Provided by: ejabberd_23.10-1_amd64 bug


       ejabberd.yml - main configuration file for ejabberd.




       The configuration file is written in YAML language.


           YAML is indentation sensitive, so make sure you respect indentation, or otherwise you will get pretty
           cryptic configuration errors.

       Logically, configuration options are split into 3 main categories: Modules, Listeners and everything else
       called Top Level options. Thus this document is split into 3 main chapters describing each category
       separately. So, the contents of ejabberd.yml will typically look like this:

             - domain.tld
           loglevel: info
               port: 5222
               module: ejabberd_c2s
             mod_roster: {}

       Any configuration error (such as syntax error, unknown option or invalid option value) is fatal in the
       sense that ejabberd will refuse to load the whole configuration file and will not start or will abort
       configuration reload.

       All options can be changed in runtime by running ejabberdctl reload-config command. Configuration reload
       is atomic: either all options are accepted and applied simultaneously or the new configuration is refused
       without any impact on currently running configuration.

       Some options can be specified for particular virtual host(s) only using host_config or append_host_config
       options. Such options are called local. Examples are modules, auth_method and default_db. The options
       that cannot be defined per virtual host are called global. Examples are loglevel, certfiles and listen.
       It is a configuration mistake to put global options under host_config or append_host_config section -
       ejabberd will refuse to load such configuration.

       It is not recommended to write ejabberd.yml from scratch. Instead it is better to start from "default"
       configuration file available at
       Once you get ejabberd running you can start changing configuration options to meet your requirements.

       Note that this document is intended to provide comprehensive description of all configuration options
       that can be consulted to understand the meaning of a particular option, its format and possible values.
       It will be quite hard to understand how to configure ejabberd by reading this document only - for this
       purpose the reader is recommended to read online Configuration Guide available at


       This section describes top level options of ejabberd.

       access_rules: {AccessName: {allow|deny: ACLRules|ACLName}}
           This option defines Access Rules. Each access rule is assigned a name that can be referenced from
           other parts of the configuration file (mostly from access options of ejabberd modules). Each rule
           definition may contain arbitrary number of allow or deny sections, and each section may contain any
           number of ACL rules (see acl option). There are no access rules defined by default.


                   allow: admin
                   deny: someone
                   allow: all
                   deny: problematic_hosts
                   deny: banned_forever
                   allow: all

       acl: {ACLName: {ACLType: ACLValue}}
           The option defines access control lists: named sets of rules which are used to match against
           different targets (such as a JID or an IP address). Every set of rules has name ACLName: it can be
           any string except all or none (those are predefined names for the rules that match all or nothing
           respectively). The name ACLName can be referenced from other parts of the configuration file, for
           example in access_rules option. The rules of ACLName are represented by mapping {ACLType: ACLValue}.
           These can be one of the following:

           ip: Network
               The rule matches any IP address from the Network.

           node_glob: Pattern
               Same as node_regexp, but matching is performed on a specified Pattern according to the rules used
               by the Unix shell.

           node_regexp: user_regexp@server_regexp
               The rule matches any JID with node part matching regular expression user_regexp and server part
               matching regular expression server_regexp.

           resource: Resource
               The rule matches any JID with a resource Resource.

           resource_glob: Pattern
               Same as resource_regexp, but matching is performed on a specified Pattern according to the rules
               used by the Unix shell.

           resource_regexp: Regexp
               The rule matches any JID with a resource that matches regular expression Regexp.

           server: Server
               The rule matches any JID from server Server. The value of Server must be a valid hostname or an
               IP address.

           server_glob: Pattern
               Same as server_regexp, but matching is performed on a specified Pattern according to the rules
               used by the Unix shell.

           server_regexp: Regexp
               The rule matches any JID from the server that matches regular expression Regexp.

           user: Username
               If Username is in the form of "user@server", the rule matches a JID against this value.
               Otherwise, if Username is in the form of "user", the rule matches any JID that has Username in
               the node part as long as the server part of this JID is any virtual host served by ejabberd.

           user_glob: Pattern
               Same as user_regexp, but matching is performed on a specified Pattern according to the rules used
               by the Unix shell.

           user_regexp: Regexp
               If Regexp is in the form of "regexp@server", the rule matches any JID with node part matching
               regular expression "regexp" as long as the server part of this JID is equal to "server". If
               Regexp is in the form of "regexp", the rule matches any JID with node part matching regular
               expression "regexp" as long as the server part of this JID is any virtual host served by

       acme: Options
           ACME configuration, to automatically obtain SSL certificates for the domains served by ejabberd,
           which means that certificate requests and renewals are performed to some CA server (aka "ACME
           server") in a fully automated mode. The Options are:

           auto: true | false
               Whether to automatically request certificates for all configured domains (that yet have no a
               certificate) on server start or configuration reload. The default is true.

           ca_url: URL
               The ACME directory URL used as an entry point for the ACME server. The default value is
      - the directory URL of Let’s Encrypt authority.

           cert_type: rsa | ec
               A type of a certificate key. Available values are ec and rsa for EC and RSA certificates
               respectively. It’s better to have RSA certificates for the purpose of backward compatibility with
               legacy clients and servers, thus the default is rsa.

           contact: [Contact, ...]
               A list of contact addresses (typically emails) where an ACME server will send notifications when
               problems occur. The value of Contact must be in the form of "scheme:address" (e.g.
               "mailto:user@domain.tld"). The default is an empty list which means an ACME server will send no


                   - mailto:admin@domain.tld
                   - mailto:bot@domain.tld
                 auto: true
                 cert_type: rsa

       allow_contrib_modules: true | false
           Whether to allow installation of third-party modules or not. See ejabberd-contrib documentation
           section. The default value is true.

       allow_multiple_connections: true | false
           This option is only used when the anonymous mode is enabled. Setting it to true means that the same
           username can be taken multiple times in anonymous login mode if different resource are used to
           connect. This option is only useful in very special occasions. The default value is false.

       anonymous_protocol: login_anon | sasl_anon | both
           Define what anonymous protocol will be used:

           •   login_anon means that the anonymous login method will be used.

           •   sasl_anon means that the SASL Anonymous method will be used.

           •   both means that SASL Anonymous and login anonymous are both enabled.

       The default value is sasl_anon.

       api_permissions: [Permission, ...]
           Define the permissions for API access. Please consult the ejabberd Docs web → For Developers →
           ejabberd ReST API → API Permissions.

       append_host_config: {Host: Options}
           To define specific ejabberd modules in a virtual host, you can define the global modules option with
           the common modules, and later add specific modules to certain virtual hosts. To accomplish that,
           append_host_config option can be used.

       auth_cache_life_time: timeout()
           Same as cache_life_time, but applied to authentication cache only. If not set, the value from
           cache_life_time will be used.

       auth_cache_missed: true | false
           Same as cache_missed, but applied to authentication cache only. If not set, the value from
           cache_missed will be used.

       auth_cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
           Same as cache_size, but applied to authentication cache only. If not set, the value from cache_size
           will be used.

       Note about the next option: added in 23.10:

       auth_external_user_exists_check: true | false
           Supplement check for user existence based on mod_last data, for authentication methods that don’t
           have a way to reliably tell if a user exists (like in the case for jwt and certificate based
           authentication). This helps with processing offline message for those users. The default value is

       auth_method: [mnesia | sql | anonymous | external | jwt | ldap | pam, ...]
           A list of authentication methods to use. If several methods are defined, authentication is considered
           successful as long as authentication of at least one of the methods succeeds. The default value is

       auth_opts: [Option, ...]
           This is used by the contributed module ejabberd_auth_http that can be installed from the
           ejabberd-contrib Git repository. Please refer to that module’s README file for details.

       Note about the next option: improved in 20.01:

       auth_password_format: plain | scram
           The option defines in what format the users passwords are stored:

           •   plain: The password is stored as plain text in the database. This is risky because the passwords
               can be read if your database gets compromised. This is the default value. This format allows
               clients to authenticate using: the old Jabber Non-SASL (XEP-0078), SASL PLAIN, SASL DIGEST-MD5,
               and SASL SCRAM-SHA-1.

           •   scram: The password is not stored, only some information that allows one to verify the hash
               provided by the client. It is impossible to obtain the original plain password from the stored
               information; for this reason, when this value is configured it cannot be changed to plain
               anymore. This format allows clients to authenticate using: SASL PLAIN and SASL SCRAM-SHA-1. The
               default value is plain.

       auth_scram_hash: sha | sha256 | sha512
           Hash algorithm that should be used to store password in SCRAM format. You shouldn’t change this if
           you already have passwords generated with a different algorithm - users that have such passwords will
           not be able to authenticate. The default value is sha.

       auth_use_cache: true | false
           Same as use_cache, but applied to authentication cache only. If not set, the value from use_cache
           will be used.

       c2s_cafile: Path
           Full path to a file containing one or more CA certificates in PEM format. All client certificates
           should be signed by one of these root CA certificates and should contain the corresponding JID(s) in
           subjectAltName field. There is no default value.

       You can use host_config to specify this option per-vhost.

       To set a specific file per listener, use the listener’s cafile option. Please notice that c2s_cafile
       overrides the listener’s cafile option.

       c2s_ciphers: [Cipher, ...]
           A list of OpenSSL ciphers to use for c2s connections. The default value is shown in the example


                 - HIGH
                 - "!aNULL"
                 - "!eNULL"
                 - "!3DES"
                 - "@STRENGTH"

       c2s_dhfile: Path
           Full path to a file containing custom DH parameters to use for c2s connections. Such a file could be
           created with the command "openssl dhparam -out dh.pem 2048". If this option is not specified,
           2048-bit MODP Group with 256-bit Prime Order Subgroup will be used as defined in RFC5114 Section 2.3.

       c2s_protocol_options: [Option, ...]
           List of general SSL options to use for c2s connections. These map to OpenSSL’s set_options(). The
           default value is shown in the example below:


                 - no_sslv3
                 - cipher_server_preference
                 - no_compression

       c2s_tls_compression: true | false
           Whether to enable or disable TLS compression for c2s connections. The default value is false.

       ca_file: Path
           Path to a file of CA root certificates. The default is to use system defined file if possible.

       For server connections, this ca_file option is overridden by the s2s_cafile option.

       cache_life_time: timeout()
           The time of a cached item to keep in cache. Once it’s expired, the corresponding item is erased from
           cache. The default value is 1 hour. Several modules have a similar option; and some core ejabberd
           parts support similar options too, see auth_cache_life_time, oauth_cache_life_time,
           router_cache_life_time, and sm_cache_life_time.

       cache_missed: true | false
           Whether or not to cache missed lookups. When there is an attempt to lookup for a value in a database
           and this value is not found and the option is set to true, this attempt will be cached and no
           attempts will be performed until the cache expires (see cache_life_time). Usually you don’t want to
           change it. Default is true. Several modules have a similar option; and some core ejabberd parts
           support similar options too, see auth_cache_missed, oauth_cache_missed, router_cache_missed, and

       cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
           A maximum number of items (not memory!) in cache. The rule of thumb, for all tables except rosters,
           you should set it to the number of maximum online users you expect. For roster multiply this number
           by 20 or so. If the cache size reaches this threshold, it’s fully cleared, i.e. all items are
           deleted, and the corresponding warning is logged. You should avoid frequent cache clearance, because
           this degrades performance. The default value is 1000. Several modules have a similar option; and some
           core ejabberd parts support similar options too, see auth_cache_size, oauth_cache_size,
           router_cache_size, and sm_cache_size.

       Note about the next option: improved in 23.01:

       captcha_cmd: Path | ModuleName
           Full path to a script that generates CAPTCHA images.  @VERSION@ is replaced with ejabberd version
           number in XX.YY format.  @SEMVER@ is replaced with ejabberd version number in semver format when
           compiled with Elixir’s mix, or XX.YY format otherwise. Alternatively, it can be the name of a module
           that implements ejabberd CAPTCHA support. There is no default value: when this option is not set,
           CAPTCHA functionality is completely disabled.

           When using the ejabberd installers or container image, the example captcha scripts can be used like

               captcha_cmd: /opt/ejabberd-@VERSION@/lib/ejabberd-@SEMVER@/priv/bin/

       captcha_host: String
           Deprecated. Use captcha_url instead.

       captcha_limit: pos_integer() | infinity
           Maximum number of CAPTCHA generated images per minute for any given JID. The option is intended to
           protect the server from CAPTCHA DoS. The default value is infinity.

       Note about the next option: improved in 23.04:

       captcha_url: URL | auto | undefined
           An URL where CAPTCHA requests should be sent. NOTE: you need to configure request_handlers for
           ejabberd_http listener as well. If set to auto, it builds the URL using a request_handler already
           enabled, with encryption if available. If set to undefined, it builds the URL using the deprecated
           captcha_host + /captcha. The default value is auto.

       certfiles: [Path, ...]
           The option accepts a list of file paths (optionally with wildcards) containing either PEM
           certificates or PEM private keys. At startup or configuration reload, ejabberd reads all certificates
           from these files, sorts them, removes duplicates, finds matching private keys and then rebuilds full
           certificate chains for the use in TLS connections. Use this option when TLS is enabled in either of
           ejabberd listeners: ejabberd_c2s, ejabberd_http and so on. NOTE: if you modify the certificate files
           or change the value of the option, run ejabberdctl reload-config in order to rebuild and reload the
           certificate chains.

           If you use Let’s Encrypt certificates for your domain "domain.tld", the configuration will look like

                 - /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.tld/fullchain.pem
                 - /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.tld/privkey.pem

       cluster_backend: Backend
           A database backend to use for storing information about cluster. The only available value so far is

       cluster_nodes: [Node, ...]
           A list of Erlang nodes to connect on ejabberd startup. This option is mostly intended for ejabberd
           customization and sophisticated setups. The default value is an empty list.

       default_db: mnesia | sql
           Default persistent storage for ejabberd. Modules and other components (e.g. authentication) may have
           its own value. The default value is mnesia.

       default_ram_db: mnesia | redis | sql
           Default volatile (in-memory) storage for ejabberd. Modules and other components (e.g. session
           management) may have its own value. The default value is mnesia.

       define_macro: {MacroName: MacroValue}
           Defines a macro. The value can be any valid arbitrary YAML value. For convenience, it’s recommended
           to define a MacroName in capital letters. Duplicated macros are not allowed. Macros are processed
           after additional configuration files have been included, so it is possible to use macros that are
           defined in configuration files included before the usage. It is possible to use a MacroValue in the
           definition of another macro.


                 DEBUG: debug
                 LOG_LEVEL: DEBUG
                   user: bob@localhost

               loglevel: LOG_LEVEL

                 admin: USERBOB

       disable_sasl_mechanisms: [Mechanism, ...]
           Specify a list of SASL mechanisms (such as DIGEST-MD5 or SCRAM-SHA1) that should not be offered to
           the client. For convenience, the value of Mechanism is case-insensitive. The default value is an
           empty list, i.e. no mechanisms are disabled by default.

       domain_balancing: {Domain: Options}
           An algorithm to load balance the components that are plugged on an ejabberd cluster. It means that
           you can plug one or several instances of the same component on each ejabberd node and that the
           traffic will be automatically distributed. The algorithm to deliver messages to the component(s) can
           be specified by this option. For any component connected as Domain, available Options are:

           component_number: 2..1000
               The number of components to balance.

           type: random | source | destination | bare_source | bare_destination
               How to deliver stanzas to connected components: random - an instance is chosen at random;
               destination - an instance is chosen by the full JID of the packet’s to attribute; source - by the
               full JID of the packet’s from attribute; bare_destination - by the bare JID (without resource) of
               the packet’s to attribute; bare_source - by the bare JID (without resource) of the packet’s from
               attribute is used. The default value is random.


                   type: destination
                   component_number: 5
                   type: bare_source

       ext_api_headers: Headers
           String of headers (separated with commas ,) that will be provided by ejabberd when sending ReST
           requests. The default value is an empty string of headers: "".

       ext_api_http_pool_size: pos_integer()
           Define the size of the HTTP pool, that is, the maximum number of sessions that the ejabberd ReST
           service will handle simultaneously. The default value is: 100.

       ext_api_path_oauth: Path
           Define the base URI path when performing OAUTH ReST requests. The default value is: "/oauth".

       ext_api_url: URL
           Define the base URI when performing ReST requests. The default value is: "http://localhost/api".

       extauth_pool_name: Name
           Define the pool name appendix, so the full pool name will be extauth_pool_Name. The default value is
           the hostname.

       extauth_pool_size: Size
           The option defines the number of instances of the same external program to start for better load
           balancing. The default is the number of available CPU cores.

       extauth_program: Path
           Indicate in this option the full path to the external authentication script. The script must be
           executable by ejabberd.

       fqdn: Domain
           A fully qualified domain name that will be used in SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication. The default is
           detected automatically.

       hide_sensitive_log_data: true | false
           A privacy option to not log sensitive data (mostly IP addresses). The default value is false for
           backward compatibility.

       host_config: {Host: Options}
           The option is used to redefine Options for virtual host Host. In the example below LDAP
           authentication method will be used on virtual host domain.tld and SQL method will be used on virtual


                 - domain.tld

                 - sql

                     - ldap

       hosts: [Domain1, Domain2, ...]
           The option defines a list containing one or more domains that ejabberd will serve. This is a
           mandatory option.

       include_config_file: [Filename, ...] | {Filename: Options}
           Read additional configuration from Filename. If the value is provided in {Filename: Options} format,
           the Options must be one of the following:

           allow_only: [OptionName, ...]
               Allows only the usage of those options in the included file Filename. The options that do not
               match this criteria are not accepted. The default value is to include all options.

           disallow: [OptionName, ...]
               Disallows the usage of those options in the included file Filename. The options that match this
               criteria are not accepted. The default value is an empty list.

       Note about the next option: added in 23.10:

       install_contrib_modules: [Module, ...]
           Modules to install from ejabberd-contrib at start time. The default value is an empty list of
           modules: [].

       jwt_auth_only_rule: AccessName
           This ACL rule defines accounts that can use only this auth method, even if others are also defined in
           the ejabberd configuration file. In other words: if there are several auth methods enabled for this
           host (JWT, SQL, ...), users that match this rule can only use JWT. The default value is none.

       jwt_jid_field: FieldName
           By default, the JID is defined in the "jid" JWT field. This option allows one to specify other JWT
           field name where the JID is defined.

       jwt_key: FilePath
           Path to the file that contains the JWK Key. The default value is undefined.

       language: Language
           The option defines the default language of server strings that can be seen by XMPP clients. If an
           XMPP client does not possess xml:lang attribute, the specified language is used. The default value is

       ldap_backups: [Host, ...]
           A list of IP addresses or DNS names of LDAP backup servers. When no servers listed in ldap_servers
           option are reachable, ejabberd will try to connect to these backup servers. The default is an empty
           list, i.e. no backup servers specified. WARNING: ejabberd doesn’t try to reconnect back to the main
           servers when they become operational again, so the only way to restore these connections is to
           restart ejabberd. This limitation might be fixed in future releases.

       ldap_base: Base
           LDAP base directory which stores users accounts. There is no default value: you must set the option
           in order for LDAP connections to work properly.

       ldap_deref_aliases: never | always | finding | searching
           Whether to dereference aliases or not. The default value is never.

       ldap_dn_filter: {Filter: FilterAttrs}
           This filter is applied on the results returned by the main filter. The filter performs an additional
           LDAP lookup to make the complete result. This is useful when you are unable to define all filter
           rules in ldap_filter. You can define "%u", "%d", "%s" and "%D" pattern variables in Filter: "%u" is
           replaced by a user’s part of the JID, "%d" is replaced by the corresponding domain (virtual host),
           all "%s" variables are consecutively replaced by values from the attributes in FilterAttrs and "%D"
           is replaced by Distinguished Name from the result set. There is no default value, which means the
           result is not filtered. WARNING: Since this filter makes additional LDAP lookups, use it only as the
           last resort: try to define all filter rules in ldap_filter option if possible.


                 "(&(name=%s)(owner=%D)(user=%u@%d))": [sn]

       ldap_encrypt: tls | none
           Whether to encrypt LDAP connection using TLS or not. The default value is none. NOTE: STARTTLS
           encryption is not supported.

       ldap_filter: Filter
           An LDAP filter as defined in RFC4515. There is no default value. Example:
           "(&(objectClass=shadowAccount)(memberOf=XMPP Users))". NOTE: don’t forget to close brackets and don’t
           use superfluous whitespaces. Also you must not use "uid" attribute in the filter because this
           attribute will be appended to the filter automatically.

       ldap_password: Password
           Bind password. The default value is an empty string.

       ldap_port: 1..65535
           Port to connect to your LDAP server. The default port is 389 if encryption is disabled and 636 if
           encryption is enabled.

       ldap_rootdn: RootDN
           Bind Distinguished Name. The default value is an empty string, which means "anonymous connection".

       ldap_servers: [Host, ...]
           A list of IP addresses or DNS names of your LDAP servers. The default value is [localhost].

       ldap_tls_cacertfile: Path
           A path to a file containing PEM encoded CA certificates. This option is required when TLS
           verification is enabled.

       ldap_tls_certfile: Path
           A path to a file containing PEM encoded certificate along with PEM encoded private key. This
           certificate will be provided by ejabberd when TLS enabled for LDAP connections. There is no default
           value, which means no client certificate will be sent.

       ldap_tls_depth: Number
           Specifies the maximum verification depth when TLS verification is enabled, i.e. how far in a chain of
           certificates the verification process can proceed before the verification is considered to be failed.
           Peer certificate = 0, CA certificate = 1, higher level CA certificate = 2, etc. The value 2 thus
           means that a chain can at most contain peer cert, CA cert, next CA cert, and an additional CA cert.
           The default value is 1.

       ldap_tls_verify: false | soft | hard
           This option specifies whether to verify LDAP server certificate or not when TLS is enabled. When hard
           is set, ejabberd doesn’t proceed if the certificate is invalid. When soft is set, ejabberd proceeds
           even if the check has failed. The default is false, which means no checks are performed.

       ldap_uids: [Attr] | {Attr: AttrFormat}
           LDAP attributes which hold a list of attributes to use as alternatives for getting the JID, where
           Attr is an LDAP attribute which holds the user’s part of the JID and AttrFormat must contain one and
           only one pattern variable "%u" which will be replaced by the user’s part of the JID. For example,
           "". If the value is in the form of [Attr] then AttrFormat is assumed to be "%u".

       listen: [Options, ...]
           The option for listeners configuration. See the Listen Modules section for details.

       Note about the next option: added in 22.10:

       log_burst_limit_count: Number
           The number of messages to accept in log_burst_limit_window_time period before starting to drop them.
           Default 500

       Note about the next option: added in 22.10:

       log_burst_limit_window_time: Number
           The time period to rate-limit log messages by. Defaults to 1 second.

       Note about the next option: added in 23.01:

       log_modules_fully: [Module, ...]
           List of modules that will log everything independently from the general loglevel option.

       log_rotate_count: Number
           The number of rotated log files to keep. The default value is 1, which means that only keeps
           ejabberd.log.0, error.log.0 and crash.log.0.

       log_rotate_size: pos_integer() | infinity
           The size (in bytes) of a log file to trigger rotation. If set to infinity, log rotation is disabled.
           The default value is 10485760 (that is, 10 Mb).

       loglevel: none | emergency | alert | critical | error | warning | notice | info | debug
           Verbosity of log files generated by ejabberd. The default value is info. NOTE: previous versions of
           ejabberd had log levels defined in numeric format (0..5). The numeric values are still accepted for
           backward compatibility, but are not recommended.

       max_fsm_queue: Size
           This option specifies the maximum number of elements in the queue of the FSM (Finite State Machine).
           Roughly speaking, each message in such queues represents one XML stanza queued to be sent into its
           relevant outgoing stream. If queue size reaches the limit (because, for example, the receiver of
           stanzas is too slow), the FSM and the corresponding connection (if any) will be terminated and error
           message will be logged. The reasonable value for this option depends on your hardware configuration.
           The allowed values are positive integers. The default value is 10000.

       modules: {Module: Options}
           The option for modules configuration. See Modules section for details.

       negotiation_timeout: timeout()
           Time to wait for an XMPP stream negotiation to complete. When timeout occurs, the corresponding XMPP
           stream is closed. The default value is 30 seconds.

       net_ticktime: timeout()
           This option can be used to tune tick time parameter of net_kernel. It tells Erlang VM how often nodes
           should check if intra-node communication was not interrupted. This option must have identical value
           on all nodes, or it will lead to subtle bugs. Usually leaving default value of this is option is
           best, tweak it only if you know what you are doing. The default value is 1 minute.

       new_sql_schema: true | false
           Whether to use new SQL schema. All schemas are located at
  There are two schemas available. The default
           legacy schema allows one to store one XMPP domain into one ejabberd database. The new schema allows
           one to handle several XMPP domains in a single ejabberd database. Using this new schema is best when
           serving several XMPP domains and/or changing domains from time to time. This avoid need to manage
           several databases and handle complex configuration changes. The default depends on configuration flag
           --enable-new-sql-schema which is set at compile time.

       oauth_access: AccessName
           By default creating OAuth tokens is not allowed. To define which users can create OAuth tokens, you
           can refer to an ejabberd access rule in the oauth_access option. Use all to allow everyone to create

       oauth_cache_life_time: timeout()
           Same as cache_life_time, but applied to OAuth cache only. If not set, the value from cache_life_time
           will be used.

       oauth_cache_missed: true | false
           Same as cache_missed, but applied to OAuth cache only. If not set, the value from cache_missed will
           be used.

       Note about the next option: added in 21.01:

       oauth_cache_rest_failure_life_time: timeout()
           The time that a failure in OAuth ReST is cached. The default value is infinity.

       oauth_cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
           Same as cache_size, but applied to OAuth cache only. If not set, the value from cache_size will be

       oauth_client_id_check: allow | db | deny
           Define whether the client authentication is always allowed, denied, or it will depend if the client
           ID is present in the database. The default value is allow.

       oauth_db_type: mnesia | sql
           Database backend to use for OAuth authentication. The default value is picked from default_db option,
           or if it’s not set, mnesia will be used.

       oauth_expire: timeout()
           Time during which the OAuth token is valid, in seconds. After that amount of time, the token expires
           and the delegated credential cannot be used and is removed from the database. The default is 4294967

       oauth_use_cache: true | false
           Same as use_cache, but applied to OAuth cache only. If not set, the value from use_cache will be

       oom_killer: true | false
           Enable or disable OOM (out-of-memory) killer. When system memory raises above the limit defined in
           oom_watermark option, ejabberd triggers OOM killer to terminate most memory consuming Erlang
           processes. Note that in order to maintain functionality, ejabberd only attempts to kill transient
           processes, such as those managing client sessions, s2s or database connections. The default value is

       oom_queue: Size
           Trigger OOM killer when some of the running Erlang processes have messages queue above this Size.
           Note that such processes won’t be killed if oom_killer option is set to false or if oom_watermark is
           not reached yet.

       oom_watermark: Percent
           A percent of total system memory consumed at which OOM killer should be activated with some of the
           processes possibly be killed (see oom_killer option). Later, when memory drops below this Percent,
           OOM killer is deactivated. The default value is 80 percents.

       Note about the next option: changed in 23.01:

       outgoing_s2s_families: [ipv6 | ipv4, ...]
           Specify which address families to try, in what order. The default is [ipv6, ipv4] which means it
           first tries connecting with IPv6, if that fails it tries using IPv4. This option is obsolete and
           irrelevant when using ejabberd 23.01 and Erlang/OTP 22, or newer versions of them.

       Note about the next option: added in 20.12:

       outgoing_s2s_ipv4_address: Address
           Specify the IPv4 address that will be used when establishing an outgoing S2S IPv4 connection, for
           example "". The default value is undefined.

       Note about the next option: added in 20.12:

       outgoing_s2s_ipv6_address: Address
           Specify the IPv6 address that will be used when establishing an outgoing S2S IPv6 connection, for
           example "::FFFF:". The default value is undefined.

       outgoing_s2s_port: 1..65535
           A port number to use for outgoing s2s connections when the target server doesn’t have an SRV record.
           The default value is 5269.

       outgoing_s2s_timeout: timeout()
           The timeout in seconds for outgoing S2S connection attempts. The default value is 10 seconds.

       pam_service: Name
           This option defines the PAM service name. Refer to the PAM documentation of your operation system for
           more information. The default value is ejabberd.

       pam_userinfotype: username | jid
           This option defines what type of information about the user ejabberd provides to the PAM service:
           only the username, or the user’s JID. Default is username.

       pgsql_users_number_estimate: true | false
           Whether to use PostgreSQL estimation when counting registered users. The default value is false.

       queue_dir: Directory
           If queue_type option is set to file, use this Directory to store file queues. The default is to keep
           queues inside Mnesia directory.

       queue_type: ram | file
           Default type of queues in ejabberd. Modules may have its own value of the option. The value of ram
           means that queues will be kept in memory. If value file is set, you may also specify directory in
           queue_dir option where file queues will be placed. The default value is ram.

       redis_connect_timeout: timeout()
           A timeout to wait for the connection to be re-established to the Redis server. The default is 1

       redis_db: Number
           Redis database number. The default is 0.

       redis_password: Password
           The password to the Redis server. The default is an empty string, i.e. no password.

       redis_pool_size: Number
           The number of simultaneous connections to the Redis server. The default value is 10.

       redis_port: 1..65535
           The port where the Redis server is accepting connections. The default is 6379.

       redis_queue_type: ram | file
           The type of request queue for the Redis server. See description of queue_type option for the
           explanation. The default value is the value defined in queue_type or ram if the latter is not set.

       redis_server: Hostname
           A hostname or an IP address of the Redis server. The default is localhost.

       registration_timeout: timeout()
           This is a global option for module mod_register. It limits the frequency of registrations from a
           given IP or username. So, a user that tries to register a new account from the same IP address or JID
           during this time after their previous registration will receive an error with the corresponding
           explanation. To disable this limitation, set the value to infinity. The default value is 600 seconds.

       resource_conflict: setresource | closeold | closenew
           NOTE: this option is deprecated and may be removed anytime in the future versions. The possible
           values match exactly the three possibilities described in XMPP Core: section The default
           value is closeold. If the client uses old Jabber Non-SASL authentication (XEP-0078), then this option
           is not respected, and the action performed is closeold.

       router_cache_life_time: timeout()
           Same as cache_life_time, but applied to routing table cache only. If not set, the value from
           cache_life_time will be used.

       router_cache_missed: true | false
           Same as cache_missed, but applied to routing table cache only. If not set, the value from
           cache_missed will be used.

       router_cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
           Same as cache_size, but applied to routing table cache only. If not set, the value from cache_size
           will be used.

       router_db_type: mnesia | redis | sql
           Database backend to use for routing information. The default value is picked from default_ram_db
           option, or if it’s not set, mnesia will be used.

       router_use_cache: true | false
           Same as use_cache, but applied to routing table cache only. If not set, the value from use_cache will
           be used.

       rpc_timeout: timeout()
           A timeout for remote function calls between nodes in an ejabberd cluster. You should probably never
           change this value since those calls are used for internal needs only. The default value is 5 seconds.

       s2s_access: Access
           This Access Rule defines to what remote servers can s2s connections be established. The default value
           is all; no restrictions are applied, it is allowed to connect s2s to/from all remote servers.

       s2s_cafile: Path
           A path to a file with CA root certificates that will be used to authenticate s2s connections. If not
           set, the value of ca_file will be used.

       You can use host_config to specify this option per-vhost.

       s2s_ciphers: [Cipher, ...]
           A list of OpenSSL ciphers to use for s2s connections. The default value is shown in the example


                 - HIGH
                 - "!aNULL"
                 - "!eNULL"
                 - "!3DES"
                 - "@STRENGTH"

       s2s_dhfile: Path
           Full path to a file containing custom DH parameters to use for s2s connections. Such a file could be
           created with the command "openssl dhparam -out dh.pem 2048". If this option is not specified,
           2048-bit MODP Group with 256-bit Prime Order Subgroup will be used as defined in RFC5114 Section 2.3.

       s2s_dns_retries: Number
           DNS resolving retries. The default value is 2.

       s2s_dns_timeout: timeout()
           The timeout for DNS resolving. The default value is 10 seconds.

       s2s_max_retry_delay: timeout()
           The maximum allowed delay for s2s connection retry to connect after a failed connection attempt. The
           default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

       s2s_protocol_options: [Option, ...]
           List of general SSL options to use for s2s connections. These map to OpenSSL’s set_options(). The
           default value is shown in the example below:


                 - no_sslv3
                 - cipher_server_preference
                 - no_compression

       s2s_queue_type: ram | file
           The type of a queue for s2s packets. See description of queue_type option for the explanation. The
           default value is the value defined in queue_type or ram if the latter is not set.

       s2s_timeout: timeout()
           A time to wait before closing an idle s2s connection. The default value is 1 hour.

       s2s_tls_compression: true | false
           Whether to enable or disable TLS compression for s2s connections. The default value is false.

       s2s_use_starttls: true | false | optional | required
           Whether to use STARTTLS for s2s connections. The value of false means STARTTLS is prohibited. The
           value of true or optional means STARTTLS is enabled but plain connections are still allowed. And the
           value of required means that only STARTTLS connections are allowed. The default value is false (for
           historical reasons).

       s2s_zlib: true | false
           Whether to use zlib compression (as defined in XEP-0138) or not. The default value is false. WARNING:
           this type of compression is nowadays considered insecure.

       shaper: {ShaperName: Rate}
           The option defines a set of shapers. Every shaper is assigned a name ShaperName that can be used in
           other parts of the configuration file, such as shaper_rules option. The shaper itself is defined by
           its Rate, where Rate stands for the maximum allowed incoming rate in bytes per second. When a
           connection exceeds this limit, ejabberd stops reading from the socket until the average rate is again
           below the allowed maximum. In the example below shaper normal limits the traffic speed to 1,000
           bytes/sec and shaper fast limits the traffic speed to 50,000 bytes/sec:


                 normal: 1000
                 fast: 50000

       shaper_rules: {ShaperRuleName: {Number|ShaperName: ACLRule|ACLName}}
           An entry allowing to declaring shaper to use for matching user/hosts. Semantics is similar to
           access_rules option, the only difference is that instead using allow or deny, a name of a shaper
           (defined in shaper option) or a positive number should be used.


                   100: admin
                   5: all
                   fast: admin
                   slow: anonymous_users
                   normal: all
                 log_days: 30

       sm_cache_life_time: timeout()
           Same as cache_life_time, but applied to client sessions table cache only. If not set, the value from
           cache_life_time will be used.

       sm_cache_missed: true | false
           Same as cache_missed, but applied to client sessions table cache only. If not set, the value from
           cache_missed will be used.

       sm_cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
           Same as cache_size, but applied to client sessions table cache only. If not set, the value from
           cache_size will be used.

       sm_db_type: mnesia | redis | sql
           Database backend to use for client sessions information. The default value is picked from
           default_ram_db option, or if it’s not set, mnesia will be used.

       sm_use_cache: true | false
           Same as use_cache, but applied to client sessions table cache only. If not set, the value from
           use_cache will be used.

       sql_connect_timeout: timeout()
           A time to wait for connection to an SQL server to be established. The default value is 5 seconds.

       sql_database: Database
           An SQL database name. For SQLite this must be a full path to a database file. The default value is

       sql_keepalive_interval: timeout()
           An interval to make a dummy SQL request to keep alive the connections to the database. There is no
           default value, so no keepalive requests are made.

       Note about the next option: added in 20.12:

       sql_odbc_driver: Path
           Path to the ODBC driver to use to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database. This option only
           applies if the sql_type option is set to mssql and sql_server is not an ODBC connection string. The
           default value is:

       sql_password: Password
           The password for SQL authentication. The default is empty string.

       sql_pool_size: Size
           Number of connections to the SQL server that ejabberd will open for each virtual host. The default
           value is 10. WARNING: for SQLite this value is 1 by default and it’s not recommended to change it due
           to potential race conditions.

       sql_port: 1..65535
           The port where the SQL server is accepting connections. The default is 3306 for MySQL, 5432 for
           PostgreSQL and 1433 for MS SQL. The option has no effect for SQLite.

       Note about the next option: added in 20.01:

       sql_prepared_statements: true | false
           This option is true by default, and is useful to disable prepared statements. The option is valid for

       sql_query_timeout: timeout()
           A time to wait for an SQL query response. The default value is 60 seconds.

       sql_queue_type: ram | file
           The type of a request queue for the SQL server. See description of queue_type option for the
           explanation. The default value is the value defined in queue_type or ram if the latter is not set.

       sql_server: Host
           The hostname or IP address of the SQL server. For sql_type mssql or odbc this can also be an ODBC
           connection string. The default value is localhost.

       Note about the next option: improved in 20.03:

       sql_ssl: true | false
           Whether to use SSL encrypted connections to the SQL server. The option is only available for MySQL,
           MS SQL and PostgreSQL. The default value is false.

       sql_ssl_cafile: Path
           A path to a file with CA root certificates that will be used to verify SQL connections. Implies
           sql_ssl and sql_ssl_verify options are set to true. There is no default which means certificate
           verification is disabled. This option has no effect for MS SQL.

       sql_ssl_certfile: Path
           A path to a certificate file that will be used for SSL connections to the SQL server. Implies sql_ssl
           option is set to true. There is no default which means ejabberd won’t provide a client certificate to
           the SQL server. This option has no effect for MS SQL.

       sql_ssl_verify: true | false
           Whether to verify SSL connection to the SQL server against CA root certificates defined in
           sql_ssl_cafile option. Implies sql_ssl option is set to true. This option has no effect for MS SQL.
           The default value is false.

       sql_start_interval: timeout()
           A time to wait before retrying to restore failed SQL connection. The default value is 30 seconds.

       sql_type: mssql | mysql | odbc | pgsql | sqlite
           The type of an SQL connection. The default is odbc.

       sql_username: Username
           A user name for SQL authentication. The default value is ejabberd.

       trusted_proxies: all | [Network1, Network2, ...]
           Specify what proxies are trusted when an HTTP request contains the header X-Forwarded-For. You can
           specify all to allow all proxies, or specify a list of IPs, possibly with masks. The default value is
           an empty list. This allows one, if enabled, to be able to know the real IP of the request, for admin
           purpose, or security configuration (for example using mod_fail2ban). IMPORTANT: The proxy MUST be
           configured to set the X-Forwarded-For header if you enable this option as, otherwise, the client can
           set it itself and as a result the IP value cannot be trusted for security rules in ejabberd.

       use_cache: true | false
           Enable or disable cache. The default is true. Several modules have a similar option; and some core
           ejabberd parts support similar options too, see auth_use_cache, oauth_use_cache, router_use_cache,
           and sm_use_cache.

       validate_stream: true | false
           Whether to validate any incoming XML packet according to the schemas of supported XMPP extensions.
           WARNING: the validation is only intended for the use by client developers - don’t enable it in
           production environment. The default value is false.

       version: string()
           The option can be used to set custom ejabberd version, that will be used by different parts of
           ejabberd, for example by mod_version module. The default value is obtained at compile time from the
           underlying version control system.

       websocket_origin: ignore | URL
           This option enables validation for Origin header to protect against connections from other domains
           than given in the configuration file. In this way, the lower layer load balancer can be chosen for a
           specific ejabberd implementation while still providing a secure WebSocket connection. The default
           value is ignore. An example value of the URL is "".

       websocket_ping_interval: timeout()
           Defines time between pings sent by the server to a client (WebSocket level protocol pings are used
           for this) to keep a connection active. If the client doesn’t respond to two consecutive pings, the
           connection will be assumed as closed. The value of 0 can be used to disable the feature. This option
           makes the server sending pings only for connections using the RFC compliant protocol. For older style
           connections the server expects that whitespace pings would be used for this purpose. The default
           value is 60 seconds.

       websocket_timeout: timeout()
           Amount of time without any communication after which the connection would be closed. The default
           value is 300 seconds.


       This section describes options of all ejabberd modules.

       This module implements XEP-0050: Ad-Hoc Commands. It’s an auxiliary module and is only needed by some of
       the other modules.

       Available options:

           report_commands_node: true | false
               Provide the Commands item in the Service Discovery. Default value: false.

       This module provides additional administrative commands.

       Details for some commands:

       •   ban-acount: This command kicks all the connected sessions of the account from the server. It also
           changes their password to a randomly generated one, so they can’t login anymore unless a server
           administrator changes their password again. It is possible to define the reason of the ban. The new
           password also includes the reason and the date and time of the ban. See an example below.

       •   pushroster: (and pushroster-all) The roster file must be placed, if using Windows, on the directory
           where you installed ejabberd: C:/Program Files/ejabberd or similar. If you use other Operating
           System, place the file on the same directory where the .beam files are installed. See below an
           example roster file.

       •   srg-create: If you want to put a group Name with blankspaces, use the characters "' and '" to define
           when the Name starts and ends. See an example below.

       The module has no options.


           With this configuration, vCards can only be modified with mod_admin_extra commands:

                   - resource: "modadminextraf8x,31ad"
                   - allow: adminextraresource
                 mod_admin_extra: {}
                   access_set: vcard_set

           Content of roster file for pushroster command:

               [{<<"bob">>, <<"">>, <<"workers">>, <<"Bob">>},
               {<<"mart">>, <<"">>, <<"workers">>, <<"Mart">>},
               {<<"Rich">>, <<"">>, <<"bosses">>, <<"Rich">>}].

           With this call, the sessions of the local account which JID is will be kicked, and
           its password will be set to something like BANNED_ACCOUNT—20080425T21:45:07—2176635—Spammed_rooms

               ejabberdctl vhost ban-account boby "Spammed rooms"

           Call to srg-create using double-quotes and single-quotes:

               ejabberdctl srg-create g1 "'Group number 1'" this_is_g1 g1

       This module can be used to update existing SQL database from the default to the new schema. Check the
       section Default and New Schemas for details. Please note that only MS SQL, MySQL, and PostgreSQL are
       supported. When the module is loaded use update_sql API.

       The module has no options.

       This module enables configured users to broadcast announcements and to set the message of the day (MOTD).
       Configured users can perform these actions with an XMPP client either using Ad-hoc Commands or sending
       messages to specific JIDs.

       Note that this module can be resource intensive on large deployments as it may broadcast a lot of
       messages. This module should be disabled for instances of ejabberd with hundreds of thousands users.

       The Ad-hoc Commands are listed in the Server Discovery. For this feature to work, mod_adhoc must be

       The specific JIDs where messages can be sent are listed below. The first JID in each entry will apply
       only to the specified virtual host, while the JID between brackets will apply to all virtual
       hosts in ejabberd:

       • ( The message is sent to all registered
           users. If the user is online and connected to several resources, only the resource with the highest
           priority will receive the message. If the registered user is not connected, the message will be
           stored offline in assumption that offline storage (see mod_offline) is enabled.

       • ( The message is sent to all
           connected users. If the user is online and connected to several resources, all resources will receive
           the message.

       • ( The message is set as the message
           of the day (MOTD) and is sent to users when they login. In addition the message is sent to all
           connected users (similar to announce/online).

       • ( The message is set as
           message of the day (MOTD) and is sent to users when they login. The message is not sent to any
           currently connected user.

       • ( Any message sent to
           this JID removes the existing message of the day (MOTD).

       Available options:

           access: AccessName
               This option specifies who is allowed to send announcements and to set the message of the day. The
               default value is none (i.e. nobody is able to send such messages).

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_missed: true | false
               Same as top-level cache_missed option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

           use_cache: true | false
               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.

       The purpose of the module is to cope with legacy and modern XMPP clients posting avatars. The process is
       described in XEP-0398: User Avatar to vCard-Based Avatars Conversion.

       Also, the module supports conversion between avatar image formats on the fly.

       The module depends on mod_vcard, mod_vcard_xupdate and mod_pubsub.

       Available options:

           convert: {From: To}
               Defines image conversion rules: the format in From will be converted to format in To. The value
               of From can also be default, which is match-all rule. NOTE: the list of supported formats is
               detected at compile time depending on the image libraries installed in the system.


                     webp: jpg
                     default: png

           rate_limit: Number
               Limit any given JID by the number of avatars it is able to convert per minute. This is to protect
               the server from image conversion DoS. The default value is 10.

       This module allows one to block/log messages coming from an unknown entity. If a writing entity is not in
       your roster, you can let this module drop and/or log the message. By default you’ll just not receive
       message from that entity. Enable this module if you want to drop SPAM messages.

       Available options:

           access: AccessName
               The option is supposed to be used when allow_local_users and allow_transports are not enough.
               It’s an ACL where deny means the message will be rejected (or a CAPTCHA would be generated for a
               presence, if configured), and allow means the sender is whitelisted and the stanza will pass
               through. The default value is none, which means nothing is whitelisted.

           allow_local_users: true | false
               This option specifies if strangers from the same local host should be accepted or not. The
               default value is true.

           allow_transports: true | false
               If set to true and some server’s JID is in user’s roster, then messages from any user of this
               server are accepted even if no subscription present. The default value is true.

           captcha: true | false
               Whether to generate CAPTCHA or not in response to messages from strangers. See also section
               CAPTCHA of the Configuration Guide. The default value is false.

           drop: true | false
               This option specifies if strangers messages should be dropped or not. The default value is true.

           log: true | false
               This option specifies if strangers' messages should be logged (as info message) in ejabberd.log.
               The default value is false.

       The module implements XEP-0191: Blocking Command.

       This module depends on mod_privacy where all the configuration is performed.

       The module has no options.

       This module implements XMPP over BOSH as defined in XEP-0124 and XEP-0206. BOSH stands for
       Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP. It makes it possible to simulate long lived connections
       required by XMPP over the HTTP protocol. In practice, this module makes it possible to use XMPP in a
       browser without WebSocket support and more generally to have a way to use XMPP while having to get
       through an HTTP proxy.

       Available options:

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_missed: true | false
               Same as top-level cache_missed option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           json: true | false
               This option has no effect.

           max_concat: pos_integer() | infinity
               This option limits the number of stanzas that the server will send in a single bosh request. The
               default value is unlimited.

           max_inactivity: timeout()
               The option defines the maximum inactivity period. The default value is 30 seconds.

           max_pause: pos_integer()
               Indicate the maximum length of a temporary session pause (in seconds) that a client can request.
               The default value is 120.

           prebind: true | false
               If enabled, the client can create the session without going through authentication. Basically, it
               creates a new session with anonymous authentication. The default value is false.

           queue_type: ram | file
               Same as top-level queue_type option, but applied to this module only.

           ram_db_type: mnesia | sql | redis
               Same as top-level default_ram_db option, but applied to this module only.

           use_cache: true | false
               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.


                   port: 5222
                   module: ejabberd_c2s
                   port: 5443
                   module: ejabberd_http
                     /bosh: mod_bosh

                 mod_bosh: {}

       This module implements XEP-0115: Entity Capabilities. The main purpose of the module is to provide PEP
       functionality (see mod_pubsub).

       Available options:

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_missed: true | false
               Same as top-level cache_missed option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

           use_cache: true | false
               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.

       The module implements XEP-0280: Message Carbons. The module broadcasts messages on all connected user
       resources (devices).

       The module has no options.

       This module allows for queueing certain types of stanzas when a client indicates that the user is not
       actively using the client right now (see XEP-0352: Client State Indication). This can save bandwidth and

       A stanza is dropped from the queue if it’s effectively obsoleted by a new one (e.g., a new presence
       stanza would replace an old one from the same client). The queue is flushed if a stanza arrives that
       won’t be queued, or if the queue size reaches a certain limit (currently 100 stanzas), or if the client
       becomes active again.

