Provided by: wide-dhcpv6-client_20080615-23build1_amd64 bug


     dhcp6c.conf — DHCPv6 client configuration file




     The dhcp6c.conf file contains configuration information for KAME's DHCPv6 client, dhcp6c.  The
     configuration file consists of a sequence of statements terminated by a semi-colon (`;').  Statements are
     composed of tokens separated by white space, which can be any combination of blanks, tabs and newlines.  In
     some cases a set of statements is combined with a pair of brackets, which is regarded as a single token.
     Lines beginning with ‘#’ are comments.

Interface specification

     There are some statements that may or have to specify interface.  Interfaces are specified in the form of
     "name unit", such as fxp0 and gif1.

DHCPv6 options

     Some configuration statements take the description of a DHCPv6 option as an argument.  The followings are
     the format and description of available DHCPv6 options.
             means a Domain Name Server option.
             means a domain name option.
             means an NTP server option.  As of this writing, the option type for this option is not officially
             assigned.  dhcp6c will reject this option unless it is explicitly built to accept the option.
             means a SIP Server address option.
             means a SIP server domain name option.
             means a NIS Server address option.
             means a NIS domain name option.
             means a NIS+ Server address option.
             means a NIS+ domain name option.
             means a BCMCS Server address option.
             means a BCMCS server domain name option.
     ia-pd ID
             means an IA_PD (Identity Association for Prefix Delegation) option.  ID is a decimal number of the
             IAID (see below about identity associations).
     ia-na ID
             means an IA_PD (Identity Association for Non-temporary Addresses) option.  ID is a decimal number
             of the IAID (see below about identity associations).
             means a rapid-commit option.
     authentication authname
             means an authentication option.  authname is a string specifying parameters of the authentication
             protocol.  An authentication statement for authname must be provided.

Interface statement

     An interface statement specifies configuration parameters on the interface.  The generic format of an
     interface statement is as follows:
     interface interface { substatements };
             The followings are possible substatements in an interface statement.
             send send-options ;
                     This statement specifies DHCPv6 options to be sent to the server(s).  Some options can only
                     appear in particular messages according to the specification, in which case the appearance
                     of the options is limited to be compliant with the specification.

                     send-options is a comma-separated list of options, each of which should be specified as
                     described above.  Multiple send statements can also be specified, in which case all the
                     specified options will be sent.

                     When rapid-commit is specified, dhcp6c will include a rapid-commit option in solicit
                     messages and wait for an immediate reply instead of advertisements.

                     When ia-pd is specified, dhcp6c will initiate prefix delegation as a requesting router by
                     including an IA_PD option with the specified ID in solicit messages.

                     When ia-na is specified, dhcp6c will initiate stateful address assignment by including an
                     IA_NA option with the specified ID in solicit messages.

                     In either case, a corresponding identity association statement must exist with the same ID.
             request request-options;
                     This statement specifies DHCPv6 options to be included in an option-request option.
                     request-options is a comma-separated list of options, which can consist of the following
                             requests a list of Domain Name Server addresses.
                             requests a DNS search path.
                             requests a list of NTP server addresses.  As of this writing, the option type for
                             this option is not officially assigned.  dhcp6c will reject this option unless it
                             is explicitly built to accept the option.
                             requests a list of SIP server addresses.
                             requests a SIP server domain name.
                             requests a list of NIS server addresses.
                             requests a NIS domain name.
                             requests a list of NIS+ server addresses.
                             requests a NIS+ domain name.
                             requests a list of BCMCS server addresses.
                             requests a BCMCS domain name.
                             means an information refresh time option.  This can only be specified when sent
                             with information-request messages; dhcp6c will ignore this option for other
                     Multiple request statements can also be specified, in which case all the specified options
                     will be requested.
                     This statement specifies dhcp6c to only exchange informational configuration parameters
                     with servers.  A list of DNS server addresses is an example of such parameters.  This
                     statement is useful when the client does not need stateful configuration parameters such as
                     IPv6 addresses or prefixes.
             script "script-name";
                     This statement specifies a path to script invoked by dhcp6c on a certain condition
                     including when the daemon receives a reply message.  script-name must be the absolute path
                     from root to the script file, be a regular file, and be created by the same owner who runs
                     the daemon.

