Provided by: clamdscan_1.3.1+dfsg-4ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       clamdscan - scan files and directories for viruses using Clam AntiVirus Daemon


       clamdscan [options] [file/directory]


       clamdscan  is  a  clamd client which may be used as a clamscan replacement. It accepts all
       the options implemented in clamscan but most of them will be ignored because its  scanning
       abilities only depend on clamd.


       -h, --help
              Display help information and exit.

       -V, --version
              Print version number and exit.

       -v, --verbose
              Be verbose.

              Be quiet - only output error messages.

              Write all messages (except for libclamav output) to the standard output (stdout).

       -c, --config-file=FILE
              Read clamd settings from FILE.

       -l FILE, --log=FILE
              Save the scan report to FILE.

       -f FILE, --file-list=FILE
              Scan files listed line by line in FILE.

       -p A[:I], --ping A[:I]
              Ping clamd up to [A] times at optional interval [I] until it responds.

       -w, --wait
              Wait  up  to  30  seconds  for clamd to start. Optionally use alongside ping to set
              attempts [A] and interval [I] to check clamd.

       -m, --multiscan
              In the multiscan mode clamd will attempt to scan the directory contents in parallel
              using  available  threads.  This  option is especially useful on multiprocessor and
              multi-core systems. If you pass more than one file  or  directory  in  the  command
              line,  they  are  put  in  a queue and sent to clamd individually. This means, that
              single files are always scanned by a single thread. Similarly, clamdscan will  wait
              for  clamd  to finish a directory scan (performed in multiscan mode) before sending
              request to scan another directory. This option can be combined with  --fdpass  (see

       -z, --allmatch
              After a match, continue scanning within the file for additional matches.

              Remove infected files. Be careful.

              Move infected files into DIRECTORY.

              Copy infected files into DIRECTORY.

              Do not display summary at the end of scanning.

              Request clamd to reload virus database.

              Continue scanning within file after finding a match.

       -i, --infected
              Only print infected files

              Pass  the  file descriptor permissions to clamd. This is useful if clamd is running
              as a different user as it is  faster  than  streaming  the  file  to  clamd.   Only
              available if connected to clamd via local(unix) socket.

              Forces  file  streaming to clamd. This is generally not needed as clamdscan detects
              automatically if streaming is required. This option only exists for  debugging  and
              testing purposes, in all other cases --fdpass is preferred.


       (0) To scan a one file:

              clamdscan file

       (1) To scan a current working directory:


       (2) To scan all files in /home:

              clamdscan /home

       (3) To scan a file when clamd is running as a different user:

              clamdscan --fdpass ~/downloads

       (4) To scan from standard input:

              clamdscan - < file_to_scan

              cat file_to_scan | clamdscan -


       0 : No virus found.

       1 : Virus(es) found.

       2 : An error occurred.


       Please check the full documentation for credits.


       Tomasz Kojm <>


       clamd(8), clamd.conf(5), clamscan(1)