       Available options:

           queue_chat_states: true | false
               Queue "standalone" chat state notifications (as defined in XEP-0085: Chat State Notifications)
               while a client indicates inactivity. The default value is true.

           queue_pep: true | false
               Queue PEP notifications while a client is inactive. When the queue is flushed, only the most
               recent notification of a given PEP node is delivered. The default value is true.

           queue_presence: true | false
               While a client is inactive, queue presence stanzas that indicate (un)availability. The default
               value is true.

       The module provides server configuration functionality via XEP-0050: Ad-Hoc Commands. This module
       requires mod_adhoc to be loaded.

       The module has no options.

       This module serves a simple page for the Converse XMPP web browser client.

       This module is available since ejabberd 21.12. Several options were improved in ejabberd 22.05.

       To use this module, in addition to adding it to the modules section, you must also enable it in listenejabberd_http → request_handlers.

       Make sure either mod_bosh or ejabberd_http_ws request_handlers are enabled.

       When conversejs_css and conversejs_script are auto, by default they point to the public Converse client.

       Available options:

           bosh_service_url: auto | BoshURL
               BOSH service URL to which Converse can connect to. The keyword @HOST@ is replaced with the real
               virtual host name. If set to auto, it will build the URL of the first configured BOSH request
               handler. The default value is auto.

           conversejs_css: auto | URL
               Converse CSS URL. The keyword @HOST@ is replaced with the hostname. The default value is auto.

           Note about the next option: added in 22.05:

           conversejs_options: {Name: Value}
               Specify additional options to be passed to Converse. See Converse configuration. Only boolean,
               integer and string values are supported; lists are not supported.

           Note about the next option: added in 22.05:

           conversejs_resources: Path
               Local path to the Converse files. If not set, the public Converse client will be used instead.

           conversejs_script: auto | URL
               Converse main script URL. The keyword @HOST@ is replaced with the hostname. The default value is

           default_domain: Domain
               Specify a domain to act as the default for user JIDs. The keyword @HOST@ is replaced with the
               hostname. The default value is @HOST@.

           websocket_url: auto | WebSocketURL
               A WebSocket URL to which Converse can connect to. The keyword @HOST@ is replaced with the real
               virtual host name. If set to auto, it will build the URL of the first configured WebSocket
               request handler. The default value is auto.


           Manually setup WebSocket url, and use the public Converse client:

                   port: 5280
                   module: ejabberd_http
                     /bosh: mod_bosh
                     /websocket: ejabberd_http_ws
                     /conversejs: mod_conversejs

                 mod_bosh: {}
                   websocket_url: "ws://@HOST@:5280/websocket"

           Host Converse locally and let auto detection of WebSocket and Converse URLs:

                   port: 443
                   module: ejabberd_http
                   tls: true
                     /websocket: ejabberd_http_ws
                     /conversejs: mod_conversejs

                   conversejs_resources: "/home/ejabberd/conversejs-9.0.0/package/dist"

           Configure some additional options for Converse

                   websocket_url: auto
                     auto_away: 30
                     clear_cache_on_logout: true
                     i18n: "pt"
                     locked_domain: "@HOST@"
                     message_archiving: always
                     theme: dracula

       This module is an implementation of XEP-0355: Namespace Delegation. Only admin mode has been implemented
       by now. Namespace delegation allows external services to handle IQ using specific namespace. This may be
       applied for external PEP service.


           Security issue: Namespace delegation gives components access to sensitive data, so permission should
           be granted carefully, only if you trust the component.


           This module is complementary to mod_privilege but can also be used separately.

       Available options:

           namespaces: {Namespace: Options}
               If you want to delegate namespaces to a component, specify them in this option, and associate
               them to an access rule. The Options are:

               access: AccessName
                   The option defines which components are allowed for namespace delegation. The default value
                   is none.

               filtering: Attributes
                   The list of attributes. Currently not used.


           Make sure you do not delegate the same namespace to several services at the same time. As in the
           example provided later, to have the component perform correctly disable the
           mod_pubsub module.

                   allow: external_component
                   allow: external_component


                       access: external_mam
                       access: external_pubsub

       This module adds support for XEP-0030: Service Discovery. With this module enabled, services on your
       server can be discovered by XMPP clients.

       Available options:

           extra_domains: [Domain, ...]
               With this option, you can specify a list of extra domains that are added to the Service Discovery
               item list. The default value is an empty list.

           name: Name
               A name of the server in the Service Discovery. This will only be displayed by special XMPP
               clients. The default value is ejabberd.

           server_info: [Info, ...]
               Specify additional information about the server, as described in XEP-0157: Contact Addresses for
               XMPP Services. Every Info element in the list is constructed from the following options:

               modules: all | [Module, ...]
                   The value can be the keyword all, in which case the information is reported in all the
                   services, or a list of ejabberd modules, in which case the information is only specified for
                   the services provided by those modules.

               name: Name
                   The field var name that will be defined. See XEP-0157 for some standardized names.

               urls: [URI, ...]
                   A list of contact URIs, such as HTTP URLs, XMPP URIs and so on.


                       modules: all
                       name: abuse-addresses
                       urls: ["mailto:abuse@shakespeare.lit"]
                       modules: [mod_muc]
                       name: "Web chatroom logs"
                       urls: [""]
                       modules: [mod_disco]
                       name: feedback-addresses
                         - http://shakespeare.lit/feedback.php
                         - mailto:feedback@shakespeare.lit
                         - xmpp:feedback@shakespeare.lit
                         - mod_disco
                         - mod_vcard
                       name: admin-addresses
                         - mailto:xmpp@shakespeare.lit
                         - xmpp:admins@shakespeare.lit

       The module bans IPs that show the malicious signs. Currently only C2S authentication failures are

       Unlike the standalone program, mod_fail2ban clears the record of authentication failures after some time
       since the first failure or on a successful authentication. It also does not simply block network traffic,
       but provides the client with a descriptive error message.


           You should not use this module behind a proxy or load balancer. ejabberd will see the failures as
           coming from the load balancer and, when the threshold of auth failures is reached, will reject all
           connections coming from the load balancer. You can lock all your user base out of ejabberd when using
           this module behind a proxy.

       Available options:

           access: AccessName
               Specify an access rule for whitelisting IP addresses or networks. If the rule returns allow for a
               given IP address, that address will never be banned. The AccessName should be of type ip. The
               default value is none.

           c2s_auth_ban_lifetime: timeout()
               The lifetime of the IP ban caused by too many C2S authentication failures. The default value is 1

           c2s_max_auth_failures: Number
               The number of C2S authentication failures to trigger the IP ban. The default value is 20.

       This module serves small host-meta files as described in XEP-0156: Discovering Alternative XMPP
       Connection Methods.

       This module is available since ejabberd 22.05.

       To use this module, in addition to adding it to the modules section, you must also enable it in listenejabberd_http → request_handlers.

       Notice it only works if ejabberd_http has tls enabled.

       Available options:

           bosh_service_url: undefined | auto | BoshURL
               BOSH service URL to announce. The keyword @HOST@ is replaced with the real virtual host name. If
               set to auto, it will build the URL of the first configured BOSH request handler. The default
               value is auto.

           websocket_url: undefined | auto | WebSocketURL
               WebSocket URL to announce. The keyword @HOST@ is replaced with the real virtual host name. If set
               to auto, it will build the URL of the first configured WebSocket request handler. The default
               value is auto.


                   port: 443
                   module: ejabberd_http
                   tls: true
                     /bosh: mod_bosh
                     /ws: ejabberd_http_ws
                     /.well-known/host-meta: mod_host_meta
                     /.well-known/host-meta.json: mod_host_meta

                 mod_bosh: {}
                   bosh_service_url: "https://@HOST@:5443/bosh"
                   websocket_url: "wss://@HOST@:5443/ws"

       This module provides a ReST interface to call ejabberd API commands using JSON data.

       To use this module, in addition to adding it to the modules section, you must also enable it in listenejabberd_http → request_handlers.

       To use a specific API version N, when defining the URL path in the request_handlers, add a vN. For
       example: /api/v2: mod_http_api

       To run a command, send a POST request to the corresponding URL: http://localhost:5280/api/<command_name>

       The module has no options.


                   port: 5280
                   module: ejabberd_http
                     /api: mod_http_api

                 mod_http_api: {}

       This simple module serves files from the local disk over HTTP.

       Available options:

           accesslog: Path
               File to log accesses using an Apache-like format. No log will be recorded if this option is not

           content_types: {Extension: Type}
               Specify mappings of extension to content type. There are several content types already defined.
               With this option you can add new definitions or modify existing ones. The default values are:


                     .css: text/css
                     .gif: image/gif
                     .html: text/html
                     .jar: application/java-archive
                     .jpeg: image/jpeg
                     .jpg: image/jpeg
                     .js: text/javascript
                     .png: image/png
                     .svg: image/svg+xml
                     .txt: text/plain
                     .xml: application/xml
                     .xpi: application/x-xpinstall
                     .xul: application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml

           custom_headers: {Name: Value}
               Indicate custom HTTP headers to be included in all responses. There are no custom headers by

           default_content_type: Type
               Specify the content type to use for unknown extensions. The default value is

           directory_indices: [Index, ...]
               Indicate one or more directory index files, similarly to Apache’s DirectoryIndex variable. When
               an HTTP request hits a directory instead of a regular file, those directory indices are looked in
               order, and the first one found is returned. The default value is an empty list.

           docroot: Path
               Directory to serve the files from. This is a mandatory option.

           must_authenticate_with: [{Username, Hostname}, ...]
               List of accounts that are allowed to use this service. Default value: [].


           This example configuration will serve the files from the local directory /var/www in the address
  In this example a new content type ogg is defined, png is
           redefined, and jpg definition is deleted:

                   port: 5280
                   module: ejabberd_http
                     /pub/archive: mod_http_fileserver

                   docroot: /var/www
                   accesslog: /var/log/ejabberd/access.log
                     - index.html
                     - main.htm
                     X-Powered-By: Erlang/OTP
                     X-Fry: "It's a widely-believed fact!"
                     .ogg: audio/ogg
                     .png: image/png
                   default_content_type: text/html

       This module allows for requesting permissions to upload a file via HTTP as described in XEP-0363: HTTP
       File Upload. If the request is accepted, the client receives a URL for uploading the file and another URL
       from which that file can later be downloaded.

       In order to use this module, it must be enabled in listenejabberd_http → request_handlers.

       Available options:

           access: AccessName
               This option defines the access rule to limit who is permitted to use the HTTP upload service. The
               default value is local. If no access rule of that name exists, no user will be allowed to use the

           custom_headers: {Name: Value}
               This option specifies additional header fields to be included in all HTTP responses. By default
               no custom headers are included.

           dir_mode: Permission
               This option defines the permission bits of the docroot directory and any directories created
               during file uploads. The bits are specified as an octal number (see the chmod(1) manual page)
               within double quotes. For example: "0755". The default is undefined, which means no explicit
               permissions will be set.

           docroot: Path
               Uploaded files are stored below the directory specified (as an absolute path) with this option.
               The keyword @HOME@ is replaced with the home directory of the user running ejabberd, and the
               keyword @HOST@ with the virtual host name. The default value is "@HOME@/upload".

           external_secret: Text
               This option makes it possible to offload all HTTP Upload processing to a separate HTTP server.
               Both ejabberd and the HTTP server should share this secret and behave exactly as described at
               Prosody’s mod_http_upload_external in the Implementation section. There is no default value.

           file_mode: Permission
               This option defines the permission bits of uploaded files. The bits are specified as an octal
               number (see the chmod(1) manual page) within double quotes. For example: "0644". The default is
               undefined, which means no explicit permissions will be set.

           get_url: URL
               This option specifies the initial part of the GET URLs used for downloading the files. The
               default value is undefined. When this option is undefined, this option is set to the same value
               as put_url. The keyword @HOST@ is replaced with the virtual host name. NOTE: if GET requests are
               handled by mod_http_upload, the get_url must match the put_url. Setting it to a different value
               only makes sense if an external web server or mod_http_fileserver is used to serve the uploaded

               Deprecated. Use hosts instead.

           hosts: [Host, ...]
               This option defines the Jabber IDs of the service. If the hosts option is not specified, the only
               Jabber ID will be the hostname of the virtual host with the prefix "upload.". The keyword @HOST@
               is replaced with the real virtual host name.

           jid_in_url: node | sha1
               When this option is set to node, the node identifier of the user’s JID (i.e., the user name) is
               included in the GET and PUT URLs generated by mod_http_upload. Otherwise, a SHA-1 hash of the
               user’s bare JID is included instead. The default value is sha1.

           max_size: Size
               This option limits the acceptable file size. Either a number of bytes (larger than zero) or
               infinity must be specified. The default value is 104857600.

           name: Name
               A name of the service in the Service Discovery. This will only be displayed by special XMPP
               clients. The default value is "HTTP File Upload".

           put_url: URL
               This option specifies the initial part of the PUT URLs used for file uploads. The keyword @HOST@
               is replaced with the virtual host name. NOTE: different virtual hosts cannot use the same PUT
               URL. The default value is "https://@HOST@:5443/upload".

           rm_on_unregister: true | false
               This option specifies whether files uploaded by a user should be removed when that user is
               unregistered. The default value is true.

           secret_length: Length
               This option defines the length of the random string included in the GET and PUT URLs generated by
               mod_http_upload. The minimum length is 8 characters, but it is recommended to choose a larger
               value. The default value is 40.


           thumbnail: true | false
               This option specifies whether ejabberd should create thumbnails of uploaded images. If a
               thumbnail is created, a <thumbnail/> element that contains the download <uri/> and some metadata
               is returned with the PUT response. The default value is false.

           vcard: vCard
               A custom vCard of the service that will be displayed by some XMPP clients in Service Discovery.
               The value of vCard is a YAML map constructed from an XML representation of vCard. Since the
               representation has no attributes, the mapping is straightforward.

               For example, the following XML representation of vCard:

                   <vCard xmlns='vcard-temp'>
                       <STREET>Elm Street</STREET>

               will be translated to:

                     fn: Conferences
                         work: true
                         street: Elm Street


                   port: 5443
                   module: ejabberd_http
                   tls: true
                     /upload: mod_http_upload

                   docroot: /ejabberd/upload
                   put_url: "https://@HOST@:5443/upload"

       This module adds quota support for mod_http_upload.

       This module depends on mod_http_upload.

       Available options:

           access_hard_quota: AccessName
               This option defines which access rule is used to specify the "hard quota" for the matching JIDs.
               That rule must yield a positive number for any JID that is supposed to have a quota limit. This
               is the number of megabytes a corresponding user may upload. When this threshold is exceeded,
               ejabberd deletes the oldest files uploaded by that user until their disk usage equals or falls
               below the specified soft quota (see access_soft_quota). The default value is hard_upload_quota.

           access_soft_quota: AccessName
               This option defines which access rule is used to specify the "soft quota" for the matching JIDs.
               That rule must yield a positive number of megabytes for any JID that is supposed to have a quota
               limit. See the description of the access_hard_quota option for details. The default value is

           max_days: Days
               If a number larger than zero is specified, any files (and directories) older than this number of
               days are removed from the subdirectories of the docroot directory, once per day. The default
               value is infinity.


           Please note that it’s not necessary to specify the access_hard_quota and access_soft_quota options in
           order to use the quota feature. You can stick to the default names and just specify access rules such
           as those in this example:

                   1000: all # MiB
                   1100: all # MiB

                 mod_http_upload: {}
                   max_days: 100

       This module allows XMPP clients to ask the server to normalize a JID as per the rules specified in RFC
       6122: XMPP Address Format. This might be useful for clients in certain constrained environments, or for
       testing purposes.

       Available options:

           access: AccessName
               This option defines which access rule will be used to control who is allowed to use this service.
               The default value is local.

       This module adds support for XEP-0012: Last Activity. It can be used to discover when a disconnected user
       last accessed the server, to know when a connected user was last active on the server, or to query the
       uptime of the ejabberd server.

