Provided by: libvistaio-dev_1.2.19-3_amd64 bug


       VistaIOImage - image representation


       #include <vistaio.h>

       VistaIOImage image;


       Vista  represents  an  image  as one or more two-dimensional arrays of pixel values. Each two-dimensional
       array, called a band, has the same size, which is expressed as a number of rows and a number of  columns.
       Multiple  bands  may,  for  example, be used to represent multiple color components, multiple frames of a
       motion sequence, the real and imaginary components of a complex image,  or  some  combination  of  these.
       Besides pixel data, an image may also has an arbitrary list of attributes associated with it.

       An  image  in  memory is referred to by the C pointer type VistaIOImage. In data files it's identified by
       the type name image, and in memory, by the VistaIORepnKind code VistaIOImageRepn. Since it is a  standard
       object  type  with  built-in support in the Vista library, images can be read from data files, written to
       data files, and  manipulated  as  part  of  attribute  lists  by  routines  such  as  VistaIOReadFile(3),
       VistaIOWriteFile(3), and VistaIOGetAttr(3).

   Creating and Destroying Images
       The following routines create and destroy images.

       VistaIOImage VistaIOCreateImage (int nbands, int nrows, int ncolumns, VistaIOPixelRepn pixel_repn)

            VistaIOCreateImage  allocates  memory for a new image with the specified numbers of bands, rows, and
            columns. Its pixel values are not initialized,  and  it  is  given  an  empty  attribute  list.  The
            pixel_repn  argument  is described below, under ``Pixel Representation''. (See VistaIOCreateImage(3)
            for details.)

       void VistaIODestroyImage (VistaIOImage image)

              VistaIODestroyImage releases the memory occupied by image, including that occupied  by  its  pixel
              data and attribute list.

   Image Size
       An  image's  numbers of bands, row, and columns are sometimes abbreviated as nbands, nrows, and ncolumns.
       The following macros access those numbers.

       int VistaIOImageNBands (VistaIOImage image)

       int VistaIOImageNRows (VistaIOImage image)

       int VistaIOImageNColumns (VistaIOImage image)

              VistaIOImageNBands, VistaIOImageNRows, VistaIOImageNColumns return the number of bands, rows,  and
              columns that image has.

       int VistaIOImageNPixels (VistaIOImage image)

              VistaIOImageNPixels  returns  the  number  of pixel values image has altogether (i.e., the product
              nbands * nrows * ncolumns).

   Pixel Representation
       An image's pixel values may have any of the  following  types:  VistaIOBit,  VistaIOUByte,  VistaIOSByte,
       VistaIOShort,  VistaIOLong, VistaIOFloat, or VistaIODouble. VistaIOariables meant to hold pixel values or
       pointers to pixel values should be defined using these same types (rather than built-in C types  such  as
       short and long) to ensure software portability.

       The following macros return information about an image's pixel representation:

       VistaIORepnKind VistaIOPixelRepn (VistaIOImage image)

              VistaIOPixelRepn  returns  a code indicating image's pixel representation. If image has VistaIOBit
              pixels, for example, it returns VistaIOBitRepn.

       size_t VistaIOPixelSize (VistaIOImage image)

              VistaIOPixelSize returns the size, in bytes, used for storing a single  pixel  of  image  (i.e,  a
              pixel within a single band, row, and column).  This value depends on machine architecture.

       int VistaIOPixelPrecision (VistaIOImage image)

              VistaIOPixelPrecision returns the minimum size, in bits, needed for representing a single pixel of
              image. This value does not depend on machine architecture, but only on the  kind  of  pixel  value
              representation used by image. If image has VistaIOBit pixels, for example, this macro returns 1.

       VistaIOStringConst VistaIOPixelRepnName (VistaIOImage image)

              VistaIOPixelRepnName  returns  a  string describing the type of pixel value representation used by
              image. For example, if image has VistaIOBit pixels, the string ``bit'' is returned.

