Provided by: thinkfan_1.3.1-4build1_amd64 bug


       thinkfan.conf - YAML-formatted config for thinkfan(1)


       YAML  is  a very powerful, yet concise notation for structured data.  Its full specification is available
       at  Thinkfan uses only a small subset of the full YAML syntax, so it
       may be helpful, but not strictly necessary for users to take a look at the spec.

       The  most  important  thing  to  note is that indentation is syntactically relevant.  In particular, tabs
       should not be mixed with spaces.  We recommend using two spaces for indentation, like it is shown below.

       The thinkfan config has three main sections:

       sensors:   Where temperatures should be read from. All hwmon-style drivers  are  supported,  as  well  as
                  /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal,  and,  depending  on  the  compile-time  options, libatasmart (to read
                  temperatures directly from hard disks) and NVML (via the proprietary nvidia driver).

       fans:      Which fans should be used  (currently  only  one  allowed).   Support  for  multiple  fans  is
                  currently  in development and planned for a future release.  Both hwmon-style PWM controls and
                  /proc/acpi/ibm/fan can be used.

       levels:    Maps temperatures to fan speeds.  A “simple mapping” just specifies  one  temperature  as  the
                  lower  and  upper  bound  (respectively)  for a given fan speed.  In a “detailed mapping”, the
                  upper and lower bounds are specified for each driver/sensor configured under  sensors:.   This
                  mode  should  be used when thinkfan is monitoring multiple devices that can tolerate different
                  amounts of heat.

       Under each of these sections, there must be a list of key-value maps, each of which configures  a  sensor
       driver, fan driver or fan speed mapping.


       For  thinkfan  to  work, it first needs to know which temperature sensor drivers and which fan drivers it
       should use.  The mapping between temperature readings and fan speeds is specified in  a  separate  config
       section (see the FAN SPEEDS section below).

   Sensor Syntax
       The  entries under the sensors: section can specify hwmon, thinkpad_acpi, NVML or atasmart drivers, where
       the latter two must be enabled at compile-time.   There  can  be  any  number  (greater  than  zero)  and
       combination  of  hwmon,  tpacpi, nvml and atasmart entries.  However there may be at most one instance of
       the tpacpi entry.

         - hwmon: hwmon-path
           name: hwmon-name
           indices: index-list
           correction: correction-list
           optional: bool-allow-errors

         - tpacpi: /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal
           indices: index-list
           correction: correction-list
           optional: bool-allow-errors

         - nvml: nvml-bus-id
           correction: correction-list
           optional: bool-allow-errors

         - atasmart: disk-device-file
           correction: correction-list
           optional: bool-allow-errors

         - ...

   Fan Syntax
       Currently, thinkfan supports only one fan, so there can be only one  entry  in  the  list.   Support  for
       multiple  fans  is currently in development and planned for a future release.  The fan is either an hwmon

         - hwmon: hwmon-path
           name: hwmon-name
           indices: index-list

       or a tpacpi fan:

         - tpacpi: /proc/acpi/ibm/fan

       hwmon-path  There are three ways of specifying hwmon fans or sensors:

               1)  A full path of  a  “temp*_input”  or  “pwm*”  file,  like  “/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/pwm1”  or
                   “/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input”.   In  this  case, the “indices: index-list” and “name:
                   hwmon-name” entries are unnecessary since the path uniquely  identifies  a  specific  fan  or

                   Note  that this method may lead to problems when the load order of the drivers changes across
                   bootups, because in the “hwmonX” folder name, the X actually corresponds to the  load  order.
                   Use method 2) or 3) to avoid this problem.

               2)  A     directory     that     contains     a    specific    hwmon    driver,    for    example
                   “/sys/devices/platform/nct6775.2592”.  Note that this path does not  contain  the  load-order
                   dependent “hwmonX” folder.  As long as it contains only a single hwmon driver/interface it is
                   sufficient to specify the “indices: index-list” entry to tell thinkfan which specific sensors
                   to use from that interface.  The “name: hwmon-name” entry is unnecessary.

               3)  A   directory   that   contains   multiple   or   all  of  the  hwmon  drivers,  for  example
                   “/sys/class/hwmon”.  Here, both the “name: hwmon-name” and “indices: index-list” entries  are
                   required  to  tell  thinkfan  which interface to select below that path, and which sensors or
                   which fan to use from that interface.

       hwmon-name  The name of a hwmon interface, typically found in a file  called  “name”.   This  has  to  be
                   specified  if  hwmon-path  is  a  base  path  that  contains multiple hwmons.  This method of
                   specifying sensors is particularly useful if the  full  path  to  a  particular  hwmon  keeps
                   changing between bootups, e.g. due to changing load order of the driver modules.

       index-list  A YAML list [ X1, X2, ... ] that specifies which sensors, resp. which fan to use from a given
                   interface.  Both /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal and  also  many  hwmon  interfaces  contain  multiple
                   sensors, and not all of them may be relevant for fan control.

