Provided by: libqdbm-dev_1.8.78-12.1build2_amd64 bug


       Odeum - the inverted API of QDBM


       #include <depot.h>
       #include <cabin.h>
       #include <odeum.h>
       #include <stdlib.h>

       typedef struct { int id; int score; } ODPAIR;

       ODEUM *odopen(const char *name, int omode);

       int odclose(ODEUM *odeum);

       int odput(ODEUM *odeum, const ODDOC *doc, int wmax, int over);

       int odout(ODEUM *odeum, const char *uri);

       int odoutbyid(ODEUM *odeum, int id);

       ODDOC *odget(ODEUM *odeum, const char *uri);

       ODDOC *odgetbyid(ODEUM *odeum, int id);

       int odgetidbyuri(ODEUM *odeum, const char *uri);

       int odcheck(ODEUM *odeum, int id);

       ODPAIR *odsearch(ODEUM *odeum, const char *word, int max, int *np);

       int odsearchdnum(ODEUM *odeum, const char *word);

       int oditerinit(ODEUM *odeum);

       ODDOC *oditernext(ODEUM *odeum);

       int odsync(ODEUM *odeum);

       int odoptimize(ODEUM *odeum);

       char *odname(ODEUM *odeum);

       double odfsiz(ODEUM *odeum);

       int odbnum(ODEUM *odeum);

       int odbusenum(ODEUM *odeum);

       int oddnum(ODEUM *odeum);

       int odwnum(ODEUM *odeum);

       int odwritable(ODEUM *odeum);

       int odfatalerror(ODEUM *odeum);

       int odinode(ODEUM *odeum);

       time_t odmtime(ODEUM *odeum);

       int odmerge(const char *name, const CBLIST *elemnames);

       int odremove(const char *name);

       ODDOC *oddocopen(const char *uri);

       void oddocclose(ODDOC *doc);

       void oddocaddattr(ODDOC *doc, const char *name, const char *value);

       void oddocaddword(ODDOC *doc, const char *normal, const char *asis);

       int oddocid(const ODDOC *doc);

       const char *oddocuri(const ODDOC *doc);

       const char *oddocgetattr(const ODDOC *doc, const char *name);

       const CBLIST *oddocnwords(const ODDOC *doc);

       const CBLIST *oddocawords(const ODDOC *doc);

       CBMAP *oddocscores(const ODDOC *doc, int max, ODEUM *odeum);

       CBLIST *odbreaktext(const char *text);

       char *odnormalizeword(const char *asis);

       ODPAIR *odpairsand(ODPAIR *apairs, int anum, ODPAIR *bpairs, int bnum, int *np);

       ODPAIR *odpairsor(ODPAIR *apairs, int anum, ODPAIR *bpairs, int bnum, int *np);

       ODPAIR *odpairsnotand(ODPAIR *apairs, int anum, ODPAIR *bpairs, int bnum, int *np);

       void odpairssort(ODPAIR *pairs, int pnum);

       double odlogarithm(double x);

       double odvectorcosine(const int *avec, const int *bvec, int vnum);

       void odsettuning(int ibnum, int idnum, int cbnum, int csiz);

       void odanalyzetext(ODEUM *odeum, const char *text, CBLIST *awords, CBLIST *nwords);

       void odsetcharclass(ODEUM *odeum, const char *spacechars, const char *delimchars, const char *gluechars);

       ODPAIR *odquery(ODEUM *odeum, const char *query, int *np, CBLIST *errors);


       Odeum  is  the  API which handles an inverted index.  An inverted index is a data structure to retrieve a
       list of some documents that include one of words which were extracted from a population of documents.  It
       is  easy  to  realize  a full-text search system with an inverted index.  Odeum provides an abstract data
       structure which consists of words and attributes of a document.  It is used when an application stores  a
       document into a database and when an application retrieves some documents from a database.

