Provided by: libtiff-dev_4.5.1+git230720-4ubuntu2.2_amd64 bug


       libtiff - introduction to libtiff, a library for reading and writing TIFF files


          #include <tiffio.h>

          cc file.c -ltiff


       libtiff  is  a  library  for  reading  and  writing  data files encoded with the "Tag Image File" format,
       Revision 6.0 (or revision 5.0 or revision 4.0). This file format is suitable  for  archiving  multi-color
       and monochromatic image data.

       The library supports several compression algorithms, as indicated by the Compression field, including: no
       compression (1), CCITT 1D Huffman compression (2), CCITT Group 3 Facsimile compression (3), CCITT Group 4
       Facsimile   compression  (4),  Lempel-Ziv  &  Welch  compression  (5),  baseline  JPEG  compression  (7),
       word-aligned 1D  Huffman  compression  (32771),  PackBits  compression  (32773).   In  addition,  several
       nonstandard compression algorithms are supported: the 4-bit compression algorithm used by the ThunderScan
       program (32809) (decompression only), NeXT's 2-bit compression algorithm (32766) (decompression only), an
       experimental  LZ-style  algorithm  known  as  Deflate (32946), and an experimental CIE LogLuv compression
       scheme designed for images with high dynamic range (32845 for LogL  and  32845  for  LogLuv).   Directory
       information may be in either little- or big-endian byte order; byte swapping is automatically done by the
       library. Data bit ordering may be either Most Significant Bit (MSB) to Least Significant Bit (LSB) or LSB
       to  MSB.   Finally,  the  library  does  not  support  files  in  which the BitsPerSample , Compression ,
       MinSampleValue , or MaxSampleValue fields are defined differently on a per-sample basis (in Rev. 6.0  the
       Compression tag is not defined on a per-sample basis, so this is immaterial).


       The library makes extensive use of C typedefs to promote portability.  Two sets of typedefs are used, one
       for communication with clients of the library and one for internal data structures  and  parsing  of  the
       TIFF  format.  The following typedefs are exposed to users either through function definitions or through
       parameters passed through the varargs interfaces.

          typedef uint32_t ttag_t;    // directory tag
          typedef uint32_t tdir_t;    // directory index
          typedef uint16_t tsample_t; // sample number
          typedef uint32_t tstrip_t;  // strip number
          typedef uint32_t ttile_t;   // tile number
          typedef int64_t tmsize_t;   // signed size type (int32_t on 32-bit platforms)
          typedef tmsize_t tsize_t;   // i/o size in bytes
          typedef void* tdata_t;      // image data ref
          typedef void* thandle_t;    // client data handle
          typedef uint64_t toff_t;    // file offset

       Note that tstrip_t, ttile_t, and tsize_t are constrained to be no more than 32-bit quantities  by  32-bit
       fields  they  are stored in in the TIFF image.  Likewise tsample_t is limited by the 16-bit field used to
       store the SamplesPerPixel tag.

       tdir_t constrains the maximum number of IFDs that may appear in an image and may  be  an  arbitrary  size
       (w/o  penalty).   Starting  with libtiff 4.5.0, tdir_t is a 32-bit unsigned integer. Previously, it was a
       16-bit unsigned integer.

       ttag_t must be either int, unsigned int, pointer, or double because the library uses a varargs  interface
       and C restricts the type of the parameter before an ellipsis to be a promoted type.  toff_t is defined as
       uint64_t because TIFF file offsets are  (unsigned)  32-bit  quantities,  and  BigTIFF  file  offsets  are
       unsigned  64-bit quantities.  A signed value is used because some interfaces return -1 on error. Finally,
       note that user-specified data references are passed as opaque handles and only cast at the lowest  layers
       where their type is presumed.


       The  following  routines  are  part  of  the  library. Consult specific manual pages for details on their
       operation; on most systems doing man function-name will work.