       VistaIODouble VistaIOPixelMaxValue (VistaIOImage image)

              VistaIOPixelMaxValue returns the maximum value that a pixel of image may  have.  For  example,  if
              image has VistaIOSByte pixels, it returns 127.0.

       VistaIODouble VistaIOPixelMinValue (VistaIOImage image)

              VistaIOPixelMinValue  returns  the  minimum  value that a pixel of image may have. For example, if
              image has VistaIOSByte pixels, it returns -128.0.

       size_t VistaIOImageSize (VistaIOImage image)

              VistaIOImageSize returns the size, in bytes, of image's block of pixel data,  which  contains  the
              values of all pixels in all bands. This value depends on machine architecture.

   Pixel VistaIOalues
       A particular pixel value is indexed by a band number, a row number, and a column number. Bands, rows, and
       columns are numbered consecutively from zero. Rows number down and columns number to the  right  so  that
       row 0, column 0 is at the upper-left corner of the image.

       type VistaIOPixel (VistaIOImage image, int band, int row, int column, type)

            VistaIOPixel  accesses the pixel at a specified band, row and column in an image whose pixels are of
            a specified type. The pixel type, type, must  be  one  of  VistaIOBit,  VistaIOUByte,  VistaIOSByte,
            VistaIOShort, VistaIOLong, VistaIOFloat, or VistaIODouble. The macro may be used either as an rvalue
            (to fetch the pixel's value) or as an lvalue (to modify it or obtain its address). The  ``EXAMPLES''
            section, below, demonstrates its use as an rvalue.

       VistaIOPointer VistaIOPixelPtr (VistaIOImage image, int band, int row, int column)

              VistaIOPixelPtr returns the address of a pixel specified by its band, row, and column coordinates.
              The pixel at that address can be fetched  or  modified  by  first  coercing  the  pointer  to  the
              appropriate type for the pixel. For example:

                     pixel = VistaIOPixelPtr (image, band, row, column);
                     if (VistaIOPixelRepn (image) == VistaIOBitRepn)
                            * (VistaIOBit *) pixel = new_value;
                     else ...

       type ** VistaIOPixelArray (VistaIOImage image, type)

              VistaIOPixelArray  returns  a  pointer  that  can be used to access any image pixel by indexing it
              first with the pixel's band number, then its row number, and then its column number. For example:

                     VistaIOUByte **pixels = VistaIOPixelArray (image, VistaIOUByte);
                     pixels[band][row][column] = new_value;

       VistaIOPointer VistaIOImageData (VistaIOImage image)

              VistaIOImageData returns a pointer to image's block  of  pixel  data.   The  block  has  the  size
              VistaIOImageSize (image) bytes.

   Other Image Attributes
       In addition to its pixel values an image may have any number of other attributes; they are represented as
       an attribute list.

       VistaIOAttrList VistaIOImageAttrList (VistaIOImage image)

              VistaIOImageAttrList is a macro for accessing the attribute list associated  with  an  image.  The
              macro may be used as an rvalue to reach attributes within the list:

                     VistaIOGetAttr (VistaIOImageAttrList (image), VistaIONameAttr, ...)

              or as an lvalue to manipulate the entire list:

                     VistaIODestroyAttrList (VistaIOImageAttrList (image));
                     VistaIOImageAttrList (image) = VistaIOCopyAttrList (other_list);

   Band Interpretation
       The  bands of a multi-band image might represent the successive frames of a motion sequence, the left and
       right halves of a stereo pair, or the red, green, and blue channels of a color  image.  They  might  even
       represent  a combination of such dimensions — for example, a stereo pair of color images. Because a great
       many different uses of the bands are possible, each image includes information describing how  its  bands
       are to be interpreted.  This information assigns each band an interpretation in terms of four dimensions:

         frame     covers the various frames of a motion sequence

         viewpoint covers, for example, the left and right channels of a stereo pair

         color     covers, for example, the red, green, and blue channels of a color image

         component covers, for example, the real and imaginary components of a complex image

       Although these four dimensions do not account for all conceivable ways one might wish to use the bands of
       a multi-band image, they do cover most cases. The scheme can  usually  be  adapted  to  cover  cases  not
       explicitly  handled. For example, a collection of images obtained under various lighting conditions could
       be represented by using the frame dimension to index the lighting condition.