                •  For  hwmon  entries,  this  is  required  if  hwmon-path  does not refer directly to a single
                   “tempXi_input” file, but to a folder that contains one or more of them.  In this case, index-
                   list  specifies  the  Xi for the “tempXi_input” files that should be used.  A hwmon interface
                   may also contain multiple PWM controls for fans, so in that  case,  index-list  must  contain
                   exactly one entry.

                •  For  tpacpi  sensors,  this  entry  is optional.  If it is omitted, all temperatures found in
                   /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal will be used.

       nvml-bus-id NOTE: only available if thinkfan was compiled with USE_NVML enabled.

                   The PCI bus ID of an nVidia graphics card that is run with the proprietary nVidia driver. Can
                   be  obtained with e.g. “lspci | grep -i vga”.  Usually, nVidia cards will use the open source
                   nouveau driver, which should support hwmon sensors instead.

                   NOTE: only available if thinkfan was compiled with USE_ATASMART enabled.

                   Full path to a device file for a hard disk that supports S.M.A.R.T.  See also the  -d  option
                   in  thinkfan(1)  that  prevents  thinkfan  from waking up sleeping (mechanical) disks to read
                   their temperature.

       correction-list (always optional)
                   A YAML list that specifies temperature offsets for each sensor in use by  the  given  driver.
                   Use  this  if  you  want to use the “simple” level syntax, but need to compensate for devices
                   with a lower heat tolerance.  Note however that the detailed  level  syntax  is  usually  the
                   better (i.e. more fine-grained) choice.

       bool-allow-errors (always optional, false by default)
                   A  truth  value (yes/no/true/false) that specifies whether thinkfan should accept errors when
                   reading from this sensor.  Normally, thinkfan will exit with an error message if reading  the
                   temperature from any configured sensor fails.  Marking a sensor as optional may be useful for
                   removable hardware or devices that may get switched off entirely to save power.


       The levels: section specifies a list of fan speeds with associated lower and  upper  temperature  bounds.
       If  temperature(s)  drop below the lower bound, thinkfan switches to the previous level, and if the upper
       bound is reached, thinkfan switches to the next level.

   Simple Syntax
       In the simplified form, only one temperature is specified as an upper/lower limit for a given fan  speed.
       In  that  case,  the lower-bound and upper-bound are compared only to the highest temperature found among
       all configured sensors.  All other temperatures are ignored.  This mode is  suitable  for  small  systems
       (like laptops) where there is only one device (e.g. the CPU) whose temperature needs to be controlled, or
       where the required fan behaviour is similar enough for all heat-generating devices.

         - [ fan-speed, lower-bound, upper-bound ]
         - ...

   Detailed Syntax
       This mode is suitable for more complex systems, with devices that  have  different  temperature  ratings.
       For  example, many modern CPUs and GPUs can deal with temperatures above 80°C on a daily basis, whereas a
       hard disk will die quickly  if  it  reaches  such  temperatures.   In  detailed  mode,  upper  and  lower
       temperature limits are specified for each sensor individually:

         - speed: fan-speed
           lower_limit: [ l1, l2, ... ]
           upper_limit: [ u1, u2, ... ]
         - ...

       fan-speed   The possible speed values are different depending on which fan driver is used.

                   For a hwmon fan, fan-speed is a numeric value ranging from 0 to 255, corresponding to the PWM
                   values accepted by the various kernel drivers.

                   For a tpacpi fan on Lenovo/IBM ThinkPads and some other Lenovo laptops  (see  SENSORS  &  FAN
                   DRIVERS  above),  numeric values and strings can be used.  The numeric values range from 0 to
                   7.  The string values take the form "level lvl-id", where lvl-id may be a value from 0 to  7,
                   auto,  full-speed  or  disengaged.   The  numeric values 0 to 7 correspond to the regular fan
                   speeds used by the firmware, although many firmwares don't  even  use  level  7.   The  value
                   "level auto" gives control back to the firmware, which may be useful if the fan behavior only
                   needs to be changed for certain specific temperature ranges (usually at the high and low  end
                   of  the  range).   The  values  "level  full-speed" and "level disengaged" take the fan speed
                   control away from the firmware, causing the fan to slowly ramp up to an absolute maximum that
                   can  be  achieved  within  electrical  limits.   Note  that  this  will  run  the  fan out of
                   specification and  cause  increased  wear,  though  it  may  be  helpful  to  combat  thermal

       l1, l2, ...

       u1, u2, ... The  lower  and  upper limits refer to the sensors in the same order in which they were found
                   when processing the sensors: section (see SENSOR & FAN DRIVERS above).  For the  first  level
                   entry,  the lower_limit may be omitted, and for the last one, the upper_limit may be omitted.
                   For all levels in between, the lower limits  must  overlap  with  the  upper  limits  of  the
                   previous  level,  to make sure the entire temperature range is covered and that there is some
                   hysteresis between speed levels.


       The thinkfan manpage:

       Example configs shipped with the source distribution, also available at:

       The Linux hwmon user interface documentation:

       The thinkpad_acpi interface documentation:


       Report bugs on the github issue tracker: