Provided by: libncarg-dev_6.6.2.dfsg.1-4_amd64 

NGWSYM - Draws a symbol from the standard WMO/NOAA meteorological fonts by reference to the font name and symbol number within that font.
#include <ncarg/ncargC.h> void c_ngwsym(char *ftype, int num, float x, float y, float size, int icolor, int ialt)
FTYPE (an input parameter of type CHARACTER) specifying the desired font. Legal values are: 'WW' - Present weather. 'C' - Cloud types. 'CL' - Low clouds. 'CM' - Medium clouds. 'CH' - High clouds. 'W' - Past weather. 'N' - Sky cover. 'a' - Pressure tendency. NUM (an input parameter of type INTEGER) specifying the number of the desired symbol within the specified font. X (an input parameter of type REAL) specifying the X coordinate position, in world coordinates, where the symbol is to be positioned. This X position marks the horizontal center of the symbol. Y (an input parameter of type REAL) specifying the Y coordinate position, in world coordinates, where the symbol is to be positioned. This Y position marks the vertical center of the symbol. SIZE (an input parameter of type REAL) the value of which is the height, in world coordinates, of the symbol. ICOLOR (an input parameter of type INTEGER) the value of which is the GKS color index specifying what color the symbol will be. IALT (an input parameter of type INTEGER) indicating whether an alternate representation for the specified symbol is to be used. If IALT=1, then the alternate symbol for the one specified is drawn. This applies only to a few symbols such as numbers 7, 93, 94, 95, 97 in the WW font and number 3 in the W font.
The C binding argument descriptions are the same as the FORTRAN argument descriptions.
This function simply looks up the appropriate symbol in either font 36 or 37 of Plotchar and uses Plotchar to draw the symbol. To produce a table of all the weather symbols broken down by font and symbol number, execute "ncargex fngwsym". For the WW (present weather) font, the descriptions for the symbols are: 0 Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour 1 Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed during past hour 2 State of sky on the whole unchanged during past hour 3 Clouds generally forming or developing during past hour 4 Visibility reduced by smoke 5 Haze 6 Widespread dust in suspension in the air, NOT raised by wind, at time of observation 7 Dust or sand raised by wind at time of observation 8 Well-developed dust whirl(s) within past hour 9 Dust storm or sandstorm within sight of or at station during past hour 10 Light fog (mist) 11 Patches of shallow fog at station, NOT deeper than 6 feet on land 12 More or less continuous shallow fog at station, NOT deeper than 6 feet on land 13 Lightning visible, no thunder heard 14 Precipitation within sight, but NOT reaching the ground 15 Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground but distant from station 16 Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground, near to but NOT at station 17 Thunderstorm, but no precipitation at the station 18 Squall(s) within sight during past hour or at time of observation 19 Funnel cloud(s) within sight of station at time of observation 20 Drizzle (NOT freezing) or snow grains (NOT falling as showers) during past hour, but NOT at time of observation 21 Rain (NOT freezing and not falling as showers) during past hour, but NOT at time of observation 22 Snow (NOT falling as showers) during past hour, but NOT at time of observation 23 Rain and snow or ice pellets (NOT falling as showers) during past hour, but NOT at time of observation 24 Freezing drizzle or freezing rain (NOT falling as showers) during past hour, but NOT at time of observation 25 Showers of rain during past hour, but NOT at time of observation 26 Showers of snow or of rain and snow, during past hour, but NOT at time of observation 27 Showers of hail or of hail and rain, during past hour, but NOT at time of observation 28 Fog during past hour, but NOT at time of observation 29 Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation) during past hour, but NOT at time of observation 30 Slight or moderate dust storm or sandstorm, has decreased during past hour 31 Slight or moderate dust storm or sandstorm, no appreciable change during past hour 32 Slight or moderate dust storm or sandstorm has begun or increased during past hour 33 Severe dust storm or sandstorm, has