                   │Name                                   │ Description                           │
                   │TIFFAccessTagMethods()                 │ provides  read/write  access  to  the │
                   │                                       │ TIFFTagMethods    within   the   TIFF │
                   │                                       │ structure to application code without │
                   │                                       │ giving  access  to  the  private TIFF │
                   │                                       │ structure                             │
                   │TIFFCheckpointDirectory()              │ writes  the  current  state  of   the │
                   │                                       │ directory                             │
                   │TIFFCheckTile()                        │ very x,y,z,sample is within image     │
                   │TIFFCIELabToRGBInit()                  │ initialize  CIE  L*a*b*  1976  to RGB │
                   │                                       │ conversion state                      │
                   │TIFFCIELabToXYZ()                      │ perform CIE L*a*b* 1976  to  CIE  XYZ │
                   │                                       │ conversion                            │
                   │TIFFCleanup()                          │ auxiliary  function  to free the TIFF │
                   │                                       │ structure                             │
                   │TIFFClientdata()                       │ return open file's clientdata handle, │
                   │                                       │ which  represents the file descriptor │
                   │                                       │ used within libtiff.                  │
                   │TIFFClientOpen()                       │ open a file for reading or writing    │
                   │TIFFClientOpenExt()                    │ open a file for  reading  or  writing │
                   │                                       │ with   options,  such  as  re-entrant │
                   │                                       │ error and  warning  handlers  may  be │
                   │                                       │ passed                                │
                   │TIFFClose()                            │ close a previously opened TIFF file   │
                   │TIFFComputeStrip()                     │ return strip containing y,sample      │
                   │TIFFComputeTile()                      │ return tile containing x,y,z,sample   │
                   │TIFFCreateCustomDirectory()            │ setup  for  a  custom  directory in a │
                   │                                       │ open TIFF file                        │
                   │TIFFCreateDirectory()                  │ setup for a directory in a open  TIFF │
                   │                                       │ file                                  │
                   │TIFFCreateEXIFDirectory()              │ setup  for a EXIF custom directory in │
                   │                                       │ a open TIFF file within a TIFF tag    │
                   │TIFFCreateGPSDirectory()               │ setup for a GPS custom directory in a │
                   │                                       │ open TIFF file within a TIFF tag      │
                   │TIFFCurrentDirectory()                 │ return index of current directory     │
                   │TIFFCurrentDirOffset()                 │ return  file  offset  of  the current │
                   │                                       │ directory (instead of an index)       │
                   │TIFFCurrentRow()                       │ return index of current scanline      │
                   │TIFFCurrentStrip()                     │ return index of current strip         │
                   │TIFFCurrentTile()                      │ return index of current tile          │

                   │TIFFDataWidth()                        │ return the size of TIFF data types    │
                   │TIFFDefaultStripSize()                 │ return   number   of   rows   for   a │
                   │                                       │ reasonable-sized  strip  according to │
                   │                                       │ the   current   settings    of    the │
                   │                                       │ ImageWidth,     BitsPerSample     and │
                   │                                       │ SamplesPerPixel,   tags    and    any │
                   │                                       │ compression-specific requirements     │
                   │TIFFDefaultTileSize()                  │ return  pixel  width  and height of a │
                   │                                       │ reasonable-sized tile;  suitable  for │
                   │                                       │ setting    up   the   TileWidth   and │
                   │                                       │ TileLength tags                       │
                   │TIFFDeferStrileArrayWriting()          │ is an advanced  writing  function  to │
                   │                                       │ control         when/where        the │
                   │                                       │ [Strip/Tile][Offsets/ByteCounts]      │
                   │                                       │ arrays are written into the file, and │
                   │                                       │ must be used in a particular sequence │
                   │                                       │ together                         with │
                   │                                       │ TIFFForceStrileArrayWriting()    (see │
                   │                                       │ description)                          │
                   │TIFFError()                            │ library-wide  error handling function │
                   │                                       │ printing to stderr                    │
                   │TIFFErrorExt()                         │ user-specific   library-wide    error │
                   │                                       │ handling  function that can be passed │
                   │                                       │ a file handle, which is  set  to  the │
                   │                                       │ open TIFF file within libtiff         │
                   │TIFFErrorExtR()                        │ user-specific    re-entrant   library │
                   │                                       │ error handling function, to which its │
                   │                                       │ TIFF  structure  is passed containing │
                   │                                       │ the pointer to a  user-specific  data │
                   │                                       │ object                                │
                   │TIFFFdOpen()                           │ open a file for reading or writing    │
                   │TIFFFdOpenExt()                        │ open  a  file  for reading or writing │
                   │                                       │ with  options,  such  as   re-entrant │
                   │                                       │ error  and  warning  handlers  may be │
                   │                                       │ passed                                │
                   │TIFFFieldDataType()                    │ get data type from field information  │
                   │TIFFFieldIsAnonymous()                 │ returns  if  field  was  unknown   to │
                   │                                       │ libtiff and has been auto-registered  │
                   │TIFFFieldName()                        │ get field name from field information │
                   │TIFFFieldPassCount()                   │ get  whether to pass a value count to │
                   │                                       │ Get/SetField                          │
                   │TIFFFieldReadCount()                   │ get number of values to be read  from │
                   │                                       │ field                                 │
                   │TIFFFieldSetGetCountSize()             │ returns  size  of  count parameter of │
                   │                                       │ TIFFSetField() and TIFFGetField()     │
                   │TIFFFieldSetGetSize()                  │ return data  size  in  bytes  of  the │
                   │                                       │ field  data  type  used  for  libtiff │
                   │                                       │ internal storage.                     │

