Provided by: libibverbs-dev_50.0-2build2_amd64 bug


       mlx5dv_wr_mkey_configure - Create a work request to configure an MKEY

       mlx5dv_wr_set_mkey_access_flags - Set the memory protection attributes for an MKEY

       mlx5dv_wr_set_mkey_layout_list - Set a memory layout for an MKEY based on SGE list

       mlx5dv_wr_set_mkey_layout_interleaved - Set an interleaved memory layout for an MKEY


              #include <infiniband/mlx5dv.h>

              static inline void mlx5dv_wr_mkey_configure(struct mlx5dv_qp_ex *mqp,
                                                          struct mlx5dv_mkey *mkey,
                                                          uint8_t num_setters,
                                                          struct mlx5dv_mkey_conf_attr *attr);

              static inline void mlx5dv_wr_set_mkey_access_flags(struct mlx5dv_qp_ex *mqp,
                                                                 uint32_t access_flags);

              static inline void mlx5dv_wr_set_mkey_layout_list(struct mlx5dv_qp_ex *mqp,
                                                                uint16_t num_sges,
                                                                const struct ibv_sge *sge);

              static inline void mlx5dv_wr_set_mkey_layout_interleaved(struct mlx5dv_qp_ex *mqp,
                                                                       uint32_t repeat_count,
                                                                       uint16_t num_interleaved,
                                                                       const struct mlx5dv_mr_interleaved *data);


       The  MLX5DV MKEY configure API and the related setters (mlx5dv_wr_set_mkey*) are an extension of IBV work
       request API (ibv_wr*) with specific features for MLX5DV MKEY.

       MKEYs allow creation of virtually-contiguous address  spaces  out  of  non-contiguous  chunks  of  memory
       regions  already registered with the hardware.  Additionally it provides access to some advanced hardware
       offload features, e.g.  signature offload.

       These APIs are intended to be used  to  access  additional  functionality  beyond  what  is  provided  by
       mlx5dv_wr_mr_list()  and  mlx5dv_wr_mr_interleaved().   The MKEY features can be optionally enabled using
       the mkey configure setters.  It allows using different features in the same MKEY.


       To  use  these  APIs  a  QP  must  be  created  using  mlx5dv_create_qp(3)  which  allows   setting   the
       MLX5DV_QP_EX_WITH_MKEY_CONFIGURE in send_ops_flags.

       The  MKEY  configuration  work  request  is  created  by calling mlx5dv_wr_mkey_configure(), a WR builder
       function, followed by required setter functions.  num_setters is a number of required setters for the WR.
       All  setters  are  optional.  num_setters can be zero to apply attr only.  Each setter can be called only
       once per the WR builder.

       The WR configures mkey and applies attr of the builder function and setter functions’ arguments  for  it.
       If  mkey  is  already  configured  the  WR  overrides  some mkey properties depends on builder and setter
       functions’ arguments (see details  in  setters’  description).   To  clear  configuration  of  mkey,  use
       ibv_post_send() with IBV_WR_LOCAL_INV opcode or ibv_wr_local_inv().

       Current  implementation  requires  the  IBV_SEND_INLINE  option  to be set in wr_flags field of ibv_qp_ex
       structure prior to builder function call.  Non-inline payload is currently not  supported  by  this  API.
       Please  note that inlining here is done for MKEY configuration data, not for user data referenced by data

       Once MKEY is configured, it may be used in subsequent work requests (SEND, RDMA_READ,  RDMA_WRITE,  etc).
       If  these  work  requests  are  posted  on  the  same QP, there is no need to wait for completion of MKEY
       configuration work request.  They can be posted immediately after the  last  setter  (or  builder  if  no
       setters).  Usually there is no need to even request a completion for MKEY configuration work request.

       If  completion  is  requested  for  MKEY  configuration  work  request  it  will  be  delivered  with the
       IBV_WC_DRIVER1 opcode.

   Builder function
              Post a work request to configure an existing MKEY.   With  this  call  alone  it  is  possible  to
              configure  the  MKEY and keep or reset signature attributes.  This call may be followed by zero or
              more optional setters.

              mqp    The QP to post the work request on.

              mkey   The MKEY to configure.