Profile statement

     Some setups may require to configure an interface independently from its name.  Profiles are available for
     this particular purpose.  They follow the same syntax as an interface statement except they can be
     arbitrarily named.  It is then possible to choose which profile to use for a given interface on the command

Identity association statement

     Identity association (IA) is a key notion of DHCPv6.  An IA is uniquely identified in a client by a pair of
     IA type and IA identifier (IAID).  An IA is associated with configuration information dependent on the IA

     An identity association statement defines a single IA with some client-side configuration parameters.  Its
     format is as follows:
     id-assoc type [ID] { substatements };
             type is a string for the type of this IA.  The current implementation supports ‘na’ (non-temporary
             address allocation) ‘pd’ (prefix delegation) for the IA type.  ID is a decimal number of IAID.  If
             omitted, the value 0 will be used by default.  substatements is a sequence of statements that
             specifies configuration parameters for this IA.  Each statement may or may not be specific to the
             type of IA.

             The followings are possible substatements for an IA of type na.
             address ipv6-address pltime [vltime];
                     specifies an address and related parameters that the client wants to be allocated.
                     Multiple addresses can be specified, each of which is described as a separate address
                     substatement.  dhcp6c will include all the addresses (and related parameters) in Solicit
                     messages, as an IA_NA prefix option encapsulated in the corresponding IA_NA option.  Note,
                     however, that the server may or may not respect the specified prefix parameters.  For
                     parameters of the address substatement, see dhcp6s.conf(5).

             The followings are possible substatements for an IA of type pd.
                     specifies the client's local configuration of how delegated prefixes should be used (see
             prefix ipv6-prefix pltime [vltime];
                     specifies a prefix and related parameters that the client wants to be delegated.  Multiple
                     prefixes can be specified, each of which is described as a separate prefix substatement.
                     dhcp6c will include all the prefixes (and related parameters) in Solicit messages, as an
                     IA_PD prefix option encapsulated in the corresponding IA_PD option.  Note, however, that
                     the server may or may not respect the specified prefix parameters.  For parameters of the
                     prefix substatement, see dhcp6s.conf(5).

Prefix interface statement

     A prefix interface statement specifies configuration parameters of prefixes on local interfaces that are
     derived from delegated prefixes.  A prefix interface statement can only appear as a substatement of an
     identity association statement with the type pd.  The generic format of an interface statement is as
     prefix-interface interface { substatements };
             When an IPv6 prefix is delegated from a DHCPv6 server, dhcp6c will assign a prefix on the interface
             unless the interface receives the DHCPv6 message that contains the prefix with the delegated prefix
             and the parameters provided in substatements.  Possible substatements are as follows:
             sla-id ID ;
                     This statement specifies the identifier value of the site-level aggregator (SLA) on the
                     interface.  ID must be a decimal integer which fits in the length of SLA IDs (see below).
                     For example, if ID is 1 and the client is delegated an IPv6 prefix 2001:db8:ffff::/48,
                     dhcp6c will combine the two values into a single IPv6 prefix, 2001:db8:ffff:1::/64, and
                     will configure the prefix on the specified interface.
             sla-len length ;
                     This statement specifies the length of the SLA ID in bits.  length must be a decimal number
                     between 0 and 128.  If the length is not specified by this statement, the default value 16
                     will be used.
             ifid ID ;
                     This statement specifies the interface id.  ID must be a decimal integer.  It will be
                     combined with the delegated prefix and the sla-id to form a complete interface address.
                     The default is to use the EUI-64 address of the interface.
                     This statement instructs the client to generate a completely random interface id. This will
                     override the ifid statement, if present. The resulting random interface id will be combined
                     with the delegated prefix and the sla-id to form a complete interface address.

