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     usb_fifo_alloc_buffer, usb_fifo_attach, usb_fifo_detach, usb_fifo_free_buffer, usb_fifo_get_data,
     usb_fifo_get_data_buffer, usb_fifo_get_data_error, usb_fifo_get_data_linear, usb_fifo_put_bytes_max,
     usb_fifo_put_data, usb_fifo_put_data_buffer, usb_fifo_put_data_error, usb_fifo_put_data_linear,
     usb_fifo_reset, usb_fifo_softc, usb_fifo_wakeup, usbd_do_request, usbd_do_request_flags, usbd_errstr,
     usbd_lookup_id_by_info, usbd_lookup_id_by_uaa, usbd_transfer_clear_stall, usbd_transfer_drain,
     usbd_transfer_pending, usbd_transfer_poll, usbd_transfer_setup, usbd_transfer_start, usbd_transfer_stop,
     usbd_transfer_submit, usbd_transfer_unsetup, usbd_xfer_clr_flag, usbd_xfer_frame_data, usbd_xfer_frame_len,
     usbd_xfer_get_frame, usbd_xfer_get_priv, usbd_xfer_is_stalled, usbd_xfer_max_framelen,
     usbd_xfer_max_frames, usbd_xfer_max_len, usbd_xfer_set_flag, usbd_xfer_set_frame_data,
     usbd_xfer_set_frame_len, usbd_xfer_set_frame_offset, usbd_xfer_set_frames, usbd_xfer_set_interval,
     usbd_xfer_set_priv, usbd_xfer_set_stall, usbd_xfer_set_timeout, usbd_xfer_softc, usbd_xfer_state,
     usbd_xfer_status — Universal Serial Bus driver programming interface


     #include <dev/usb/usb.h>
     #include <dev/usb/usbdi.h>
     #include <dev/usb/usbdi_util.h>

     usbd_transfer_setup(struct usb_device *udev, const uint8_t *ifaces, struct usb_xfer **pxfer,
         const struct usb_config *setup_start, uint16_t n_setup, void *priv_sc, struct mtx *priv_mtx);

     usbd_transfer_unsetup(struct usb_xfer **pxfer, uint16_t n_setup);

     usbd_transfer_start(struct usb_xfer *xfer);

     usbd_transfer_stop(struct usb_xfer *xfer);

     usbd_transfer_drain(struct usb_xfer *xfer);


     The Universal Serial Bus (USB) driver programming interface provides USB peripheral drivers with a host
     controller independent API for controlling and communicating with USB peripherals.  The usb module supports
     both USB Host and USB Device side mode.


     The USB standard defines four types of USB transfers.  Control transfers, Bulk transfers, Interrupt
     transfers and Isochronous transfers.  All the transfer types are managed using the following five

     usbd_transfer_setup() This function will allocate memory for and initialise an array of USB transfers and
     all required DMA memory.  This function can sleep or block waiting for resources to become available.  udev
     is a pointer to "struct usb_device".  ifaces is an array of interface index numbers to use.  See
     "if_index".  pxfer is a pointer to an array of USB transfer pointers that are initialized to NULL, and then
     pointed to allocated USB transfers.  setup_start is a pointer to an array of USB config structures.
     n_setup is a number telling the USB system how many USB transfers should be setup.  priv_sc is the private
     softc pointer, which will be used to initialize "xfer->priv_sc".  priv_mtx is the private mutex protecting
     the transfer structure and the softc.  This pointer is used to initialize "xfer->priv_mtx".  This function
     returns zero upon success.  A non-zero return value indicates failure.

     usbd_transfer_unsetup() This function will release the given USB transfers and all allocated resources
     associated with these USB transfers.  pxfer is a pointer to an array of USB transfer pointers, that may be
     NULL, that should be freed by the USB system.  n_setup is a number telling the USB system how many USB
     transfers should be unsetup.  This function can sleep waiting for USB transfers to complete.  This function
     is NULL safe with regard to the USB transfer structure pointer.  It is not allowed to call this function
     from the USB transfer callback.

     usbd_transfer_start() This function will start the USB transfer pointed to by xfer, if not already started.
     This function is always non-blocking and must be called with the so-called private USB mutex locked.  This
     function is NULL safe with regard to the USB transfer structure pointer.

     usbd_transfer_stop() This function will stop the USB transfer pointed to by xfer, if not already stopped.
     This function is always non-blocking and must be called with the so-called private USB mutex locked.  This
     function can return before the USB callback has been called.  This function is NULL safe with regard to the
     USB transfer structure pointer.  If the transfer was in progress, the callback will called with
     "USB_ST_ERROR" and "error = USB_ERR_CANCELLED".

     usbd_transfer_drain() This function will stop an USB transfer, if not already stopped and wait for any
     additional USB hardware operations to complete.  Buffers that are loaded into DMA using
     "usbd_xfer_set_frame_data()" can safely be freed after that this function has returned.  This function can
     block the caller and will not return before the USB callback has been called.  This function is NULL safe
     with regard to the USB transfer structure pointer.


     The USB callback has three states.  USB_ST_SETUP, USB_ST_TRANSFERRED and USB_ST_ERROR.  USB_ST_SETUP is the
     initial state.  After the callback has been called with this state it will always be called back at a later
     stage in one of the other two states.  The USB callback should not restart the USB transfer in case the
     error cause is USB_ERR_CANCELLED.  The USB callback is protected from recursion.  That means one can start
     and stop whatever transfer from the callback of another transfer one desires.  Also the transfer that is
     currently called back.  Recursion is handled like this that when the callback that wants to recurse returns
     it is called one more time.

     usbd_transfer_submit() This function should only be called from within the USB callback and is used to
     start the USB hardware.  An USB transfer can have multiple frames consisting of one or more USB packets
     making up an I/O vector for all USB transfer types.

           usb_default_callback(struct usb_xfer *xfer, usb_error_t error)
                   int actlen;

                   usbd_xfer_status(xfer, &actlen, NULL, NULL, NULL);

                   switch (USB_GET_STATE(xfer)) {
                   case USB_ST_SETUP:
                            * Setup xfer frame lengths/count and data

                   case USB_ST_TRANSFERRED:
                            * Read usb frame data, if any.
                            * "actlen" has the total length for all frames
                            * transferred.

                   default: /* Error */
                            * Print error message and clear stall
                            * for example.
                    * Here it is safe to do something without the private
                    * USB mutex locked.


     An USB control transfer has three parts.  First the SETUP packet, then DATA packet(s) and then a STATUS
     packet.  The SETUP packet is always pointed to by frame 0 and the length is set by usbd_xfer_frame_len()
     also if there should not be sent any SETUP packet!  If an USB control transfer has no DATA stage, then the
     number of frames should be set to 1.  Else the default number of frames is 2.

           Example1: SETUP + STATUS
            usbd_xfer_set_frames(xfer, 1);
            usbd_xfer_set_frame_len(xfer, 0, 8);

           Example2: SETUP + DATA + STATUS
            usbd_xfer_set_frames(xfer, 2);
            usbd_xfer_set_frame_len(xfer, 0, 8);
            usbd_xfer_set_frame_len(xfer, 1, 1);

           Example3: SETUP + DATA + STATUS - split
           1st callback:
            usbd_xfer_set_frames(xfer, 1);
            usbd_xfer_set_frame_len(xfer, 0, 8);

           2nd callback:
            /* IMPORTANT: frbuffers[0] must still point at the setup packet! */
            usbd_xfer_set_frames(xfer, 2);
            usbd_xfer_set_frame_len(xfer, 0, 0);
            usbd_xfer_set_frame_len(xfer, 1, 1);

           Example4: SETUP + STATUS - split
           1st callback:
            usbd_xfer_set_frames(xfer, 1);
            usbd_xfer_set_frame_len(xfer, 0, 8);
            usbd_xfer_set_flag(xfer, USB_MANUAL_STATUS);

           2nd callback:
            usbd_xfer_set_frames(xfer, 1);
            usbd_xfer_set_frame_len(xfer, 0, 0);
            usbd_xfer_clr_flag(xfer, USB_MANUAL_STATUS);


     To simply the search for endpoints the usb module defines a USB config structure where it is possible to
     specify the characteristics of the wanted endpoint.

           struct usb_config {
                   index flags,

     type field selects the USB pipe type.  Valid values are: UE_INTERRUPT, UE_CONTROL, UE_BULK, UE_ISOCHRONOUS.
     The special value UE_BULK_INTR will select BULK and INTERRUPT pipes.  This field is mandatory.

     endpoint field selects the USB endpoint number.  A value of 0xFF, "-1" or "UE_ADDR_ANY" will select the
     first matching endpoint.  This field is mandatory.

     direction field selects the USB endpoint direction.  A value of "UE_DIR_ANY" will select the first matching
     endpoint.  Else valid values are: "UE_DIR_IN" and "UE_DIR_OUT".  "UE_DIR_IN" and "UE_DIR_OUT" can be binary
     OR'ed by "UE_DIR_SID" which means that the direction will be swapped in case of USB_MODE_DEVICE.  Note that
     "UE_DIR_IN" refers to the data transfer direction of the "IN" tokens and "UE_DIR_OUT" refers to the data
     transfer direction of the "OUT" tokens.  This field is mandatory.

     interval field selects the interrupt interval.  The value of this field is given in milliseconds and is
     independent of device speed.  Depending on the endpoint type, this field has different meaning:

     UE_INTERRUPT    "0" use the default interrupt interval based on endpoint descriptor.  "Else" use the given
                     value for polling rate.

     UE_ISOCHRONOUS  "0" use default.  "Else" the value is ignored.


     UE_CONTROL      "0" no transfer pre-delay.  "Else" a delay as given by this field in milliseconds is
                     inserted before the hardware is started when "usbd_transfer_submit()" is called.