       Each image specifies the sizes of its four band interpretation dimensions.  For a stereo  pair  of  color
       images,  for  example,  the  size  of  the viewpoint dimension is two, the size of the color dimension is
       three, and the remaining dimensions have sizes of one. The  dimension  sizes  are  often  abbreviated  as
       nframes,  nviewpoints, ncolors, and ncomponents. Their product should always equal the number of bands in
       the image. These macros exist for accessing the sizes:

              int VistaIOImageNFrames (VistaIOImage image)

              int VistaIOImageNViewpoints (VistaIOImage image)

              int VistaIOImageNColors (VistaIOImage image)

              int VistaIOImageNComponents (VistaIOImage image)

       Each macro may be used as rvalue to obtain the size of a dimension, or as an lvalue to set it.

       The four dimensions are mapped onto the single dimension,  band,  according  to  a  particular  ordering:
       component  varies  most  rapidly, then color, then viewpoint, and finally frame. A macro is available for
       computing this mapping:

              int VistaIOBandIndex (VistaIOImage image, int frame, int viewpoint, int color, int component)

       VistaIOBandIndex returns the index of the band that corresponds to a  particular  combination  of  frame,
       viewpoint, channel, and component indices.

       An  image's  attribute  list  may  include  attributes  indicating  how  the  image employs the four band
       interpretation dimensions. One attribute for each dimension provides the first level of description.  Its
       value  is  an integer code, with some standard codes defined for common uses. Below is a list of the four
       attributes and their standard values. Shown in are both  the  symbolic  constants  that  can  be  used  C
       programs  to  refer to the integer values, and (in parentheses) the keywords used to represent the values
       externally, in Vista data files.

           frame_interp, which currently has no standard values defined for it

           viewpoint_interp, which has this standard value:

               VistaIOBandInterpStereoPair (stereo_pair)
                      The two viewpoints represent (respectively) the left and right images of a stereo pair.

           color_interp, which has these standard values:

               VistaIOBandInterpRGB (rgb)
                      The three colors represent (respectively) red, green, and blue color channels.

           component_interp, which has these standard values:

               VistaIOBandInterpComplex (complex)
                      The two components represent (respectively) the real and imaginary components of a complex

               VistaIOBandInterpGradient (gradient)
                      There  is  a single component representing gradient magnitude, two components representing
                      (respectively) the  x  (rightward)  and  y  (upward)  components  of  gradient,  or  three
                      representing the x, y, and z (forward in band sequence) components of gradient.

               VistaIOBandInterpIntensity (intensity)
                      There   is   a   single   component   representing  image  intensity.  For  integer  pixel
                      representations, pixel values normally  span  the  range  between  zero  and  the  maximum
                      representable  pixel  values  (e.g., [0,127] for VistaIOSByte pixels).  For floating point
                      pixel representations, pixel values normally span the range [-1,+1].

               VistaIOBandInterpOrientation (orientation)
                      There is a single component representing orientation. Pixel values express orientation  in
                      radians, counterclockwise from the direction of increasing column number (rightward).

       To prevent accidental misspellings of the attribute names you should use these symbolic constants:

              #define VistaIOFrameInterpAttr "frame_interp"
              #define VistaIOViewpointInterpAttr "viewpoint_interp"
              #define VistaIOColorInterpAttr "color_interp"
              #define VistaIOComponentInterpAttr "component_interp"

       A  dictionary,  VistaIOBandInterpDict,  defines  the mapping between the band interpretation codes (e.g.,
       VistaIOBandInterpComplex) and their keywords (e.g., complex):

              VistaIODictEntry VistaIOBandInterpDict[];

       For each of the four band interpretation dimensions there is a routine  you  can  use  to  simultaneously
       check  both  the dimension's size and, if present, its interpretation attribute. The VistaIOBandInterp(3)
       man page describes the four routines.