       Available options:

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_missed: true | false
               Same as top-level cache_missed option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

           use_cache: true | false
               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.

       The module implements XEP-0078: Non-SASL Authentication.


           This type of authentication was obsoleted in 2008 and you unlikely need this module unless you have
           something like outdated Jabber bots.

       The module has no options.

       This module implements XEP-0313: Message Archive Management. Compatible XMPP clients can use it to store
       their chat history on the server.

       Available options:

           access_preferences: AccessName
               This access rule defines who is allowed to modify the MAM preferences. The default value is all.

           assume_mam_usage: true | false
               This option determines how ejabberd’s stream management code (see mod_stream_mgmt) handles
               unacknowledged messages when the connection is lost. Usually, such messages are either bounced or
               resent. However, neither is done for messages that were stored in the user’s MAM archive if this
               option is set to true. In this case, ejabberd assumes those messages will be retrieved from the
               archive. The default value is false.

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_missed: true | false
               Same as top-level cache_missed option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           clear_archive_on_room_destroy: true | false
               Whether to destroy message archive of a room (see mod_muc) when it gets destroyed. The default
               value is true.

           compress_xml: true | false
               When enabled, new messages added to archives are compressed using a custom compression algorithm.
               This feature works only with SQL backends. The default value is false.

           db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

           default: always | never | roster
               The option defines default policy for chat history. When always is set every chat message is
               stored. With roster only chat history with contacts from user’s roster is stored. And never fully
               disables chat history. Note that a client can change its policy via protocol commands. The
               default value is never.

           request_activates_archiving: true | false
               If the value is true, no messages are stored for a user until their client issue a MAM request,
               regardless of the value of the default option. Once the server received a request, that user’s
               messages are archived as usual. The default value is false.

           use_cache: true | false
               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.

           user_mucsub_from_muc_archive: true | false
               When this option is disabled, for each individual subscriber a separa mucsub message is stored.
               With this option enabled, when a user fetches archive virtual mucsub, messages are generated from
               muc archives. The default value is false.

       This module sends events to external backend (by now only grapherl is supported). Supported events are:

       •   sm_register_connection

       •   sm_remove_connection

       •   user_send_packet

       •   user_receive_packet

       •   s2s_send_packet

       •   s2s_receive_packet

       •   register_user

       •   remove_user

       •   offline_message

       When enabled, every call to these hooks triggers a counter event to be sent to the external backend.

       Available options:

           ip: IPv4Address
               IPv4 address where the backend is located. The default value is

           port: Port
               An internet port number at which the backend is listening for incoming connections/packets. The
               default value is 11111.

       This module is an experimental implementation of XEP-0369: Mediated Information eXchange (MIX). MIX
       support was added in ejabberd 16.03 as an experimental feature, updated in 19.02, and is not yet ready to
       use in production. It’s asserted that the MIX protocol is going to replace the MUC protocol in the future
       (see mod_muc).

       To learn more about how to use that feature, you can refer to our tutorial: Getting started with
       XEP-0369: Mediated Information eXchange (MIX) v0.1.

       The module depends on mod_mam.

       Available options:

           access_create: AccessName
               An access rule to control MIX channels creations. The default value is all.

           db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

               Deprecated. Use hosts instead.

           hosts: [Host, ...]
               This option defines the Jabber IDs of the service. If the hosts option is not specified, the only
               Jabber ID will be the hostname of the virtual host with the prefix "mix.". The keyword @HOST@ is
               replaced with the real virtual host name.

           name: Name
               A name of the service in the Service Discovery. This will only be displayed by special XMPP
               clients. The default value is Channels.

       This module implements XEP-0405: Mediated Information eXchange (MIX): Participant Server Requirements.
       The module is needed if MIX compatible clients on your server are going to join MIX channels (either on
       your server or on any remote servers).


           mod_mix is not required for this module to work, however, without mod_mix_pam the MIX functionality
           of your local XMPP clients will be impaired.

       Available options:

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_missed: true | false
               Same as top-level cache_missed option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

           use_cache: true | false
               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.

       This module adds support for the MQTT protocol version 3.1.1 and 5.0. Remember to configure mod_mqtt in
       modules and listen sections.

       Available options:

           access_publish: {TopicFilter: AccessName}
               Access rules to restrict access to topics for publishers. By default there are no restrictions.

           access_subscribe: {TopicFilter: AccessName}
               Access rules to restrict access to topics for subscribers. By default there are no restrictions.

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_missed: true | false
               Same as top-level cache_missed option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

           match_retained_limit: pos_integer() | infinity
               The option limits the number of retained messages returned to a client when it subscribes to some
               topic filter. The default value is 1000.

           max_queue: Size
               Maximum queue size for outgoing packets. The default value is 5000.

           max_topic_aliases: 0..65535
               The maximum number of aliases a client is able to associate with the topics. The default value is

           max_topic_depth: Depth
               The maximum topic depth, i.e. the number of slashes (/) in the topic. The default value is 8.

           queue_type: ram | file
               Same as top-level queue_type option, but applied to this module only.

           ram_db_type: mnesia
               Same as top-level default_ram_db option, but applied to this module only.

           session_expiry: timeout()
               The option specifies how long to wait for an MQTT session resumption. When 0 is set, the session
               gets destroyed when the underlying client connection is closed. The default value is 5 minutes.

           use_cache: true | false
               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.

       This module adds ability to synchronize local MQTT topics with data on remote servers It can update
       topics on remote servers when local user updates local topic, or can subscribe for changes on remote
       server, and update local copy when remote data is updated. It is available since ejabberd 23.01.

       Available options:

           replication_user: JID
               Identifier of a user that will be assigned as owner of local changes.

           servers: {ServerUrl: {publish: [TopicPairs, subscribe: [TopicPairs], authentication: [AuthInfo]}}]
               Declaration of data to share, must contain publish or subscribe or both, and authentication
               section with username/password field or certfile pointing to client certificate. Accepted urls
               can use schema mqtt, mqtts (mqtt with tls), mqtt5, mqtt5s (both to trigger v5 protocol), ws, wss,
               ws5, wss5. Certificate authentication can be only used with mqtts, mqtt5s, wss, wss5.


                         "localA": "remoteA" # local changes to 'localA' will be replicated on remote server as 'remoteA'
                         "topicB": "topicB"
                         "remoteB": "localB" # changes to 'remoteB' on remote server will be stored as 'localB' on local server
                         certfile: "/etc/ejabberd/mqtt_server.pem"
                   replication_user: ""

       This module provides support for XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat. Users can discover existing rooms, join or
       create them. Occupants of a room can chat in public or have private chats.

       The MUC service allows any Jabber ID to register a nickname, so nobody else can use that nickname in any
       room in the MUC service. To register a nickname, open the Service Discovery in your XMPP client and
       register in the MUC service.

       It is also possible to register a nickname in a room, so nobody else can use that nickname in that room.
       If a nick is registered in the MUC service, that nick cannot be registered in any room, and vice versa: a
       nick that is registered in a room cannot be registered at the MUC service.

       This module supports clustering and load balancing. One module can be started per cluster node. Rooms are
       distributed at creation time on all available MUC module instances. The multi-user chat module is
       clustered but the rooms themselves are not clustered nor fault-tolerant: if the node managing a set of
       rooms goes down, the rooms disappear and they will be recreated on an available node on first connection

       Available options:

           access: AccessName
               You can specify who is allowed to use the Multi-User Chat service. By default everyone is allowed
               to use it.

           access_admin: AccessName
               This option specifies who is allowed to administrate the Multi-User Chat service. The default
               value is none, which means that only the room creator can administer their room. The
               administrators can send a normal message to the service JID, and it will be shown in all active
               rooms as a service message. The administrators can send a groupchat message to the JID of an
               active room, and the message will be shown in the room as a service message.

           access_create: AccessName
               To configure who is allowed to create new rooms at the Multi-User Chat service, this option can
               be used. The default value is all, which means everyone is allowed to create rooms.

           access_mam: AccessName
               To configure who is allowed to modify the mam room option. The default value is all, which means
               everyone is allowed to modify that option.

           access_persistent: AccessName
               To configure who is allowed to modify the persistent room option. The default value is all, which
               means everyone is allowed to modify that option.

           Note about the next option: improved in 23.10:

           access_register: AccessName
               This option specifies who is allowed to register nickname within the Multi-User Chat service and
               rooms. The default is all for backward compatibility, which means that any user is allowed to
               register any free nick in the MUC service and in the rooms.

           Note about the next option: added in 22.05:

           cleanup_affiliations_on_start: true | false
               Remove affiliations for non-existing local users on startup. The default value is false.

           db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

           Note about the next option: improved in 22.05:

           default_room_options: Options
               This option allows one to define the desired default room options. Note that the creator of a
               room can modify the options of his room at any time using an XMPP client with MUC capability. The
               Options are:

               allow_change_subj: true | false
                   Allow occupants to change the subject. The default value is true.

               allow_private_messages_from_visitors: anyone | moderators | nobody
                   Visitors can send private messages to other occupants. The default value is anyone which
                   means visitors can send private messages to any occupant.

               allow_query_users: true | false
                   Occupants can send IQ queries to other occupants. The default value is true.

               allow_subscription: true | false
                   Allow users to subscribe to room events as described in Multi-User Chat Subscriptions. The
                   default value is false.

               allow_user_invites: true | false
                   Allow occupants to send invitations. The default value is false.

               allow_visitor_nickchange: true | false
                   Allow visitors to change nickname. The default value is true.

               allow_visitor_status: true | false
                   Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates. If disallowed, the status text is
                   stripped before broadcasting the presence update to all the room occupants. The default value
                   is true.

               allow_voice_requests: true | false
                   Allow visitors in a moderated room to request voice. The default value is true.

               allowpm: anyone | participants | moderators | none
                   Who can send private messages. The default value is anyone.

               anonymous: true | false
                   The room is anonymous: occupants don’t see the real JIDs of other occupants. Note that the
                   room moderators can always see the real JIDs of the occupants. The default value is true.

               captcha_protected: true | false
                   When a user tries to join a room where they have no affiliation (not owner, admin or member),
                   the room requires them to fill a CAPTCHA challenge (see section CAPTCHA in order to accept
                   their join in the room. The default value is false.

               description: Room Description
                   Short description of the room. The default value is an empty string.

               enable_hats: true | false
                   Allow extended roles as defined in XEP-0317 Hats. The default value is false.

               lang: Language
                   Preferred language for the discussions in the room. The language format should conform to RFC
                   5646. There is no value by default.

               logging: true | false
                   The public messages are logged using mod_muc_log. The default value is false.

               mam: true | false
                   Enable message archiving. Implies mod_mam is enabled. The default value is false.

               max_users: Number
                   Maximum number of occupants in the room. The default value is 200.

               members_by_default: true | false
                   The occupants that enter the room are participants by default, so they have "voice". The
                   default value is true.

               members_only: true | false
                   Only members of the room can enter. The default value is false.

               moderated: true | false
                   Only occupants with "voice" can send public messages. The default value is true.

               password: Password
                   Password of the room. Implies option password_protected set to true. There is no default

               password_protected: true | false
                   The password is required to enter the room. The default value is false.

               persistent: true | false
                   The room persists even if the last participant leaves. The default value is false.

               presence_broadcast: [moderator | participant | visitor, ...]
                   List of roles for which presence is broadcasted. The list can contain one or several of:
                   moderator, participant, visitor. The default value is shown in the example below:


                         - moderator
                         - participant
                         - visitor

               public: true | false
                   The room is public in the list of the MUC service, so it can be discovered. MUC admins and
                   room participants will see private rooms in Service Discovery if their XMPP client supports
                   this feature. The default value is true.

               public_list: true | false
                   The list of participants is public, without requiring to enter the room. The default value is

               pubsub: PubSub Node
                   XMPP URI of associated Publish/Subscribe node. The default value is an empty string.

               title: Room Title
                   A human-readable title of the room. There is no default value

               vcard: vCard
                   A custom vCard for the room. See the equivalent mod_muc option.The default value is an empty

               voice_request_min_interval: Number
                   Minimum interval between voice requests, in seconds. The default value is 1800.

           hibernation_timeout: infinity | Seconds
               Timeout before hibernating the room process, expressed in seconds. The default value is infinity.

           history_size: Size
               A small history of the current discussion is sent to users when they enter the room. With this
               option you can define the number of history messages to keep and send to users joining the room.
               The value is a non-negative integer. Setting the value to 0 disables the history feature and, as
               a result, nothing is kept in memory. The default value is 20. This value affects all rooms on the
               service. NOTE: modern XMPP clients rely on Message Archives (XEP-0313), so feel free to disable
               the history feature if you’re only using modern clients and have mod_mam module loaded.

               Deprecated. Use hosts instead.

           hosts: [Host, ...]
               This option defines the Jabber IDs of the service. If the hosts option is not specified, the only
               Jabber ID will be the hostname of the virtual host with the prefix "conference.". The keyword
               @HOST@ is replaced with the real virtual host name.

           Note about the next option: added in 21.01:

           max_captcha_whitelist: Number
               This option defines the maximum number of characters that Captcha Whitelist can have when
               configuring the room. The default value is infinity.

           Note about the next option: added in 21.01:

           max_password: Number
               This option defines the maximum number of characters that Password can have when configuring the
               room. The default value is infinity.

           max_room_desc: Number
               This option defines the maximum number of characters that Room Description can have when
               configuring the room. The default value is infinity.

           max_room_id: Number
               This option defines the maximum number of characters that Room ID can have when creating a new
               room. The default value is infinity.

           max_room_name: Number
               This option defines the maximum number of characters that Room Name can have when configuring the
               room. The default value is infinity.

           max_rooms_discoitems: Number
               When there are more rooms than this Number, only the non-empty ones are returned in a Service
               Discovery query. The default value is 100.

           max_user_conferences: Number
               This option defines the maximum number of rooms that any given user can join. The default value
               is 100. This option is used to prevent possible abuses. Note that this is a soft limit: some
               users can sometimes join more conferences in cluster configurations.

           max_users: Number
               This option defines at the service level, the maximum number of users allowed per room. It can be
               lowered in each room configuration but cannot be increased in individual room configuration. The
               default value is 200.

           max_users_admin_threshold: Number
               This option defines the number of service admins or room owners allowed to enter the room when
               the maximum number of allowed occupants was reached. The default limit is 5.

           max_users_presence: Number
               This option defines after how many users in the room, it is considered overcrowded. When a MUC
               room is considered overcrowed, presence broadcasts are limited to reduce load, traffic and
               excessive presence "storm" received by participants. The default value is 1000.

           min_message_interval: Number
               This option defines the minimum interval between two messages send by an occupant in seconds.
               This option is global and valid for all rooms. A decimal value can be used. When this option is
               not defined, message rate is not limited. This feature can be used to protect a MUC service from
               occupant abuses and limit number of messages that will be broadcasted by the service. A good
               value for this minimum message interval is 0.4 second. If an occupant tries to send messages
               faster, an error is send back explaining that the message has been discarded and describing the
               reason why the message is not acceptable.

           min_presence_interval: Number
               This option defines the minimum of time between presence changes coming from a given occupant in
               seconds. This option is global and valid for all rooms. A decimal value can be used. When this
               option is not defined, no restriction is applied. This option can be used to protect a MUC
               service for occupants abuses. If an occupant tries to change its presence more often than the
               specified interval, the presence is cached by ejabberd and only the last presence is broadcasted
               to all occupants in the room after expiration of the interval delay. Intermediate presence
               packets are silently discarded. A good value for this option is 4 seconds.

           name: string()
               The value of the service name. This name is only visible in some clients that support XEP-0030:
               Service Discovery. The default is Chatrooms.

           preload_rooms: true | false
               Whether to load all persistent rooms in memory on startup. If disabled, the room is only loaded
               on first participant join. The default is true. It makes sense to disable room preloading when
               the number of rooms is high: this will improve server startup time and memory consumption.

           queue_type: ram | file
               Same as top-level queue_type option, but applied to this module only.

           ram_db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_ram_db option, but applied to this module only.

           regexp_room_id: string()
               This option defines the regular expression that a Room ID must satisfy to allow the room
               creation. The default value is the empty string.

           room_shaper: none | ShaperName
               This option defines shaper for the MUC rooms. The default value is none.

           user_message_shaper: none | ShaperName
               This option defines shaper for the users messages. The default value is none.

           user_presence_shaper: none | ShaperName
               This option defines shaper for the users presences. The default value is none.

           vcard: vCard
               A custom vCard of the service that will be displayed by some XMPP clients in Service Discovery.
               The value of vCard is a YAML map constructed from an XML representation of vCard. Since the
               representation has no attributes, the mapping is straightforward.

