Provided by: openvswitch-common_3.3.0-1ubuntu3_amd64 bug


       ovs-parse-backtrace - parses ovs-appctl backtrace output


       ovs-appctl backtrace | ovs-parse-backtrace [<binary>]

       ovs-parse-backtrace [<binary>] < <backtrace>


       In some configurations, many Open vSwitch daemons can produce a series of backtraces using
       the ovs-appctl backtrace command.  Users can analyze these backtraces to figure  out  what
       the given Open vSwitch daemon may be spending most of its time doing.  ovs-parse-backtrace
       makes this output easier to interpret.

       The ovs-appctl backtrace output must be supplied  on  standard  input.   The  binary  that
       produced the output should be supplied as the sole non-option argument.  For best results,
       the binary should have debug symbols.



         Prints a usage message and exits.

       • --version

         Prints the version and exits.


       The Open vSwitch Development Community


       2016-2024, The Open vSwitch Development Community