Provided by: ddpt_0.97-1_amd64 bug


       ddpt  -  copies  data  between  files  and  storage devices. Support for devices that understand the SCSI
       command set.


       ddpt  [bpt=BPT[,OBPC]]  [bs=BS]  [cdbsz=IO_CDBSZ]  [cdl=CDL]  [coe={0|1}]   [coe_limit=CL]   [conv=CONVS]
       [count=COUNT] [ddpt=VERS] [delay=MS[,W_MS]] [ibs=IBS] [id_usage=LIU] if=IFILE [iflag=FLAGS] [intio={0|1}]
       [iseek=SKIP]  [ito=ITO]  [list_id=LID]  [obs=OBS]  [of=OFILE]  [of2=OFILE2]  [oflag=FLAGS]   [oseek=SEEK]
       [prio=PRIO]   [protect=RDP[,WRP]]   [retries=RETR]   [rtf=RTF]   [rtype=RTYPE]   [seek=SEEK]  [skip=SKIP]
       [status=STAT] [to=TO] [verbose=VERB] [--dry-run] [--flexible] [--help]  [--job=JF]  [--odx]  [--prefetch]
       [--progress] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--verify] [--version] [--wscan] [--xcopy] [ddpt] [JF]

       For comparison here is the synopsis for GNU's dd command:

       dd  [bs=BS]  [cbs=CBS] [conv=CONVS] [count=COUNT] [ibs=IBS] [if=IFILE] [iflag=FLAGS] [obs=OBS] [of=OFILE]
       [oflag=FLAGS] [seek=SEEK] [skip=SKIP] [status=STAT] [--help] [--version]


       Copies data between files or simply reads data from a file.  Alternatively  if  the  --verify  option  is
       given,  the  IFILE  and  OFILE contents are compared, stopping if an inequality is found. This utility is
       specialized for "files" that are storage devices, especially those that can use  the  SCSI  command  sets
       (e.g.  SATA  and  SAS  disks). It can issue SCSI commands in pass-through ("pt") mode. Similar syntax and
       semantics to the Unix dd(1) command.

       For comparison, the SYNOPSIS section above shows both the ddpt command line operands and options followed
       by  GNU's dd(1) command line operands and options. Broadly speaking ddpt can be considered a super-set of
       dd. See the section on DD DIFFERENCES for significant differences between ddpt and dd.

       This utility either does direct copies, based  on  read-write  sequences,  or  offloaded  copies.  In  an
       offloaded  copy  the  data  being  copied does not necessarily pass through the memory of the the machine
       originating the copy operation; this can save a significant amount of time and lessen CPU usage.

       When doing a direct copy, this utility breaks the copy into segments since computer RAM  is  typically  a
       scarce  resource. First it reads in BPT*IBS bytes from IFILE (or less if near the end of the copy) into a
       copy buffer. In the absence of the various operand and flags that bypass the write  operation,  the  copy
       buffer  is  then  written out to OFILE.  The copy process continues working its way along IFILE and OFILE
       until either COUNT is exhausted, an end of file is detected, or an error  occurs.  If  IBS  and  OBS  are
       different,  ddpt  restricts  the  value  of OBS such that the copy buffer is an integral number of output
       blocks (i.e. (((IBS * BPT) % OBS) == 0) ). In the following descriptions, "segment" refers to all or part
       of a copy buffer.

       The term "pt device" is used for a pass-through device to which SCSI commands like READ(10), WRITE(10) or
       POPULATE TOKEN may be sent. A pt device may only be able to process SCSI commands in which case the  "pt"
       flag  is  assumed.  The  ability  to  recognize such a pt only device may vary depending on the operating
       system (e.g. in Linux /dev/sg2 and /dev/bsg/3:0:1:0 are recognized). However  if  a  device  can  process
       either  normal  UNIX  read()/ write() calls or pass-through SCSI commands then the default is to use UNIX
       read()/write() calls. That  default  can  be  overridden  by  using  the  "pt"  flag  (e.g.  "if=/dev/sdc
       iflag=pt").  When pt access is specified any partition information is ignored.  So "if=/dev/sdc2 iflag=pt
       skip=3" will start at logical block address 3 of '/dev/sdc'. As  a  protection  measure  ddpt  will  only
       accept that if the force flag is also given (i.e. 'iflag=pt,force').

       This utility supports two types of offloaded copies. Both are based on the EXTENDED COPY (XCOPY or xcopy)
       family of SCSI commands. The first uses the XCOPY(LID1) command to do a disk to disk  copy.  LID1  stands
       for  List  IDentifier  length of 1 byte and the commands are described in the SPC-4 and earlier SPC-3 and
       SPC-2 standards. The SPC-4 standard (ANSI INCITS 513-2015)  added  the  XCOPY(LID4)  sub-family  of  copy
       offloaded  commands.  Now  SPC-5 drafts have dropped the LID1 variants and removed the LID4 suffix on the
       remaining XCOPY family of commands. To differentiate, this man page will continue to  use  the  LID1  and
       LID4  suffixes.  There is a subset of XCOPY(LID4), specialized for offloaded disk to disk copies, that is
       known by the market name: ODX. In the descriptions below "xcopy" refers to copies  based  on  XCOPY(LID1)
       while  "odx"  refers to either full or partial ODX copies.  See the XCOPY and ODX sections below for more

       The syntax of the dd command is somewhat unique in Unix and ddpt follows in a similar  fashion.  Operands
       (i.e.  those with the <name>=<something> structure) are shown in OPERANDS section. The more familiar Unix
       options (i.e. those starting with one or two hyphens) are shown in the OPTIONS section. Then there are  a
       few  arguments  which  are command line entities that are neither operands nor options, see the ARGUMENTS


       The operands are listed alphabetically (by <name>) below. The <name> is the part that is to the  left  of
       the equal sign. All <names> start with a lower case alphabetical character.

              where  BPT  is  Blocks  Per  Transfer.  A direct copy is made up of multiple transfers, each first
              reading BPT input blocks (i.e. BPT * IBS bytes) from IFILE into the copy buffer and then from that
              copy  buffer  writing  (BPT  * IBS) / OBS output blocks to OFILE. This continues until the copy is
              finished, with the last transfer being potentially shorter. The default BPT value varies depending
              on  IBS.  When IBS < 8, BPT is 8192; when IBS < 64, BPT is 1024; when IBS < 1024, BPT is 128; when
              IBS < 8192, BPT is 16; when IBS < 32768, BPT is 4; else BPT defaults to 1. If BPT is given as 0 it
              is  treated  as  the default value.  For "bs=512", BPT defaults to 128 so that 64 KiB (or less) is
              read from IFILE into the copy buffer. This operand is treated differently in ODX and is  typically
              only needed for testing; see ODX section.
              The  optional  OBPC  (Output Blocks Per Check) argument controls the granularity of sparse writes,
              write sparing and trim checks. The default granularity is the size of the copy buffer (i.e. BPT  *
              IBS bytes). That can be reduced by specifying OBPC. The finest granularity is when OBPC is 1 which
              implies the unit of each check is  OBS  bytes.   When  OBPC  is  0,  or  not  given,  the  default
              granularity  is used. Large OBPC values are rounded down so that OBPC*OBS does not exceed the size
              of the copy buffer.
              odx: may be used to limit the data represented by each ROD. Mainly for testing.
              If BPT is too large on Linux, the obscure "Invalid argument" error value (EINVAL) is returned.

       bs=BS  where BS is the IFILE and OFILE block size in bytes.  Conflicts with either the "ibs="  or  "obs="
              operands.  The  value  of BS is placed in IBS and OBS.  If IFILE or OFILE is a "pt" device then BS
              must be the logical block size of the device. See the DD DIFFERENCES section below. The default is
              512  bytes  unless  overridden  by the DDPT_DEF_BS environment variable. Note that newer disks use
              4096 byte blocks with perhaps larger block sizes coming in  the  future.  CD/DVD/BD  media  use  a
              logical block size of 2048 bytes.

              size  of SCSI READ and/or WRITE (VERIFY) command descriptor blocks (cdb) in bytes. IO_CDBSZ may be
              one number or two numbers separated by a comma.  The acceptable numbers are 0, 6, 10,  12,  16  or
              32. The default 0 will usually be set to 10 internally unless the (first and last) LBAs cannot fit
              in 32 bits in which case the 16 byte variant of each command is used. If one number  is  given  it
              applies  both  to  the  IFILE  and IFILE. If two numbers are given, the first applies to the IFILE
              (i.e. the READ command) and the second applies to the OFILE.
              If IFILE or OFILE is not a SCSI pass-through device  then  the  corresponding  IO_CDBSZ  value  is

              allows setting of command duration limits. CDL is either a single value or two values separated by
              a comma. If one value is given, it applies to both IFILE  and  OFILE  (if  they  are  pass-through
              devices).  If  two values are given, the first applies to IFILE while the second applies to OFILE.
              The value may be from 0 to 7 where 0 is the default  and  means  there  are  no  command  duration
              limits.  Command duration limits are only supported by 16 and 32 byte READ and WRITE commands (and
              the WRITE SCATTERED command which is not used by this utility). If the cdbsz operand is not  given
              and would have a value less than 16, then if CDL is greater than 0, the cdbsz is increased to 16.
              Command  duration  limits  can  be accesses and changed in the Command duration limit A and B mode
              pages, plus the Command duration limit T2A and T2B mode pages. The sdparm utility may be  used  to
              access and change these mode pages.

              set  to  1 for continue on error. Applies to errors on input and output for pt devices but only on
              input from block devices or regular files. Errors on other files will  stop  ddpt.  Default  is  0
              which implies stop on any error. See the 'coe' flag for more information.

              where  CL  is  the  maximum  number of consecutive bad blocks stepped over due to "coe=1" on reads
              before the copy terminates. The default is 0 which is implies no limit. This operand is  meant  to
              stop  the  copy  soon  after unrecorded media is detected while still offering "continue on error"
              capability for infrequent, randomly distributed errors.

              see the CONVERSIONS section below.

              copy COUNT input blocks from IFILE to OFILE. If this operand is not given (or COUNT is '-1')  then
              the COUNT may be deduced from either IFILE or OFILE. See the COUNT section below.
              If  a 'hard' gather list is given to skip=SKIP or a 'hard' scatter list is given to seek=SEEK then
              typically count=COUNT should not be supplied. This is because a 'hard' scatter gather list implies
              a transfer count. If both are given then ddpt will exit if they are unequal, the force flag can be
              used to override this action. See the SCATTER GATHER LISTS  section  below  for  a  discussion  of
              'hard' and 'soft' scatter gather lists.

              causes a syntax error while parsing the command line if the current version of the ddpt utility is
              less than VERS. VERS can take one of two forms: starting with a digit in which case is should have
              the  form  "<major_vn>.<minor_vn>"  or  starting  with the letter "r" followed by "<svn.rev>". The
              latter case is the subversion revision number. Both numbers can be found  in  the  output  of  the
              --version  option.  The  purpose of this operand is to be placed in job files so that they are not
              run on older versions of this utility

              after each segment is  copied  (typically  every  (IBS  *  BPT)  bytes)  a  delay  (sleep)  of  MS
              milliseconds  is performed. The default value for MS is 0 which implies no delay. If W_MS is given
              and greater than 0 (its default value) then there is an  additional  delay  of  W_MS  milliseconds
              associated with each actual write operation that is performed.  If MS is greater than 0 then there
              is not a delay before the first copy segment (or after the last); if W_MS is greater than  0  then
              there  is  not  a  delay  before the first write segment. These delays can be used for a bandwidth
              odx: the MS delay is implemented in the same fashion after each ROD  is  copied,  apart  from  the
              last.  If  W_MS  is  greater than 0 then that delay occurs before each WUT command, apart from the

              where IBS is the IFILE block size in bytes.  The  default  value  is  BS  or  its  default  (512).
              Conflicts the "bs=" operand (i.e. giving both "bs=512 ibs=512" is considered a syntax error).