Authentication statement

     An authentication statement defines a set of authentication parameters used in DHCPv6 exchanges with the
     server(s).  The format of an authentication statement is as follows:
     authentication authname { substatements };
             authname is a string which is unique among all authentication statements in the configuration file.
             It will specify a particular set of authentication parameters when authentication option is
             specified in the interface statement.  Possible substatements of the authentication statement are
             as follows:
             protocol authprotocol ;
                     specifies the authentication protocol.  Currently, the only available protocol as
                     authprotocol is delayed, which means the DHCPv6 delayed authentication protocol.
             algorithm authalgorithm ;
                     specifies the algorithm for this authentication.  Currently, the only available algorithm
                     is HMAC-MD5, which can be specified as one of the followings: hmac-md5, HMAC-MD5, hmacmd5,
                     or HMACMD5.  This substatement can be omitted.  In this case, HMAC-MD5 will be used as the
             rdm replay-detection-method ;
                     specifies the replay protection method for this authentication.  Currently, the only
                     available method is monocounter, which means the use of a monotonically increasing counter.
                     If this method is specified, dhcp6c will use an NTP-format timestamp when it authenticates
                     the message.  This substatement can be omitted, in which case monocounter will be used as
                     the method.

Keyinfo statement

     A keyinfo statement defines a secret key shared with the server(s) to authenticate DHCPv6 messages.  The
     format of a keyinfo statement is as follows:
     keyinfo keyname { substatements };
             keyname is an arbitrary string.  It does not affect client's behavior but is provided for
             readability of log messages.  Possible substatements of the keyinfo statement are as follows:
             realm "realmname" ;
                     specifies the DHCP realm.  realmname is an arbitrary string, but is typically expected to
                     be a domain name like "" .
             keyid ID ;
                     specifies the key identifier, ID, as a decimal number.  A secret key is uniquely identified
                     within the client by the DHCP realm and the key identifier.
             secret "secret-value" ;
                     specifies the shared secret of this key.  "secret-value" is a base-64 encoded string of the
             expire "expiration-time" ;
                     specifies the expiration time of this key.  "expiration-time" should be formatted in one of
                     the followings: yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM, mm-dd HH:MM, or HH:MM, where yyyy is the year with
                     century (e.g., 2004), mm is the month, dd is the day of the month, HH is the hour of
                     24-hour clock, and MM is the minute, each of which is given as a decimal number.
                     Additionally, a special keyword forever can be specified as expiration-time, which means
                     the key has an infinite lifetime and never expires.  This substatement can be omitted, in
                     which case forever will be used by default.


     The followings are a sample configuration to be delegated an IPv6 prefix from an upstream service provider.
     With this configuration dhcp6c will send solicit messages containing an IA_PD option, with an IAID 0, on to
     an upstream PPP link, ppp0.  After receiving some prefixes from a server, dhcp6c will then configure
     derived IPv6 prefixes with the SLA ID 1 on a local ethernet interface, ne0.  Note that the IAID for the
     id-assoc statement is 0 according to the default.

     interface ppp0 {
             send ia-pd 0;

     id-assoc pd {
             prefix-interface ne0 {
                     sla-id 1;

     If a shared secret should be configured in both the client and the server for DHCPv6 authentication, it
     would be specified in the configuration file as follows:

     keyinfo kame-key {
             realm "";
             keyid 1;
             secret "5pvW2g48OHPvkYMJSw0vZA==";

     One easy way of generating a new secret in the base64 format is to execute the openssl(1) command (when
     available) as follows,

     % openssl rand -base64 16

     and copy the output to the dhcp6c.conf file.

     To include an authentication option for DHCPv6 authentication, the interface statement should be modified
     and an authentication statement should be added as follows:

     interface ppp0 {
             send ia-pd 0;
             send authentication kame;

     authentication kame {
             protocol delayed;

     interface fxp0 {
             send ia-na 0;


     dhcp6s.conf(5) dhcp6c(8)


     The dhcp6c.conf configuration file first appeared in the WIDE/KAME IPv6 protocol stack kit.