   Pixel Aspect Ratio
       Pixel aspect ratio is defined as the ratio of pixel width to pixel height.  An image may include, on  its
       attribute  list, an attribute specifying this ratio as a floating point value. The attribute has the name
       pixel_aspect_ratio and a symbolic constant exists for referring to it:

              #define VistaIOPixelAspectRatioAttr "pixel_aspect_ratio"

       When the attribute is absent, a pixel aspect ratio of 1.0 is assumed.

   Calling Conventions
       A Vista library routine that processes  one  image  to  produce  another  usually  takes  three  or  more
       arguments, like this:

              VistaIOImage VistaIOProcessImage (VistaIOImage src, VistaIOImage dest, VistaIOBand band)

       The  first  argument  specifies  the  source  image to be processed. The second specifies the destination
       image, to contain the result. You generally  have  three  choices  for  how  this  destination  image  is

         a)  you  can  have  the routine create a destination image. If you pass NULL for dest, the routine will
             create and return a destination image that is appropriate for the source image and for the type  of
             operation being performed on it:

                  dest = VistaIOProcessImage (src, NULL, band);

         b)  you  can supply a destination image provided it has the correct properties (usually, an appropriate
             size and pixel representation):

                  dest = VistaIOCreateImageLike (src);
                  VistaIOProcessImage (src, dest, band);

         c)  you can specify the same image as both source and destination,  in  which  case  the  source  pixel
             values  will be replaced by destination pixel values.  This choice is only available for operations
             where the source and destination images have the same size and pixel representation.

                  VistaIOProcessImage (src, src, band);

       In all cases, the routine will return the destination image if successful, and NULL otherwise.  Moreover,
       if  NULL  is  returned, the routine will already have called VistaIOWarning(3) to issue a warning message
       describing the problem.

       The third argument to most image processing routines, band, may specify a particular band of  the  source
       image  to  be  processed;  or it may be the constant VistaIOAllBands (defined as -1) to indicate that all
       bands of the source image are to be processed. When a particular band is specified, band must be at least
       0 and less than the number of bands in the source image; the destination image will usually have a single
       band to contain the result. When VistaIOAllBands is specified, the destination image  will  usually  have
       the same number of bands as the source image.

       Normally  a  routine  will copy the source image's attribute list to the destination image, replacing any
       attributes the destination image had already. The  sizes  of  the  four  band  interpretation  dimensions
       (nframes,  nviewpoints,  etc.) are also copied. When appropriate, however, a routine may delete or modify
       the attributes and dimensional sizes as it copies them from source to destination. For example, a routine
       that  converts  an  RGB color image to a grey-scale one (VistaIORGBImageToGray(3)) expects a source image
       with the properties ncolors: 3 and color_interp: rgb; the destination image it  produces  has  ncolors: 1
       and no color_interp attribute.

   Image Representation in Memory
       typedef struct {
              int nbands;              /* number of bands */
              int nrows;               /* number of rows */
              int ncolumns;            /* number of columns */
              VistaIORepnKind pixel_repn;/* representation of pixel values */
              unsigned long flags;     /* various flags */
              VistaIOAttrList attributes;/* list of other image attributes */
              VistaIOPointer data;     /* array of image pixel values */
              VistaIOPointer *row_index;/* ptr to first pixel of each row */
              VistaIOPointer *band_index;/* ptr to first row of each band */
              int nframes;             /* number of motion frames */
              int nviewpoints;         /* number of camera viewpoints */
              int ncolors;             /* number of color channels */
              int ncomponents;         /* number of vector components */
       } VistaIOImageRec, *VistaIOImage;

       An  image  is  represented  in  memory by a value of type VistaIOImage, which points to a VistaIOImageRec
       structure. Programmers using images will usually not need to access this structure's fields directly from
       their  code  since there are Vista library routines and macros available for most purposes. However, when
       debugging, one may occasionally need to  examine  a  VistaIOImageRec  structure's  fields  directly.  The
       following paragraphs describe the fields.