       Odeum  does  not  provide methods to extract the text from the original data of a document.  It should be
       implemented by applications.  Although Odeum provides utilities to extract  words  from  a  text,  it  is
       oriented to such languages whose words are separated with space characters as English.  If an application
       handles such languages which need morphological analysis  or  N-gram  analysis  as  Japanese,  or  if  an
       application  perform  more  such  rarefied  analysis  of natural languages as stemming, its own analyzing
       method can be adopted.  Result of search is expressed as an array contains elements which are  structures
       composed  of  the ID number of documents and its score.  In order to search with two or more words, Odeum
       provides utilities of set operations.

       Odeum is implemented, based on Curia, Cabin, and Villa.  Odeum creates a database with a directory  name.
       Some  databases  of  Curia  and Villa are placed in the specified directory.  For example, `casket/docs',
       `casket/index', and `casket/rdocs' are created in the case that a database directory named  as  `casket'.
       `docs'  is a database directory of Curia.  The key of each record is the ID number of a document, and the
       value is such attributes as URI.  `index' is a database directory of Curia.  The key of  each  record  is
       the  normalized  form  of a word, and the value is an array whose element is a pair of the ID number of a
       document including the word and its score.  `rdocs' is a database file of Villa.  The key of each  record
       is the URI of a document, and the value is its ID number.

       In  order  to  use Odeum, you should include `depot.h', `cabin.h', `odeum.h' and `stdlib.h' in the source
       files.  Usually, the following description will be near the beginning of a source file.

              #include <depot.h>
              #include <cabin.h>
              #include <odeum.h>
              #include <stdlib.h>

       A pointer to `ODEUM' is used as a database handle.   A  database  handle  is  opened  with  the  function
       `odopen'  and  closed  with  `odclose'.  You should not refer directly to any member of the handle.  If a
       fatal error occurs in a database, any access method via the handle except `odclose'  will  not  work  and
       return  error  status.   Although a process is allowed to use multiple database handles at the same time,
       handles of the same database file should not be used.

       A pointer to `ODDOC' is used as a document handle.   A  document  handle  is  opened  with  the  function
       `oddocopen'  and closed with `oddocclose'.  You should not refer directly to any member of the handle.  A
       document consists of attributes and words.  Each word is expressed as a pair of a normalized form  and  a
       appearance form.

       Odeum also assign the external variable `dpecode' with the error code. The function `dperrmsg' is used in
       order to get the message of the error code.

       Structures of `ODPAIR' type is used in order to handle results of search.

       typedef struct { int id; int score; } ODPAIR;
              `id' specifies the ID number of a document.  `score'  specifies  the  score  calculated  from  the
              number of searching words in the document.

       The function `odopen' is used in order to get a database handle.

       ODEUM *odopen(const char *name, int omode);
              `name'  specifies  the  name  of  a  database  directory.   `omode' specifies the connection mode:
              `OD_OWRITER' as a writer, `OD_OREADER' as a reader.  If the mode is  `OD_OWRITER',  the  following
              may  be  added  by  bitwise  or:  `OD_OCREAT', which means it creates a new database if not exist,
              `OD_OTRUNC', which means it creates a new database regardless if one exists.  Both of `OD_OREADER'
              and  `OD_OWRITER'  can  be  added  to  by bitwise or: `OD_ONOLCK', which means it opens a database
              directory without file locking, or `OD_OLCKNB', which means locking is performed without blocking.
              The  return value is the database handle or `NULL' if it is not successful.  While connecting as a
              writer, an exclusive lock is invoked to the database directory.  While connecting as a  reader,  a
              shared  lock  is invoked to the database directory.  The thread blocks until the lock is achieved.
              If `OD_ONOLCK' is used, the application is responsible for exclusion control.

       The function `odclose' is used in order to close a database handle.

       int odclose(ODEUM *odeum);
              `odeum' specifies a database handle.  If successful, the return value is true, else, it is  false.
              Because  the  region  of  a  closed  handle  is released, it becomes impossible to use the handle.
              Updating a database is assured to be written when the handle is  closed.   If  a  writer  opens  a
              database but does not close it appropriately, the database will be broken.