                     The number of setters that must be called after this function.

              attr   The MKEY configuration attributes

   MKEY configuration attributes
       MKEY configuration attributes are provided in mlx5dv_mkey_conf_attr structure.

              struct mlx5dv_mkey_conf_attr {
                      uint32_t conf_flags;
                      uint64_t comp_mask;

              Bitwise OR of the following flags:

                     Reset the signature attributes of the MKEY.  If not set,  previously  configured  signature
                     attributes will be kept.

              Reserved for future extension, must be 0 now.

   Generic setters
              Set  the  memory  protection  attributes  for  the  MKEY.   If  the MKEY is configured, the setter
              overrides the previous value.  For example, two MKEY configuration WRs are posted.  The first  one
              sets  IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_READ.   The  second  one  sets IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE.  In this case, the
              second WR overrides the memory protection attributes, and only IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE is  allowed
              for the MKEY when the WR is completed.

              mqp    The QP where an MKEY configuration work request was created by mlx5dv_wr_mkey_configure().

                     The  desired  memory protection attributes; it is either 0 or the bitwise OR of one or more
                     of flags in enum ibv_access_flags.

   Data layout setters
       Data layout setters define how data referenced by the MKEY will be scattered/gathered in the memory.   In
       order to use MKEY with RDMA operations it must be configured with a layout.

       Not  more  than  one  data  layout setter may follow builder function.  Layout can be updated in the next
       calls to builder function.

       When MKEY is used in RDMA operations, it should be used in a zero-based  mode,  i.e. the  addr  field  in
       ibv_sge structure is an offset in the total data.

              Set  a memory layout for an MKEY based on SGE list.  If the MKEY is configured and the data layout
              was defined by some data layout setter (not necessary this one), the setter overrides the previous

              Default WQE size can fit only 4 SGE entries.  To allow more the QP should be created with a larger
              WQE size that may fit it.  This should be done  using  the  max_inline_data  attribute  of  struct
              ibv_qp_cap upon QP creation.

              mqp    The QP where an MKEY configuration work request was created by mlx5dv_wr_mkey_configure().

                     Number of SGEs in the list.

              sge    Pointer to the list of ibv_sge structures.

              Set  an  interleaved memory layout for an MKEY.  If the MKEY is configured and the data layout was
              defined by some data layout setter (not necessary this one), the  setter  overrides  the  previous

              Default  WQE size can fit only 3 interleaved entries.  To allow more the QP should be created with
              a larger WQE size that may fit it.  This should be done using  the  max_inline_data  attribute  of
              struct ibv_qp_cap upon QP creation.

              As  one  entry will be consumed for strided header, the MKEY should be created with one more entry
              than the required num_interleaved.

              mqp    The QP where an MKEY configuration work request was created by mlx5dv_wr_mkey_configure().

                     The data layout representation is repeated repeat_count times.

                     Number of entries in the data representation.

              data   Pointer to the list of interleaved data layout descriptions.

              Interleaved data layout is described by mlx5dv_mr_interleaved structure.

                     struct mlx5dv_mr_interleaved {
                         uint64_t addr;
                         uint32_t bytes_count;
                         uint32_t bytes_skip;
                         uint32_t lkey;

              addr   Start address of the local memory buffer.

                     Number of data bytes to put into the buffer.

                     Number of bytes to skip in the buffer before the next data block.

              lkey   Key of the local Memory Region

   Signature setters
       The signature attributes of the MKEY allow adding/modifying/stripping/validating  integrity  fields  when
       transmitting data from memory to network and when receiving data from network to memory.

       Use  the  signature  setters  to set/update the signature attributes of the MKEY.  To reset the signature
       attributes without invalidating the MKEY, use the MLX5DV_MKEY_CONF_FLAG_RESET_SIG_ATTR flag.

              Set MKEY block signature attributes.  If  the  MKEY  is  already  configured  with  the  signature
              attributes,   the   setter   overrides   the   previous   value.    See  dedicated  man  page  for

   Crypto setter
       The crypto attributes of the MKey allow encryption and decryption of  transmitted  data  from  memory  to
       network and when receiving data from network to memory.

       Use  the  crypto  setter  to set/update the crypto attributes of the MKey.  When the MKey is created with
       MLX5DV_MKEY_INIT_ATTR_FLAGS_CRYPTO it must be configured with crypto attributes before the  MKey  can  be

              Set  MKey crypto attributes.  If the MKey is already configured with crypto attributes, the setter
              overrides the previous value.  see dedicated man page for mlx5dv_wr_set_mkey_crypto(3).