       The  nbands,  nrows,  and ncolumns fields of the structure describe how many bands, rows, and columns the
       image has. Its pixel_repn field specifies how the image's pixel values are represented; it  contains  one
       of  the  constants VistaIOBitRepn, VistaIOUByteRepn, VistaIOSByteRepn, VistaIOShortRepn, VistaIOLongRepn,
       VistaIOFloatRepn, or VistaIODoubleRepn. Its attributes field contains the list of  attributes  associated
       with the image.

       An  image's  pixel  values are stored in a contiguous block of memory where they are arranged as follows.
       Within each band pixel values are ordered, beginning with the pixel at row 0, column 0, proceeding to row
       0, column 1, etc., and ending with the highest numbered row and column. Each band's array of pixel values
       occupies a separate block of memory, and these blocks are arranged contiguously. All of  band  0's  pixel
       values are first, followed by all of band 1's, etc. In summary, pixel values are ordered by band, then by
       row within each band,  and  then  by  column.  The  pixel  values  themselves  are  of  type  VistaIOBit,
       VistaIOUByte, ..., or VistaIODouble.

       The  data field of a VistaIOImageRec points to the block of memory containing pixel values. The row_index
       field points to a vector of pointers to the first pixel value of each row within each band;  this  vector
       is  of  length  (nbands * nrows) and it is indexed by an expression of the form (band * nrows + row). The
       band_index field points to a vector of pointers to the first row_index entry of each band; this vector is
       of length nbands and it is indexed by band number.

       Individual  bits  of  a  VistaIOImageRec's  flags  field  are  used  to denote various things. One bit is
       currently defined:

                            This bit, if nonzero, indicates that the VistaIOImageRec, the block of pixel values,
                            the  row  index,  and  the  band  index  were  all  obtained  with  a single call to
                            VistaIOMalloc(3). If the bit is zero, these things  were  allocated  separately  and
                            therefore they must be released separately.

       The  nframes,  nviewpoints,  ncolors, and ncomponents fields describe the number of motion frames, camera
       positions, color channels, and vector components that the image's various bands represent.  Together they
       should  account  for  all bands of the image — i.e., their product should equal nbands. The image's bands
       are ordered according to these fields, with component index incrementing most  rapidly  and  frame  index
       incrementing least rapidly.

   Image Representation in a File
       attribute-name: image {
              nbands: nbands
              nrows: nrows
              ncolumns: ncolumns
              repn: pixel-representation
              nframes: nframes
              nviewpoints: nviewpoints
              ncolors: ncolors
              ncomponents: ncomponents
              data: data-offset
              length: data-length
              other attributes

       pixel-representation ::=
              bit | ubyte | sbyte | short | long | float | double

       An  image is represented in a Vista data file as an attribute. The attribute's value is an object of type
       image containing the following attributes in any order:

         nbands    an integer-valued attribute specifying the number of bands in the image.

         nrows     an integer-valued attribute specifying the number of rows in the image.

         ncolumns  an integer-valued attribute specifying the number of columns in the image.

         repn      a string-valued attribute specifying the image's pixel value representation with one  of  the
                   following keywords: bit, ubyte, sbyte, short, long, float, or double.

         nframes   an integer-valued attribute specifying the number of motion frames represented by the image's

                   an integer-valued attribute specifying the number of camera  viewpoints  represented  by  the
                   image's bands.

         ncolors   an  integer-valued  attribute  specifying  the  number  of  color channels represented by the
                   image's bands.

                   an integer-valued attribute specifying the number of vector  components  represented  by  the
                   image's bands.

         data      an integer-valued attribute specifying the offset of the image's pixel data within the binary
                   data section of the file

         length    an integer-valued attribute specifying the size, in bytes, of the image's pixel data

       An nbands, nframes, nviewpoints, ncolors, or ncomponents attribute may be omitted  if  its  value  is  1.
       Moreover,  the  image object's attribute list may contain any other attributes associated with the image.
       See, for example, the data file listed under ``EXAMPLES'', below.