              xcopy: SCSI EXTENDED COPY parameter list LIST ID USAGE field is set to LIU. The default value is 0
              or 2 . LIU can be a number between 0 and 3 inclusive or a  string.  The  strings  can  be  either:
              'hold' for 0, 'discard' for 2 or 'disable' for 3.

              read  from  IFILE.  If  IFILE  is '-' then stdin is read. Starts reading at the beginning of IFILE
              unless SKIP is given.
              This operand must be given (apart from one odx case and when iflag=00 or iflag=ff is given).
              odx: the rtf=RTF operand may replace the if=IFILE operand as input. See the ODX section.

              where FLAGS is a comma separated list of one or more flags outlined in the  FLAGS  section  below.
              These flags are associated with IFILE and are mostly ignored when IFILE is stdin.

              set  to  1  for  allow signals (SIGINT, SIGPIPE and SIGUSR1 (or SIGINFO)) to be received during IO
              from IFILE or IO to OFILE or OFILE2.  Default is 0 which causes these signals to be masked  during
              IO operations with a check for signals prior each IO. As long as IO operations don't lock up (e.g.
              SCSI READ and WRITE commands) the default is the safer option. Even if IO operations do lock up it
              is best to let the kernel take care of that.

              in its simplest form, SKIP is a single number: start reading after SKIP blocks (each of IBS bytes)
              from the start of IFILE.  Default is block 0 (i.e. start of file). This operand is a  synonym  for
              skip=SKIP, see its description.

              odx: ITO is the inactivity timeout whose units are seconds. The default value is 0 which means the
              copy manager will take the default inactivity timeout value from the Block Device ROD Token Limits
              descriptor  in  the  Third  Party  Copy  VPD  page.  ITO  is  ignored if it it exceeds the maximum
              inactivity timeout value in the same descriptor (unless the force flag is given).

              LID is the xcopy LIST IDENTIFIER field or the STR_ID field for the WRITE STREAM command. Fo  xcopy
              it  is  used to associate an originating xcopy command with follow-up commands such as RECEIVE ROD
              TOKEN INFORMATION. If given, the LID should not clash with any other xcopy LID currently in use on
              this I_T nexus.
              xcopy:  LID  is  a  1 byte (8 bit) value whose default value is 1 or, if id_usage=disable, 0 . LID
              must not exceed 255.
              odx: LID is a 4 byte (32 bit) value whose default value is 257 (i.e.   0x101)  and,  if  a  second
              default  is  needed,  258  (0x102)  is used. If a clash is detected on the default list identifier
              value then the next higher value is tried (stopping after 10 attempts).
              oflag=wstream: LID is a 2 byte (16 bit)  value  whose  default  value  is  0.  It  is  the  Stream
              Identifier  (STR_ID  field)  for the WRITE STREAM(16) command. Valid Stream identifiers are 0x1 to
              0xffff (65535) inclusive, so the default value of 0 is invalid.

              where OBS is the OFILE block size in bytes.  The  default  value  is  BS  or  its  default  (512).
              Conflicts  the "bs=" operand (e.g. giving both "bs=512 obs=512" is considered a syntax error).  If
              OBS is given then it has the following restriction: the integer expression (((IBS * BPT) % OBS) ==
              0) must be true.  Stated another way: the copy buffer size must be an integral multiple of OBS. If
              of2=OFILE2 is given then OBS is its block size as well.

              write to OFILE. The default value is /dev/null . If OFILE is '-' then writes to stdout.  If  OFILE
              is  /dev/null then no actual writes are performed. If OFILE is '.' (period) then it is treated the
              same way as /dev/null . If OFILE exists then it is _not_ truncated unless "oflag=trunc" is  given.
              See section on DD DIFFERENCES.
              odx:  if  this  operand (of=OFILE) is not given and the rtf=RTF operand is given then the RTF file
              may be thought of as receiving the output in the form of one or  more  ROD  Tokens.  See  the  ODX

              write  output  to  OFILE2.  The  default action is not to do this additional write (i.e. when this
              operand is not given). OFILE2 is assumed to be a regular file or  a  fifo  (i.e.  a  named  pipe).
              OFILE2  is  opened  for writing and is created if necessary. If OFILE2 is a fifo (named pipe) then
              some other command should be consuming that data (e.g. 'md5sum OFILE2'),  otherwise  this  utility
              will  block.  The write to OFILE2 occurs before the write to OFILE and prior to sparse writing and
              write sparing logic. So everything read is written to OFILE2.
              OFILE2 is not truncated before writing. Assuming that the OFILE2 length is shorter  than  what  is
              written  (or it is created) then its contents should be the concatenation of all segments (each of
              ibs*bpt bytes long, with the last segment being  possibly  shorter).  The  gather  list  given  to
              skip=SKIP  effects  what  is  read  into  each segment so it indirectly effects what is written to
              OFILE2. However the scatter list given to seek=SEEK has no effect on what is written to OFILE2.

              where FLAGS is a comma separated list of one or more flags outlined in the  FLAGS  section.  These
              flags are associated with OFILE and are ignored when OFILE is /dev/null, '.' (period), or stdout.

              start  writing  SEEK  blocks (each of OBS bytes) from the start of OFILE. Default is block 0 (i.e.
              start of file). This operand is a synonym for seek=SEEK, see its description.

              xcopy: SCSI EXTENDED COPY parameter list PRIORITY field is set to PRIO.  The default value is 1 .

              where RDP is the RDPROTECT field in SCSI READ commands and WRP is  the  WRPROTECT  field  in  SCSI
              WRITE commands. The default value for both is 0 which implies no additional protection information
              will be transferred.  Both RDP and WRP can be from 0 to 7. If RDP is greater  than  0  then  IFILE
              must be a pt device. If WRP is greater than 0 then OFILE must be a pt device.
              When  copying  data  plus  protection information from one disk to another then 'protect=3,3' will
              give the least number of problems as that combination then of PI checking on  both  the  read  and
              write side. See the PROTECTIO INFORMATION section below.

              sometimes  retries  at the host are useful, for example when there is a transport error. When RETR
              is greater than zero then SCSI READs and WRITEs are retried on error, RETR times. Default value is
              zero.  Only applies to errors on pt devices.

              odx:  where  RTF  is a filename. One or more ROD tokens are written to RTF during a read to tokens
              variant or a full copy variant. One or more ROD tokens are read from RTF during a write from token
              variant.   This  operand is not required on a full copy variant. ROD Tokens are 512 bytes long and
              an extra 8 byte (big-endian) integer containing the 'number of bytes represented' is placed  after
              each ROD Token if rtf_len is given.

              odx:  where  RTYPE  is the ROD Type. The default value (0) indicates that the copy manager (in the
              source) decides. RTYPE can be a decimal number, a hex  number  (prefixed  by  0x  or  with  a  "h"
              appended)  or one of "pit-def", "pit-vuln", "pit-pers", "pit-cow", "pit-any" or "zero".  The final
              truncated word can be spelt out (e.g. "pit-vulnerable").  The "pit-" prefix  is  a  shortening  of
              "point in time" copy. The "zero" causes a special Block device zero Token to be created.

              start  writing  SEEK  blocks (each of OBS bytes) from the start of OFILE. Default is block 0 (i.e.
              start of file). The SEEK value may exceed the number of OBS-sized blocks in OFILE.
              SEEK can be a scatter (gather) list: see the  SCATTER GATHER LISTS section below.

              start reading SKIP blocks (each of IBS bytes) from the start of IFILE. Default is  block  0  (i.e.
              start of file). The SKIP value must be less than the number of IBS-sized blocks in IFILE.
              SKIP can be a (scatter) gather list: see the SCATTER GATHER LISTS section below.

              the  STAT value of 'noxfer' suppresses the throughput speed and the copy time reporting at the end
              of the copy. A STAT value of 'none' additionally suppresses the records in and out reporting after
              the  copy.   So  'status=none' makes ddpt act like a traditional Unix command in which "no news is
              good news".  The default action of ddpt is to show the throughput (in megabytes  per  second)  and
              the  time  taken  to  do the copy after the "records in" and "records out" lines at the end of the
              copy. A STAT value of 'sgl' together with '-vv' option will  print  internally  generated  scatter
              gather  lists  before the copy begins. When the '-vv' options is given alone then internal scatter
              lists headers are printed, but not individual elements.  In most cases these scatter gather  lists
              will  be the same lists given to the seek=SEEK and skip=SKIP operands.  As a convenience the value
              'null' is accepted for STAT and does nothing.
              A STAT value of 'progress' prints a progress report (to stderr) every two minutes.  If  'progress'
              is   used   twice,   either   by   repeating   the   'status=progress'   operand  or  by  entering
              'status=progress,progress', then a progress report is printed every minute. If it is used  thrice,
              the  a  progress  report  is printed every 30 seconds. Note that care is taken not to flood the OS
              with calls to check the time which would slow down the copy process. The amount of data output  by
              the  progress  reports can modified at runtime (e.g. during a long copy). If the verbose flag is 0
              or 1 (but not higher and not if the --quiet option is given) then sending a SIG_USR1  (or  SIGINFO
              in  FreeBSD) signal to the running ddpt process will toggle the verbose flag between 0 and 1. Note
              there is now a shorter form, the command line option: --progress or simply '-p'.
              Note that GNU's dd supports 'noxfer', 'none' and 'progress' with similar semantics.

       to=TO  odx, xcopy: where TO is am xcopy originating command timeout in seconds.  The default value  is  0
              which  is  converted  internally  to 600 seconds (10 minutes). Best to set this timeout value well
              above the expected copy time.  In a odx full copy this timeout is applied  to  both  the  POPULATE
              TOKEN and WRITE USING TOKEN commands.

              as  VERB  increases  so  does the amount of debug reporting sent to stderr.  Default value is zero
              which yields the minimum amount of debug reporting.  A value of 1 reports extra  information  that
              is  not repetitive. A value 2 reports cdbs and responses for SCSI commands that are not repetitive
              (i.e. other that READ and WRITE). Error processing is not considered repetitive. Values of 3 and 4
              yield  reporting  for all SCSI commands, plus Unix read() and write() calls, so there can be a lot
              of output.
              If VERB is "-1" then reporting that would have been sent to  stderr  is  redirected  to  /dev/null
              essentially throwing it away. It has the same action as the --quiet option.
              In  some cases the position of verbose=VERB (or --verbose) on the command line is significant. For
              example to debug (or at least list out) a scatter gather list given to skip=SKIP or seek=SEEK  the
              verbose=VERB operand (or --verbose) should appear before skip and/or seek.


       Options are listed in alphabetical order, sorted by their long name.

       -d, --dry-run
              does  all  the  operand  and option processing, opens given file and devices but bypasses the copy
              stage. For complex command line invocations or for testing invocations  to  be  placed  in  script
              files, this option may be useful to check for syntax and related errors.
              When  used once the logic bypasses the copy just before it would normally start copying. When used
              twice (or more) it goes deeper into the copy to the IO call level before bypassing the  calls.  To
              see (on stderr) information for each IO this option combination may be useful: '-ddvv'.

       -f, --flexible
              this option currently only effects the parsing of sgl_s in files that are in hexadecimal plus they
              have a leading line with 'HEX' in them. Without this option any such line  must  be  invoked  with
              'H@'  before  the filename; in other words the 'H' in the invocation needs to match the HEX in the
              file. With this option a sgl in a file can be invoked with '@' and if a line with  HEX  is  parsed
              before any LBA,NUM pairs then it switches to hexadecimal mode; so all the parsed LBA,NUM pairs are
              assumed to be in hexadecimal.

       -h, --help
              reports usage message then exits.

              where JF is a file name. That file can contain  operands  and  options  listed  in  this  and  the
              previous sections. See the JOB FILES section below.

       -o, --odx
              indicates to this utility that one of the four odx variants is requested.  See ODX section.