                     NOTE: The transfer timeout, if any, is started after that the pre-delay has elapsed!

     timeout field, if non-zero, will set the transfer timeout in milliseconds.  If the "timeout" field is zero
     and the transfer type is ISOCHRONOUS a timeout of 250ms will be used.

     frames field sets the maximum number of frames.  If zero is specified it will yield the following results:

     UE_BULK       xfer->nframes = 1;

     UE_INTERRUPT  xfer->nframes = 1;

     UE_CONTROL    xfer->nframes = 2;

                   Not allowed.  Will cause an error.

     ep_index field allows you to give a number, in case more endpoints match the description, that selects
     which matching "ep_index" should be used.

     if_index field allows you to select which of the interface numbers in the "ifaces" array parameter passed
     to "usbd_transfer_setup" that should be used when setting up the given USB transfer.

     flags field has type "struct usb_xfer_flags" and allows one to set initial flags an USB transfer.  Valid
     flags are:

     force_short_xfer  This flag forces the last transmitted USB packet to be short.  A short packet has a
                       length of less than "xfer->max_packet_size", which derives from "wMaxPacketSize".  This
                       flag can be changed during operation.

     short_xfer_ok     This flag allows the received transfer length, "xfer->actlen" to be less than
                       "xfer->sumlen" upon completion of a transfer.  This flag can be changed during operation.

     short_frames_ok   This flag allows the reception of multiple short USB frames.  This flag only has effect
                       for BULK and INTERRUPT endpoints and if the number of frames received is greater than 1.
                       This flag can be changed during operation.

     pipe_bof          This flag causes a failing USB transfer to remain first in the PIPE queue except in the
                       case of "xfer->error" equal to "USB_ERR_CANCELLED".  No other USB transfers in the
                       affected PIPE queue will be started until either:

                       1  The failing USB transfer is stopped using "usbd_transfer_stop()".

                       2  The failing USB transfer performs a successful transfer.
                       The purpose of this flag is to avoid races when multiple transfers are queued for
                       execution on an USB endpoint, and the first executing transfer fails leading to the need
                       for clearing of stall for example.  In this case this flag is used to prevent the
                       following USB transfers from being executed at the same time the clear-stall command is
                       executed on the USB control endpoint.  This flag can be changed during operation.

                       "BOF" is short for "Block On Failure".

                       NOTE: This flag should be set on all BULK and INTERRUPT USB transfers which use an
                       endpoint that can be shared between userland and kernel.

     proxy_buffer      Setting this flag will cause that the total buffer size will be rounded up to the nearest
                       atomic hardware transfer size.  The maximum data length of any USB transfer is always
                       stored in the "xfer->max_data_length".  For control transfers the USB kernel will
                       allocate additional space for the 8-bytes of SETUP header.  These 8-bytes are not counted
                       by the "xfer->max_data_length" variable.  This flag cannot be changed during operation.

     ext_buffer        Setting this flag will cause that no data buffer will be allocated.  Instead the USB
                       client must supply a data buffer.  This flag cannot be changed during operation.

     manual_status     Setting this flag prevents an USB STATUS stage to be appended to the end of the USB
                       control transfer.  If no control data is transferred this flag must be cleared.  Else an
                       error will be returned to the USB callback.  This flag is mostly useful for the USB
                       device side.  This flag can be changed during operation.

     no_pipe_ok        Setting this flag causes the USB_ERR_NO_PIPE error to be ignored.  This flag cannot be
                       changed during operation.


                       Device Side Mode  Setting this flag will cause STALL pids to be sent to the endpoint
                                         belonging to this transfer before the transfer is started.  The
                                         transfer is started at the moment the host issues a clear-stall command
                                         on the STALL'ed endpoint.  This flag can be changed during operation.

                       Host Side Mode    Setting this flag will cause a clear-stall control request to be
                                         executed on the endpoint before the USB transfer is started.

                       If this flag is changed outside the USB callback function you have to use the
                       "usbd_xfer_set_stall()" and "usbd_transfer_clear_stall()" functions! This flag is
                       automatically cleared after that the stall or clear stall has been executed.

     pre_scale_frames  If this flag is set the number of frames specified is assumed to give the buffering time
                       in milliseconds instead of frames.  During transfer setup the frames field is pre scaled
                       with the corresponding value for the endpoint and rounded to the nearest number of frames
                       greater than zero.  This option only has effect for ISOCHRONOUS transfers.

     bufsize field sets the total buffer size in bytes.  If this field is zero, "wMaxPacketSize" will be used,
     multiplied by the "frames" field if the transfer type is ISOCHRONOUS.  This is useful for setting up
     interrupt pipes.  This field is mandatory.

     NOTE: For control transfers "bufsize" includes the length of the request structure.

     callback pointer sets the USB callback.  This field is mandatory.


     The usb module supports the Linux USB API.


     libusb(3), usb(4), usbconfig(8)


     The usb module complies with the USB 2.0 standard.


     The usb module has been inspired by the NetBSD USB stack initially written by Lennart Augustsson.  The usb
     module was written by Hans Petter Selasky <>.