   Pixel Representation in a File
       Image pixel values are represented in binary form in the binary data section of a  file.  They  occupy  a
       contiguous block in which pixel values are ordered by band, row, and column, as in memory.

       Single-bit pixel values are packed eight to a byte, beginning with the most-significant bit of each byte.
       Pixel values of more than 8 bits are packed into multiple bytes, beginning with the most-significant byte
       of the pixel value. Consecutive pixel values are packed together, without intervening bits for padding or
       alignment. If necessary, however, the entire block of pixel values is padded so  that  its  length  is  a
       multiple of 8 bits.

       Each kind of pixel is represented as follows in the Vista data file:

                        as a 1-bit unsigned integer

                        as an 8-bit unsigned integer

                        as an 8-bit two's-complement integer

                        as a 16-bit two's-complement integer

                        as a 32-bit two's-complement integer

                        as a 32-bit IEEE floating-point number

                        as a 64-bit IEEE floating point number

       Note  that  a pixel's representation in a Vista data file is independent of the form it takes when stored
       in memory on any particular machine. Thus a VistaIOBit pixel may occupy 8 bits in the main  memory  of  a
       Sun SPARCstation 32 bits on a Cray machine, but it always occupies a single bit in a Vista data file.


       This code fragment sets all pixels with 1 in a one-band image of single-bit pixels:

              for (i = 0; i < VistaIOImageNRows (image); i++)
                     for (j = 0; j < VistaIOImageNColumns (image); j++)
                            VistaIOPixel (image, 0, i, j, VistaIOBit) = 1;

       The previous example may be made more efficient by avoiding the repeated computation of pixel addresses:

              VistaIOBit *p = & VistaIOPixel (image, 0, 0, 0, VistaIOBit);

              for (i = 0; i < VistaIOImageNPixels (image); i++)
                     *p++ = 1;

       This code fragment creates an image of complex pixel values:

              image = VistaIOCreateImage (2, 256, 256, VistaIOFloatRepn);

              VistaIOImageNFrames (image) = VistaIOImageNViewpoints (image) = VistaIOImageNColors (image) = 1;

              VistaIOImageNComponents (image) = 2;

              VistaIOSetAttr (VistaIOImageAttrList (image), VistaIOComponentInterpAttr, NULL, VistaIOLongRepn,
                        (VistaIOLong) VistaIOBandInterpComplex);

       Here is an example of a Vista data file containing two images:

              V-data 2 {
                     one: image {
                            nbands: 2
                            nrows: 256
                            ncolumns: 256
                            ncomponents: 2
                            component_interp: complex
                            repn: float
                            data: offset of first image's pixel values
                            length: 524288
                            name: "UFO sighted over VistaIOancouver"
                            pixel_aspect_ratio: 1.25
                     two: image {
                            nrows: 32
                            ncolumns: 32
                            repn: ubyte
                            data: offset of second image's pixel values
                            length: 128
                            name: "UFO icon"
              first image's pixel values
              second image's pixel values




       Art Pope <>

       Adaption to vistaio: Gert Wollny <>


       The following table summarizes the Vista library routines that operate on images. Many of  these  routine
       are documented elsewhere, by a section 3 man page named for the routine.

       For creating and destroying images in memory:

         VistaIOCreateImage  Create an image.

                             Create one image like another.

         VistaIODestroyImage Release memory occupied by an image.

       For fetching and storing pixel values:

         VistaIOGetPixel     Fetch a pixel value with any pixel representation.

         VistaIOSetPixel     Store a pixel value with any pixel representation.