decreased during past hour 34 Severe dust storm or sandstorm, no appreciable change during past hour 35 Severe dust storm or sandstorm has begun or increased during past hour 36 Slight or moderate drifting snow, generally low (less than 6 feet) 37 Heavy drifting snow, generally low 38 Slight or moderate blowing snow, generally high (more than 6 feet) 39 Heavy blowing snow, generally high 40 For or ice fog at distance at time of observation, but NOT at station during past hour 41 Fog or ice fog in patches 42 Fog or ice fog, sky discernible, has become thinner during past hour 43 Fog or ice fog, sky NOT discernible, has become thinner during past hour 44 Fog or ice fog, sky discernible, no appreciable change during past hour 45 Fog or ice fog, sky NOT discernible, no appreciable change during past hour 46 Fog or ice fog, sky discernible, has begun or become thicker during past hour 47 Fog or ice fog, sky NOT discernible, has begun or become thicker during past hour 48 Fog depositing rime, sky discernible 49 Fog depositing rime, sky NOT discernible 50 Intermittent drizzle (NOT freezing), slight at time of observation 51 Continuous drizzle (NOT freezing), slight at time of observation 52 Intermittent drizzle (NOT freezing), moderate at time of observation 53 Continuous drizzle (NOT freezing), moderate at time of observation 54 Intermittent drizzle (NOT freezing), heavy at time of observation 55 Continuous drizzle (NOT freezing), heavy at time of observation 56 Slight freezing drizzle 57 Moderate or heavy freezing drizzle 58 Drizzle and rain, slight 59 Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy 60 Intermittent rain (NOT freezing), slight at time of observation 61 Continuous rain (NOT freezing), slight at time of observation 62 Intermittent rain (NOT freezing), moderate at time of observation 63 Continuous rain (NOT freezing), moderate at time of observation 64 Intermittent rain (NOT freezing), heavy at time of observation 65 Continuous rain (NOT freezing), heavy at time of observation 66 Slight freezing rain 67 Moderate or heavy freezing rain 68 Rain or drizzle and snow, slight 69 Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy 70 Intermittent fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 71 Continuous fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 72 Intermittent fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 73 Continuous fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 74 Intermittent fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 75 Continuous fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 76 Ice prisms (with or without fog) 77 Snow grains (with or without fog) 78 Isolated starlike snow crystals (with or without fog) 79 Ice pellets or snow pellets 80 Slight rain shower(s) 81 Moderate or heavy rain shower(s) 82 Violent rain shower(s) 83 Slight shower(s) of rain and snow mixed 84 Moderate or heavy shower(s) of rain and snow mixed 85 Slight snow shower(s) 86 Moderate or heavy snow shower(s) 87 Slight shower(s) of snow pellets, or ice pellets with or without rain, or rain and snow mixed 88 Moderate or heavy shower(s) of snow pellets, or ice pellets, or ice pellets with or without rain or rain and snow mixed 89 Slight shower(s) of hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder 90 Moderate or heavy shower(s) of hail, with or without rain, or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder 91 Slight rain at time of observation; thunderstorm during past hour, but NOT at time of observation 92 Moderate or heavy rain at time of observation; thunderstorm during past hour, but NOT at time of observation 93 Slight snow, or rain and snow mixed, or hail at time of observation; thunderstorm during past hour, but NOT at time of observation 94 Moderate or heavy snow, or rain and snow mixed, or hail at time of observation; thunderstorm during past hour, but NOT at time of observation 95 Slight or moderate thunderstorm without hail, but with rain and/or snow at time of observation 96 Slight or moderate thunderstorm, with hail at time of observation 97 Heavy thunderstorm, without hail, but with rain and/or snow at time of observation 98 Thunderstorm combined with dust storm or sandstorm at time of observation 99 Heavy thunderstorm with hail at time of observation For the C (cloud types) font: 0 Ci - Cirrus 1 Cc - Cirrocumulus 2 Cs - Cirrostratus 3 Ac - Altocumulus 4 As - Altostratus 5 Ns - Nimbostratus 6 Sc - Stratocumulus 7 St - Stratus 8 Cu - Cumulus 9 Cb - Cumulonimbus For the CL (low clouds) font: 0 not defined 1 Cu of fair weather, little vertical development and seemingly flattened 2 Cu of considerable development, generally towering, with or without other Cu or Sc bases all at same level 3 Cb with tops lacking clear-cut outlines, but distinctly not cirriform or anvil- shaped; with or without Cu, Sc, St 4 Sc formed by spreading out of Cu; Cu often present also 5 Sc not formed by spreading out of Cu 6 St or StFra (stratus fractus), but no StFra of bad weather 7 StFra and/or CuFra of bad weather (scud) 8 Cu and Sc (not formed by spreading out of Cu) with bases at different levels 9 Cb having clearly fibrous (cirriform) top, often anvil-shaped, with or without Cu, Sc, St, or scud For the CM (medium clouds) font: 0 not defined 1 Thin As (most of cloud layer semitransparent) 2 Thick As, greater part sufficiently dense to hide sun (or moon), or Ns 3 Thin Ac, mostly semitransparent: cloud elements not changing much and at a single level 4 Thin Ac in patches; cloud elements continually changing and/or occurring at more than one level 5 Thin Ac in bands or in a layer gradually spreading over sky and usually thickening as a whole 6 Ac formed by the spreading out of Cu or Cb 7 Double-layered Ac, or a thick layer of Ac, not increasing; or Ac with As and/or Ns 8 Ac in the form of Cu-shaped tufts or Ac with turrets 9 Ac of a chaotic sky, usually at different levels; patches of dense Ci are usually present also For the CH (high clouds) font: 0 not defined 1 Filaments of Ci, or "mares tails," scattered and not increasing 2 Dense Ci in patches or twisted sheaves, usually not increasing, sometimes like remains of Cb; or towers or tufts 3 Dense Ci, often anvil-shaped, derived from or associated with Cb 4 Ci, often hook-shaped, gradually spreading over the sky and usually thickening as a whole 5 Ci and Cs, often in converging bands, or Cs alone; generally overspreading and growing denser; the continuous layer not reaching 45 degree altitude 6 Ci and Cs, often in converging bands, or Cs alone; generally overspreading and growing denser; the continuous layer exceeding 45 degree altitude 7 Veil of Cs covering the entire sky 8 Cs not increasing and not covering entire sky 9 Cc alone or Cc with some Ci or Cs, but the Cc being the main cirriform cloud For the W (past weather) font: 0 Clear or few clouds [no associated symbol] 1 Partly cloudy (scattered) or variable sky [no associated symbol] 2 Cloudy (broken) or overcast [no associated symbol] 3 Sandstorm or dust storm, or drifting or blowing snow 4 Fog, ice fog, thick haze or thick smoke 5 Drizzle 6 Rain 7 Snow, or rain and snow mixed, or ice pellets 8 Shower(s) 9 Thunderstorm, with or without precipitation For the N (sky cover) font: 0 No clouds 1 One-tenth or less 2 Two-tenths or three-tenths 3 Four-tenths 4 Five-tenths 5 Six-tenths 6 Seven-tenths or eight tenths 7 Nine-tenths or overcast with openings 8 Completely overcast (ten-tenths) 9 Sky obscured For the a (pressure tendency) font: 0 Rising, then falling; same as or higher than 3 hours ago 1 Rising, then steady; or rising, then rising more slowly 2 Rising steadily, or unsteadily 3 Falling or steady, then rising; or rising, then rising more rapidly 4 Steady; same as 3 hours ago 5 Falling, then rising; same as or lower than 3 hours ago 6 Falling, then steady; or falling, then falling more slowly 7 Falling steadily, or unsteadily 8 Steady or rising, then falling; or falling, then falling more rapidly 9 not defined
CALL NGWSYM('N',5,.5,.5,.25,1,0) Plots the symbol for six-tenths cloud cover at position (.5,.5) and height .25 in the foreground color. CALL NGWSYM('a',6,.2,.8,.3,1,0) Plots the symbol for barometric pressure that is falling then steady. CALL NGWSYM('WW',95,.5,.5,.2,1,1) Plots the alternate symbol for slight or moderate thunderstorm without hail. Use the ncargex command to see the following relevant example: fngwsym.
To use NGWSYM or c_ngwsym, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in that order.
If an illegal font, or symbol number within a font, is requested, then a warning is issued.
Online: plotchar(3NCARG), ncarg_cbind(3NCARG) Hardcopy: NCAR Graphics Fundamentals, UNIX Version
Copyright (C) 1987-2009 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.