       The function `odput' is used in order to store a document.

       int odput(ODEUM *odeum, const ODDOC *doc, int wmax, int over);
              `odeum'  specifies  a  database  handle connected as a writer.  `doc' specifies a document handle.
              `wmax' specifies the max number of words to  be  stored  in  the  document  database.   If  it  is
              negative,  the  number is unlimited.  `over' specifies whether the data of the duplicated document
              is overwritten or not.  If it is false and the URI of the document  is  duplicated,  the  function
              returns as an error.  If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.

       The function `odout' is used in order to delete a document specified by a URI.

       int odout(ODEUM *odeum, const char *uri);
              `odeum'  specifies a database handle connected as a writer.  `uri' specifies the string of the URI
              of a document.  If successful, the return value is true, else, it is  false.   False  is  returned
              when no document corresponds to the specified URI.

       The function `odoutbyid' is used in order to delete a document specified by an ID number.

       int odoutbyid(ODEUM *odeum, int id);
              `odeum'  specifies  a  database  handle  connected as a writer.  `id' specifies the ID number of a
              document.  If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.  False is returned when  no
              document corresponds to the specified ID number.

       The function `odget' is used in order to retrieve a document specified by a URI.

       ODDOC *odget(ODEUM *odeum, const char *uri);
              `odeum'  specifies  a  database  handle.  `uri' specifies the string of the URI of a document.  If
              successful, the return value is the handle of the corresponding  document,  else,  it  is  `NULL'.
              `NULL'  is  returned when no document corresponds to the specified URI.  Because the handle of the
              return value is opened with the function `oddocopen',  it  should  be  closed  with  the  function

       The function `odgetbyid' is used in order to retrieve a document by an ID number.

       ODDOC *odgetbyid(ODEUM *odeum, int id);
              `odeum'  specifies a database handle.  `id' specifies the ID number of a document.  If successful,
              the return value is the handle of the corresponding document,  else,  it  is  `NULL'.   `NULL'  is
              returned  when  no  document  corresponds  to  the specified ID number.  Because the handle of the
              return value is opened with the function `oddocopen',  it  should  be  closed  with  the  function

       The function `odgetidbyuri' is used in order to retrieve the ID of the document specified by a URI.

       int odgetidbyuri(ODEUM *odeum, const char *uri);
              `odeum'  specifies  a  database  handle.   `uri'  specifies  the string the URI of a document.  If
              successful, the return value is the ID number of the document, else, it is  -1.   -1  is  returned
              when no document corresponds to the specified URI.

       The function `odcheck' is used in order to check whether the document specified by an ID number exists.

       int odcheck(ODEUM *odeum, int id);
              `odeum'  specifies  a  database  handle.   `id' specifies the ID number of a document.  The return
              value is true if the document exists, else, it is false.

       The function `odsearch' is used in  order  to  search  the  inverted  index  for  documents  including  a
       particular word.

       ODPAIR *odsearch(ODEUM *odeum, const char *word, int max, int *np);
              `odeum'  specifies a database handle.  `word' specifies a searching word.  `max' specifies the max
              number of documents to be retrieve.  `np' specifies the pointer to a variable to which the  number
              of  the  elements of the return value is assigned.  If successful, the return value is the pointer
              to an array, else, it is `NULL'.  Each element of the array is a pair of the  ID  number  and  the
              score  of  a  document,  and  sorted  in  descending  order  of their scores.  Even if no document
              corresponds to the specified word, it is not error but returns an dummy array.  Because the region
              of  the  return  value  is allocated with the `malloc' call, it should be released with the `free'
              call if it is no longer in use.  Note that each element of the array of the return  value  can  be
              data of a deleted document.

       The function `odsearchnum' is used in order to get the number of documents including a word.

       int odsearchdnum(ODEUM *odeum, const char *word);
              `odeum'  specifies  a  database  handle.   `word'  specifies a searching word.  If successful, the
              return value is the number of documents including the word, else, it is -1.  Because this function
              does not read the entity of the inverted index, it is faster than `odsearch'.