       -P, --prefetch
              this  option  is  only  active  when  the  --verify  option  is  also  given.   It causes the SCSI
              PRE-FETCH(OFILE, IMMED) command to be sent at the start of  each  copy  segment.  See  the  VERIFY
              section below.

       -p, --progress
              this  option has the same effect as status=progress but is shorter to type and easier to remember.
              When given once, the default reporting period is two minutes, if given  twice  (e.g.  '-pp')  that
              period is shortened to one minute.

       -q, --quiet
              redirects the messages (sent to stderr) to /dev/null which is essentially throwing them away. That
              redirect takes place after the command line operands and options are parsed and associated  sanity
              checks performed.

       -v, --verbose
              equivalent of verbose=1. If --verbose appears twice then that is equivalent to verbose=2. Also -vv
              is equivalent to verbose=2.

       -X, --verify
              rather than copy, a comparison is done between IFILE and OFILE.  The compare  continues  until  an
              inequality  is  found  at  which  point  the operation stops. This is only available if OFILE is a
              pass-through device that implements VERIFY(10 or 16) with BYTCHK set to 1. See the VERIFY  section

       -V, --version
              reports version number information then exits.

       -w, --wscan
              this  option  is  available  in  Windows only. It lists storage device names and the corresponding
              volumes, if any. When used twice it adds the "bus type" of the closest transport (e.g. a SATA disk
              in  a  USB  connected  enclosure  has  bus type USB). When used three times a SCSI adapter scan is
              added. When used four times only a SCSI adapter scan is shown.  See EXAMPLES section below and the
              README.win32 file.

       -x, --xcopy
              this  option  will attempt to call the SCSI EXTENDED COPY(LID1) command. In the absence of another
              indication the xcopy command will be sent to the destination (i.e.  OFILE).  See  the  section  on
              ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES below.


       Arguments do not start with hyphen nor contain a "=".

       ddpt   this  string  is  just  a marker. It must not appear in the command line and it must appear in the
              contents of a job file that isn't part of a comment (i.e. following a "#" on  a  line).  A  syntax
              error is generated (and no copy occurs) if these rules are violated.

       JF     a  command  line element that does not contain a '=' (i.e. a ddpt operand) and does not start with
              '-', apart from the string "ddpt" is treated as a job file (i.e. JF). See the  JOB  FILES  section


       One  or  more  conversions  can be given to the "conv=" option. If more than one is given, they should be
       comma separated. ddpt does not perform the traditional dd conversions (e.g. ASCII  to  EBCDIC).  Recently
       added conversions inherited from GNU's dd overlap somewhat with the some of ddpt flags.

              equivalent  to  "oflag=fdatasync". Flushes data associated with the OFILE to storage at the end of
              the copy. This conversion is for compatibility with GNU's dd.

       fsync  equivalent to "oflag=fsync". Flushes data and meta-data associated with the OFILE  to  storage  at
              the end of the copy. This conversion

              equivalent to "oflag=no_del_tkn".

              OFILE  will  not  be created if it doesn't exist. The default action if OFILE does not exist is to
              create a regular file (then write into it). The default action can be surprising if writing  to  a
              device  node  in  /dev  and due to some external action (e.g. a USB key being removed) that device
              node name disappears.

              this conversion is very close to "iflag=coe" and is treated as such. See the "coe" flag. Note that
              an error on a block device or regular file OFILE will stop the copy.

              this conversion is accepted for compatibility with dd and ignored since the default action of this
              utility is not to truncate OFILE.

       null   has no affect, just a placeholder.

              equivalent to "oflag=prefer_rcs".

       resume See "resume" in the FLAGS sections for more information.

              equivalent to "oflag=rtf_len".

              See "sparing" in the FLAGS sections for more information.

       sparse FreeBSD's dd supports "conv=sparse" and now GNU's dd does as well so the same syntax is  supported
              in ddpt. See "sparse" in the FLAGS sections for more information.

       sync   is  ignored  by  ddpt.  With dd it means supply zero fill (rather than skip) and is typically used
              like this "conv=noerror,sync" to have the same functionality as ddpt's "iflag=coe".

       trunc  if OFILE is a regular file then truncate it prior to starting the copy. See "trunc" in  the  FLAGS


       A  list of flags and their meanings follow. The flag name is followed by one or two indications in square
       brackets. The first indication is either "[i]", "[o]" or "[io]" indicating this flag is  active  for  the
       IFILE,  OFILE  or both the IFILE and the OFILE. The second indication contains some combination of "reg",
       "blk" "pt", "odx", or "xcopy". These indicate whether the flag applies to a regular file, a block  device
       (accessed  via  Unix  read()  and  write()  commands,  a  pass-through device, an ODX offloaded copy or a
       XCOPY(LID1) offloaded copy respectively.  Other special file types that are  sometimes  referred  to  are
       "fifo" and "tape".

       00 [i] This  flag  may  replace IFILE with a source of zero (0x0) bytes. If IFILE is given and is shorter
              than OFILE then it continues to copy after IFILE is exhausted supplying zero fill bytes. Can  only
              be used on input. Zeros can also be generated by using "if=/dev/zero" or an equivalent.
              If  both '00' and 'ff' flags are given then a marching byte pattern is placed in the segment prior
              to writing it out. It starts at 0x0 and wraps after 0xff (if the segment is large  enough,  as  it
              usually is).

       append [o] [reg], [io] [odx]
              causes  the  O_APPEND  flag  to be added to the open of OFILE. For regular files this will lead to
              data being appended to the end of any existing data. Conflicts the seek=SEEK option.  The  default
              action  of  this utility is to overwrite any existing data from the beginning of OFILE or, if SEEK
              is given, starting at block SEEK. Note that attempting to 'append' to a device file (e.g. a  disk)
              will usually be ignored or may cause an error to be reported.
              odx: if the rtf=RTF option is given, RTF exists, is a regular file and this utility wants to write
              to RTF then new ROD Tokens are appended to RTF. The default action is to truncate RTF  before  new
              ROD Tokens are written to it.

       atomic [o] [pt]
              this  flag  changes  the  pass-through  SCSI WRITE command to the SCSI WRITE ATOMIC(16) command on
              OFILE (and the cdbsz={6|10|12|16|32} option is ignored for OFILE). If  this  flag  is  applied  to
              IFILE or to a non pass-through file then it is ignored.

       block [io] [pt]
              pass-through file opens are non-blocking by default and may report the pt device is busy. Use this
              flag to open blocking so utility may wait until another process  locking  (or  with  an  exclusive
              open) is complete before continuing.

       bytchk [o] [pt]
              only  active  when  used  together with oflag=wverify. Sets the BYTCHK field in the SCSI WRITE AND
              VERIFY command. Since that field is two bits wide, this flag can be specified multiple  times  (up
              to three) to place the corresponding value in the field.

       cat [io] [xcopy]
              xcopy:  set  CAT  (residual  data  handling)  bit  in  EXTENDED  COPY(LID1) parameter list segment
              descriptor header. May appear in either flag list when xcopy is being used. Works with the PAD bit
              for handling residual data on the destination side. See the XCOPY section below.

       coe [io] [pt], [i] [reg,blk]
              continue  on  error. 'iflag=coe oflag=coe' and 'coe=1' are equivalent.  Errors occurring on output
              regular or block files will stop ddpt.  Error messages are sent to stderr. This flag is similar to
              'conv=noerror,sync'  in  the  dd(1)  utility.  Unrecovered  errors are counted and reported in the
              summary at the end of the copy.

              This paragraph concerns coe on pt devices. A medium, hardware or blank check error during  a  read
              operation  will will cause the following: first re-read blocks prior to the bad block, then try to
              recover the bad block (supplying zeros if that fails), and finally re-read the  blocks  after  the
              bad  block.  A  medium,  hardware  or  blank  check  error while writing is reported but otherwise
              ignored. SCSI disks may automatically try and remap faulty sectors (see the AWRE and ARRE  in  the
              read write error recovery mode page (the sdparm utility can access these attributes)). If bad LBAs
              are reported by the pass-through then the LBA  of  the  lowest  and  highest  bad  block  is  also

              This  paragraph  concerns  coe  on input regular files and block devices.  When a EIO or EREMOTEIO
              error is detected on a normal segment read then the segment is re-read one block (i.e. IBS  bytes)
              at a time. Any block that yields a EIO or EREMOTEIO error is replaced by zeros. Any other error, a
              short read or an end of file will terminate the copy, usually after the data that has been read is
              written to the output file.

       dc [io] [blk,pt]
              xcopy:  set  DC (destination counter) bit in EXTENDED COPY(LID1) parameter list segment descriptor
              header. May appear in either flag list when xcopy is being used.

       direct [io] [reg,blk]
              causes the O_DIRECT flag to be added to the open of IFILE and/or OFILE. This  flag  requires  some
              memory alignment on IO. Hence user memory buffers are aligned to the page size. May have no effect
              on pt devices or cause an error (e.g. Linux seems to dis-allow O_DIRECT on character devices (like
              sg  devices)  yielding  EINVAL).  This  flag  will bypass caching/buffering normally done by block
              layer. Beware of data coherency issues if the same locations have been recently accessed  via  the
              block layer in its normal mode (i.e. non-direct). See open(2) man page.

       dpo [io] [pt]
              set  the  DPO bit (disable page out) in SCSI READ and WRITE commands. Not supported for 6 byte cdb
              variants of READ and WRITE. Indicates that data is unlikely to be required to stay in device (e.g.
              disk)  cache.   May speed media copy and/or cause a media copy to have less impact on other device

       errblk [i] [pt] [experimental]
              attempts to create or append to a file called "errblk.txt" in the current  directory  the  logical
              block addresses of blocks that cannot be read. The first (appended) line is "# start <timestamp>".
              That is followed by the LBAs in hex (and prefixed with "0x") of any block that cannot be read, one
              LBA  per  line.  If  the  sense data does not correctly identify the LBA of the first error in the
              range it was asked to read then a LBA range is reported in the form of the lowest and the  highest
              LBA  in  the  range separated by a "-". At the end of the copy a line with "# stop <timestamp>" is
              appended to "errblk.txt". Typically used with "coe".

       excl [io] [reg,blk]
              causes the O_EXCL flag to be added to the open of IFILE and/or OFILE. See open(2) man page.

       fdatasync [o] [reg,blk]
              Flushes data associated with the OFILE to storage at the end of the copy.

       ff [i] This flag may replace IFILE with a source of 0xff bytes. If IFILE is given  and  is  shorter  than
              OFILE  then  it  continues to copy after IFILE is exhausted supplying 0xff fill bytes. Can only be
              used on input.
              If both '00' and 'ff' flags are given then a marching byte pattern is placed in the segment  prior
              to  writing  it  out. It starts at 0x0 and wraps after 0xff (if the segment is large enough, as it
              usually is).

       flock [io] [reg,blk,pt]
              after opening the associated file (i.e. IFILE and/or OFILE) an attempt is made to get an  advisory
              exclusive  lock  with the flock() system call. The flock arguments are "FLOCK_EX | FLOCK_NB" which
              will cause the lock to be taken if available else a "temporarily unavailable" error is  generated.
              An exit status of 90 is produced in the latter case and no copy is done. See flock(2) man page.

       force [io] [pt] [xcopy,odx]
              override  difference  between  given block size and the block size found by the SCSI READ CAPACITY
              command. Use the given block size. Without this flag the copy would not be performed. pt access to
              what  appears  to  be  a block partition is aborted in version 0.92; that can be overridden by the
              force flag. For related reasons the 'norcap' flag requires this  flag  when  applied  to  a  block
              device accessed via pt.
              xcopy  and  odx:  various  limits  imposed  by  associated VPD pages or the RECEIVE COPY OPERATING
              PARAMETERS command can be overridden (i.e.  exceeded) if this flag is given. Note  that  the  copy
              manager will probably object.

       fsync [o] [reg,blk]
              Flushes data and metadata (describing the file) associated with the OFILE to storage at the end of
              the copy.

       fua [io] [pt]
              causes the FUA (force unit access) bit to be set in SCSI READ and/or WRITE commands.  The  6  byte
              variants of the SCSI READ and WRITE commands do not support the FUA bit.

       fua_nv [io] [pt]
              causes  the  FUA_NV (force unit access non-volatile cache) bit to be set in SCSI READ and/or WRITE
              commands. This only has an effect with pt devices.  The 6 byte variants of the SCSI READ and WRITE
              commands do not support the FUA_NV bit. The FUA_NV bit was made obsolete in SBC-3 revision 35d.

       ignoreew [o] [tape]
              ignore the early warning indication (of end of tape) when writing to tape.  See TAPE section.

       immed [io] [odx]
              sets  the IMMED bit in the POPULATE TOKEN (when [i]) or WRITE USING TOKEN (when [o]) command. That
              command should return status promptly after starting the data  transfer.  The  RECEIVE  ROD  TOKEN
              INFORMATION  command  is  then  used  to  poll for completion. SCSI command timeouts should not be
              exceeded, even for very large RODs, if this flag is used.

       nocache [io] [reg,blk]
              use posix_fadvise(POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED) to advise corresponding file there is no need to  fill  the
              file  buffer with recently read or written blocks. If used with "iflag=" it will increase the read
              ahead on IFILE.

       no_del_tkn [o] [odx]
              will clear the DEL_TKN bit on the last WRITE USING TOKEN command of each ROD Token in a  odx  full
              copy.  In  a large odx full copy several ROD Tokens may be used (one after the other). The default
              action is to set the DEL_TKN bit on the last WUT command of each ROD. Either  way  it  should  not
              make  much  difference  because  the copy manager deletes a ROD Token when its inactivity time-out

       nocreat [o]
              if OFILE does not exist then an error will be generated rather  than  creating  an  empty  regular
              file. This flag has the same action as "conv=nocreat".

       nofm [o] [tape]
              no File Mark (FM) on close when writing to tape. See TAPE section.

       nopad [o] [tape]
              when the block to be written to a tape drive contains less than OBS bytes, then this option causes
              the partial block to be written as is. The default action for a tape in this case is  to  pad  the
              block. See TAPE section.

       norcap [io] [pt]
              do not perform SCSI READ CAPACITY command on the corresponding pt device.  If used on block device
              accessed via pt then 'force' flag is also required. This is to warn about using pt access on  what
              may be a block device partition.

       nowrite [o] [reg,blk,pt]
              bypass  writes  to  OFILE.  The "records out" count is not incremented.  OFILE is still opened but
              "oflag=trunc" if given is ignored. Also the ftruncate call associated  with  the  sparse  flag  is
              ignored (i.e.  bypassed). Commands such as trim and SCSI SYNCHRONIZE CACHE are still sent.

       null [io]
              has no affect, just a placeholder.

       odx [io] [odx]
              indicates  to this utility that one of the four variants of an odx copy is requested. Using any of
              the --odx, rtf=RTF or rtype=RTYPE options also indicates  that  odx  is  requested.  See  the  ODX

       pad [o] [reg,blk,pt], [io] [xcopy]
              when  the  block  to be written (typically the last block) contains less than OBS bytes, then this
              option causes the block to be padded with zeros (i.e. bytes of binary zero).  The  default  action
              for  a  regular  file  and a fifo is to do a partial write. The default action of a block and a pt
              device is to ignore the partial write. The default action of a tape is to pad, so this flag is not
              needed (see the nopad flag).
              xcopy:  sets  the  PAD  bit in the CSCD descriptor of the associated IFILE or OFILE. Is associated
              with residual data handling and works together with the cat flag. See the XCOPY section below.

       prealloc [o] [reg]
              use the fallocate() call prior to starting a copy to set OFILE to its expected size.

       prefer_rcs [o] [odx]
              prefer RECEIVE COPY STATUS (RCS) command to the RECEIVE ROD TOKEN INFORMATION (RRTI) command which
              is  the  default.  This  only is active when polling after a WUT command (since polling after a PT
              command needs to fetch the ROD Token so it needs the RRTI command).

       pt [io] [blk,pt]
              causes a device to be accessed in "pt" mode. In "pt" mode SCSI READ and WRITE commands are sent to
              access blocks rather than standard UNIX read() and write() commands. The "pt" mode may be implicit
              if the device is only capable of passing  through  SCSI  commands  (e.g.  the  /dev/sg*  and  some
              /dev/bsg/*  devices  in Linux). This flag is needed for device nodes that can be accessed both via
              standard UNIX read() and write() commands as well as SCSI commands. Such devices default  standard
              UNIX read() and write() commands in the absence of this flag.

       rarc [i] [pt]
              bit  set  in  READ(10,  12, 16 and 32) to suppress RAID rebuild functions when a bad (or recovered
              after difficulties) block is detected.

       resume [o] [reg]
              when a copy is interrupted (e.g. with Control-C from the keyboard) then using the same  invocation
              again  with  the addition of "oflag=resume" will attempt to restart the copy from the point of the
              interrupt (or just before that point). It is harmless to use  "oflag=resume"  when  OFILE  doesn't
              exist  or is zero length. If the length of OFILE is greater than or equal to the length implied by
              a ddpt invocation that includes "oflag=resume" then no further data is copied.

       self [io] [pt]
              used together with trim flag to do a self trim (trim of segments of a pt device that  contain  all
              zeros). If OFILE is not given, then it is set to the same as IFILE. If SEEK is not given it set to
              the same value as SKIP (possibly adjusted if IBS and OBS are different). Implicitly sets "nowrite"

       sparing [o] [reg,blk,pt]
              during  the  copy  each  IBS * BPT byte segment is read from IFILE into a buffer. Then, instead of
              writing that buffer to OFILE, the corresponding segment is read from OFILE into another buffer. If
              the  two  buffers  are  different,  the  former buffer is written to the OFILE. If the two buffers
              compare equal then the write to OFILE is not performed. Write  sparing  is  useful  when  a  write
              operation  is  significantly  slower  than a read. Under some conditions flash memory devices have
              slow writes plus an upper limit on the number of  times  the  same  cell  can  be  rewritten.  The
              granularity  of the comparison can be reduced from the default IBS * BPT byte segment with the the
              OBPC value given to the "bpt=" option. The finest granularity is when OBPC is 1 which implies  OBS

       sparse [io] [reg,blk,pt]
              after  each IBS * BPT byte segment is read from IFILE, it is checked to see if it is all zeros. If
              so, that segment is not written to  OFILE.  See  the  section  on  SPARSE  WRITES  below  for  the
              difference  between  using  this flag once or twice. The granularity of the zero comparison can be
              reduced from the default IBS * BPT byte segment with the OBPC value given to the "bpt=" option.
              The sparse flag may be used on input when a file is only being read (e.g.  when  of=OFILE  is  not
              given  or  OFILE  is  /dev/null)  to determine how many blocks are contained in sparse segments of

       ssync [o] [pt]
              if OFILE is in "pt" mode then the SCSI SYNCHRONIZE CACHE command is sent to OFILE at  the  end  of
              the copy.

       strunc [o] [reg]
              perform  a sparse copy with a ftruncate system call to extend the length of the OFILE if required.
              Sets the sparse flag internally if this has not been specified on the command line. See the sparse
              flag and the section on SPARSE WRITES below.

       sync [io] [reg,blk]
              causes the O_SYNC flag to be added to the open of IFILE and/or OFILE. See open(2) man page.

       rtf_len [io] [odx]
              odx:  with  the  'read to tokens' variant, after 512 bytes of each ROD Token are written to RTF an
              additional 8 byte (big endian) integer is written. That integer is the number of  bytes  that  the
              associated  ROD  represents. The draft standards say for standard ROD types the ROD Token contains
              this value. However vendor specific ROD types may be used or vendors may  choose  not  to  comply.
              Either  way the 'write from tokens' variant needs to know the data size associated with the ROD it
              is writing from.

       trim [io] [pt] [experimental]
              similar logic to the "sparse" option. However instead of skipping segments that are full of  zeros
              a  "trim" command is sent to OFILE. Usually set as an oflag argument but for self trim can be used
              as an iflag argument (e.g. "iflag=self,trim"). Depending on the usage this may require the  device
              to support "deterministic read zero after trim". See the TRIM, UNMAP AND WRITE SAME section below.

       trunc [o] [reg]
              if  OFILE  is a regular file then it is truncated prior to starting the copy. If SEEK is not given
              or 0 then OFILE is truncated to zero length; when SEEK is larger than zero  the  truncation  takes
              place at file byte pointer SEEK*OBS.  Ignored if "oflag=append". Conflicts with "oflag=sparing".

       unmap [io] [pt]
              same as the trim flag.

       wverify [o] [pt]
              this  causes  SCSI  WRITE AND VERIFY commands to be sent to OFILE (instead of SCSI WRITE (or WRITE
              ATOMIC) commands). Note that the fua flag is ignored when this flag is given. The BYTCHK field  in
              the SCSI WRITE AND VERIFY commands is set to zero unless the bytchk flag is also given.

       wstream [o] [pt]
              this  causes  SCSI WRITE STREAM(16) command to be sent to OFILE (instead of SCSI WRITE. The Stream
              Identify (valid range: 1 to 0xffff (65535)) should be given via the list_id=LID operand (note that
              it  defaults  to  0 which is invalid). The stream can be created (closed (for write) or its status
              checked) with the sg_stream_ctl utility. It is the user's responsibility to open a  stream  before
              calling "ddpt ... oflag=wstream list_id=<strm_id>" and close it after, if required.

       xcopy [io] [pt]
              invoke SCSI XCOPY(LID1) logic and send the XCOPY command to the either IFILE or OFILE depending on
              which  flag  this  called.  If  both  are  given  (i.e.  an  invocation   including   'iflag=xcopy
              oflag=xcopy') then send the XCOPY(LID1) to OFILE.


       When  the  count=COUNT  option is not given (or COUNT is '-1') then an attempt is made to deduce COUNT as

       When both or either IFILE and OFILE are block devices, then the minimum size, expressed in units of input
       blocks,  is  used.  When  both or either IFILE and OFILE are pass-through devices, then the minimum size,
       expressed in units of input blocks, is used.

       If a regular file is used as input, its size, expressed in units of  input  blocks  (and  rounded  up  if
       necessary)  is  used.  Note that the rounding up of the deduced COUNT may result in a partial read of the
       last input block and a corresponding partial write to OFILE if it is a regular file. After a regular file
       to  regular  file  copy the length of OFILE will be the same as IFILE unless OFILE existed and its length
       was already greater than that of IFILE. To get a copy like the standard Unix cp command, use  oflag=trunc
       with ddpt.

       The  size  of  pt  devices  is deduced from the SCSI READ CAPACITY command.  Block device sizes (or their
       partition sizes) are obtained from the operating system, if available.

       If skip=SKIP or seek=SEEK are given and the COUNT is deduced (i.e. not explicitly given) then  that  size
       is scaled back so that the copy will not overrun the file or device.

       If  COUNT  is  not given and IFILE is a fifo (and stdin is treated as a fifo) then IFILE is read until an
       EOF is detected.  If COUNT is not given and IFILE is a /dev/zero (or  equivalent)  then  zeros  are  read
       until an error occurs (e.g. file system full).

       If COUNT is not given and cannot be deduced then an error message is issued and no copy takes place.


       Some  operands  can  have  long  arguments  (e.g. skip=SKIP and iflag=FLAGS) so that the command line can
       become quite long. Also scatter gather lists can be arbitrarily long and may be generated by  a  program;
       then  it  would  be  tiresome  and  error-prone  to re-type them on the command line. So the job file was
       introduced to hold this utility's operands and options.

