef on failure, 1 on success. attrGet Get the value of an attribute(s) Supports null-terminated strings, integer and floating point scalar and 1D array attributes. Usage: my @attrs = $group->attrGet( 'attr1', 'attr2'); attrDel Delete attribute(s) Usage: $group->attrDel( 'attr1', 'attr2', . . . ); Returns undef on failure, 1 on success. attrs Get a list of all attribute names in a group Usage: @attrs = $group->attrs; dataset Open an existing or create a new dataset in a group. Usage: $dataset = $group->dataset('newdataset'); Returns undef on failure, 1 on success. datasets Get a list of all dataset names in a group. (Relative to the current group) Usage: @datasets = $group->datasets; group Open an existing or create a new group in an existing group. Usage: $newgroup = $oldgroup->group("newgroup"); Returns undef on failure, 1 on success. groups Get a list of all group names in a group. (Relative to the current group) Usage: @groupNames = $group->groups; _buildAttrIndex Internal Recursive Method to build the attribute index hash for the object For the purposes of indexing groups by their attributes, the attributes are applied hierarchial. i.e. any attributes of the higher level groups are assumed to be apply for the lower level groups. Usage: $group->_buildAttrIndex($index, $currentAttrs); Input/Output: $index: Total Index hash ref $currentAttrs: Hash refs of the attributes valid for the current group. IDget Returns the HDF5 library ID for this object Usage: my $ID = $groupObj->IDget; nameGet Returns the HDF5 Group Name for this object. (Relative to the root group) Usage: my $name = $groupObj->nameGet; reference Creates a reference to a region of a dataset. Usage: $groupObj->reference($referenceName,$datasetObj,@regionStart,@regionCount); Create a reference named $referenceName within the group $groupObj to a subroutine of the dataset $datasetObj. The region to be referenced is defined by the @regionStart and @regionCount arrays. unlink Unlink an object from a group. Usage: $groupObj->unlink($objectName); Unlink the named object from the group.