       The function `oditerinit' is used in order to initialize the iterator of a database handle.

       int oditerinit(ODEUM *odeum);
              `odeum'  specifies a database handle.  If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
              The iterator is used in order to access every document stored in a database.

       The function `oditernext' is used in order to get the next key of the iterator.

       ODDOC *oditernext(ODEUM *odeum);
              `odeum' specifies a database handle.  If successful, the return value is the handle  of  the  next
              document,  else,  it  is  `NULL'.   `NULL'  is  returned  when no document is to be get out of the
              iterator.  It is possible to  access  every  document  by  iteration  of  calling  this  function.
              However, it is not assured if updating the database is occurred while the iteration.  Besides, the
              order of this traversal access method is arbitrary, so it is not assured that the order of  string
              matches  the  one  of the traversal access.  Because the handle of the return value is opened with
              the function `oddocopen', it should be closed with the function `oddocclose'.

       The function `odsync' is used in order to synchronize updating contents with the files and the devices.

       int odsync(ODEUM *odeum);
              `odeum' specifies a database handle connected as a writer.  If successful,  the  return  value  is
              true, else, it is false.  This function is useful when another process uses the connected database

       The function `odoptimize' is used in order to optimize a database.

       int odoptimize(ODEUM *odeum);
              `odeum' specifies a database handle connected as a writer.  If successful,  the  return  value  is
              true, else, it is false.  Elements of the deleted documents in the inverted index are purged.

       The function `odname' is used in order to get the name of a database.

       char *odname(ODEUM *odeum);
              `odeum' specifies a database handle.  If successful, the return value is the pointer to the region
              of the name of the database, else, it is `NULL'.  Because  the  region  of  the  return  value  is
              allocated with the `malloc' call, it should be released with the `free' call if it is no longer in

       The function `odfsiz' is used in order to get the total size of database files.

       double odfsiz(ODEUM *odeum);
              `odeum' specifies a database handle.  If successful, the return value is the  total  size  of  the
              database files, else, it is -1.0.

       The  function  `odbnum'  is used in order to get the total number of the elements of the bucket arrays in
       the inverted index.

       int odbnum(ODEUM *odeum);
              `odeum' specifies a database handle.  If successful, the return value is the total number  of  the
              elements of the bucket arrays, else, it is -1.

       The  function  `odbusenum'  is  used  in order to get the total number of the used elements of the bucket
       arrays in the inverted index.

       int odbusenum(ODEUM *odeum);
              `odeum' specifies a database handle.  If successful, the return value is the total number  of  the
              used elements of the bucket arrays, else, it is -1.

       The function `oddnum' is used in order to get the number of the documents stored in a database.

       int oddnum(ODEUM *odeum);
              `odeum'  specifies  a  database  handle.   If  successful,  the  return value is the number of the
              documents stored in the database, else, it is -1.

       The function `odwnum' is used in order to get the number of the words stored in a database.

       int odwnum(ODEUM *odeum);
              `odeum' specifies a database handle.  If successful, the return value is the number of  the  words
              stored  in  the database, else, it is -1.  Because of the I/O buffer, the return value may be less
              than the hard number.

       The function `odwritable' is used in order to check whether a database handle is a writer or not.

       int odwritable(ODEUM *odeum);
              `odeum' specifies a database handle.  The return value is true if the handle is a writer, false if

       The function `odfatalerror' is used in order to check whether a database has a fatal error or not.

       int odfatalerror(ODEUM *odeum);
              `odeum'  specifies a database handle.  The return value is true if the database has a fatal error,
              false if not.

       The function `odinode' is used in order to get the inode number of a database directory.

       int odinode(ODEUM *odeum);
              `odeum' specifies a database handle.  The return  value  is  the  inode  number  of  the  database

       The function `odmtime' is used in order to get the last modified time of a database.

       time_t odmtime(ODEUM *odeum);
              `odeum' specifies a database handle.  The return value is the last modified time of the database.

