Provided by: openvswitch-common_3.3.0-1ubuntu3_amd64 bug


       ovs-bugtool - Open vSwitch bug reporting utility




       Generates  a  debug  bundle  with useful information about Open vSwitch on this system and
       places it in /var/log/ovs-bugtool.


       These options influence what categories of data ovs-bugtool collects.

              Collect the capabilities specified in the comma-separated list.

       --all  Collect all available capabilities.

       --ovs  In addition to Open vSwitch configuration and status,  ovs-bugtool  can  collect  a
              variety  of  relevant  system  information.   This option limits collection to Open
              vSwitch-specific categories.

              Include the logs with last modification time in the previous days days in the debug
              bundle.  The  number  of log files included has a big impact on the eventual bundle
              size. The default value is 20 days.

              Answer yes to all prompts.

              Writes the categories that ovs-bugtool can collect on stdout in XML, then exits.


       These options influence the format and destination of ovs-bugtool output.

              Generates a debug bundle with  the  specified  file  type.   Options  include  tar,
              tar.gz, tar.bz2, and zip.

              Write output to file.  Mutually exclusive with --outfd.

              Write output to file descriptor fd.  This option must be used with --output=tar.

              Do  not  exclude files which are too large. Also skip checking free disk space.  By
              default up to 90 percent of the free disk space can be used.

              Print verbose debugging output.


              Suppress most output to stdout.

       --help Print a summary of ovs-bugtool usage to stdout, then exit.


       Here's a collection of some commonly useful options:

       ovs-bugtool -y -s --output=tar.gz --outfile=/var/log/bugtool-report.tgz


       ovs-bugtool makes many assumptions about file locations and  the  availability  of  system
       utilities.   It has been tested on Debian and Red Hat and derived distributions.  On other
       distributions it is likely to be less useful.