       A job file is invoked by either the --job=JF option or by placing the job filename (JF) unadorned on  the
       command  line.  The  job  filename  cannot contain a "=", start with a hyphen nor be called "ddpt". It is
       parsed when it is detected, in a left to right scan of the command line. The JF  file  must  contain  the
       string  "ddpt"  and  may  invoke  other job files (to a maximum depth of 4). A job file should not invoke
       itself. Also the first line of the job file should not contain any characters (bytes) with their top  bit
       set;  in  other words it should be restricted to 7 bit ASCII (otherwise sanity checks might think it is a
       binary file and reject it).

       The operands and options within a job file are processed in the order they are found (i.e. parsing  lines
       left  to  right,  top  (of file) to bottom).  The operands and options may contradict (and cause a syntax
       error), override or accumulate with earlier ones, the same as if they appeared on the command  line.  For
       example '-v' on the command line followed by a job file containing '-vv' will result in a verbosity level
       of '-vvv' during the copy phase. Empty lines, lines only containing whitespace(s) and anything  from  and
       including a '#' in a job file line are ignored.


       Each element of a scatter gather list (sgl, plural: sgl_s) is made up of a starting logical block address
       (LBA, plural: LBAs), and a number of blocks (NUM) to be accessed from that starting LBA.

       The skip=SKIP and seek=SEEK options (and their aliases) can take  scatter  gather  lists.  These  can  be
       explicit  on the command line, fed in through stdin or in a file whose name is prefixed by "@" or "H@" on
       the command line. For large scatter gather lists, placing them in a file is the most practical as command
       lines  are limited in length. Scatter gather list (sgl) is a collective term for either a scatter list or
       a gather list.  The actual implementation of each sgl is an array. Syntactically a  scatter  list  and  a
       gather list are the same.

       Conceptually  these  sgl_s  refer  to what happens at the "far end" (e.g. within a hard disk or SSD), not
       what happens in the computer's memory. So a gather list is associated with the read part of a copy  (i.e.
       the  first  half)  where  a list of Logical Blocks (LBs, identified by their addresses, hence LBAs) and a
       number of consecutive, following blocks are "gathered" from the medium (e.g. a SSD). They are formed into
       a  linear  sequence of bytes that is transferred into a segment in the computer's RAM. The second half of
       the copy, the write part, may use a scatter list. A scatter list starts with a linear sequence of  bytes,
       taken from the segment, that is transferred to the device and then "scattered" on the medium as indicated
       by the list of LBA,NUM pairs.

       In   the   simplest   case   a   sgl   is   given   on   the   command   line   and   has    the    form:
       LBA1,NUM1[,LBA2,NUM2[,LBA3,NUM3...]].  There  must  be an even number of items (i.e. for every LBAn there
       should be a following NUMn) with one exception: when LBA1 alone is given, in which case the  value  0  is
       assumed  for  NUM1. Comma is the simplest separator for the command line, but whitespace may also be used
       (but needs to be escaped because the shell usually interprets whitespace as an option  separator).  In  a
       file  (or  read from stdin or file redirection) more flexibility is permitted in the format.  The LBA,NUM
       pairs could all appear on one line in a file but the line length is limited to 1024  characters  (with  a
       maximum  of  256  parseable  items  on  it). So for longer sgl_s one pair per line is recommended in file
       format.  Also in file format everything from and including '#' to the end of that line is ignored as  are
       lines that are empty or only contain whitespace(s).

       Each  pair  becomes one element (or more, see below) of the sgl. By default all numbers given for LBA and
       NUM items are in decimal with optional suffix multipliers. Hex numbers use either a "0x" prefix or a  'h'
       suffix  (hex  notation  and  suffix  multipliers  cannot  be mixed). In the case of a 'H@' lead-in to the
       filename on the command line, all numbers are interpreted as hex with no  suffix  multipliers  permitted.
       Further,  with  the  'H@' lead-in the file may contain the string 'HEX' before any numbers are given. The
       'HEX' is ignored. The point of this is to catch when a sgl file with default hexadecimal numbers is given
       without  the  'H@'  lead-in; in this case this utility will exit saying that file is in the wrong format.
       This "wrong format" action can be bypassed with the --flexible option.

       Allowing sgl_s brings lots of flexibility (including the possibility to  use  the  SCSI  WRITE  SCATTERED
       command) but with that comes complexity. Every sgl is scanned to determine if it is monotonic and whether
       it has overlapping elements. The term monotonic is used to indicate whether  each  LBA  is  in  ascending
       order,  with  each LBA greater than the previous element's LBA.  Overlapping refers to the situation when
       any element's LBA range intersects with any other element's range. Elements  that  have  zero  number  of
       blocks  (described  here  as "degenerate") are ignored for determining monotonic and overlapping (and the
       lowest LBA). Overlapping elements are not ideal (but not necessarily fatal). The  above  mentioned  WRITE
       SCATTERED  command  allows  the  medium's logic to write elements in any order it prefers.  That means if
       elements overlap, then the user doesn't know which one gets written last (overwriting the one written  to
       the  same  LBA earlier).  Determining whether element ranges overlap is difficult in the general case (so
       this utility doesn't do it) but easy in the case of a  monotonic  sgl  (so  this  utility  does  do  it).
       Warnings are issued in dangerous situations, with the force flag allowing the warning to be overridden.

       A degenerate sgl element is one that has zero in its NUM field.  Normally degenerate elements are ignored
       with some exceptions. The definition of the SCSI WRITE SCATTERED command clearly states  that  degenerate
       elements  are  valid,  thus  do not cause an error, but cause no associated action. This utility uses the
       concept of a 'hard' and 'soft' sgl: a 'soft' sgl is one in which the last element's  NUM  is  zero  (i.e.
       its last element is degenerate). A sgl with a non-zero NUM in its last element is considered 'hard'. In a
       'soft' sgl the LBA of the last element should be  greater  than  or  equal  to  any  LBA+NUM  of  earlier
       elements.   Because this is hard to check it is not enforced, so the decision is made on whether a sgl is
       hard or soft simply by checking the NUM of that last element. The difference between a hard and soft  sgl
       is the way the sum of NUM of all elements is used by this utility.  For a 'hard' sgl that sum is used for
       COUNT when the count=COUNT option is not given; and if count=COUNT is given and the  counts  differ  then
       those  two  values are output and this utility exits with a syntax error. For a 'soft' sgl the degenerate
       last element is interpreted as "from the highest LBA in the list to the end of the copy" where the  COUNT
       is  determined  some  other  way.  The "highest LBA" is calculated from all elements that have a non-zero
       number of blocks plus the LBA of the last element (regardless of whether it is degenerate or not).

       The rules in the above paragraph make a one item skip or seek argument (e.g.  skip=0x123) in this utility
       first  become  a one element sgl (e.g. containing the pair [0x123, 0x0]). Since this is the last element,
       it is a soft sgl and the transfer will start from the given lba (i.e. 0x123) and continues for the number
       of blocks indicated by some other mechanism (e.g.  an option such as count=COUNT or the length of IFILE).
       This mirrors what the classic dd command does with its skip= and seek= options.

       Some sgl implementation details: LBAs are stored in 64 bit integers which is more than sufficient to span
       even  the  largest  disk  array  behind  a  logical  device, even if the block size is one byte, which is
       unlikely. The NUM field is a 32 bit integer and this is more problematic. The reason is that  SCSI  WRITE
       commands  (and  their  variants)  only  allocate at most a 32 bit integer for this value. Further, modern
       operating systems do not allow any driver to get large amounts of contiguous  system  RAM,  even  if  the
       machine  has  it  available.  A  32  bit  integer  for NUM with each block at 512 bytes is around 2 TB of
       storage. Unix system calls (in Linux) also limit each read(2) and write(2) system  call  to  32  bits  of
       single bytes which is 4 GB. The problem for this utility is that the NUM can easily exceed 32 bits when a
       single scatter gather list element refers to the whole device. The action taken by  this  utility  is  to
       allow  larger  than 32 bit NUM values to be given on the command line (or in a scatter gather list file).
       However such a large element will be split into multiple elements internally. This will be visible to the
       user when the verbose=VERB option (or one of its variants) is used with an elevated value.

       There  is  a  helper  utility  called  ddpt_sgl in this package for generating, manipulating and checking
       scatter gather lists. See its manpage.


       With powerful data tools, the ability to accidentally overwrite and hence lose  important  data  is  ever
       present.  So  a  significant  portion  of  the  code  is  dedicated  to  checking the input arguments for
       duplications and contradictions. Still nothing is better than re-reading the command line (which  can  be
       quite long) before hitting the enter key.

       Other  useful  possibilities  are  to use job files (see the JF argument and the --job=JF option) and the
       --dry-run option.  The "dry run" option is becoming popular in modern command line utilities and more  or
       less  does what the user would expect. Firstly it parses all the command line arguments then opens IFILE,
       OFILE and OFILE2 as directed by the command  line  and  does  any  meta-data  operations  that  it  would
       typically do (e.g. check a pass-though or block device's logical block size and object if it differs from
       BS, IBS or OBS (whichever applies)). Then just at the point where the code would commence the actual copy
       (or  read)  it does a premature exit. If the --dry-run option is given twice, the code continues into the
       copy logic and bypasses the low level read and write calls (and file repositioning). That inner level  of
       "dry run" is useful for debugging and can be used with multiple verbose=VERB options.

       The  verbose=VERB  option sends diagnostic messages to stderr. The higher value of VERB (in verbose=VERB)
       or the more times that -v is used, the greater the volume of diagnostic messages. When use three or  more
       times  then  diagnostic messages are generated for each read to, and write from, the working copy buffer;
       so the volume of messages is proportional to the number of reads and  writes  that  are  done;  this  can
       easily  be in the megabyte range. If used less than three times, the reads and writes associated with the
       copy do not generate diagnostic messages (unless abnormal situations are encountered).  These  diagnostic
       messages  are  mainly  associated with command line parsing and fetching meta-data about the given files,
       plus messages from the cleanup at the end of the copy.

       The following command line arguments are checked that they don't appear more than  once:  bpt=BPT[,OBPC],
       bs=BS,  count=COUNT,  ibs=IBS, if=IFILE, iseek=SKIP, obs=OBS, of=OFILE, of2=OFILE2, oseek=SEEK, seek=SEEK
       and skip=SKIP. On the other hand, some arguments are  additive,  for  example  iflag=FLAGS,  oflag=FLAGS,
       status=STAT and --verbose and may appear as many times as required.


       This  section  describes  XCOPY(LID1) support with this utility. For ODX support (XCOPY(LID4) subset) see
       the ODX section.

       A device (logical unit (LU)) that supports XCOPY operations should set the  3PC  field  (3PC  stands  for
       Third  Party  Copy) in its standard INQUIRY response. That is not checked when this utility does an xcopy
       operation but if it fails, that is one thing that the user may want to check.

       If the xcopy starts and fails while underway, then 'sg_copy_results -s' may be useful to  view  the  copy
       status. It might also be used from a different process with the same I_T nexus (i.e. the same machine) to
       check status during an xcopy operation.

       The pad and cat flags control the handling of residual data. As the data can be specified either in terms
       of  source  or  target  block  size  and both might have different block sizes residual data is likely to
       happen in these cases.  If both block sizes are identical these bits have no effect as residual data will
       not occur.

       If  neither  of  these  flags  are  set,  the EXTENDED COPY command will be aborted with additional sense

       If only the cat flag is set the residual data will be retained and made available for subsequent  segment
       descriptors. Residual data will be discarded for the last segment descriptor.

       If  the  pad flag is set for the source descriptor only, any residual data for both source or destination
       will be discarded.

       If the pad flag is set for the target descriptor only any residual source data will be handled as if  the
       cat flag is set, but any residual destination data will be padded to make a whole block transfer.

       If  the  pad  flag  is set for both source and target any residual source data will be discarded, and any
       residual destination data will be padded.

