Provided by: libmongoc-doc_1.26.0-1.1ubuntu2_all 

void mongoc_client_encryption_opts_set_keyvault_client ( mongoc_client_encryption_opts_t *opts, mongoc_client_t *keyvault_client); Set the mongoc_client_t to use during key creation and key lookup for encryption and decryption. This may be either a single-threaded or multi-threaded client (i.e. a client obtained from a mongoc_client_pool_t).
• opts: A mongoc_client_encryption_opts_t. • client: A mongoc_client_t to use for key lookup and creation. This client MUST outlive any mongoc_client_encryption_t configured to use it with mongoc_client_encryption_new(). SEE ALSO: mongoc_client_encryption_new() In-Use Encryption
MongoDB, Inc
2017-present, MongoDB, Inc 1.26.0 Mar 31, 20MONGOC_CLIENT_ENCRYPTION_OPTS_SET_KEYVAULT_CLIENT(3)