               For example, the following XML representation of vCard:

                   <vCard xmlns='vcard-temp'>
                       <STREET>Elm Street</STREET>

               will be translated to:

                     fn: Conferences
                         work: true
                         street: Elm Street

       This module provides commands to administer local MUC services and their MUC rooms. It also provides
       simple WebAdmin pages to view the existing rooms.

       This module depends on mod_muc.

       Available options:

           Note about the next option: added in 22.05:

           subscribe_room_many_max_users: Number
               How many users can be subscribed to a room at once using the subscribe_room_many command. The
               default value is 50.

       This module enables optional logging of Multi-User Chat (MUC) public conversations to HTML. Once you
       enable this module, users can join a room using a MUC capable XMPP client, and if they have enough
       privileges, they can request the configuration form in which they can set the option to enable room


       •   Room details are added on top of each page: room title, JID, author, subject and configuration.

       •   The room JID in the generated HTML is a link to join the room (using XMPP URI).

       •   Subject and room configuration changes are tracked and displayed.

       •   Joins, leaves, nick changes, kicks, bans and /me are tracked and displayed, including the reason if

       •   Generated HTML files are XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS compliant.

       •   Timestamps are self-referencing links.

       •   Links on top for quicker navigation: Previous day, Next day, Up.

       •   CSS is used for style definition, and a custom CSS file can be used.

       •   URLs on messages and subjects are converted to hyperlinks.

       •   Timezone used on timestamps is shown on the log files.

       •   A custom link can be added on top of each page.

       The module depends on mod_muc.

       Available options:

           access_log: AccessName
               This option restricts which occupants are allowed to enable or disable room logging. The default
               value is muc_admin. NOTE: for this default setting you need to have an access rule for muc_admin
               in order to take effect.

           cssfile: Path | URL
               With this option you can set whether the HTML files should have a custom CSS file or if they need
               to use the embedded CSS. Allowed values are either Path to local file or an URL to a remote file.
               By default a predefined CSS will be embedded into the HTML page.

           dirname: room_jid | room_name
               Allows one to configure the name of the room directory. If set to room_jid, the room directory
               name will be the full room JID. Otherwise, the room directory name will be only the room name,
               not including the MUC service name. The default value is room_jid.

           dirtype: subdirs | plain
               The type of the created directories can be specified with this option. If set to subdirs,
               subdirectories are created for each year and month. Otherwise, the names of the log files contain
               the full date, and there are no subdirectories. The default value is subdirs.

           file_format: html | plaintext
               Define the format of the log files: html stores in HTML format, plaintext stores in plain text.
               The default value is html.

           file_permissions: {mode: Mode, group: Group}
               Define the permissions that must be used when creating the log files: the number of the mode, and
               the numeric id of the group that will own the files. The default value is shown in the example


                     mode: 644
                     group: 33

           outdir: Path
               This option sets the full path to the directory in which the HTML files should be stored. Make
               sure the ejabberd daemon user has write access on that directory. The default value is www/muc.

           spam_prevention: true | false
               If set to true, a special attribute is added to links that prevent their indexation by search
               engines. The default value is true, which mean that nofollow attributes will be added to user
               submitted links.

           timezone: local | universal
               The time zone for the logs is configurable with this option. If set to local, the local time, as
               reported to Erlang emulator by the operating system, will be used. Otherwise, UTC time will be
               used. The default value is local.

           top_link: {URL: Text}
               With this option you can customize the link on the top right corner of each log file. The default
               value is shown in the example below:


                     /: Home

           url: URL
               A top level URL where a client can access logs of a particular conference. The conference name is
               appended to the URL if dirname option is set to room_name or a conference JID is appended to the
               URL otherwise. There is no default value.

       This module implements XEP-0421: Anonymous unique occupant identifiers for MUCs.

       When the module is enabled, the feature is enabled in all semi-anonymous rooms.

       This module is available since ejabberd 23.10.

       The module has no options.

       This module implement Real-time blocklists for MUC rooms.

       It works by observing remote pubsub node conforming with specification described in

       This module is available since ejabberd 23.04.

       Available options:

           rtbl_node: PubsubNodeName
               Name of pubsub node that should be used to track blocked users. The default value is

           rtbl_server: Domain
               Domain of xmpp server that serves block list. The default value is

       This module implements a service for XEP-0033: Extended Stanza Addressing.

       Available options:

           access: Access
               The access rule to restrict who can send packets to the multicast service. Default value: all.

               Deprecated. Use hosts instead.

           hosts: [Host, ...]
               This option defines the Jabber IDs of the service. If the hosts option is not specified, the only
               Jabber ID will be the hostname of the virtual host with the prefix "multicast.". The keyword
               @HOST@ is replaced with the real virtual host name. The default value is multicast.@HOST@.

           limits: Sender: Stanza: Number
               Specify a list of custom limits which override the default ones defined in XEP-0033. Limits are
               defined per sender type and stanza type, where:

               •   sender can be: local or remote.

               •   stanza can be: message or presence.

               •   number can be a positive integer or infinite.


                       # Default values:
                         message: 100
                         presence: 100
                         message: 20
                         presence: 20

               Service name to provide in the Info query to the Service Discovery. Default is "Multicast".

               vCard element to return when queried. Default value is undefined.


               # Only admins can send packets to multicast service
                   - allow: admin

               # If you want to allow all your users:
                   - allow

               # This allows both admins and remote users to send packets,
               # but does not allow local users
                   server_glob: "*"
                   - allow: admin
                   - deny: local
                   - allow: allservers

                    access: multicast
                        message: 40
                        presence: infinite
                        message: 150

       This module implements XEP-0160: Best Practices for Handling Offline Messages and XEP-0013: Flexible
       Offline Message Retrieval. This means that all messages sent to an offline user will be stored on the
       server until that user comes online again. Thus it is very similar to how email works. A user is
       considered offline if no session presence priority > 0 are currently open.


           ejabberdctl has a command to delete expired messages (see chapter Managing an ejabberd server in
           online documentation.

       Available options:

           access_max_user_messages: AccessName
               This option defines which access rule will be enforced to limit the maximum number of offline
               messages that a user can have (quota). When a user has too many offline messages, any new
               messages that they receive are discarded, and a <resource-constraint/> error is returned to the
               sender. The default value is max_user_offline_messages.

           bounce_groupchat: true | false
               This option is use the disable an optimisation that avoids bouncing error messages when groupchat
               messages could not be stored as offline. It will reduce chat room load, without any drawback in
               standard use cases. You may change default value only if you have a custom module which uses
               offline hook after mod_offline. This option can be useful for both standard MUC and MucSub, but
               the bounce is much more likely to happen in the context of MucSub, so it is even more important
               to have it on large MucSub services. The default value is false, meaning the optimisation is

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

           store_empty_body: true | false | unless_chat_state
               Whether or not to store messages that lack a <body/> element. The default value is
               unless_chat_state, which tells ejabberd to store messages even if they lack the <body/> element,
               unless they only contain a chat state notification (as defined in XEP-0085: Chat State

           store_groupchat: true | false
               Whether or not to store groupchat messages. The default value is false.

           use_cache: true | false
               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.

           use_mam_for_storage: true | false
               This is an experimental option. Enabling this option, mod_offline uses the mod_mam archive table
               instead of its own spool table to retrieve the messages received when the user was offline. This
               allows client developers to slowly drop XEP-0160 and rely on XEP-0313 instead. It also further
               reduces the storage required when you enable MucSub. Enabling this option has a known drawback
               for the moment: most of flexible message retrieval queries don’t work (those that allow
               retrieval/deletion of messages by id), but this specification is not widely used. The default
               value is false to keep former behaviour as default.


           This example allows power users to have as much as 5000 offline messages, administrators up to 2000,
           and all the other users up to 100:

                     - admin1@localhost

                   - 5000: poweruser
                   - 2000: admin
                   - 100

                   access_max_user_messages: max_user_offline_messages

       This module implements support for XEP-0199: XMPP Ping and periodic keepalives. When this module is
       enabled ejabberd responds correctly to ping requests, as defined by the protocol.

       Available options:

           ping_ack_timeout: timeout()
               How long to wait before deeming that a client has not answered a given server ping request. The
               default value is undefined.

           ping_interval: timeout()
               How often to send pings to connected clients, if option send_pings is set to true. If a client
               connection does not send or receive any stanza within this interval, a ping request is sent to
               the client. The default value is 1 minute.

           send_pings: true | false
               If this option is set to true, the server sends pings to connected clients that are not active in
               a given interval defined in ping_interval option. This is useful to keep client connections alive
               or checking availability. The default value is false.

           timeout_action: none | kill
               What to do when a client does not answer to a server ping request in less than period defined in
               ping_ack_timeout option: kill means destroying the underlying connection, none means to do
               nothing. NOTE: when mod_stream_mgmt is loaded and stream management is enabled by a client,
               killing the client connection doesn’t mean killing the client session - the session will be kept
               alive in order to give the client a chance to resume it. The default value is none.


                   send_pings: true
                   ping_interval: 4 min
                   timeout_action: kill

       This module detects flood/spam in presence subscriptions traffic. If a user sends or receives more of
       those stanzas in a given time interval, the exceeding stanzas are silently dropped, and a warning is

       Available options:

           count: Number
               The number of subscription presence stanzas (subscribe, unsubscribe, subscribed, unsubscribed)
               allowed for any direction (input or output) per time defined in interval option. Please note that
               two users subscribing to each other usually generate 4 stanzas, so the recommended value is 4 or
               more. The default value is 5.

           interval: timeout()
               The time interval. The default value is 1 minute.


                   count: 5
                   interval: 30 secs

       This module implements XEP-0016: Privacy Lists.


           Nowadays modern XMPP clients rely on XEP-0191: Blocking Command which is implemented by mod_blocking
           module. However, you still need mod_privacy loaded in order for mod_blocking to work.

       Available options:

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_missed: true | false
               Same as top-level cache_missed option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

           use_cache: true | false
               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.

       This module adds support for XEP-0049: Private XML Storage.

       Using this method, XMPP entities can store private data on the server, retrieve it whenever necessary and
       share it between multiple connected clients of the same user. The data stored might be anything, as long
       as it is a valid XML. One typical usage is storing a bookmark of all user’s conferences (XEP-0048:

       It also implements the bookmark conversion described in XEP-0402: PEP Native Bookmarks, see the command

       Available options:

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_missed: true | false
               Same as top-level cache_missed option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

           use_cache: true | false
               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.

       This module is an implementation of XEP-0356: Privileged Entity. This extension allows components to have
       privileged access to other entity data (send messages on behalf of the server or on behalf of a user,
       get/set user roster, access presence information, etc.). This may be used to write powerful external
       components, for example implementing an external PEP or MAM service.

       By default a component does not have any privileged access. It is worth noting that the permissions grant
       access to the component to a specific data type for all users of the virtual host on which mod_privilege
       is loaded.

       Make sure you have a listener configured to connect your component. Check the section about listening
       ports for more information.


           Security issue: Privileged access gives components access to sensitive data, so permission should be
           granted carefully, only if you trust a component.


           This module is complementary to mod_delegation, but can also be used separately.

       Available options:

           message: Options
               This option defines permissions for messages. By default no permissions are given. The Options

               outgoing: AccessName
                   The option defines an access rule for sending outgoing messages by the component. The default
                   value is none.

           presence: Options
               This option defines permissions for presences. By default no permissions are given. The Options

               managed_entity: AccessName
                   An access rule that gives permissions to the component to receive server presences. The
                   default value is none.

               roster: AccessName
                   An access rule that gives permissions to the component to receive the presence of both the
                   users and the contacts in their roster. The default value is none.

           roster: Options
               This option defines roster permissions. By default no permissions are given. The Options are:

               both: AccessName
                   Sets read/write access to a user’s roster. The default value is none.

               get: AccessName
                   Sets read access to a user’s roster. The default value is none.

               set: AccessName
                   Sets write access to a user’s roster. The default value is none.


                     get: all
                     managed_entity: all
                     outgoing: all

       This module implements XEP-0065: SOCKS5 Bytestreams. It allows ejabberd to act as a file transfer proxy
       between two XMPP clients.

       Available options:

           access: AccessName
               Defines an access rule for file transfer initiators. The default value is all. You may want to
               restrict access to the users of your server only, in order to avoid abusing your proxy by the
               users of remote servers.

           auth_type: anonymous | plain
               SOCKS5 authentication type. The default value is anonymous. If set to plain, ejabberd will use
               authentication backend as it would for SASL PLAIN.

               Deprecated. Use hosts instead.

           hostname: Host
               Defines a hostname offered by the proxy when establishing a session with clients. This is useful
               when you run the proxy behind a NAT. The keyword @HOST@ is replaced with the virtual host name.
               The default is to use the value of ip option. Examples:,

           hosts: [Host, ...]
               This option defines the Jabber IDs of the service. If the hosts option is not specified, the only
               Jabber ID will be the hostname of the virtual host with the prefix "proxy.". The keyword @HOST@
               is replaced with the real virtual host name.

           ip: IPAddress
               This option specifies which network interface to listen for. The default value is an IP address
               of the service’s DNS name, or, if fails,

           max_connections: pos_integer() | infinity
               Maximum number of active connections per file transfer initiator. The default value is infinity.

           name: Name
               The value of the service name. This name is only visible in some clients that support XEP-0030:
               Service Discovery. The default is "SOCKS5 Bytestreams".

           port: 1..65535
               A port number to listen for incoming connections. The default value is 7777.

           ram_db_type: mnesia | redis | sql
               Same as top-level default_ram_db option, but applied to this module only.

           recbuf: Size
               A size of the buffer for incoming packets. If you define a shaper, set the value of this option
               to the size of the shaper in order to avoid traffic spikes in file transfers. The default value
               is 65536 bytes.

           shaper: Shaper
               This option defines a shaper for the file transfer peers. A shaper with the maximum bandwidth
               will be selected. The default is none, i.e. no shaper.

           sndbuf: Size
               A size of the buffer for outgoing packets. If you define a shaper, set the value of this option
               to the size of the shaper in order to avoid traffic spikes in file transfers. The default value
               is 65536 bytes.

           vcard: vCard
               A custom vCard of the service that will be displayed by some XMPP clients in Service Discovery.
               The value of vCard is a YAML map constructed from an XML representation of vCard. Since the
               representation has no attributes, the mapping is straightforward.

               For example, the following XML representation of vCard:

                   <vCard xmlns='vcard-temp'>
                       <STREET>Elm Street</STREET>

               will be translated to:

                     fn: Conferences
                         work: true
                         street: Elm Street



                   allow: proxy_users

                   none: admin
                 proxyrate: proxy_users

                 proxyrate: 10240

                   name: "File Transfer Proxy"
                   port: 7778
                   max_connections: 5
                   access: proxy65_access
                   shaper: proxy65_shaper
                   recbuf: 10240
                   sndbuf: 10240

       This module offers a service for XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe. The functionality in mod_pubsub can be
       extended using plugins. The plugin that implements PEP (XEP-0163: Personal Eventing via Pubsub) is
       enabled in the default ejabberd configuration file, and it requires mod_caps.

       Available options:

           access_createnode: AccessName
               This option restricts which users are allowed to create pubsub nodes using acl and access. By
               default any account in the local ejabberd server is allowed to create pubsub nodes. The default
               value is: all.

           db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

           default_node_config: List of Key:Value
               To override default node configuration, regardless of node plugin. Value is a list of key-value
               definition. Node configuration still uses default configuration defined by node plugin, and
               overrides any items by value defined in this configurable list.

           force_node_config: List of Node and the list of its Key:Value
               Define the configuration for given nodes. The default value is: [].