       There is a web page discussing ddpt, XCOPY and ODX at


       This section describes ODX support (an XCOPY(LID4) subset) for this utility.  ODX  descriptions  use  the
       following  command  name  abbreviations:  PT  for the POPULATE TOKEN command, RRTI for the READ ROD TOKEN
       INFORMATION command, and WUT for the WRITE USING TOKEN command.

       A device (logical unit (LU)) that supports ODX operations is required to set the 3PC  field  (3PC  stands
       for Third Party Copy) in its standard INQUIRY response and support the Third Party Copy VPD page. If this
       utility generates errors noting the absence of these then  the  device  in  question  probably  does  not
       support ODX.

       There a four variants of ODX supported by ddpt:
         full copy : ddpt --odx if=/dev/sg3 bs=512 of=/dev/sg4
         zero output blocks : ddpt if=/dev/null rtype=zero bs=512 of=/dev/sg4
         read to tokens : ddpt if=/dev/sg3 bs=512 skip=@gath.lst rtf=a.rt
         write from tokens : ddpt rtf=a.rt bs=512 of=/dev/sg4 seek=@scat.lst

       The  full  copy  will  call PT and WUT commands repeatedly until the copy is complete. More precisely the
       full copy will make the largest single call to PT allowed by the input's Third Party Copy VPD page  (and,
       if  given, allowed by the BPT argument in the bpt=BPT[,OBPC] option). Then one or more WUT calls are made
       to write out from the ROD created by the PT step. The largest single  WUT  call  is  constrained  by  the
       output's  Third  Party  Copy  VPD page (and, if given, allowed by the OBPC argument in the bpt=BPT[,OBPC]
       option). This sequence continues until the requested copy is complete.

       The zero output blocks variant is a special case of the full copy in which only WUT calls are  made.  ODX
       defines  a  special ROD Token to zero blocks. That special ROD Token has a fixed pattern (shown in SBC-3)
       and does not need to be created by a PT command like normal ROD Tokens.

       The read to tokens and the write from tokens variants are designed to  be  the  read  (input)  and  write
       (output)  sides  respectively  of  a network copy.  Each can run on different machines by sending the RTF
       file from the machine doing the read to the machine doing the write. The read to tokens will make one  or
       more PT calls and output the resulting ROD Tokens to the RTF file. RTF might be a regular file or a named

       All four variants can have the immed flag set. Then the PT and/or WUT commands are issued with the  IMMED
       bit  set and the RRTI command is used to poll for completion. The delay between the polls is as suggested
       by the RRTI command (or if no suggestion is made, 500 milliseconds). Either iflag=immed,  oflag=immed  or
       both can be given but are only effective if the corresponding IFILE or OFILE sends a PT or WUT command.

       Typically  there  is  no  need  to  give  the list_id=LID option. If this option is not given then 257 is
       chosen. If that is busy then 258 is tried.  That continues until a usable LID is found or  10  LIDs  have
       been  tried.  In  the latter case ddpt exits with status of 55 (operation in progress). If the user gives
       list_id=LID option and LID is busy then ddpt exits with exit status 55.

       If the block size of the input and output are different (i.e. IBS is not equal to OBS) then one must be a
       multiple  of  the  other.  So an input block size of 512 bytes and an output block size of 4096 bytes (or
       vice versa) is acceptable.

       The four ODX variants are distinguished as follows: if OFILE is a pass-through device,  if=/dev/null  (or
       equivalent)  and  rtype=zero then the zero output blocks variant is selected. If both IFILE and OFILE are
       pass-through devices and there is some indication of an ODX request (e.g.  the --odx  option),  then  the
       full  copy variant is selected. The read to tokens and the write from token variants are indicated by the
       absence of either a of=OFILE or a if=IFILE option, respectively, plus the presence of a rtf=RTF option.

       The helper utility ddptctl contains options to issue a single PT,  RRTI,  WUT  or  COPY  OPERATION  ABORT
       command.  It  can  also  issue a series of polling RRTI commands. It can decode information in ROD Tokens
       (which is not as informative as it should be) and print the number of blocks and block size  of  a  disk,
       plus protection information if available. See ddptctl.

       There is a web page discussing ddpt, XCOPY and ODX at


       Bypassing  writes  of  blocks  full  of  zeros can save a lot of IO. However with regular files, bypassed
       writes at the end of the copy can lead to an OFILE which is shorter  than  it  would  have  been  without
       sparse  writes. This can lead to integrity checking programs like md5sum and sha1sum generating different

       This utility has two ways of handling this file length problem: writing the last block  (even  if  it  is
       full  of  zeros)  or  using  the  ftruncate  system call. A third approach is to ignore the problem (i.e.
       leaving OFILE shorter). The ftruncate approach is used  when  "oflag=strunc"  while  the  last  block  is
       written  when  "oflag=sparse".  To  ignore  the file length issue use "oflag=sparse,sparse". Note that if
       OFILE's length is already correct or longer than required, no action is taken.

       The support for sparse writing of regular files may depend on the OS, the file system and the settings of
       OFILE.  POSIX  makes  few guarantees when the ftruncate system call is used to extend a file's length, as
       may occur when "oflag=strunc". Further, primitive file systems like VFAT may not accept sparse writes  or
       simulate  the  effect  by  writing  blocks  of  zeros. The latter approach will defeat any sparse writing
       performance gain.


       This is a new storage feature often associated with Solid State Disks (SSDs) or disk  arrays  with  "thin
       provisioning".  In  the ATA command set (ACS-2) the relevant command is DATA SET MANAGEMENT with the TRIM
       bit set. In the SCSI command set (SBC-3) it is either the UNMAP or WRITE SAME command. Note there  is  no
       TRIM command however the term is frequently used in the technical press.

       Trim  is  a  way  of  telling  a  storage  device  that blocks are no longer needed.  Keeping the pool of
       unwritten blocks large is important for the write performance of SSDs and the thrifty use of real storage
       in  thin  provisioned  arrays. Currently file systems in recent OSes may issue trims associated with file
       deletes. The trim option in ddpt may be useful when a partition or a whole SSD is to be  "deleted".  Note
       that ddpt is bypassing file systems in that it only offers trim on pass-through (pt) devices.

       This  utility  issues  SCSI  commands to pt devices and for "trim" currently issues a SCSI WRITE SAME(16)
       command with the UNMAP bit set. If the pt device is a SSD with a ATA interface then  recent  versions  of
       Linux  will  translate  the SCSI WRITE SAME to the ATA DATA SET MANAGEMENT command with the TRIM bit set.
       The maximum size of each "trim" command sent is the size of the copy buffer (i.e. IBS * BPT  bytes).  And
       that maximum can be reduced with the OBPC argument of the "bpt=" option.

       The  trim  can  be  used  various  ways.  One way is a copy where the copy buffer (or some part of it) is
       checked for zeros as is done by the sparse oflag. When a zero segment is found, a trim "command" is  sent
       to the OFILE. For example:

          ddpt if=dsk.img bs=512 of=/dev/sdc oflag=pt,trim

       The  copy  buffer  is  64 KiB (since BPT and OBPC default to 128 when "bs=512") and it is checked for all
       zeros. If it is all zeros then a trim command is sent to the corresponding location of /dev/sdc which  is
       accessed  via  the pt interface. If it is not all zeros then a SCSI WRITE command is sent. Another way is
       to trim all or part of a disk. To trim a whole disk (i.e. deleting all its data):

          ddpt if=/dev/zero bs=512 of=/dev/sdc oflag=pt,trim

       A third way is to "self-trim" which is to only trim those parts of a disk that contain segments  full  of

          ddpt if=/dev/sdc skip=0x2300 bs=512 iflag=pt,self,trim count=0x1234f0

       The  "self"  oflag  automatically sets up the output side of the copy to send trim commands (if required)
       back the the same device (i.e. /dev/sdc).  If  this  example  was  self-trimming  a  partition  then  the
       partition would start at LBA 0x2300 and be 0x1234f0 blocks long.

       Some  random  product  examples:  the  Intel  X25-M  G2  SSDs  have trim with recent firmware and they do
       deterministic read zero after trim. The Seagate Pulsar SSD  has  an  ATA  interface  which  supports  the
       deterministic reads of zero after the DATA SET MANAGEMENT command with the TRIM option.


       The  following  information  is  Linux  specific  at  this  time.  NVMe  devices in Linux have names like
       /dev/nvme0, /dev/nvme0n1 and /dev/nvme0n1p3. The first device name is a character device and some "Admin"
       commands  can  be  sent  to it (e.g. Identify) but no media access commands (which the NVMe specification
       calls the "NVM" Command set). The number given is a controller identifier. Storage in NVMe is  associated
       with namespaces which are numbered within a controller, starting at 1 (e.g. /dev/nvme0n1 is controller 0,
       namespace 1). These device nodes are block devices and can be given as IFILE and/or OFILE. The third type
       of NVMe device node selects a partition (within a namespace, within a controller). Partition numbers also
       start with 1.

       By default ddpt will treat the second and third form (of NVMe  device  nodes)  as  standard  Linux  block
       devices.  So  ddpt  will  act in the same as the dd utility would. In a similar fashion to accessing SCSI
       block devices (e.g.  /dev/sdc3) get access NVMe block devices the "pt"  flag  is  required,  either  with
       iflag=FLAGS and/or oflag=FLAGS. There is a SCSI to NVMe Translation Layer (SNTL) in the sg3_utils library
       which underpins this utility.


       dd defaults "if=" and "of=" to stdin and stdout  respectively.  This  follows  Unix  filter  conventions.
       However  since  dd  and  ddpt  are  often  used to read binary data for timing purposes, having to supply
       "of=/dev/null" can be easily forgotten. Without it dd will typically spew binary data on the console.  So
       ddpt  has  changed its defaults: the "if=IFILE" is now mandatory for direct copies and to read from stdin
       "if=-" can be used; "of=OFILE" remains optional but its default  changes  to  "/dev/null"  (or  "NUL"  in
       Windows). To send output to stdout ddpt accepts "of=-".

       dd  truncates OFILE unless "conv=notrunc" is given. When dd truncates, it truncates to zero length unless
       SEEK is greater than zero. ddpt does  not  truncate  OFILE  by  default.  If  OFILE  exists  it  will  be
       overwritten.  The  overwrite  starts  at block zero unless SEEK or "oflag=append" is given. If OFILE is a
       regular file then "oflag=trunc" (or "conv=trunc") will truncate OFILE prior to the copy.

       Numeric arguments to ddpt can be given in hexadecimal, either with a leading  "0x"  or  "0X"  or  with  a
       trailing  "h".  Note  that  dd accepts "0x123" but interprets it as "0 * 123" (i.e. zero). ddpt will also
       interpret "x" as multiplies unless the left operand is zero (e.g. "0x123"). So  both  dd  and  ddpt  will
       interpret "skip=2x123" as "skip=246".

       Terabyte  size  disks  make  it impractical to copy all the data into a single buffer of 512 bytes length
       before writing it out. Therefore both dd and ddpt read a relatively small amount of data into a copy  (or
       transfer)  buffer  then  write  it  out  to  the  destination,  repeating this process until the COUNT is

       A major difference in ddpt is the addition of BPT (Blocks Per Transfer) to control the size of  the  copy
       buffer.  With dd, IBS is the size of the copy buffer and the unit of SKIP and COUNT. With ddpt, IBS * BPT
       is the size of the copy buffer and IBS is the unit of SKIP and COUNT. This allows ddpt to  have  its  IBS
       set  to  the  logical  block  size  of  IFILE without unduly restricting the size of the copy buffer. And
       setting IBS (and OBS for OFILE) accurately is required when the pass-through interface is used since with
       the SCSI READ and WRITE commands the logical block size is implicit.