                   │TIFFFieldTag()                         │ get tag value from field information  │
                   │TIFFFieldWithName()                    │ get  field  information  given  field │
                   │                                       │ name                                  │
                   │TIFFFieldWithTag()                     │ get field information given tag       │
                   │TIFFFieldWriteCount()                  │ get number of values to be written to │
                   │                                       │ field                                 │
                   │TIFFFileName()                         │ return name of open file              │
                   │TIFFFileno()                           │ return open file descriptor           │
                   │TIFFFindCODEC()                        │ find standard codec for the  specific │
                   │                                       │ scheme                                │
                   │TIFFFindField()                        │ get  field  information given tag and │
                   │                                       │ data type                             │
                   │TIFFFlush()                            │ flush all pending writes              │
                   │TIFFFlushData()                        │ flush pending data writes             │
                   │TIFFForceStrileArrayWriting()          │ is an advanced writing function  that │
                   │                                       │ writes                            the │
                   │                                       │ [Strip/Tile][Offsets/ByteCounts]      │
                   │                                       │ arrays  at  the  end of the file (see │
                   │                                       │ description)                          │
                   │TIFFFreeDirectory()                    │ release  storage  associated  with  a │
                   │                                       │ directory                             │
                   │TIFFGetBitRevTable()                   │ return bit reversal table             │
                   │TIFFGetClientInfo()                    │ returns  a pointer to the data of the │
                   │                                       │ named entry in the clientinfo-list    │
                   │TIFFGetCloseProc()                     │ returns  a  pointer  to  file   close │
                   │                                       │ method                                │
                   │TIFFGetConfiguredCODECs()              │ gets  list of configured codecs, both │
                   │                                       │ built-in and registered by user       │
                   │TIFFGetField()                         │ return tag value in current directory │
                   │TIFFGetFieldDefaulted()                │ return tag value in current directory │
                   │                                       │ with  default  value set if the value │
                   │                                       │ is not already set and a  default  is │
                   │                                       │ defined                               │
                   │TIFFGetMapFileProc()                   │ returns  a  pointer to memory mapping │
                   │                                       │ method                                │
                   │TIFFGetMode()                          │ return open file mode                 │
                   │TIFFGetReadProc()                      │ returns a pointer to file read method │
                   │TIFFGetSeekProc()                      │ returns a pointer to file seek method │
                   │TIFFGetSizeProc()                      │ returns  a  pointer  to   file   size │
                   │                                       │ requesting method                     │

                   │TIFFGetStrileByteCount()               │ return       value       of       the │
                   │                                       │ TileByteCounts/StripByteCounts  array │
                   │                                       │ for the specified tile/strile         │
                   │TIFFGetStrileByteCountWithErr()        │ same  as TIFFGetStrileByteCount() and │
                   │                                       │ additionally provides an error return │
                   │TIFFGetStrileOffset()                  │ return       value       of       the │
                   │                                       │ TileOffsets/StripOffsets   array  for │
                   │                                       │ the specified tile/strile             │
                   │TIFFGetStrileOffsetWithErr()           │ same  as  TIFFGetStrileOffset()   and │
                   │                                       │ additionally provides an error return │
                   │TIFFGetTagListCount()                  │ return   number  of  entries  in  the │
                   │                                       │ custom tag list                       │
                   │TIFFGetTagListEntry()                  │ return tag number of the (  -  1) │
                   │                                       │ entry within the custom tag list      │
                   │TIFFGetUnmapFileProc()                 │ returns a pointer to memory unmapping │
                   │                                       │ method                                │
                   │TIFFGetVersion()                       │ return library version string         │
                   │TIFFGetWriteProc()                     │ returns  a  pointer  to  file   write │
                   │                                       │ method                                │
                   │TIFFIsBigEndian()                      │ returns  a non-zero value if the file │
                   │                                       │ is BigEndian and zero if the file  is │
                   │                                       │ LittleEndian                          │
                   │TIFFIsBigTIFF()                        │ returns  a non-zero value if the file │
                   │                                       │ is in BigTIFF style                   │
                   │TIFFIsByteSwapped()                    │ return  true   if   image   data   is │
                   │                                       │ byte-swapped                          │
                   │TIFFIsCODECConfigured()                │ check, whether we have working codec  │
                   │TIFFIsMSB2LSB()                        │ return  true  if  image data is being │
                   │                                       │ returned  with  bit  0  as  the  most │
                   │                                       │ significant bit                       │
                   │TIFFIsTiled()                          │ return true if image data is tiled    │
                   │TIFFIsUpSampled()                      │ returns  a  non-zero  value  if image │
                   │                                       │ data  returned   through   the   read │
                   │                                       │ interface     Routines    is    being │
                   │                                       │ up-sampled                            │
                   │TIFFLastDirectory()                    │ returns  a  non-zero  value  if   the │
                   │                                       │ current   directory   is   the   last │
                   │                                       │ directory in the file; otherwise zero │
                   │                                       │ is returned                           │
                   │TIFFMergeFieldInfo()                   │ adds application defined TIFF tags to │
                   │                                       │ the list of known libtiff tags        │
                   │TIFFNumberOfDirectories()              │ return number  of  directories  in  a │
                   │                                       │ file                                  │
                   │TIFFNumberOfStrips()                   │ return number of strips in an image   │

                   │TIFFNumberOfTiles()                    │ return number of tiles in an image    │
                   │TIFFOpen()                             │ open a file for reading or writing    │
                   │TIFFOpenExt()                          │ open  a  file  for reading or writing │
                   │                                       │ with  options,  such  as   re-entrant │
                   │                                       │ error  and  warning  handlers  may be │
                   │                                       │ passed                                │
                   │TIFFOpenW()                            │ opens a  TIFF  file  with  a  Unicode │
                   │                                       │ filename, for read/writing            │
                   │TIFFOpenWExt()                         │ opens  a  TIFF  file  with  a Unicode │
                   │                                       │ filename,   for   read/writing   with │
                   │                                       │ options, such as re-entrant error and │
                   │                                       │ warning handlers may be passed        │
                   │TIFFOpenOptionsAlloc()                 │ allocates memory for  TIFFOpenOptions │
                   │                                       │ opaque structure                      │
                   │TIFFOpenOptionsFree()                  │ releases  the  allocated  memory  for │
                   │                                       │ TIFFOpenOptions                       │
                   │TIFFOpenOptionsSetMaxSingleMemAlloc()  │ limits  the  maximum  single   memory │
                   │                                       │ allocation within libtiff             │
                   │TIFFOpenOptionsSetErrorHandlerExtR()   │ setup of a user-specific and per-TIFF │
                   │                                       │ handle (re-entrant) error handler     │
                   │TIFFOpenOptionsSetWarningHandlerExtR() │ setup of a user-specific and per-TIFF │
                   │                                       │ handle (re-entrant) warning handler   │
                   │TIFFPrintDirectory()                   │ print  description  of  the   current │
                   │                                       │ directory                             │
                   │TIFFRasterScanlineSize()               │ returns   the  size  in  bytes  of  a │
                   │                                       │ complete decoded  and  packed  raster │
                   │                                       │ scanline                              │
                   │TIFFRasterScanlineSize64()             │ return size as uint64_t               │
                   │TIFFRawStripSize()                     │ return number of bytes in a raw strip │
                   │TIFFRawStripSize64()                   │ return number of bytes in a raw strip │
                   │                                       │ as uint64_t                           │
                   │TIFFReadBufferSetup()                  │ specify i/o buffer for reading        │
                   │TIFFReadCustomDirectory()              │ read the custom  directory  from  the │
                   │                                       │ given  offset  and set the context of │
                   │                                       │ the TIFF-handle tif  to  that  custom │
                   │                                       │ directory                             │
                   │TIFFReadDirectory()                    │ read the next directory               │
                   │TIFFReadEncodedStrip()                 │ read and decode a strip of data       │
                   │TIFFReadEncodedTile()                  │ read and decode a tile of data        │
                   │TIFFReadEXIFDirectory()                │ read  the  EXIF  directory  from  the │
                   │                                       │ given offset and set the  context  of │
                   │                                       │ the  TIFF-handle  tif  to  that  EXIF │
                   │                                       │ directory                             │

                   │TIFFReadFromUserBuffer()               │ replaces       the       use       of │
                   │                                       │ TIFFReadEncodedStrip()              / │
                   │                                       │ TIFFReadEncodedTile() when  the  user │
                   │                                       │ can  provide the buffer for the input │
                   │                                       │ data                                  │
                   │TIFFReadGPSDirectory()                 │ read the GPS directory from the given │
                   │                                       │ offset  and  set  the  context of the │
                   │                                       │ TIFF-handle tif to that GPS directory │
                   │TIFFReadRawStrip()                     │ read a raw strip of data              │
                   │TIFFReadRawTile()                      │ read a raw tile of data               │
                   │TIFFReadRGBAImage()                    │ read an image  into  a  fixed  format │
                   │                                       │ raster                                │
                   │TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented()            │ works like TIFFReadRGBAImage() except │
                   │                                       │ that the user can specify the  raster │
                   │                                       │ origin position                       │
                   │TIFFReadRGBAStrip()                    │ reads a single strip of a strip-based │
                   │                                       │ image into memory, storing the result │
                   │                                       │ in the user supplied RGBA raster      │
                   │TIFFReadRGBAStripExt()                 │ same   as   TIFFReadRGBAStrip()   but │
                   │                                       │ providing the parameter stop_on_error │
                   │TIFFReadRGBATile()                     │ reads a single tile of  a  tile-based │
                   │                                       │ image into memory, storing the result │
                   │                                       │ in the user supplied RGBA raster      │
                   │TIFFReadRGBATileExt()                  │ same   as   TIFFReadRGBATile()    but │
                   │                                       │ providing the parameter stop_on_error │
                   │TIFFReadScanline()                     │ read and decode a row of data         │
                   │TIFFReadTile()                         │ read and decode a tile of data        │
                   │TIFFRegisterCODEC()                    │ override   standard   codec  for  the │
                   │                                       │ specific scheme                       │
                   │TIFFReverseBits()                      │ reverse bits in an array of bytes     │
                   │TIFFRewriteDirectory()                 │ operates         similarly         to │
                   │                                       │ TIFFWriteDirectory(),   but   can  be │
                   │                                       │ called  with  directories  previously │
                   │                                       │ read  or written that already have an │
                   │                                       │ established location in the file  and │
                   │                                       │ places it at the end of the file      │
                   │TIFFRGBAImageBegin()                   │ setup      decoder      state     for │
                   │                                       │ TIFFRGBAImageGet                      │
                   │TIFFRGBAImageEnd()                     │ release TIFFRGBAImage decoder state   │
                   │TIFFRGBAImageGet()                     │ read and decode an image              │
                   │TIFFRGBAImageOK()                      │ is image readable by TIFFRGBAImageGet │
                   │TIFFScanlineSize()                     │ return size of a scanline             │
                   │TIFFScanlineSize64()                   │ return size of a scanline as uint64_t │