                     ## Avoid buggy clients to make their bookmarks public
                       access_model: whitelist

               Deprecated. Use hosts instead.

           hosts: [Host, ...]
               This option defines the Jabber IDs of the service. If the hosts option is not specified, the only
               Jabber ID will be the hostname of the virtual host with the prefix "pubsub.". The keyword @HOST@
               is replaced with the real virtual host name.

           ignore_pep_from_offline: false | true
               To specify whether or not we should get last published PEP items from users in our roster which
               are offline when we connect. Value is true or false. If not defined, pubsub assumes true so we
               only get last items of online contacts.

           last_item_cache: false | true
               To specify whether or not pubsub should cache last items. Value is true or false. If not defined,
               pubsub does not cache last items. On systems with not so many nodes, caching last items speeds up
               pubsub and allows one to raise user connection rate. The cost is memory usage, as every item is
               stored in memory.

           Note about the next option: added in 21.12:

           max_item_expire_node: timeout() | infinity
               Specify the maximum item epiry time. Default value is: infinity.

           max_items_node: non_neg_integer() | infinity
               Define the maximum number of items that can be stored in a node. Default value is: 1000.

           max_nodes_discoitems: pos_integer() | infinity
               The maximum number of nodes to return in a discoitem response. The default value is: 100.

           max_subscriptions_node: MaxSubs
               Define the maximum number of subscriptions managed by a node. Default value is no limitation:

           name: Name
               The value of the service name. This name is only visible in some clients that support XEP-0030:
               Service Discovery. The default is vCard User Search.

           nodetree: Nodetree
               To specify which nodetree to use. If not defined, the default pubsub nodetree is used: tree. Only
               one nodetree can be used per host, and is shared by all node plugins.

               •   tree nodetree store node configuration and relations on the database.  flat nodes are stored
                   without any relationship, and hometree nodes can have child nodes.

               •   virtual nodetree does not store nodes on database. This saves resources on systems with tons
                   of nodes. If using the virtual nodetree, you can only enable those node plugins: [flat, pep]
                   or [flat]; any other plugins configuration will not work. Also, all nodes will have the
                   default configuration, and this can not be changed. Using virtual nodetree requires to start
                   from a clean database, it will not work if you used the default tree nodetree before.

           pep_mapping: List of Key:Value
               This allows one to define a list of key-value to choose defined node plugins on given PEP
               namespace. The following example will use node_tune instead of node_pep for every PEP node with
               the tune namespace:



           plugins: [Plugin, ...]
               To specify which pubsub node plugins to use. The first one in the list is used by default. If
               this option is not defined, the default plugins list is: [flat]. PubSub clients can define which
               plugin to use when creating a node: add type='plugin-name' attribute to the create stanza

               •   flat plugin handles the default behaviour and follows standard XEP-0060 implementation.

               •   pep plugin adds extension to handle Personal Eventing Protocol (XEP-0163) to the PubSub
                   engine. Adding pep allows one to handle PEP automatically.

           vcard: vCard
               A custom vCard of the server that will be displayed by some XMPP clients in Service Discovery.
               The value of vCard is a YAML map constructed from an XML representation of vCard. Since the
               representation has no attributes, the mapping is straightforward.

               The following XML representation of vCard:

                   <vCard xmlns='vcard-temp'>
                     <FN>PubSub Service</FN>
                       <STREET>Elm Street</STREET>

               will be translated to:

                     fn: PubSub Service
                         work: true
                         street: Elm Street


           Example of configuration that uses flat nodes as default, and allows use of flat, hometree and pep

                   access_createnode: pubsub_createnode
                   max_subscriptions_node: 100
                     notification_type: normal
                     notify_retract: false
                     max_items: 4
                     - flat
                     - pep

           Using relational database requires using mod_pubsub with db_type sql. Only flat, hometree and pep
           plugins supports SQL. The following example shows previous configuration with SQL usage:

                   db_type: sql
                   access_createnode: pubsub_createnode
                   ignore_pep_from_offline: true
                   last_item_cache: false
                     - flat
                     - pep

       This module implements the XMPP server’s part of the push notification solution specified in XEP-0357:
       Push Notifications. It does not generate, for example, APNS or FCM notifications directly. Instead, it’s
       designed to work with so-called "app servers" operated by third-party vendors of mobile apps. Those app
       servers will usually trigger notification delivery to the user’s mobile device using platform-dependant
       backend services such as FCM or APNS.

       Available options:

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_missed: true | false
               Same as top-level cache_missed option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

           include_body: true | false | Text
               If this option is set to true, the message text is included with push notifications generated for
               incoming messages with a body. The option can instead be set to a static Text, in which case the
               specified text will be included in place of the actual message body. This can be useful to signal
               the app server whether the notification was triggered by a message with body (as opposed to other
               types of traffic) without leaking actual message contents. The default value is "New message".

           include_sender: true | false
               If this option is set to true, the sender’s JID is included with push notifications generated for
               incoming messages with a body. The default value is false.

           Note about the next option: added in 23.10:

           notify_on: messages | all
               If this option is set to messages, notifications are generated only for actual chat messages with
               a body text (or some encrypted payload). If it’s set to all, any kind of XMPP stanza will trigger
               a notification. If unsure, it’s strongly recommended to stick to all, which is the default value.

           use_cache: true | false
               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.

       This module tries to keep the stream management session (see mod_stream_mgmt) of a disconnected mobile
       client alive if the client enabled push notifications for that session. However, the normal session
       resumption timeout is restored once a push notification is issued, so the session will be closed if the
       client doesn’t respond to push notifications.

       The module depends on mod_push.

       Available options:

           resume_timeout: timeout()
               This option specifies the period of time until the session of a disconnected push client times
               out. This timeout is only in effect as long as no push notification is issued. Once that
               happened, the resumption timeout configured for mod_stream_mgmt is restored. The default value is
               72 hours.

           wake_on_start: true | false
               If this option is set to true, notifications are generated for all registered push clients during
               server startup. This option should not be enabled on servers with many push clients as it can
               generate significant load on the involved push services and the server itself. The default value
               is false.

           wake_on_timeout: true | false
               If this option is set to true, a notification is generated shortly before the session would time
               out as per the resume_timeout option. The default value is true.

       This module adds support for XEP-0077: In-Band Registration. This protocol enables end users to use an
       XMPP client to:

       •   Register a new account on the server.

       •   Change the password from an existing account on the server.

       •   Delete an existing account on the server.

       This module reads also the top-level registration_timeout option defined globally for the server, so
       please check that option documentation too.

       Available options:

           access: AccessName
               Specify rules to restrict what usernames can be registered. If a rule returns deny on the
               requested username, registration of that user name is denied. There are no restrictions by

           access_from: AccessName
               By default, ejabberd doesn’t allow one to register new accounts from s2s or existing c2s
               sessions. You can change it by defining access rule in this option. Use with care: allowing
               registration from s2s leads to uncontrolled massive accounts creation by rogue users.

           access_remove: AccessName
               Specify rules to restrict access for user unregistration. By default any user is able to
               unregister their account.

           Note about the next option: added in 21.12:

           allow_modules: all | [Module, ...]
               List of modules that can register accounts, or all. The default value is all, which is equivalent
               to something like [mod_register, mod_register_web].

           captcha_protected: true | false
               Protect registrations with CAPTCHA. The default is false.

           ip_access: AccessName
               Define rules to allow or deny account registration depending on the IP address of the XMPP
               client. The AccessName should be of type ip. The default value is all.

           password_strength: Entropy
               This option sets the minimum Shannon entropy for passwords. The value Entropy is a number of bits
               of entropy. The recommended minimum is 32 bits. The default is 0, i.e. no checks are performed.

           redirect_url: URL
               This option enables registration redirection as described in XEP-0077: In-Band Registration:

           registration_watchers: [JID, ...]
               This option defines a list of JIDs which will be notified each time a new account is registered.

           welcome_message: {subject: Subject, body: Body}
               Set a welcome message that is sent to each newly registered account. The message will have
               subject Subject and text Body.

       This module provides a web page where users can:

       •   Register a new account on the server.

       •   Change the password from an existing account on the server.

       •   Unregister an existing account on the server.

       This module supports CAPTCHA to register a new account. To enable this feature, configure the top-level
       captcha_cmd and top-level captcha_url options.

       As an example usage, the users of the host localhost can visit the page: https://localhost:5280/register/
       It is important to include the last / character in the URL, otherwise the subpages URL will be incorrect.

       This module is enabled in listenejabberd_http → request_handlers, no need to enable in modules. The
       module depends on mod_register where all the configuration is performed.

       The module has no options.


                   port: 5280
                   module: ejabberd_http
                     /register: mod_register_web

                 mod_register: {}

       This module implements roster management as defined in RFC6121 Section 2. The module also adds support
       for XEP-0237: Roster Versioning.

       Available options:

           access: AccessName
               This option can be configured to specify rules to restrict roster management. If the rule returns
               deny on the requested user name, that user cannot modify their personal roster, i.e. they cannot
               add/remove/modify contacts or send presence subscriptions. The default value is all, i.e. no

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_missed: true | false
               Same as top-level cache_missed option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

           store_current_id: true | false
               If this option is set to true, the current roster version number is stored on the database. If
               set to false, the roster version number is calculated on the fly each time. Enabling this option
               reduces the load for both ejabberd and the database. This option does not affect the client in
               any way. This option is only useful if option versioning is set to true. The default value is
               false. IMPORTANT: if you use mod_shared_roster or mod_shared_roster_ldap, you must set the value
               of the option to false.

           use_cache: true | false
               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.

           versioning: true | false
               Enables/disables Roster Versioning. The default value is false.


                   versioning: true
                   store_current_id: false

       The module adds support for XEP-0220: Server Dialback to provide server identity verification based on


           DNS-based verification is vulnerable to DNS cache poisoning, so modern servers rely on verification
           based on PKIX certificates. Thus this module is only recommended for backward compatibility with
           servers running outdated software or non-TLS servers, or those with invalid certificates (as long as
           you accept the risks, e.g. you assume that the remote server has an invalid certificate due to poor
           administration and not because it’s compromised).

       Available options:

           access: AccessName
               An access rule that can be used to restrict dialback for some servers. The default value is all.


                       server: legacy.domain.tld
                     deny: all

       This module forwards copies of all stanzas to remote XMPP servers or components. Every stanza is
       encapsulated into <forwarded/> element as described in XEP-0297: Stanza Forwarding.

       Available options:

           loggers: [Domain, ...]
               A list of servers or connected components to which stanzas will be forwarded.


                     - xmpp-server.tld
                     - component.domain.tld

       This module enables you to create shared roster groups: groups of accounts that can see members from
       (other) groups in their rosters.

       The big advantages of this feature are that end users do not need to manually add all users to their
       rosters, and that they cannot permanently delete users from the shared roster groups. A shared roster
       group can have members from any XMPP server, but the presence will only be available from and to members
       of the same virtual host where the group is created. It still allows the users to have / add their own
       contacts, as it does not replace the standard roster. Instead, the shared roster contacts are merged to
       the relevant users at retrieval time. The standard user rosters thus stay unmodified.

       Shared roster groups can be edited via the Web Admin, and some API commands called srg_*. Each group has
       a unique name and those parameters:

       •   Label: Used in the rosters where this group is displayed.

       •   Description: of the group, which has no effect.

       •   Members: A list of JIDs of group members, entered one per line in the Web Admin. The special member
           directive @all@ represents all the registered users in the virtual host; which is only recommended
           for a small server with just a few hundred users. The special member directive @online@ represents
           the online users in the virtual host. With those two directives, the actual list of members in those
           shared rosters is generated dynamically at retrieval time.

       •   Displayed: A list of groups that will be in the rosters of this group’s members. A group of other
           vhost can be identified with groupid@vhost.

       This module depends on mod_roster. If not enabled, roster queries will return 503 errors.

       Available options:

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_missed: true | false
               Same as top-level cache_missed option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           db_type: mnesia | sql
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

           use_cache: true | false
               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.


           Take the case of a computer club that wants all its members seeing each other in their rosters. To
           achieve this, they need to create a shared roster group similar to this one:

               Name: club_members
               Label: Club Members
               Description: Members from the computer club
               Displayed Groups: club_members

           In another case we have a company which has three divisions: Management, Marketing and Sales. All
           group members should see all other members in their rosters. Additionally, all managers should have
           all marketing and sales people in their roster. Simultaneously, all marketeers and the whole sales
           team should see all managers. This scenario can be achieved by creating shared roster groups as shown
           in the following lists:

               First list:
               Name: management
               Label: Management
               Description: Management
               Displayed: management, marketing, sales

               Second list:
               Name: marketing
               Label: Marketing
               Description: Marketing
               Displayed: management, marketing

               Third list:
               Name: sales
               Label: Sales
               Description: Sales
               Displayed: management, sales

       This module lets the server administrator automatically populate users' rosters (contact lists) with
       entries based on users and groups defined in an LDAP-based directory.


           mod_shared_roster_ldap depends on mod_roster being enabled. Roster queries will return 503 errors if
           mod_roster is not enabled.

       The module accepts many configuration options. Some of them, if unspecified, default to the values
       specified for the top level of configuration. This lets you avoid specifying, for example, the bind
       password in multiple places.

       •   Filters: ldap_rfilter, ldap_ufilter, ldap_gfilter, ldap_filter. These options specify LDAP filters
           used to query for shared roster information. All of them are run against the ldap_base.

       •   Attributes: ldap_groupattr, ldap_groupdesc, ldap_memberattr, ldap_userdesc, ldap_useruid. These
           options specify the names of the attributes which hold interesting data in the entries returned by
           running filters specified with the filter options.

       •   Control parameters: ldap_auth_check, ldap_group_cache_validity, ldap_memberattr_format,
           ldap_memberattr_format_re, ldap_user_cache_validity. These parameters control the behaviour of the

       •   Connection parameters: The module also accepts the connection parameters, all of which default to the
           top-level parameter of the same name, if unspecified. See LDAP Connection section for more
           information about them.

       Check also the Configuration examples section to get details about retrieving the roster, and
       configuration examples including Flat DIT and Deep DIT.

       Available options:

               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level cache_missed option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           ldap_auth_check: true | false
               Whether the module should check (via the ejabberd authentication subsystem) for existence of each
               user in the shared LDAP roster. Set to false if you want to disable the check. Default value is

               Same as top-level ldap_backups option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_base option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_deref_aliases option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_encrypt option, but applied to this module only.

               Additional filter which is AND-ed together with "User Filter" and "Group Filter". For more
               information check the LDAP Filters section.

               "Group Filter", used when retrieving human-readable name (a.k.a. "Display Name") and the members
               of a group. See also the parameters ldap_groupattr, ldap_groupdesc and ldap_memberattr. If
               unspecified, defaults to the top-level parameter of the same name. If that one also is
               unspecified, then the filter is constructed exactly like "User Filter".

               The name of the attribute that holds the group name, and that is used to differentiate between
               them. Retrieved from results of the "Roster Filter" and "Group Filter". Defaults to cn.

               The name of the attribute which holds the human-readable group name in the objects you use to
               represent groups. Retrieved from results of the "Group Filter". Defaults to whatever
               ldap_groupattr is set.

               The name of the attribute which holds the IDs of the members of a group. Retrieved from results
               of the "Group Filter". Defaults to memberUid. The name of the attribute differs depending on the
               objectClass you use for your group objects, for example: posixGroupmemberUid; groupOfNamesmember; groupOfUniqueNamesuniqueMember.

               A globbing format for extracting user ID from the value of the attribute named by
               ldap_memberattr. Defaults to %u, which means that the whole value is the member ID. If you change
               it to something different, you may also need to specify the User and Group Filters manually; see
               section Filters.