       The function `odmerge' is used in order to merge plural database directories.

       int odmerge(const char *name, const CBLIST *elemnames);
              `name'  specifies  the  name  of  a database directory to create.  `elemnames' specifies a list of
              names of element databases.  If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.   If  two
              or  more  documents  which  have the same URL come in, the first one is adopted and the others are

       The function `odremove' is used in order to remove a database directory.

       int odremove(const char *name);
              `name' specifies the name of a database directory.  If successful, the return value is true, else,
              it  is  false.   A  database  directory can contain databases of other APIs of QDBM, they are also
              removed by this function.

       The function `oddocopen' is used in order to get a document handle.

       ODDOC *oddocopen(const char *uri);
              `uri' specifies the URI of a document.  The return value is a document handle.  The ID number of a
              new document is not defined.  It is defined when the document is stored in a database.

       The function `oddocclose' is used in order to close a document handle.

       void oddocclose(ODDOC *doc);
              `doc'  specifies a document handle.  Because the region of a closed handle is released, it becomes
              impossible to use the handle.

       The function `oddocaddattr' is used in order to add an attribute to a document.

       void oddocaddattr(ODDOC *doc, const char *name, const char *value);
              `doc' specifies a document handle.  `name' specifies the string  of  the  name  of  an  attribute.
              `value' specifies the string of the value of the attribute.

       The function `oddocaddword' is used in order to add a word to a document.

       void oddocaddword(ODDOC *doc, const char *normal, const char *asis);
              `doc'  specifies  a  document  handle.   `normal' specifies the string of the normalized form of a
              word.  Normalized forms are treated as keys of the inverted index.  If the normalized  form  of  a
              word  is  an  empty string, the word is not reflected in the inverted index.  `asis' specifies the
              string of the appearance form of the word.  Appearance  forms  are  used  after  the  document  is
              retrieved by an application.

       The function `oddocid' is used in order to get the ID number of a document.

       int oddocid(const ODDOC *doc);
              `doc' specifies a document handle.  The return value is the ID number of a document.

       The function `oddocuri' is used in order to get the URI of a document.

       const char *oddocuri(const ODDOC *doc);
              `doc' specifies a document handle.  The return value is the string of the URI of a document.

       The function `oddocgetattr' is used in order to get the value of an attribute of a document.

       const char *oddocgetattr(const ODDOC *doc, const char *name);
              `doc'  specifies a document handle.  `name' specifies the string of the name of an attribute.  The
              return value is the string of the value of the attribute, or `NULL' if no attribute corresponds.

       The function `oddocnwords' is used in order to get the list handle contains words in normalized form of a

       const CBLIST *oddocnwords(const ODDOC *doc);
              `doc'  specifies  a  document  handle.   The  return  value  is  the list handle contains words in
              normalized form.

       The function `oddocawords' is used in order to get the list handle contains words in appearance form of a

       const CBLIST *oddocawords(const ODDOC *doc);
              `doc'  specifies  a  document  handle.   The  return  value  is  the list handle contains words in
              appearance form.

       The function `oddocscores' is used in order to get the map handle contains keywords  in  normalized  form
       and their scores.

       CBMAP *oddocscores(const ODDOC *doc, int max, ODEUM *odeum);
              `doc'  specifies  a  document handle.  `max' specifies the max number of keywords to get.  `odeum'
              specifies a database handle with which the IDF for weighting is calculate.  If it is `NULL', it is
              not  used.   The  return  value  is the map handle contains keywords and their scores.  Scores are
              expressed as decimal strings.  Because the handle of the return value is opened with the  function
              `cbmapopen', it should be closed with the function `cbmapclose' if it is no longer in use.

       The function `odbreaktext' is used in order to break a text into words in appearance form.

       CBLIST *odbreaktext(const char *text);
              `text'  specifies  the  string  of  a text.  The return value is the list handle contains words in
              appearance form.  Words are separated with space characters and such delimiters as  period,  comma
              and  so  on.   Because the handle of the return value is opened with the function `cblistopen', it
              should be closed with the function `cblistclose' if it is no longer in use.

