Provided by: opendnssec-enforcer-mysql_2.1.13-1.1_amd64 bug


       ods-enforcer - OpenDNSSEC enforcer Engine client


       ods-enforcer help | start | stop | reload | running
       ods-enforcer queue | flush | signconf | enforce | verbosity <number>
       ods-enforcer update conf | repositorylist | all
       ods-enforcer policy list | export | import | purge | resalt
       ods-enforcer zone list | add | delete | set-policy
       ods-enforcer zonelist export | import
       ods-enforcer key list | export | import | ds-submit | ds-seen | ds-retract | ds-gone | generate | purge |
       ods-enforcer backup list | prepare | commit | rollback
       ods-enforcer rollover list
       ods-enforcer repository list
       ods-enforcer help [COMMAND]


       ods-enforcer is part of the OpenDNSSEC software. With this tool, you can send commands  to  the  enforcer
       engine  daemon.  ods-enforcer manages the operation of the KASP Enforcer, which is the part of OpenDNSSEC
       that triggers key generation and signing operations on domains based on policies with user-defined timing
       and  security  requirements.  Among  the functions of ods-enforcer are key management, import to the zone
       list and manually rolling keys to recover from  exceptional  situations  like  key  loss.  The  following
       sections discuss the subcommands.

       For more information, go to and visit the Documentation page.


       help   Show a brief list of commands.

       start  Start the engine and the process.

       stop   Stop the engine and terminate the process.

       reload Reload the engine.

              Return acknowledgment that the engine is running.

              Set verbosity to the given number.


       queue  queue  shows  all scheduled tasks with their time of the earliest executions, as well as all tasks
              currently being processed.

       flush  Execute all scheduled tasks immediately.

              Force the enforcer to run once for every zone.


              Force write of signer configuration files for all zones.

       update conf
              Update the configuration from conf.xml and reload the enforcer.

       update repository list
              List repositories.

       update all
              Perform policy import, zonelist import, and update repository list.


       policy list
              List all policies in the database.

       policy export (--policy <policy> | --all)
              Export a specified policy or all of them from the database.

       policy import
              Import policies from kasp.xml into the enforcer database.

       policy purge
              This command will remove any policies from the database which have no associated zones.  Use  with

       policy resalt
              Generate new NSEC3 salts for policies that have salts older than the resalt duration.


       zone list
              List all zones currently in the database.

       zone  add  --zone  <zone>  [--policy  <policy>] [--signerconf <path>] [--in-type <type>] [--input <path>]
       [--out-type <type>] [--output <path>] [--xml] [--suspend]
              Add a new zone to the enforcer database.

       zone delete (--zone <zone> | --all [--xml])
              Delete a zone or all of zones from the enforcer database.

       zone set-policy --zone <zone> --policy <policy> [--xml]
              Change the policy for a zone in the enforcer database.

       zonelist export
              Export list of zones from the database to the zonelist.xml file.

       zonelist import [--remove-missing-zones] [--file <absolute path>]
              Import zones from zonelist.xml into the enforcer database.


       key list [--verbose] [--debug] [--full] [--parsable] [--zone] [--keystate] [--all]
              List information about keys in all zones, or in a particular zone from the database.

       key export (--zone <zone> | --all) [--keystate <state>] [--keytype <type>] [--ds]
              Export DNSKEY(s) for a given zone/all from the database.

       key  import  --cka_id  <CKA_ID>  --repository  <repository>  --zone  <zone>  --bits  <size>   --algorithm
       <algorithm> --keystate <state> --keytype <type> --inception_time <time>
              Add a key which was created outside of the OpenDNSSEC code into the enforcer database.

       key ds-submit --zone <zone> (--keytag <keytag> | --cka_id <CKA_ID>)
              Issue a ds-submit to the enforcer for a KSK.

       key ds-seen --zone <zone> (--keytag <keytag> | --cka_id <CKA_ID>)
              Issue a ds-seen to the enforcer for a KSK.

       key ds-seen --all
              Issue  a  ds-seen  for  all  ready (for ds-seen) KSKs. This command indicates to OpenDNSSEC that a
              submitted DS record has appeared in the parent zone, and thereby trigger the completion of  a  KSK

       key ds-retract --zone <zone> (--keytag <keytag> | --cka_id <CKA_ID>)
              Issue a ds-retract to the enforcer for a KSK.

       key ds-gone --zone <zone> (--keytag <keytag> | --cka_id <CKA_ID>)
              Issue a ds-gone to the enforcer for a KSK.

       key generate --duration <duration> (--policy <policy> | --all)
              Pre-generate  keys for all or a given policy, the duration to pre-generate for can be specified or
              otherwise its taken from the conf.xml.

       key purge (--policy <policy> | --zone <zone> | --delete)
              This command will remove keys from the database and HSM that are dead.  If the  --delete  (or  -d)
              flag  is given, the keys are also purged from the HSM.  Keys are always purged from the HSM if the

       key rollover (--zone <zone> | --policy <policy>) [--keytype <keytype> | --all]
              Start a key rollover of the desired type *now* or all of them. The process is the same as for  the
              scheduled  automated  rollovers  however  it  does not wait for the keys lifetime to expire before
              rolling. The next rollover is due after the newest key aged passed its lifetime.

       rollover list [--zone <zone>]
              List the expected dates and times of upcoming rollovers. This can  be  used  to  get  an  idea  of
              upcoming works.


       backup list --repository <repository>
              Enumerate backup status of keys.

       backup prepare --repository <repository>
              Flag the keys found in all configured HSMs as to be backed up.

       backup commit --repository <repository>
              Mark flagged keys found in all configured HSMs as backed up.

       backup rollback --repository <repository>

       repository list
              List repositories.


              The main configuration file for OpenDNSSEC.

              The list of zones as defined in conf.xml. This list is used during 'zonelist import'.

              The configuration of policies that define timing and security, as defined in conf.xml.

              The location that is usually configured in conf.xml which contains unsigned zones.

              The location that is usually configured in conf.xml which contains signed zones.


       will log all the problems via stderr.


       ods-control(8),   ods-enforcerd(8),   ods-signerd(8),   ods-signer(8),   ods-kasp(5),   ods-kaspcheck(1),
       ods-timing(5), ods-hsmspeed(1), ods-hsmutil(1), opendnssec(7),


       ods-enforcer was written by NLnet Labs as part of the OpenDNSSEC project.