Provided by: libbobcat-dev_6.04.00-1ubuntu3_amd64 bug


       FBB::CSV4180 - Converter for comma separated values


       #include <bobcat/csv>

       Linking option: -lbobcat


       Objects  of  the  class CSV4180 can be used to convert series of comma separated values to the individual
       separated   values   (also   called   `fields’   below).   The   class   implements   RFC    4180    (cf., section 2).

       According  to  RFC  4180  lines  contain  comma  separated values: comma separated values on one line are
       processed together, as a series of values. The final comma separated value on a line is not  ended  by  a

       Comma  separated  values  may  be surrounded by double quotes. However, they must be surrounded by double
       quotes in these cases:

       o      if the values contain commas;

       o      if the values contain double quotes (in which case the double quote is `escaped’ by  doubling  it,
              e.g., "a "" double quote");

       o      if the values extend over multiple lines. E.g.,

              "First line
              second line"

       Comma separated values may be empty: the following line defines three empty comma separated values:


       The  first  empty  value  starts  at  the beginning of the line, and continues up to the first comma; the
       second empty value starts beyond the first comma and continues up to the second comma;  the  third  empty
       value  starts beyond the second comma, and continues up to the end of the line. If the line ends in blank
       space characters then the third value isn’t empty, but contains those blank space characters.

       By default, values are interpreted as strings.  The  CSV4180  class  also  offers  facilities  to  ignore
       specific fields, or to ensure that they can be converted to integral or floating point values. The second
       constructor (below) expects a std::string argument defining how to interpret fields. Options are:

       o      I:  the field must be convertible to an integral value;

       o      D:  the field must be convertible to a floating point value;

       o      S:  the field is a string: it is used as-is;

       o      X:  the field is omitted from the final set of comma separated values. I.e., if  a  line  contains
              three  comma  separated values, and the specification "SXS" is used then this results in two comma
              separated values: the first and third value of three comma separated values encountered on lines.

       o      -:  synonym of X.

       In addition, field specifications may contain blank spaces, which are ignored.

       When processing comma separated values the first line may be considered a header line.  X  specifications
       also  apply  to  header  lines,  but  otherwise  they  merely consist of S-type fields. In addition, when
       processing multiple input lines all non-header lines are made available in a vector of vectors of fields,
       whereas the header line itself can be accessed via a dedicated member (header()).


       All  constructors,  members,  operators  and manipulators, mentioned in this man-page, are defined in the
       namespace FBB.




       o      explicit CSV4180(size_t nFields = 0, bool header = false, char fieldSep = ’,’):
              The first parameter specifies the number of fields that must be present on input lines. When using
              the  default  value  the  number  of fields encountered on the first line determines the number of
              fields that must be present on subsequent lines. If the second parameter is true  then  the  first
              line is interpreted as the header line. The third parameter specifies the character separating the
              fields. By default it’s a comma, but sometimes (not part of the  RFC)  a  semicolon  is  used.  By
              specifying fieldSep any character other than a comma can be used as field separator.

       o      explicit CSV4180(std::string const &specs, bool header = false, char fieldSep = ’,’):
              The  first  parameter  defines  the number and types of the comma separated values on input lines.
              Specifications can be

              o      D: the field must be convertible to a floating point value;

              o      I: the field must be convertible to an integral value;

              o      S: the field is left as-is, and can be retrieved as a std::string.

              o      X or -: the field is ignored and is not stored inside the CSV4180 object.

              o      blank space characters are ignored.
       An exception is thrown when encountering other than the abovementioned characters are encountered.

              If I or D fields cannot be properly converted, or if a line contains too few  or  too  many  comma
              separated values the input stream’s fail status is set.

              The last two parameters are interpreted as the last two parameters of the previous constructor.

              Copy and move constructors (and assignment operators) are available.


       o      std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, CSV4180 &csv):
              One  line  of text is extracted from in and processed by the csv object. The csv object may or may
              not already contain converted comma separated values. When empty,  the  first  line  is  processed
              according  to  the  specifications provided to the csv object at construction time. Otherwise, the
              comma separated values on extracted lines must match the  number  and  types  of  the  fields,  as
              specified  by  the csv object. When input lines do not match these specifications in’s fail status
              is set.


       o      void clear(size_t nFields = 0):
              The internally stored data (referred to by the data, header, and lastLine members) are erased.  By
              default,  the  required  number of CSV fields is reset to 0, but can be set to a specific value by
              specifying a value for its nFields parameter.

       o      std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> const &data() const:
              A reference to the vector of vectors of fields stored inside the CSV4180 object is  returned.  The
              vector returned by data does not contain the header line. If a header line was requested it can be
              retrieved from the header() member.

       o      std::vector<std::string> const &header() const:
              If the constructor’s header parameter was specified as true then this member  returns  the  fields
              encountered  on the first line that was processed by the read1 member. Otherwise, header returns a
              reference to an empty vector.

       o      std::string const &lastLine() const:
              A reference to the last line that was successfully extracted from the input stream  by  the  read1
              member  is  returned. So once the lines containing the comma separated values have been processed,
              the next line on the input stream can be obtained from this member.

       o      size_t nValues() const:
              After successfully calling read1 for the first time this member returns  the  required  number  of
              comma separated values that must be encountered on subsequent input lines.

       o      size_t read(std::istream &in, size_t nLines = 0):
              By  default,  all  lines  of  in  are  read and are processed by the read1 member. By specifying a
              non-zero value for the nLines parameter the specified number of lines is read  from  in.   Reading
              stops  once  in’s status is not good. When nLines is specified as zero, then in’s status flags are
              cleared. The number of successfully processed lines is returned.

       o      std::istream &read1(std::istream &in):
              One line is read from in and is parsed for its comma separated values. If parsing fails, in’s fail
              status  is  set.  After successfully calling read1 for the first time all subsequent lines read by
              read1 must have the same number of comma separated values as encountered when  calling  read1  for
              the  first  time. The parsed fields are stored in a vector of std::string objects, and that vector
              is added to the vector of vectors of strings that is returned by the data member.

       o      std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> release():
              The vector of vectors of fields stored inside  the  CSV4180  object  is  returned.  After  calling
              release  the  internally  stored  vector of fields is empty.  The vector returned by data does not
              contain the header line. If a header line was requested it can  be  retrieved  from  the  header()
              member.  Note  that  this  member  does  not  reset the number of expected fields for subsequently
              processed CSV-lines. If that’s what you want, call clear after calling release.


       #include <iostream>

       #include <bobcat/csv4180>

       using namespace std;
       using namespace FBB;

       int main(int argc, char **argv)

           CSV4180 csv;                    // this processes ’input’

           size_t nLines =;

           cerr << nLines << " lines were read\n";
           if (not csv.header().empty())
               cerr << "header: " << ’\n’;
               for (auto const &field: csv.header())
                   cerr << "   `" << field << "’\n";

           cerr << "# CSV values: " << csv.nValues() << ’\n’;
           for (auto const &line:
               cerr << "Line:\n";
               for (auto const &entry: line)
                   cerr << "   `" << entry << "’\n";


       bobcat/csv - defines the class interface




       None Reported.


       o gitlab project page;

       o      bobcat_6.04.00-x.dsc: detached signature;

       o      bobcat_6.04.00-x.tar.gz: source archive;

       o      bobcat_6.04.00-x_i386.changes: change log;

       o      libbobcat1_6.04.00-x_*.deb: debian package containing the libraries;

       o      libbobcat1-dev_6.04.00-x_*.deb: debian package containing the libraries, headers and manual pages;


       Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken’s Own Base Classes And Templates’.


       This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).


       Frank B. Brokken (