       The  way  dd  handles  its  copy  buffer  (outlined  in  SUSv4  description of dd) is relatively complex,
       especially when IBS and OBS are different sizes. The restriction that ddpt places on IBS and OBS  (  i.e.
       (((IBS  * BPT) % OBS) == 0) ) means that a single copy buffer can be used since its size is a multiple of
       both IBS and OBS. Being able to precisely define the copy buffer size in ddpt makes sparse writing, write
       sparing and trim operations simpler to define and the user to control.

       ddpt  does  not support dd's "cbs=" option (conversion block size). If the "cbs=" option is given to ddpt
       then it is ignored.

       ddpt adds  two  types  of  disk  to  disk,  offloaded  copies:  XCOPY(LID1)  first  introduced  in  SPC-2
       (standardized  in  2001),  and  ODX  which  is  a  subset  of XCOPY(LID4) first introduced in SPC-4 draft
       (revision 34, 2012).


       This section is about protection information which is typically an extra 8  bytes  associated  with  each
       logical block. Those 8 byte are divided into 3 fields: logical block guard (16 bit (2 byte) CRC), logical
       block application tag (2 bytes) and the logical block  reference  tag  (4  bytes).  The  acronym  DIF  is
       sometimes used for protection information.

       The  feature  to  read  and/or  write  protection  information  by  using the protect=RDP[,WRP] option is
       currently experimental. It should be used with care and may not "play well" with some other features such
       as  write  sparing and sparse writing. It should be used to copy user data plus the associated protection
       information to or from a regular file. It could also be used for a device to  device  copy  assuming  the
       "pt" interface is used for both. Also only modern SCSI disks support protection information.

       When  RDP  or WRP is greater than 0 then a copy with associated protection information is active. In this
       state IBS and OBS must be the same and equal to the logical block size of the  device(s)  formatted  with
       protection  information.  If a SCSI disk with 512 byte logical block size has protection information then
       the actual number of bytes transferred for each logical block is typically 520 bytes.  For  such  a  disk
       BS=512 is required even when additional protection information is being transferred.

       When protection type 2 is used, the "normal" READ, WRITE and VERIFY SCSI commands are disallowed. In this
       context "normal" means the 6, 10, 12, and 16 byte variants. Only READ(32) and WRITE(32) can be used.  The
       32 byte variants can be selected in this utility by using the operand 'cdbsz=32'.


       By  default  numeric  arguments  to  options  are  assumed to be decimal. Almost all numeric arguments to
       options (e.g. COUNT in the count=COUNT option) may include one of these multiplicative suffixes: c C  *1;
       w  W  *2; b B *512; k K KiB *1,024; KB *1,000; m M MiB *1,048,576; MB *1,000,000 . This pattern continues
       for "G", "T" and "P". The latter two suffixes can only be used for 64 bit values. Some numeric  arguments
       are  limited  to 32 bit values (e.g. BSin the bs=BS option).  Also a suffix of the form "x<n>" multiplies
       the leading number by <n>; however the combinations "0x" and "0X" are treated differently, see  the  next
       paragraph.  These  multiplicative suffixes are compatible with GNU's dd command (since 2002) which claims
       compliance with the SI and with IEC 60027-2 standards.

       Alternatively numerical values can be given in hexadecimal indicated by either a leading "0x" or "0X", or
       by a trailing "h" or "H". When hex numbers are given, suffix multipliers cannot be used.

       If  a  numeric argument is required to fit in 32 bits and is too large then an error is reported. Usually
       negative numbers are not  permitted  but  "count=-1"  is  a  special  case  and  means  "all  available";
       "verbose=-1" is another special case.


       Copying  data  behind  an  Operating System's back can cause problems. In the case of Linux, users should
       look at this link:
       This command sequence may be useful:
         sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

       A partial write is a write to the OFILE of less than OBS bytes. This typically occurs at  the  end  of  a
       copy.  dd  can do partial writes. ddpt does partial writes to regular files and fifos (including stdout).
       However ddpt ignores partial writes when OFILE is a block device or a pt  device.  When  ddpt  ignores  a
       partial write, it sends a warning to the console (stderr).

       At the end of the copy two lines are reported to the console:
          <in_full>+<in_partial> records in
          <out_full>+<out_partial> records out

       The "records in" line is the number of full input blocks (each of IBS bytes) that have been read plus the
       number of partial blocks ( usually less than IBS bytes) that have been read. Following  the  lead  of  dd
       when  'iflag=coe'  is  active  a  block that cannot be read (and has zeros substituted for its output) is
       regarded as a partial read. The "records out" line is the number of  full  output  blocks  (each  of  OBS
       bytes)  that  have been written plus the number of partial blocks (usually less than OBS bytes) that have
       been written.

       Block devices (e.g. /dev/sda and /dev/hda) can  be  given  for  IFILE.   If  neither  'iflag=direct'  nor
       'iflag=pt'  is given then normal block IO involving buffering and caching is performed. If 'iflag=direct'
       is given then the buffering and caching is bypassed (this is applicable to  both  SCSI  devices  and  ATA
       disks).  When 'iflag=pt' is given SCSI commands are sent to the device which bypasses most of the actions
       performed by the block layer.  The same applies for block devices given for OFILE.

       All informative, warning and error reports are sent to stderr so that dd's output file can be stdout  and
       remain unpolluted. If no options are given, then no copying (nor reading) takes place and a brief message
       is sent to stderr inviting the user to invoke ddpt again but  with  '--help'  option  to  get  the  usage

       Disk  partition  information  can  often  be  found  with  fdisk(8) [the "-ul" argument is useful in this
       respect]. Also parted(8) can be used like this: 'parted /dev/sda unit s print' .

       For pt devices this utility issues SCSI READ and WRITE (SBC) commands which are appropriate for disks and
       reading  from CD/DVD/BD drives. Those commands are not formatted correctly for tape drives so ddpt cannot
       be used on tape drives via a pt device. If the largest block address of the requested transfer exceeds  a
       32  bit  block  number  (i.e  0xffffffff) then a warning is issued and the pt device is accessed via SCSI
       READ(16) and WRITE(16) commands.

       The attributes of a block device (e.g. partitions) are ignored when the pt flag is used.  Hence the whole
       device is read (rather than just the second partition) by this invocation:

          ddpt if=/dev/sdb2 iflag=pt of=t bs=512

       Assuming  /dev/sdb  and  /dev/sg2 refer to the same device, then after the following two invocations, the
       contents of the files "t", "tt" and "ttt" should be same:

          ddpt if=/dev/sdb of=tt bs=512

          ddpt if=/dev/sg2 of=ttt bs=512

       The SCSI READ(32) and WRITE(32) commands are restricted to media that is formatted with  protection  type
       2. This is a T10 restriction.


       The  signal  handling  has  been borrowed from GNU's dd: SIGINT, SIGQUIT and SIGPIPE report the number of
       remaining blocks to be transferred and the records in + out counts; then they have their default  action.
       SIGUSR1  (or SIGINFO) causes the same information to be output and the copy continues.  All output caused
       by signals is sent to stderr.

       Like GNU's dd, ddpt respects the signal disposition of "ignored" (SIG_IGN) set by the  shell,  script  or
       other  program that invokes ddpt. So in that case it will ignore such signals. Further dd ignores SIGUSR1
       if the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT is set because POSIX defines dd will only act on SIGINFO (and
       Linux  has  no  such  signal);  ddpt  ignores the POSIXLY_CORRECT environment variable. As recommended by
       Susv3, ddpt does not expect the signal (blocking) mask  to  be  blocking  SIGUSR1  (SIGINFO),  SIGINT  or
       SIGPIPE on entry.

       Unix  system calls that do IO can be interrupted by signal processing, typically returning an EINTR error
       number. The dd utility (and many other Unix utilities) restart the IO  operation  that  was  interrupted.
       While  this will work most of the time for disk IO it is problematic for tape drives because the implicit
       position pointer on the tape may have moved.  So the default (i.e. "intio=0") in this utility is to  mask
       those signals during IO operations and only check them prior to starting an IO operation.  Most low level
       IO (e.g. using SCSI command to write to a disk) will timeout if there is a low level error.  However  NFS
       (the  Network  File  System) will potentially wait for a long time (e.g. expecting a network problem will
       soon be fixed) and in this case using "intio=1" may be best.


       The usual way to check the two disks (or part of the disks) are the same is to move through the  segments
       to  be  compared,  reading  from  both  and  comparing  the  returned buffers, stopping if there is an in

       This utility takes a different approach that relies on the  OFILE  being  a  pass  through  device.  That
       pass-through  device needs to support the SCSI VERIFY command with the BYTCHK field set to 1. Optionally,
       for the --prefetch option to improve performance that pass-through  device  needs  to  support  the  SCSI
       PRE-FETCH command with its IMMED bit set.

       When  the --verify option is given, instead of reading both IFILE and OFILE, only the IFILE is read. Then
       the result of that read is sent to the OFILE device as the data-out buffer of a VERIFY(BYTCHK=1) command.
       So the comparison is actually done on the OFILE device rather than the host computer's main memory.

       If  the  --prefetch  option is also given, then before the IFILE read, a PRE-FETCH(OFILE, IMMED) is sent.
       The IMMED bit will make it return more or less immediately. The effect of  the  PRE-FETCH  should  be  to
       bring  the  contents of the data to be used for the OFILE side of the comparison, into the OFILE device's
       cache. And that should make the later VERIFY(BYTCHK=1) command faster.


       There is support for copies to and from tape drives in Linux. Only the st driver device names can be used
       (e.g.  /dev/st0  and  /dev/nst2).  Hence  use of Linux pass-through device names (e.g. /dev/sg2) for tape
       drives is not supported. On Debian-based distributions,  it  is  suggested  that  the  mt-st  package  is
       installed as it provides a more fully-featured version of the "mt" tape control program.

       Tape  drives  can operate in fixed- or variable-length block modes. In variable-block mode, each write to
       the tape writes a single block of that size. In fixed-block mode, each  write  to  the  tape  must  be  a
       multiple of the previously-selected block size.

       The block size/mode can be set with the mt command prior to invoking ddpt.  For example:
         # mt -f /dev/nst0 setblk 0
       sets variable-block mode, and
         # mt -f /dev/nst0 setblk 32768
       sets fixed-block mode with block size 32768 bytes.

       Note  that  some  tape  drives support only fixed-block mode, and possibly even only one block size. (For
       example, QIC-150 tapes use a fixed block size of 512 bytes.) There may also be restrictions on the  block
       size, e.g.  it may have to be even.

       When  using ddpt to write to tape, if the final read from the input is less than OBS, it is padded to OBS
       bytes before writing to tape to ensure that all blocks of the tape file are the  same  length.  Having  a
       shorter  final  block  would  fail  if  the  drive  is  in fixed-block mode, and could create interchange
       problems. It is common to expect all blocks in a file on tape to be the same  length.  However,  to  tell
       ddpt to not pad the final block, use 'oflag=nopad'.

       The  st  tape driver normally writes a filemark when the file (e.g. /dev/nst0) is closed. To not have the
       filemark written, use 'oflag=nofm'. One use case for that  might  be  if  using  ddpt  several  times  in
       succession  to  append more data to the same file on tape. In that case it is probably desirable to write
       the filemark at the end of the sequence. So either omit 'oflag=nofm' on  the  last  ddpt  invocation,  or
       manually write a filemark using mt after ddpt exits:
         # mt -f /dev/nst0 weof 1

       For  reading  from  an  unknown  tape  where  the block size(s) is not known, read in variable-block mode
       specifying a large IBS. The st driver returns a smaller amount of data if the size of the block  read  is
       smaller. Thus a command like:
         # ddpt if=/dev/nst0 of=output.bin bs=262144
       should  read  the  file  from  tape regardless of the block size used (assuming no blocks are larger than
       256KB). ddpt's verbose option will display what the actual block size(s) is.


       If the command line invocation of an xcopy does not explicitly (and unambiguously) indicate  whether  the
       XCOPY  SCSI  command  should  be  sent to IFILE (i.e.  the source) or OFILE (i.e. the destination) then a
       check is made for the presence of the XCOPY_TO_SRC and XCOPY_TO_DST environment variables. If either  one
       exists  (but  not both) then it indicates where the SCSI XCOPY command will be sent. By default the XCOPY
       command is sent to OFILE.