   Create QP and MKEY
       Code below creates a QP with MKEY configure operation support and an indirect mkey.

              /* Create QP with MKEY configure support */
              struct ibv_qp_init_attr_ex attr_ex = {};
              attr_ex.comp_mask |= IBV_QP_INIT_ATTR_SEND_OPS_FLAGS;
              attr_ex.send_ops_flags |= IBV_QP_EX_WITH_RDMA_WRITE;

              struct mlx5dv_qp_init_attr attr_dv = {};
              attr_dv.comp_mask |= MLX5DV_QP_INIT_ATTR_MASK_SEND_OPS_FLAGS;
              attr_dv.send_ops_flags = MLX5DV_QP_EX_WITH_MKEY_CONFIGURE;

              ibv_qp *qp = mlx5dv_create_qp(ctx, attr_ex, attr_dv);
              ibv_qp_ex *qpx = ibv_qp_to_qp_ex(qp);
              mlx5dv_qp_ex *mqpx = mlx5dv_qp_ex_from_ibv_qp_ex(qpx);

              mkey_attr.create_flags = MLX5DV_MKEY_INIT_ATTR_FLAGS_INDIRECT;
              struct mlx5dv_mkey *mkey = mlx5dv_create_mkey(&mkey_attr);

   List data layout configuration
       Code below configures an MKEY which allows remote access for read and write and  is  based  on  SGE  list
       layout  with two entries.  When this MKEY is used in RDMA write operation, data will be scattered between
       two memory regions.  The first 64 bytes will go to memory referenced by mr1.  The next 4096 bytes will go
       to memory referenced by mr2.

              qpx->wr_id = my_wr_id_1;
              qpx->wr_flags = IBV_SEND_INLINE;

              struct mlx5dv_mkey_conf_attr mkey_attr = {};
              mlx5dv_wr_mkey_configure(mqpx, mkey, 2, &mkey_attr);
              mlx5dv_wr_set_mkey_access_flags(mqpx, IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_READ | IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE);
              struct ibv_sge sgl[2];
              sgl[0].addr = mr1->addr;
              sgl[0].length = 64;
              sgl[0].lkey = mr1->lkey;
              sgl[1].addr = mr2->addr;
              sgl[1].length = 4096;
              sgl[1].lkey = mr2->lkey;
              mlx5dv_wr_set_mkey_layout_list(mqpx, 2, sgl);
              ret = ibv_wr_complete(qpx);

   Interleaved data layout configuration
       Code  below  configures an MKEY which allows remote access for read and write and is based on interleaved
       data layout with two entries and repeat count of two.  When this MKEY is used in  RDMA  write  operation,
       data  will  be scattered between two memory regions.  The first 512 bytes will go to memory referenced by
       mr1 at offset 0.  The next 8 bytes will go to memory referenced by mr2 at offset 0.  The next  512  bytes
       will  go to memory referenced by mr1 at offset 516.  The next 8 bytes will go to memory referenced by mr2
       at offset 8.

              qpx->wr_id = my_wr_id_1;
              qpx->wr_flags = IBV_SEND_INLINE;

              struct mlx5dv_mkey_conf_attr mkey_attr = {};
              mlx5dv_wr_mkey_configure(mqpx, mkey, 2, &mkey_attr);
              mlx5dv_wr_set_mkey_access_flags(mqpx, IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_READ | IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE);
              struct mlx5dv_mr_interleaved data[2];
              data[0].addr = mr1->addr;
              data[0].bytes_count = 512;
              data[0].bytes_skip = 4;
              data[0].lkey = mr1->lkey;
              data[1].addr = mr2->addr;
              data[1].bytes_count = 8;
              data[1].bytes_skip = 0;
              data[1].lkey = mr2->lkey;
              mlx5dv_wr_set_mkey_layout_interleaved(mqpx, 2, 2, &data);
              ret = ibv_wr_complete(qpx);


       A DEVX context should be opened by using mlx5dv_open_device(3).


       mlx5dv_create_mkey(3), mlx5dv_create_qp(3), mlx5dv_wr_set_mkey_sig_block(3), mlx5dv_wr_set_mkey_crypto(3)


       Oren Duer <>

       Sergey Gorenko <>

       Evgenii Kochetov <>