               A regex for extracting user ID from the value of the attribute named by ldap_memberattr. Check
               the LDAP Control Parameters section.

               Same as top-level ldap_password option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_port option, but applied to this module only.

               So called "Roster Filter". Used to find names of all "shared roster" groups. See also the
               ldap_groupattr parameter. If unspecified, defaults to the top-level parameter of the same name.
               You must specify it in some place in the configuration, there is no default.

               Same as top-level ldap_rootdn option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_servers option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_tls_cacertfile option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_tls_certfile option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_tls_depth option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_tls_verify option, but applied to this module only.

               "User Filter", used for retrieving the human-readable name of roster entries (usually full names
               of people in the roster). See also the parameters ldap_userdesc and ldap_useruid. For more
               information check the LDAP Filters section.

               Same as top-level ldap_uids option, but applied to this module only.

               The name of the attribute which holds the human-readable user name. Retrieved from results of the
               "User Filter". Defaults to cn.

               The name of the attribute which is used to map user id to XMPP jid. If not specified (and that is
               default value of this option), user jid will be created from user id and this module host.

               The name of the attribute which holds the ID of a roster item. Value of this attribute in the
               roster item objects needs to match the ID retrieved from the ldap_memberattr attribute of a group
               object. Retrieved from results of the "User Filter". Defaults to cn.

               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.

       This module adds support for XEP-0279: Server IP Check. This protocol enables a client to discover its
       external IP address.


           The protocol extension is deferred and seems like there are no clients supporting it, so using this
           module is not recommended and, furthermore, the module might be removed in the future.

       The module has no options.

       This module adds SIP proxy/registrar support for the corresponding virtual host.


           It is not enough to just load this module. You should also configure listeners and DNS records
           properly. For details see the section about the ejabberd_sip listen module in the ejabberd

       Available options:

           always_record_route: true | false
               Always insert "Record-Route" header into SIP messages. This approach allows one to bypass
               NATs/firewalls a bit more easily. The default value is true.

           flow_timeout_tcp: timeout()
               The option sets a keep-alive timer for SIP outbound TCP connections. The default value is 2

           flow_timeout_udp: timeout()
               The options sets a keep-alive timer for SIP outbound UDP connections. The default value is 29

           record_route: URI
               When the option always_record_route is set to true or when SIP outbound is utilized, ejabberd
               inserts "Record-Route" header field with this URI into a SIP message. The default is a SIP URI
               constructed from the virtual host on which the module is loaded.

           routes: [URI, ...]
               You can set a list of SIP URIs of routes pointing to this SIP proxy server. The default is a list
               containing a single SIP URI constructed from the virtual host on which the module is loaded.

           via: [URI, ...]
               A list to construct "Via" headers for inserting them into outgoing SIP messages. This is useful
               if you’re running your SIP proxy in a non-standard network topology. Every URI element in the
               list must be in the form of "scheme://host:port", where "transport" must be tls, tcp, or udp,
               "host" must be a domain name or an IP address and "port" must be an internet port number. Note
               that all parts of the URI are mandatory (e.g. you cannot omit "port" or "scheme").


                   always_record_route: false
                   record_route: ";lr"
                     - ";lr"
                     - ";lr"
                   flow_timeout_udp: 30 sec
                   flow_timeout_tcp: 1 min
                     - tls://
                     - tcp://
                     - udp://

       This module adds support for XEP-0039: Statistics Gathering. This protocol allows you to retrieve the
       following statistics from your ejabberd server:

       •   Total number of registered users on the current virtual host (users/total).

       •   Total number of registered users on all virtual hosts (users/all-hosts/total).

       •   Total number of online users on the current virtual host (users/online).

       •   Total number of online users on all virtual hosts (users/all-hosts/online).


           The protocol extension is deferred and seems like even a few clients that were supporting it are now
           abandoned. So using this module makes very little sense.

       The module has no options.

       This module adds support for XEP-0198: Stream Management. This protocol allows active management of an
       XML stream between two XMPP entities, including features for stanza acknowledgements and stream

       Available options:

           ack_timeout: timeout()
               A time to wait for stanza acknowledgements. Setting it to infinity effectively disables the
               timeout. The default value is 1 minute.

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only. The default value is
               48 hours.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           max_ack_queue: Size
               This option specifies the maximum number of unacknowledged stanzas queued for possible
               retransmission. When the limit is exceeded, the client session is terminated. The allowed values
               are positive integers and infinity. You should be careful when setting this value as it should
               not be set too low, otherwise, you could kill sessions in a loop, before they get the chance to
               finish proper session initiation. It should definitely be set higher that the size of the offline
               queue (for example at least 3 times the value of the max offline queue and never lower than
               1000). The default value is 5000.

           max_resume_timeout: timeout()
               A client may specify the period of time until a session times out if the connection is lost.
               During this period of time, the client may resume its session. This option limits the period of
               time a client is permitted to request. It must be set to a timeout equal to or larger than the
               default resume_timeout. By default, it is set to the same value as the resume_timeout option.

           queue_type: ram | file
               Same as top-level queue_type option, but applied to this module only.

           resend_on_timeout: true | false | if_offline
               If this option is set to true, any message stanzas that weren’t acknowledged by the client will
               be resent on session timeout. This behavior might often be desired, but could have unexpected
               results under certain circumstances. For example, a message that was sent to two resources might
               get resent to one of them if the other one timed out. Therefore, the default value for this
               option is false, which tells ejabberd to generate an error message instead. As an alternative,
               the option may be set to if_offline. In this case, unacknowledged messages are resent only if no
               other resource is online when the session times out. Otherwise, error messages are generated.

           resume_timeout: timeout()
               This option configures the (default) period of time until a session times out if the connection
               is lost. During this period of time, a client may resume its session. Note that the client may
               request a different timeout value, see the max_resume_timeout option. Setting it to 0 effectively
               disables session resumption. The default value is 5 minutes.

       This module allows XMPP clients to discover STUN/TURN services and to obtain temporary credentials for
       using them as per XEP-0215: External Service Discovery. This module is included in ejabberd since version

       Available options:

           access: AccessName
               This option defines which access rule will be used to control who is allowed to discover
               STUN/TURN services and to request temporary credentials. The default value is local.

           credentials_lifetime: timeout()
               The lifetime of temporary credentials offered to clients. If ejabberd’s built-in TURN service is
               used, TURN relays allocated using temporary credentials will be terminated shortly after the
               credentials expired. The default value is 12 hours. Note that restarting the ejabberd node
               invalidates any temporary credentials offered before the restart unless a secret is specified
               (see below).

           offer_local_services: true | false
               This option specifies whether local STUN/TURN services configured as ejabberd listeners should be
               announced automatically. Note that this will not include TLS-enabled services, which must be
               configured manually using the services option (see below). For non-anonymous TURN services,
               temporary credentials will be offered to the client. The default value is true.

           secret: Text
               The secret used for generating temporary credentials. If this option isn’t specified, a secret
               will be auto-generated. However, a secret must be specified explicitly if non-anonymous TURN
               services running on other ejabberd nodes and/or external TURN services are configured. Also note
               that auto-generated secrets are lost when the node is restarted, which invalidates any
               credentials offered before the restart. Therefore, it’s recommended to explicitly specify a
               secret if clients cache retrieved credentials (for later use) across service restarts.

           services: [Service, ...]
               The list of services offered to clients. This list can include STUN/TURN services running on any
               ejabberd node and/or external services. However, if any listed TURN service not running on the
               local ejabberd node requires authentication, a secret must be specified explicitly, and must be
               shared with that service. This will only work with ejabberd’s built-in STUN/TURN server and with
               external servers that support the same REST API For Access To TURN Services. Unless the
               offer_local_services is set to false, the explicitly listed services will be offered in addition
               to those announced automatically.

               host: Host
                   The hostname or IP address the STUN/TURN service is listening on. For non-TLS services, it’s
                   recommended to specify an IP address (to avoid additional DNS lookup latency on the client
                   side). For TLS services, the hostname (or IP address) should match the certificate.
                   Specifying the host option is mandatory.

               port: 1..65535
                   The port number the STUN/TURN service is listening on. The default port number is 3478 for
                   non-TLS services and 5349 for TLS services.

               restricted: true | false
                   This option determines whether temporary credentials for accessing the service are offered.
                   The default is false for STUN/STUNS services and true for TURN/TURNS services.

               transport: tcp | udp
                   The transport protocol supported by the service. The default is udp for non-TLS services and
                   tcp for TLS services.

               type: stun | turn | stuns | turns
                   The type of service. Must be stun or turn for non-TLS services, stuns or turns for TLS
                   services. The default type is stun.


                       port: 3478
                       type: stun
                       transport: udp
                       restricted: false
                       port: 3478
                       type: turn
                       transport: udp
                       restricted: true
                       host: 2001:db8::3
                       port: 3478
                       type: stun
                       transport: udp
                       restricted: false
                       host: 2001:db8::3
                       port: 3478
                       type: turn
                       transport: udp
                       restricted: true
                       port: 5349
                       type: turns
                       transport: tcp
                       restricted: true

       This module adds support for XEP-0202: Entity Time. In other words, the module reports server’s system

       The module has no options.

       This module allows end users to store and retrieve their vCard, and to retrieve other users vCards, as
       defined in XEP-0054: vcard-temp. The module also implements an uncomplicated Jabber User Directory based
       on the vCards of these users. Moreover, it enables the server to send its vCard when queried.

       Available options:

           allow_return_all: true | false
               This option enables you to specify if search operations with empty input fields should return all
               users who added some information to their vCard. The default value is false.

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_missed: true | false
               Same as top-level cache_missed option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           db_type: mnesia | sql | ldap
               Same as top-level default_db option, but applied to this module only.

               Deprecated. Use hosts instead.

           hosts: [Host, ...]
               This option defines the Jabber IDs of the service. If the hosts option is not specified, the only
               Jabber ID will be the hostname of the virtual host with the prefix "vjud.". The keyword @HOST@ is
               replaced with the real virtual host name.

           matches: pos_integer() | infinity
               With this option, the number of reported search results can be limited. If the option’s value is
               set to infinity, all search results are reported. The default value is 30.

           name: Name
               The value of the service name. This name is only visible in some clients that support XEP-0030:
               Service Discovery. The default is vCard User Search.

           search: true | false
               This option specifies whether the search functionality is enabled or not. If disabled, the
               options hosts, name and vcard will be ignored and the Jabber User Directory service will not
               appear in the Service Discovery item list. The default value is false.

           use_cache: true | false
               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.

           vcard: vCard
               A custom vCard of the server that will be displayed by some XMPP clients in Service Discovery.
               The value of vCard is a YAML map constructed from an XML representation of vCard. Since the
               representation has no attributes, the mapping is straightforward.

               For example, the following XML representation of vCard:

                   <vCard xmlns='vcard-temp'>
                       <STREET>Elm Street</STREET>

               will be translated to:

                     fn: Conferences
                         work: true
                         street: Elm Street

       Available options for ldap backend:

               Same as top-level ldap_backups option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_base option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_deref_aliases option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_encrypt option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_filter option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_password option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_port option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_rootdn option, but applied to this module only.

           ldap_search_fields: {Name: Attribute, ...}
               This option defines the search form and the LDAP attributes to search within.  Name is the name
               of a search form field which will be automatically translated by using the translation files (see
               msgs/*.msg for available words).  Attribute is the LDAP attribute or the pattern %u.

               The default is:

                   User: "%u"
                   "Full Name": displayName
                   "Given Name": givenName
                   "Middle Name": initials
                   "Family Name": sn
                   Nickname: "%u"
                   Birthday: birthDay
                   Country: c
                   City: l
                   Email: mail
                   "Organization Name": o
                   "Organization Unit": ou

           ldap_search_reported: {SearchField: VcardField}, ...}
               This option defines which search fields should be reported.  SearchField is the name of a search
               form field which will be automatically translated by using the translation files (see msgs/*.msg
               for available words).  VcardField is the vCard field name defined in the ldap_vcard_map option.

               The default is:

                   "Full Name": FN
                   "Given Name": FIRST
                   "Middle Name": MIDDLE
                   "Family Name": LAST
                   "Nickname": NICKNAME
                   "Birthday": BDAY
                   "Country": CTRY
                   "City": LOCALITY
                   "Email": EMAIL
                   "Organization Name": ORGNAME
                   "Organization Unit": ORGUNIT

               Same as top-level ldap_servers option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_tls_cacertfile option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_tls_certfile option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_tls_depth option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_tls_verify option, but applied to this module only.

               Same as top-level ldap_uids option, but applied to this module only.

           ldap_vcard_map: {Name: {Pattern, LDAPattributes}, ...}
               With this option you can set the table that maps LDAP attributes to vCard fields.  Name is the
               type name of the vCard as defined in RFC 2426.  Pattern is a string which contains pattern
               variables %u, %d or %s.  LDAPattributes is the list containing LDAP attributes. The pattern
               variables %s will be sequentially replaced with the values of LDAP attributes from
               List_of_LDAP_attributes, %u will be replaced with the user part of a JID, and %d will be replaced
               with the domain part of a JID.

               The default is:

                   NICKNAME: {"%u": []}
                   FN: {"%s": [displayName]}
                   LAST: {"%s": [sn]}
                   FIRST: {"%s": [givenName]}
                   MIDDLE: {"%s": [initials]}
                   ORGNAME: {"%s": [o]}
                   ORGUNIT: {"%s": [ou]}
                   CTRY: {"%s": [c]}
                   LOCALITY: {"%s": [l]}
                   STREET: {"%s": [street]}
                   REGION: {"%s": [st]}
                   PCODE: {"%s": [postalCode]}
                   TITLE: {"%s": [title]}
                   URL: {"%s": [labeleduri]}
                   DESC: {"%s": [description]}
                   TEL: {"%s": [telephoneNumber]}
                   EMAIL: {"%s": [mail]}
                   BDAY: {"%s": [birthDay]}
                   ROLE: {"%s": [employeeType]}
                   PHOTO: {"%s": [jpegPhoto]}

       Available options for mnesia backend:

           search_all_hosts: true | false
               Whether to perform search on all virtual hosts or not. The default value is true.

       The user’s client can store an avatar in the user vCard. The vCard-Based Avatars protocol (XEP-0153)
       provides a method for clients to inform the contacts what is the avatar hash value. However, simple or
       small clients may not implement that protocol.

       If this module is enabled, all the outgoing client presence stanzas get automatically the avatar hash on
       behalf of the client. So, the contacts receive the presence stanzas with the Update Data described in
       XEP-0153 as if the client would had inserted it itself. If the client had already included such element
       in the presence stanza, it is replaced with the element generated by ejabberd.

       By enabling this module, each vCard modification produces a hash recalculation, and each presence sent by
       a client produces hash retrieval and a presence stanza rewrite. For this reason, enabling this module
       will introduce a computational overhead in servers with clients that change frequently their presence.
       However, the overhead is significantly reduced by the use of caching, so you probably don’t want to set
       use_cache to false.

       The module depends on mod_vcard.


           Nowadays XEP-0153 is used mostly as "read-only", i.e. modern clients don’t publish their avatars
           inside vCards. Thus in the majority of cases the module is only used along with mod_avatar for
           providing backward compatibility.

       Available options:

           cache_life_time: timeout()
               Same as top-level cache_life_time option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_missed: true | false
               Same as top-level cache_missed option, but applied to this module only.

           cache_size: pos_integer() | infinity
               Same as top-level cache_size option, but applied to this module only.

           use_cache: true | false
               Same as top-level use_cache option, but applied to this module only.

       This module implements XEP-0092: Software Version. Consequently, it answers ejabberd’s version when

       Available options:

           show_os: true | false
               Should the operating system be revealed or not. The default value is true.


       This section describes options of all ejabberd listeners.





       This document describes the configuration file of ejabberd 23.10. Configuration options of other ejabberd
       versions may differ significantly.


       Report bugs to


       Default configuration file:

       Main site:


       Configuration Guide:

       Source code:


       Copyright (c) 2002-2023 ProcessOne.

                                                   10/16/2023                                    EJABBERD.YML(5)