         VistaIOSelectBand   Select bands of image pixels for processing.

                             Select a destination for an image processing operation.

       For getting band interpretation information:

                             Report meaning of frame dimension.

                             Report meaning of color dimension.

                             Report meaning of component dimension.

                             Report meaning of viewpoint dimension.

       For reading and writing images:

         VistaIOReadImages   Read a set of images from a data file.

         VistaIOReadPlain    Read an image in Vista plain file format.

         VistaIOReadPnm      Read an image in Portable Anymap (PNM) format.

         VistaIOReadUbcIff   Read an image in UBC image file format.

         VistaIOWriteImages  Write a set of images to a data file.

         VistaIOWriteUbcIff  Write an image in UBC image file format.

       For comparing images:

                             Test whether two images have the same size and pixel representation.

                             Test whether two images have the same size.

       For copying images:

         VistaIOCombineBands Copy  selected  bands  of  pixel  values  from  various  source  images to a single
                             destination image.

         VistaIOCopyBand     Copy one or all bands of pixel values from one image to another.

         VistaIOCopyImage    Copy one image to another.

                             Copy one image's attributes to another.

                             Copy one image's pixel values to another.

       For converting an image's pixel representation:

                             Convert an image's pixel representation while simply copying pixel values.

                             Convert an image's pixel representation using some linear mapping of pixel values.

                             Convert an image's pixel representation while mapping the actual  range  of  source
                             pixel values to the full range of possible destination pixel values.

                             Convert  an  image's  pixel representation while mapping the full range of possible
                             source pixel values to the full range of possible destination pixel values.

       For rotating or transposing an image:

         VistaIOFlipImage    Flip an image horizontally or vertically.

         VistaIORotateImage  Rotate an image by any angle.

                             Transpose the rows and columns of an image.

       For changing the size of an image:

         VistaIOCropImage    Extract a rectangular region from an image.

         VistaIOExpandImage  Increase the size of an image by an integer factor.

         VistaIOReduceImage  Decrease the size of an image by an integer factor.

         VistaIOScaleImage   Scale the size of an image, up or down, by any factor.

       For filtering and transforming images:

         VistaIOAdjustImage  Adjust image brightness and/or contrast.

         VistaIOCanny        Detect edges in an image using a Canny operator.

                             Convolve an image with a mask.

                             Convolve an image with a Gaussian filter or its derivative.

         VistaIOImageFFT     Compute a forward or inverse Fourier transform.

                             Compute the horizontal and vertical components of image gradient.

         VistaIOImageOp      Perform an arithmetic or logical operation on an image's pixel values.

         VistaIOInvertImage  Invert an image's pixel values, swapping black and white.

         VistaIOLinkImage    Create an edge set by linking connected, non-zero image pixels.

         VistaIONegateImage  Negate an image's pixel values.

                             Mark the zero crossings in an image.

       For computing image statistics:

         VistaIOImageStats   Compute the minimum, maximum, mean, and variance of an image's pixel values.

       For working with complex images:

                             Build a complex image from separate images of real and imaginary components.

                             Compute the magnitude of a complex image.

         VistaIOImagePhase   Compute the phase of a complex image, or the gradient direction of a  two-component
                             gradient image.

       For displaying or rendering images:

                             Render an image band using PostScript.

         VistaIORGBImageToPS Render an RGB color image using PostScript.

         VistaIOImageView    An X Toolkit widget for displaying an image.

                             Compute appropriate window dimensions for displaying an image.

       For filling images with patterns:

         VistaIOFillImage    Fill an image with a constant pixel value.

         VistaIORampImage    Fill an image with an intensity ramp.

                             Fill an image with a sine grating.

                             Fill an image with a zone plate pattern.

                             Fill an image with a random mixture of two pixel values.

                             Fill an image with pixel values drawn from a normal distribution.

                             Fill an image with pixel values drawn from a uniform distribution.


         VistaIOOptFlowWLS   compute optical flow by weighted least squares.