Provided by: moosefs-chunkserver_3.0.117-1.1build2_amd64 

mfschunkserver.cfg - main configuration file for mfschunkserver
The file mfschunkserver.cfg contains configuration of MooseFS chunkserver process.
Syntax is: OPTION = VALUE Lines starting with # character are ignored as comments.
Configuration options: WORKING_USER user to run daemon as WORKING_GROUP group to run daemon as; optional value - if empty then default user group will be used SYSLOG_IDENT name of process to place in syslog messages; default is mfschunkserver LOCK_MEMORY whether to perform mlockall() to avoid swapping out mfschunkserver process; default is 0, i.e. no LIMIT_GLIBC_MALLOC_ARENAS limit malloc arenas to given value - prevents server from using huge amount of virtual memory (Linux onty, default is 4) DISABLE_OOM_KILLER disable out of memory killer (Linux only, default is 1) NICE_LEVEL nice level to run daemon with; default is -19; note: process must be started as root to increase priority, if setting of priority fails, process retains the nice level it started with FILE_UMASK set default umask for group and others (user has always 0); default is 027 - block write for group and block all for others DATA_PATH where to store daemon lock file HDD_CONF_FILENAME alternate location/name of mfshdd.cfg file HDD_TEST_FREQ This option is deprecated. Please define HDD_TEST_SPEED instead. If HDD_TEST_SPEED is not defined then system will try to use HDD_TEST_FREQ but will convert it to HDD_TEST_SPEED using formula: HDD_TEST_SPEED = 10 / HDD_TEST_FREQ HDD_TEST_SPEED Speed of background chunk tests in MB/s per disk (formally entry defined in mfshdd.cfg). Value can be given as a decimal number; default is 1.0 HDD_MIN_TEST_INTERVAL prevents from testing chunk integrity when last I/O (including test) was performed less than HDD_MIN_TEST_INTERVAL seconds ago; default is 86400 HDD_FADVISE_MIN_TIME If possible use posix_fadvise(POSIX_DONTNEED) after each chunk test (but only if last I/O operation was performed more than HDD_FADVISE_MIN_TIME seconds ago). Using zero will always perform posix_fadvise (flush cache) and using negative value will never flush cache after tests. This setting is valid only for system s that support posix_fadivise; default value is 86400 HDD_LEAVE_SPACE_DEFAULT how much space should be left unused on each hard drive; number format: [0-9]*(.[0-9]*)?([kMGTPE]|[KMGTPE]i)?B? ; default is 256MiB; examples: 0.5GB, .5G, 2.56GiB, 1256M etc. HDD_REBALANCE_UTILIZATION percent of total work time the chunkserver is allowed to spend on hdd space rebalancing; default is 20 HDD_HIGH_SPEED_REBALANCE_LIMIT maximum simultaneous writes per disk in high speed disk rebalance (0 means use standard rebalance; default is 0) HDD_ERROR_TOLERANCE_COUNT, HDD_ERROR_TOLERANCE_PERIOD how many i/o errors (COUNT) to tolerate in given amount of seconds (PERIOD) on a single hard drive; if the number of errors exceeds this setting, the offending hard drive will be marked as damaged; defaults are 2 and 600 HDD_FSYNC_BEFORE_CLOSE enables/disables fsync before chunk closing; default is 0 (off) HDD_SPARSIFY_ON_WRITE enables/disables sparsification (skip leading and trailing zeros) during writing new block; default is 1 (on) HDD_RR_CHUNK_COUNT how many chunks should be created in one directory before moving to the next one; higher values are better with most OSes caching algorithms, low values lead to more even chunk distribution; default is 10000 which works best in most cases HDD_KEEP_DUPLICATES_HOURS how many hours duplicate chunks should be kept before deleting (default is 168 - one week); changign this value and reloading will reset the counter ALLOW_STARTING_WITH_INVALID_DISKS when set to one chunkserver will not abort start even when incorrect entries are found in 'mfshdd.cfg' file; default is 0 (do not start with invalid entries) WORKERS_MAX, WORKERS_MAX_IDLE maximum number of active workers and maximum number of idle workers; defaults are 250 and 40 LABELS labels string defined as a set of letters (case insensitive) separated by coma or semicolon; default is empty - no labels BIND_HOST local address to use for master connections; default is *, i.e. default local address MASTER_HOST MooseFS master host, IP is allowed only in single-master installations; default is mfsmaster MASTER_PORT MooseFS master command port; default is 9420 MASTER_CONTROL_PORT MooseFS master control port; default is 9419 MASTER_TIMEOUT timeout in seconds for master connections (if not 0); If this value is zero then chunkserver sets it initially to 10 and asks master for this value. default is 0 (ask master). MASTER_RECONNECTION_DELAY delay in seconds before trying to reconnect to master after disconnection (default is 5) AUTH_CODE authentication string (used only when master requires authorization) BIND_HOST local address to use for connecting with master (default is *, i.e. default local address) CHUNKS_PER_REGISTER_PACKET maximum number of chunks system will try to put in a single register message (default is 10000, limits 1000-100000) CSSERV_LISTEN_HOST IP address to listen on for client (mount) connections (* means any) CSSERV_LISTEN_PORT port to listen on for client (mount) connections (default is 9422)
Copyright (C) 2023 Jakub Kruszona-Zawadzki, Saglabs SA This file is part of MooseFS. MooseFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 (only). MooseFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MooseFS; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301, USA or visit
mfschunkserver(8), mfshdd.cfg(5)