       The ODX write from tokens variant is very complex to implement if the amount of data held in each ROD  is
       not known. The value should be found in the "number of bytes represented" field in the ROD Token but that
       is not well supported yet by vendors. So for such cases, that number can be appended as a  big  endian  8
       byte  integer  following  each  ROD  Token in the RTF file. The conv=rtf_len will cause that length to be
       appended. Specifying that option on each read to tokens  and  write  from  tokens  invocation  can  be  a
       nuisance.  Setting  the  environment  variable  ODX_RTF_LEN  will  cause  this  utility  to act as if the
       conv=rtf_len option has been given.

       Sometimes the default block size of 512 can be a nuisance. This can be overridden by the value associated
       with  the DDPT_DEF_BS environment variable. If the environment variable is not found, the value cannot be
       decoded or is zero or less, then the default block size remains at 512 bytes.


       To aid scripts that call ddpt, the exit status is set to indicate success (0) or  failure  (1  or  more).
       Note that some of the lower values correspond to the SCSI sense key values. The exit status values are:

       0      success.  Also  conveys  boolean  true for actions that result in true or false (e.g. sgl equality

       1      syntax error. Either illegal command line options, options with bad arguments or a combination  of
              options that is not permitted.

       2      the  device  reports  that  it is not ready for the operation requested.  The device may be in the
              process of becoming ready (e.g.  spinning up but not at speed) so the utility  may  work  after  a

       3      the device reports a medium or hardware error (or a blank check). For example an attempt to read a
              corrupted block on a disk will yield this value.

       5      the device reports an "illegal  request"  with  an  additional  sense  code  other  than  "invalid
              operation  code".  This  is  often  a supported command with a field set requesting an unsupported

       6      the device reports a "unit attention" condition. This usually indicates that  something  unrelated
              to  the  requested  command has occurred (e.g. a device reset) potentially before the current SCSI
              command was sent. The requested command has not been  executed  by  the  device.  Note  that  unit
              attention conditions are usually only reported once by a device.

       7      the  device reports a "data protect" sense key. This implies some mechanism has blocked writes (or
              possibly all access to the media).

       9      the device reports an illegal request with an additional sense code of  "invalid  operation  code"
              which means that it doesn't support the requested command.

       10     the  device  reports  a "copy aborted". This implies another command or device problem has stopped
              and copy operation. The EXTENDED COPY family of commands (including WRITE USING TOKEN) may  return
              this sense key.

       11     the  device  reports an aborted command. In some cases aborted commands can be retried immediately
              (e.g. if the transport aborted the command due to congestion).

       14     the DEVICE reports a miscompare sense key. VERIFY and COMPARE AND WRITE commands may report this.

       15     the utility is unable to open, close or use the given IFILE, OFILE or other file. The  given  file
              name  could  be  incorrect or there may be permission problems. Adding the -v option may give more

       20     the device reports it has a check condition but "no sense".  It is unlikely that this  value  will
              occur as an exit status.

       21     the  device  reports  a  "recovered  error".  The requested command was successful.  Most likely a
              utility will report a recovered error to stderr and continue, probably leaving the utility with an
              exit status of 0 .

       24     the  device  reports a SCSI status of "reservation conflict". This means access to the device with
              the current command has been blocked because another machine (HBA or  SCSI  "initiator")  holds  a
              reservation  on  this  device. On modern SCSI systems this is related to the use of the PERSISTENT
              RESERVATION family of commands.

       25     the DEVICE reports a SCSI status of "condition met". Currently only  the  PRE-FETCH  command  (see
              SBC-4) yields this status.

       26     the  DEVICE  reports  a  SCSI  status  of "busy". SAM-5 defines this status as the logical unit is
              temporarily unable to process a command.  It is recommended to re-issue the command.

       27     the DEVICE reports a SCSI status of "task set full".

       28     the DEVICE reports a SCSI status of "ACA active". ACA  is  "auto  contingent  allegiance"  and  is
              seldom used.

       29     the  DEVICE reports a SCSI status of "task aborted". SAM-5 says: "This status shall be returned if
              a command is aborted by a command or task management function on another I_T nexus and the Control
              mode page TAS bit is set to one".

       31     error  involving two or more command line options. Either they contradict or select an unsupported

       32     the is a logic error in the utility. It corresponds to code  comments  like  "shouldn't/can't  get
              here". Perhaps the author should be contacted.

       33     the  command  sent  to  device  has timed out. This occurs in Linux only; in other ports a command
              timeout will appear as a transport (or OS) error.

       36     no error has occurred. For actions that result in a boolean, this exit status indicates false.

       40     the command sent to a device has received an "aborted command" sense key with an additional  sense
              code  of  0x10.  This  value  is  related to problems with protection information (PI or DIF). For
              example this error may occur when reading a block on a drive that has never been  written  (or  is
              unmapped) if that drive was formatted with type 1, 2 or 3 protection.

       48     this is an internal message indicating a NVMe status field (SF) is other than zero after a command
              has been executed (i.e. something went wrong).  Work in this area is currently experimental.

       49     low level driver reports a response's residual count (i.e. number of bytes  actually  received  by
              HBA  is  'requested_bytes - residual_count') that is too high. So no useful processing can be done
              with that response.

       50 + <os_error_number>
              OS system calls that fail often return a small integer number to help indicate what the error  is.
              For  example in Unix the inability of a system call to allocate memory returns (in 'errno') ENOMEM
              which often is associated with the integer 12. So 62 (i.e. '50 + 12') may be returned by a utility
              in this case.

       90     the  flock  flag  has  been  given on a device and some other process holds the advisory exclusive

       97     the response to a SCSI command failed sanity checks.

       98     the device reports it has a check condition but the error  doesn't  fit  into  any  of  the  above

       99     any  errors  that  can't  be  categorized  into values 1 to 98 may yield this value. This includes
              transport and operating system errors after the command has been sent to the device.

       100    a command received a 'parameter list length error'.

       101    a command received 'illegal field in parameter list'. This may occur with  an  odx  copy  if  some
              combination of parameters is illegal or not supported (e.g.  iflag=immed).

       105    a  command received 'operation in progress'. This may occur with an odx copy when the given LID is
              already being used by another process (e.g. also using odx) on the same  machine.  Choose  another

       110    a  command  received  'invalid  token operation, cause not reportable'. This may occur with an odx
              operation when the given ROD Token is invalid. One reason for that may be the  inactivity  timeout
              has been reached and the copy manager has cancelled the ROD Token.

       110 + <asc_23h_ascq_code>
              these  status  values  provide  more  information  than  exit  status  110. See SPC-5 ASC and ASCQ
              assignments (currently in Annex F.2), specifically the entries for  asc=23h  .  For  example  exit
              status  112  corresponds  to  asc=23h, ascq=2h which implies the odx copy manager does not support
              copies between LUs in different targets. That is optional; an odx  copy  manager  is  required  to
              support copies between LUs (that are block devices) in the same target.

       126    the  utility was found but could not be executed. That might occur if the executable does not have
              execute permissions.

       127    This is the exit status for utility not found. That might occur when a script calls a  utility  in
              this  package but the PATH environment variable has not been properly set up, so the script cannot
              find the executable.

       128 + <signum>
              If a signal kills a utility then the exit status is 128 plus the signal number. For example  if  a
              segmentation  fault occurs then a utility is typically killed by SIGSEGV which according to 'man 7
              signal' has an associated signal number of 11; so the exit status will be 139 .

       255    the utility tried to yield an exit status of 255 or larger. That should not happen; given here for


       The  examples in this page use Linux device names. For suitable device names in other supported Operating
       Systems see this web page: . The sg3_utils(8)  man  page  in  the
       sg3_utils package also covers device naming.

       ddpt usage looks quite similar to dd:

          ddpt if=/dev/sg0 of=t bs=512 count=1MB

       This  will copy 1 million 512 byte blocks from the device associated with /dev/sg0 (which should have 512
       byte blocks) to a file called t.  Assuming /dev/sda and /dev/sg0 are the same device then  the  above  is
       equivalent to:

          dd if=/dev/sda iflag=direct of=t bs=512 count=1000000

       although  dd's  speed  may  improve  if  bs  was  larger  and  count was suitably reduced. The use of the
       'iflag=direct' option bypasses the buffering and caching that is usually done on a block device.

       The dd command's bs argument can be thought of as roughly equivalent to ddpt's bs*bpt . dd almost assumes
       buffering  on  a block device and will work as long as bs is a multiple of the actual logical block size.
       Since ddpt can work at a lower level in some cases the bs argument must be a disk's actual logical  block
       size.  Thus the bpt argument was introduced to make the copy more efficient. So these two invocations are
       roughly equivalent:

          dd if=/dev/sda of=t bs=8k count=64
          ddpt if=/dev/sda of=t bs=512 bpt=16 count=1k

       In both cases the total number of bytes moved is bs*count . And that will be done  by  reading  8k  (8192
       bytes)  into a buffer then writing out that buffer to the file t. The read write sequence continues until
       the count is complete or an error occurs.

       The 'of2=' option can save time when the input would otherwise need to be read  twice.  For  example,  to
       copy data and take a md5sum of it without needing to re-read the data:

         mkfifo fif
         md5sum fif &
         ddpt if=/dev/sg3 iflag=coe of=sg3.img oflag=sparse of2=fif bs=512

       This  will  image /dev/sg3 (e.g. an unmounted disk) and place the contents in the (sparse) file sg3.img .
       Without re-reading the data it will also perform a md5sum calculation on the image.

       Now we use sparse writing logic to get some idea of how many blocks on a disk are full of zeros. After  a
       SCSI FORMAT UNIT command or an ATA SECURITY ERASE command a disk may be all zeros.

          ddpt if=/dev/sdc bs=512 oflag=sparse

       Since  no  "of=" option is given, output goes to /dev/null so nothing is actually written so the "records
       out" will be zero. However there will be a count of "records in" and "bypassed records out". If  /dev/sdc
       is  full  of zeros then "records in" and "bypassed records out" will be the same. Since the "bpt=" option
       is not given it defaults to "bpt=128,128" so the copy buffer will be 64 KiB  and  the  sparse  check  for
       zeros will be done with 64 KiB (128 block) granularity.

       For examples of the trim and self,trim options see the section above on TRIM, UNMAP AND WRITE SAME.

       Following  is  an example run on a Windows OS using the '--wscan' option which shows the available device
       names (e.g. PD1) and the associated volume name(s):

          ddpt -w
       PD0     [C]     FUJITSU   MHY2160BH         0000
       PD1     [DF]    WD        2500BEV External  1.05  WD-WXE90
       CDROM0  [E]     MATSHITA DVD/CDRW UJDA775  CB03

       So, for example, volumes D: and F: reside on PhysicalDisk1 (abbreviated to "PD1") which  is  manufactured
       by WD (Western Digital).

       Further  examples  can be found on this web page: . There is a text file
       containing examples called ddpt_examples.txt in  the  "doc"  directory  of  this  package's  distribution
       tarball. The ddpt_examples.txt file contains some examples of using job files.


       Written by Doug Gilbert


       Report bugs to <dgilbert at interlog dot com>.


       Copyright © 2008-2021 Douglas Gilbert
       This  software is distributed under the GPL version 2. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY


       This utility has companion/helper utilities ddptctl(8), ddpt_sgl(8)
       There is a web page discussing ddpt at

       The lmbench package contains lmdd which is also interesting. For moving data to and  from  tapes  see  dt
       which is found at

       To change mode parameters that effect a SCSI device's caching and error recovery see sdparm(sdparm)

       To verify the data on the media is readable see: sg_verify(sg3_utils)

       To scan and repair disk partitions see TestDisk (testdisk).

       Additional references: dd(1), open(2), flock(2), sg_xcopy,sg_copy_results, sg_dd(sg3_utils)