                   │TIFFSetClientdata()                    │ set  open  file's  clientdata   (file │
                   │                                       │ descriptor/handle),     and    return │
                   │                                       │ previous value                        │
                   │TIFFSetClientInfo()                    │ adds or  replaces  an  entry  in  the │
                   │                                       │ clientinfo-list                       │
                   │TIFFSetCompressionScheme()             │ set compression scheme                │
                   │TIFFSetDirectory()                     │ set the current directory             │
                   │TIFFSetErrorHandler()                  │ set error handler function            │
                   │TIFFSetErrorHandlerExt()               │ set  error  handler  function  with a │
                   │                                       │ file handle as parameter              │
                   │TIFFSetField()                         │ set a  tag's  value  in  the  current │
                   │                                       │ directory                             │
                   │TIFFSetFileName()                      │ sets    the    file   name   in   the │
                   │                                       │ TIFF-structure and  returns  the  old │
                   │                                       │ file name                             │
                   │TIFFSetFileno()                        │ overwrites  a copy of the open file's │
                   │                                       │ I/O descriptor, and  return  previous │
                   │                                       │ value (refer to detailed description) │
                   │TIFFSetMode()                          │ sets  the  libtiff  open  mode in the │
                   │                                       │ TIFF-structure and  returns  the  old │
                   │                                       │ mode                                  │
                   │TIFFSetSubDirectory()                  │ set the current directory             │
                   │TIFFSetTagExtender()                   │ is   used   to   register  the  merge │
                   │                                       │ function for user defined tags as  an │
                   │                                       │ extender callback with libtiff        │
                   │TIFFSetupStrips()                      │ setup   or reset strip parameters and │
                   │                                       │ strip array memory                    │
                   │TIFFSetWarningHandler()                │ set warning handler function          │
                   │TIFFSetWarningHandlerExt()             │ set warning handler function  with  a │
                   │                                       │ file handle as parameter              │
                   │TIFFSetWriteOffset()                   │ set current write offset              │
                   │TIFFStripSize()                        │ return size of a strip                │
                   │TIFFStripSize64()                      │ return equivalent size for a strip of │
                   │                                       │ data as uint64_t                      │
                   │TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble()                │ swap bytes of an array of doubles     │
                   │TIFFSwabArrayOfFloat()                 │ swap bytes of an array of floats      │
                   │TIFFSwabArrayOfLong()                  │ swap bytes of an array of longs       │
                   │TIFFSwabArrayOfLong8()                 │ swap bytes of an array of uint64_t    │
                   │TIFFSwabArrayOfShort()                 │ swap bytes of an array of shorts      │
                   │TIFFSwabArrayOfTriples()               │ swap the first and third byte of each │
                   │                                       │ triple within an array of bytes       │

                   │TIFFSwabDouble()                       │ swap bytes of double                  │
                   │TIFFSwabFloat()                        │ swap bytes of float                   │
                   │TIFFSwabLong()                         │ swap bytes of long                    │
                   │TIFFSwabLong8()                        │ swap bytes of long long (uint64_t)    │
                   │TIFFSwabShort()                        │ swap bytes of short                   │
                   │TIFFTileRowSize()                      │ return size of a row in a tile        │
                   │TIFFTileRowSize64()                    │ return  size  of  a  row in a tile as │
                   │                                       │ uint64_t                              │
                   │TIFFTileSize()                         │ return size of a tile                 │
                   │TIFFTileSize64()                       │ return size of a tile as uint64_t     │
                   │TIFFUnlinkDirectory()                  │ unlink the specified  directory  from │
                   │                                       │ the directory chain                   │
                   │TIFFUnRegisterCODEC()                  │ unregisters the codec                 │
                   │TIFFUnsetField()                       │ clear  the  contents  of the field in │
                   │                                       │ the internal structure                │
                   │TIFFVGetField()                        │ return tag value in current directory │
                   │TIFFVGetFieldDefaulted()               │ return tag value in current directory │
                   │TIFFVSetField()                        │ set a  tag's  value  in  the  current │
                   │                                       │ directory                             │
                   │TIFFVStripSize()                       │ return number of bytes in a strip     │
                   │TIFFVStripSize64()                     │ return  number  of  bytes  in a strip │
                   │                                       │ with nrows rows of data as uint64_t   │
                   │TIFFVTileSize()                        │ returns the  number  of  bytes  in  a │
                   │                                       │ row-aligned tile with nrows of data   │
                   │TIFFVTileSize64()                      │ returns  the  number  of  bytes  in a │
                   │                                       │ row-aligned tile with nrows of data a │
                   │                                       │ uint64_t number                       │
                   │TIFFWarning()                          │ library-wide     warning     handling │
                   │                                       │ function printing to stderr           │
                   │TIFFWarningExt()                       │ user-specific  library-wide   warning │
                   │                                       │ handling  function that can be passed │
                   │                                       │ a file handle, which is  set  to  the │
                   │                                       │ open TIFF file within libtiff         │
                   │TIFFWarningExtR()                      │ user-specific    re-entrant   library │
                   │                                       │ warning handling function,  to  which │
                   │                                       │ its    TIFF   structure   is   passed │
                   │                                       │ containing   the   pointer    to    a │
                   │                                       │ user-specific data object             │
                   │TIFFWriteBufferSetup()                 │ sets up the data buffer used to write │
                   │                                       │ raw (encoded) data to a file          │

                   │TIFFWriteCheck()                       │ verify file is writable and that  the │
                   │                                       │ directory    information   is   setup │
                   │                                       │ properly                              │
                   │TIFFWriteCustomDirectory()             │ write the  current  custom  directory │
                   │                                       │ (also EXIF or GPS) to file            │
                   │TIFFWriteDirectory()                   │ write the current directory           │
                   │TIFFWriteEncodedStrip()                │ compress and write a strip of data    │
                   │TIFFWriteEncodedTile()                 │ compress and write a tile of data     │
                   │TIFFWriteRawStrip()                    │ write a raw strip of data             │
                   │TIFFWriteRawTile()                     │ write a raw tile of data              │
                   │TIFFWriteScanline()                    │ write a scanline of data              │
                   │TIFFWriteTile()                        │ compress and write a tile of data     │
                   │TIFFXYZToRGB()                         │ perform CIE XYZ to RGB conversion     │
                   │TIFFYCbCrtoRGB()                       │ perform YCbCr to RGB conversion       │
                   │TIFFYCbCrToRGBInit()                   │ initialize  YCbCr  to  RGB conversion │
                   │                                       │ state                                 │


                         │Name                       │ Description                           │
                         │_TIFFCheckMalloc()         │ checking for integer overflow  before │
                         │                           │ dynamically allocate memory buffer    │
                         │_TIFFCheckRealloc()        │ checking  for integer overflow before │
                         │                           │ dynamically reallocate memory buffer  │
                         │_TIFFClampDoubleToUInt32() │ clamps double values into  the  range │
                         │                           │ of uint32_t (i.e. 0 .. 0xFFFFFFFF)    │
                         │_TIFFfree()                │ free memory buffer                    │
                         │_TIFFGetExifFields()       │ return   a  pointer  to  the  libtiff │
                         │                           │ internal definition list of the  EXIF │
                         │                           │ tags                                  │
                         │_TIFFGetGpsFields()        │ return   a  pointer  to  the  libtiff │
                         │                           │ internal definition list of  the  GPS │
                         │                           │ tags                                  │
                         │_TIFFmalloc()              │ dynamically allocate memory buffer    │
                         │_TIFFmemcmp()              │ compare   contents   of   the  memory │
                         │                           │ buffers                               │
                         │_TIFFmemcpy()              │ copy contents of the  one  buffer  to │
                         │                           │ another                               │
                         │_TIFFmemset()              │ fill  memory  buffer  with a constant │
                         │                           │ byte                                  │

                         │_TIFFMultiply32()          │ checks for an integer overflow of the │
                         │                           │ multiplication result of uint32_t and │
                         │                           │ return the multiplication result or 0 │
                         │                           │ if an overflow would happen           │
                         │_TIFFMultiply64()          │ checks for an integer overflow of the │
                         │                           │ multiplication result of uint64_t and │
                         │                           │ return the multiplication result or 0 │
                         │                           │ if an overflow would happen           │
                         │_TIFFrealloc()             │ dynamically reallocate memory buffer  │
                         │_TIFFRewriteField()        │ Rewrite a field in the  directory  on │
                         │                           │ disk  without  regard to updating the │
                         │                           │ TIFF directory structure in memory    │


       For a table of TIFF  tags  recognized  by  the  library  refer  to  LibTIFF  Coverage  of  the  TIFF  6.0


       In addition to the normal TIFF tags the library supports a collection of tags whose values lie in a range
       outside the valid range of TIFF tags. These tags are termed pseudo-tags and are used to  control  various
       codec-specific functions within the library.  The table below summarizes the defined pseudo-tags.


                          │Tag name                │ Codec    │ R/W │ Library Use/Notes      │
                          │TIFFTAG_FAXMODE         │ G3       │ R/W │ general          codec │
                          │                        │          │     │ operation              │
                          │TIFFTAG_FAXFILLFUNC     │ G3/G4    │ R/W │ bitmap fill function   │
                          │TIFFTAG_JPEGQUALITY     │ JPEG     │ R/W │ compression    quality │
                          │                        │          │     │ control                │
                          │TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE   │ JPEG     │ R/W │ control     colorspace │
                          │                        │          │     │ conversions            │
                          │TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLESMODE  │ JPEG     │ R/W │ control  contents   of │
                          │                        │          │     │ JPEGTables tag         │
                          │TIFFTAG_ZIPQUALITY      │ Deflate  │ R/W │ compression    quality │
                          │                        │          │     │ level                  │
                          │TIFFTAG_PIXARLOGDATAFMT │ PixarLog │ R/W │ user data format       │
                          │TIFFTAG_PIXARLOGQUALITY │ PixarLog │ R/W │ compression    quality │
                          │                        │          │     │ level                  │
                          │TIFFTAG_SGILOGDATAFMT   │ SGILog   │ R/W │ user data format       │

          Control the operation of the Group 3 codec.  Possible values (independent bits that can be combined by
          or'ing them together) are:

              (enable old-style format in which the RTC is written at the end of the last strip),

              (opposite of FAXMODE_CLASSIC; also called FAXMODE_CLASSF),

              (do not write EOL codes at the start of each row of data),

              (align each encoded row to an 8-bit boundary),

              (align each encoded row to an 16-bit boundary),

          The  default  value  is dependent on the compression scheme; this pseudo-tag is used by the various G3
          and G4 codecs to share code.

          Control the function used to convert arrays of black and white runs to packed bit arrays.   This  hook
          can  be used to image decoded scanlines in multi-bit depth rasters (e.g. for display in colormap mode)
          or for other purposes.  The default value is a pointer  to  a  builtin  function  that  images  packed
          bilevel data.

          Tag  contains image metadata per the IPTC newsphoto spec: Headline, captioning, credit, etc... Used by
          most wire services.

          Tag contains Photoshop captioning information and metadata. Photoshop uses in parallel and redundantly
          alongside IPTCNEWSPHOTO information.

          Control the compression quality level used in the baseline algorithm.  Note that quality levels are in
          the range 0-100 with a default value of 75.

          Control whether or not conversion is done between RGB and YCbCr colorspaces.  Possible values are:

              (do not convert), and

              (convert to/from RGB)

          The default value is JPEGCOLORMODE_RAW.

          Control the information written in the JPEGTables tag.  Possible values (independent bits that can  be
          combined by or'ing them together) are:

              (include quantization tables), and

              (include Huffman encoding tables).


          Control the compression technique used by the Deflate codec.  Quality levels are in the range 1-9 with
          larger numbers yielding better compression at the cost of more computation.  The default quality level
          is 6 which yields a good time-space tradeoff.

          Control the format of user data passed in to the PixarLog codec when encoding and passed out from when
          decoding. Possible values are:

              for 8-bit unsigned pixels,

              for 8-bit unsigned ABGR-ordered pixels,

              for 11-bit log-encoded raw data,

              for 12-bit PICIO-compatible data,

              for 16-bit signed samples, and

              for 32-bit IEEE floating point samples.

          Control the compression technique used by the PixarLog codec.  This value is  treated  identically  to
          TIFFTAG_ZIPQUALITY; see the above description.

          Control the format of client data passed in to the SGILog codec when encoding and passed out from when
          decoding.  Possible values are:

              for converting between LogLuv and 32-bit IEEE floating valued XYZ pixels,

              for 16-bit encoded Luv pixels,

              for no conversion of data,

              for returning 8-bit RGB data (valid only when decoding LogLuv-encoded data),

              for converting between LogL and 32-bit IEEE floating valued Y pixels,

              for 16-bit encoded L pixels, and

              for returning 8-bit greyscale data (valid only when decoding LogL-encoded data).


       All error messages are directed through the TIFFErrorExtR() routine.  By default messages are directed to
       stderr   in   the   form:  module:  message\n.   Warning  messages  are  likewise  directed  through  the
       TIFFWarningExtR() routine.


       fax2tiff, pal2rgb, ppm2tiff,  rgb2ycbcr,  raw2tiff,  tiff2bw,  tiffdither,  tiffdump,  tiffcp,  tiff2cmp,
       tiffgt, tiffinfo, tiffmedian, tiffsplit,

       "Tag Image File Format Specification *Revision 6.0*", an Aldus Technical Memorandum.

       "The Spirit of TIFF Class F" , an appendix to the TIFF 5.0 specification prepared by Cygnet Technologies.


       • The library does not support multi-sample images where some samples have different bits/sample.

       • The  library does not support random access to compressed data that is organized with more than one row
         per tile or strip.


       LibTIFF contributors


       1988-2024, LibTIFF contributors