       The function `odnormalizeword' is used in order to make the normalized form of a word.

       char *odnormalizeword(const char *asis);
              `asis' specifies the string of the appearance form of a word.  The return value is is  the  string
              of  the  normalized  form  of the word.  Alphabets of the ASCII code are unified into lower cases.
              Words composed of only delimiters are treated as empty strings.  Because the region of the  return
              value  is allocated with the `malloc' call, it should be released with the `free' call if it is no
              longer in use.

       The function `odpairsand' is used in order to get the common elements of two sets of documents.

       ODPAIR *odpairsand(ODPAIR *apairs, int anum, ODPAIR *bpairs, int bnum, int *np);
              `apairs' specifies the pointer to the former document array.  `anum' specifies the number  of  the
              elements  of  the  former  document  array.  `bpairs' specifies the pointer to the latter document
              array.  `bnum' specifies the number of the elements of the latter document array.  `np'  specifies
              the  pointer  to  a  variable to which the number of the elements of the return value is assigned.
              The return value is the pointer to a new document array whose  elements  commonly  belong  to  the
              specified  two  sets.   Elements  of  the  array  are  sorted in descending order of their scores.
              Because the region of the return value is allocated with the `malloc' call, it should be  released
              with the `free' call if it is no longer in use.

       The function `odpairsor' is used in order to get the sum of elements of two sets of documents.

       ODPAIR *odpairsor(ODPAIR *apairs, int anum, ODPAIR *bpairs, int bnum, int *np);
              `apairs'  specifies  the pointer to the former document array.  `anum' specifies the number of the
              elements of the former document array.  `bpairs' specifies the  pointer  to  the  latter  document
              array.   `bnum' specifies the number of the elements of the latter document array.  `np' specifies
              the pointer to a variable to which the number of the elements of the  return  value  is  assigned.
              The return value is the pointer to a new document array whose elements belong to both or either of
              the specified two sets.  Elements of the array are sorted in descending  order  of  their  scores.
              Because  the region of the return value is allocated with the `malloc' call, it should be released
              with the `free' call if it is no longer in use.

       The function `odpairsnotand' is used in order to get the difference set of documents.

       ODPAIR *odpairsnotand(ODPAIR *apairs, int anum, ODPAIR *bpairs, int bnum, int *np);
              `apairs' specifies the pointer to the former document array.  `anum' specifies the number  of  the
              elements  of  the  former  document  array.  `bpairs' specifies the pointer to the latter document
              array of the sum of elements.  `bnum' specifies the number of the elements of the latter  document
              array.  `np' specifies the pointer to a variable to which the number of the elements of the return
              value is assigned.  The return value is the pointer to a new document array whose elements  belong
              to the former set but not to the latter set.  Elements of the array are sorted in descending order
              of their scores.  Because the region of the return value is allocated with the `malloc'  call,  it
              should be released with the `free' call if it is no longer in use.

       The function `odpairssort' is used in order to sort a set of documents in descending order of scores.

       void odpairssort(ODPAIR *pairs, int pnum);
              `pairs' specifies the pointer to a document array.  `pnum' specifies the number of the elements of
              the document array.

       The function `odlogarithm' is used in order to get the natural logarithm of a number.

       double odlogarithm(double x);
              `x' specifies a number.  The return value is the natural logarithm of the number.  If  the  number
              is  equal  to  or  less  than  1.0,  the  return  value  is  0.0.  This function is useful when an
              application calculates the IDF of search results.

       The function `odvectorcosine' is used in order to get the cosine of the angle of two vectors.

       double odvectorcosine(const int *avec, const int *bvec, int vnum);
              `avec' specifies the pointer to one array of numbers.  `bvec' specifies the pointer to  the  other
              array of numbers.  `vnum' specifies the number of elements of each array.  The return value is the
              cosine of the angle of two vectors.  This  function  is  useful  when  an  application  calculates
              similarity of documents.

       The function `odsettuning' is used in order to set the global tuning parameters.

       void odsettuning(int ibnum, int idnum, int cbnum, int csiz);
              `ibnum'  specifies  the  number  of  buckets for inverted indexes.  `idnum' specifies the division
              number of inverted index.  `cbnum' specifies the number of  buckets  for  dirty  buffers.   `csiz'
              specifies the maximum bytes to use memory for dirty buffers.  The default setting is equivalent to
              `odsettuning(32749, 7, 262139, 8388608)'.  This function should be called before opening a handle.

       The function `odanalyzetext' is used in order to break a text into words and store appearance  forms  and
       normalized form into lists.

       void odanalyzetext(ODEUM *odeum, const char *text, CBLIST *awords, CBLIST *nwords);
              `odeum' specifies a database handle.  `text' specifies the string of a text.  `awords' specifies a
              list handle into which appearance form is store.  `nwords' specifies  a  list  handle  into  which
              normalized  form  is  store.   If  it  is  `NULL',  it is ignored.  Words are separated with space
              characters and such delimiters as period, comma and so on.

       The function `odsetcharclass' is used in order to set the classes of characters used by `odanalyzetext'.

       void odsetcharclass(ODEUM *odeum, const char *spacechars, const char *delimchars, const char *gluechars);
              `odeum' specifies a database handle.  `spacechars' spacifies a string contains  space  characters.
              `delimchars'  spacifies  a  string  contains delimiter characters.  `gluechars' spacifies a string
              contains glue characters.

       The function `odquery' is used in order to query a database using a small boolean query language.

       ODPAIR *odquery(ODEUM *odeum, const char *query, int *np, CBLIST *errors);
              `odeum' specifies a database handle.  'query' specifies the text of the query.  `np' specifies the
              pointer  to  a  variable  to  which  the  number  of the elements of the return value is assigned.
              `errors' specifies a list handle into which error messages are stored.  If it  is  `NULL',  it  is
              ignored.   If  successful,  the return value is the pointer to an array, else, it is `NULL'.  Each
              element of the array is a pair of the ID number and  the  score  of  a  document,  and  sorted  in
              descending  order of their scores.  Even if no document corresponds to the specified condition, it
              is not error but returns an dummy array.  Because the region of the return value is allocated with
              the  `malloc'  call,  it  should be released with the `free' call if it is no longer in use.  Note
              that each element of the array of the return value can be data of a deleted document.

       If QDBM was built with POSIX thread enabled, the global variable `dpecode' is treated as thread  specific
       data,  and  functions  of Odeum are reentrant.  In that case, they are thread-safe as long as a handle is
       not accessed by threads at the same time, on the  assumption  that  `errno',  `malloc',  and  so  on  are

       If  QDBM was built with ZLIB enabled, records in the database for document attributes are compressed.  In
       that case, the size of the database is reduced to 30% or less.  Thus, you should enable ZLIB if  you  use
       Odeum.   A  database  of  Odeum  created  without  ZLIB enabled is not available on environment with ZLIB
       enabled, and vice versa.  If ZLIB was not enabled but LZO, LZO is used instead.

       The query language of the function `odquery' is a basic language following this grammar:

              expr ::= subexpr ( op subexpr )*
              subexpr ::= WORD
              subexpr ::= LPAREN expr RPAREN

       Operators are "&" (AND), "|" (OR), and "!" (NOTAND).  You can use parenthesis  to  group  sub-expressions
       together  in  order  to  change  order  of  operations.   The given query is broken up using the function
       `odanalyzetext', so if you want to specify different text breaking rules, then  make  sure  that  you  at
       least  set  "&",  "|",  "!",  "(",  and ")" to be delimiter characters.  Consecutive words are treated as
       having an implicit "&" operator between them, so "zed shaw" is actually "zed & shaw".

       The encoding of the query text should be the same with the encoding of target documents.  Moreover,  each
       of space characters, delimiter characters, and glue characters should be single byte.


       qdbm(3), depot(3), curia(3), relic(3), hovel(3), cabin(3), villa(3), ndbm(3), gdbm(3)