Provided by: recap_2.1.0-1_all 

recap.conf - recap configuration file
The /etc/recap.conf file contains configuration information for recap. It stores the default values that determine which reports get generated and how many reports are generated. The output files from the script are written to BASEDIR.
BASEDIR Directory where recap logs will be written, if defined is used by recaplog and recaptool. (default: /var/log/recap) MAILTO Define this variable if you would like the reports to be sent via email MIN_FREE_SPACE The minimum free disk space (in MB) required in ${BASEDIR} to run recap. (Disabled by default) (default: 0) REPORTS USEFDISK Can be set to yes or no to enable or not "fdisk ${OPTS_FDISK}. This output is written in ${BASEDIR}/fdisk.log (default: no) USEPS Can be set to yes or no to enable or disable the ps.log. (default: yes) USERESOURCES Can be set to yes or no to enable or disable the resources.log. (default: yes) USEDF Can be set to yes or no depending on whether or not "df ${OPTS_DF}" output should be stored in the report output. This requires that USERESOURCES be set to yes. (default: yes) USESLAB Can be set to yes or no depending on whether or not the slab counters should be stored in the report output. This requires that USERESOURCES be set to yes. (default: no) USESAR Can be set to yes or no depending on whether or not "sar" output should be stored in the report output. This requires that USERESOURCES be set to yes. (default: yes) USESARQ Can be set to yes or no depending on whether or not "sar -q"(Queue length, load) output should be stored in the report output. This requires that USERESOURCES be set to yes. (default: no) USESARR Can be set to yes or no depending on whether or not "sar -r"(memory data) output should be stored in the report output. This requires that USERESOURCES be set to yes. (default: no) USEFULLSTATUS Can be set to yes or no depending on whether or not a http request(GET) to OPTS_STATUSURL is required, it requires that the webserver url(OPTS_STATUSURL) is configured to respond to this request. Nginx(nginx_status) and Apache HTTPD(server-status) offer a functionality to provide the status of the webserver via URL. This requires that USERESOURCES be set to yes. (default: no) USEPSTREE Can be set to yes or no depending on whether or not the output of the "pstree" command should be recorded. Makes use of OPTS_PSTREE to modify its options. Please note that this output is written to a separate file in ${BASEDIR}/pstree.log (default: no) USENETSTAT Can be set to yes or no depending on whether or not the output of "ss ${OPTS_NETSTAT}" command should be recorded. Please note that this output is written to a separate file in ${BASEDIR}/netstat.log is required by USENETSTATSUM. (default: yes) USENETSTATSUM Can be set to yes or no depending on whether or not the output of "nstat ${OPTS_NETSTAT_SUM}" command should be recorded. This report requires that USENETSTAT be set to "yes". This output is written in ${BASEDIR}/netstat.log (default: no) USEMYSQL Can be set to yes or no depending on whether or not the output of "mysqladmin status" command should be recorded. Before enabling this option, please make sure that DOTMYDOTCNF points to the file that has appropriate credentials for accessing MySQL. Please note that this output is written to a separate file in ${BASEDIR}/mysql.log (default: no) USEMYSQLPROCESSLIST Can be set to yes or no depending on whether or not the output of "mysqladmin processlist" command should be recorded. This report requires that USEMYSQL be set to "yes". This option makes use of MYSQL_PROCESS_LIST, to produce the output vertical or in a table. This output is written in ${BASEDIR}/mysql.log (default: no) USEINNODB Can be set to yes or no depending on whether or not the output of "mysql show engine innodb status" and other variables(pid_files, tmpdir) command should be recorded. This report requires that USEMYSQL be set to "yes". This output is written in ${BASEDIR}/mysql.log (default: no) COMMAND OPTIONS Options used by the tools generating the reports DOTMYDOTCNF Option required by USEMYSQL, USEMYSQLPROCESSLIST, USEINNODB, defines the path to the mysql client configuration file. (default: "/root/.my.cnf") MYSQL_PROCESS_LIST Format to display MySQL process list, options are "table" or "vertical". This requires that USEMYSQLPROCESSLIST be set "yes". (default: table). OPTS_LINKS Options used by links, when using USEFULLSTATUS (default: '-dump') OPTS_DF df options (default: '-x nfs') OPTS_FDISK Option used by USEFDISK. (default: "-l") OPTS_FREE free options (default: "") OPTS_IOSTAT iostat options (default: "-t -x 1 3" ) OPTS_IOTOP iotop options (default: "-b -o -t -n 3") OPTS_NETSTAT ss options (default: "-atunp") OPTS_NETSTAT_SUM nstat statistics options (default: "-a") OPTS_PS ps options (default: "auxfww") OPTS_PSTREE pstree options (default: "-p") OPTS_STATUSURL URL to perform the http request when USEFULLSTATUS is enabled. (default: "http://localhost:80/server-status") OPTS_VMSTAT vmstat options (default: "-S M 1 3")
Bugs and issues to be submitted via github <>.
The recap scripts are maintained by Rackspace, the list of contributors is available at
recap(8), recaplog(8), crontab(5) systemd.timer(5) July 7, 2017 RECAP.CONF(5)