Provided by: zutils_1.13-3_amd64 bug


       zcat - decompress and concatenate files to standard output


       zcat [options] [files]


       zcat  copies  each  file  argument  to  standard  output in sequence. If any file given is
       compressed, its decompressed content is copied. If a file given does not  exist,  and  its
       name  does  not end with one of the known extensions, zcat tries the compressed file names
       corresponding to the formats supported until one is found. If a file fails to  decompress,
       zcat continues copying the rest of the files.

       If  a file is specified as '-', data are read from standard input, decompressed if needed,
       and sent to standard output. Data read from standard input must be of the same  type;  all
       uncompressed or all in the same compressed format.

       If  no  files are specified, recursive searches examine the current working directory, and
       nonrecursive searches read standard input.

       The formats supported are bzip2, gzip, lzip, xz, and zstd.

       Exit status is 0 if no errors occurred, 1 otherwise.


       -h, --help
              display this help and exit

       -V, --version
              output version information and exit

       -A, --show-all
              equivalent to '-vET'

       -b, --number-nonblank
              number nonblank output lines

       -e     equivalent to '-vE'

       -E, --show-ends
              display '$' at end of each line

       -M, --format=<list>
              process only the formats in <list>

       -n, --number
              number all output lines

       -N, --no-rcfile
              don't read runtime configuration file

       -O, --force-format=<fmt>
              force the input format

       -q, --quiet
              suppress all messages

       -r, --recursive
              operate recursively on directories

       -R, --dereference-recursive
              recursively follow symbolic links

       -s, --squeeze-blank
              never more than one single blank line

       -t     equivalent to '-vT'

       -T, --show-tabs
              display TAB characters as '^I'

       -v, --show-nonprinting
              use '^' and 'M-' notation, except for LF and TAB

              verbose mode (show error messages)

              set compressor and options for bzip2 format

              set compressor and options for gzip format

              set compressor and options for lzip format

              set compressor and options for xz format

              set compressor and options for zstd format

       Valid formats for options '-M' and '-O' are 'bz2', 'gz', 'lz', 'xz', 'zst', and  'un'  for


       Report bugs to
       Zutils home page:


       Copyright  ©  2024  Antonio  Diaz  Diaz.   License  GPLv2+:  GNU  GPL  version  2 or later
       This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.  There is NO  WARRANTY,
       to the extent permitted by law.


       The  full  documentation for zcat is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the info and zcat
       programs are properly installed at your site, the command

              info zutils

       should give you access to the complete manual.