Provided by: cifs-utils_7.0-2.1_amd64 bug


       setcifsacl  -  Userspace  helper  to  alter components of a security descriptor for Common
       Internet File System (CIFS)


          setcifsacl [-v|-U|-a|-A|-D|-M|-S|-o|-g] "{one or more ACEs  or  a  SID}"  {file  system


       This tool is part of the cifs-utils suite.

       setcifsacl  is  a  userspace  helper  program for the Linux CIFS client file system. It is
       intended to alter an ACL or set owner/group SID of a security descriptor for a file system
       object.  Whether  a  security  descriptor to be set is applied or not is determined by the
       CIFS/SMB server.

       This program uses a plugin to handle  the  mapping  of  user  and  group  names  to  SIDs.
       /etc/cifs-utils/idmap-plugin should be a symlink that points to the correct plugin to use.


       -h     Print usage message and exit.

       -v     Print version number and exit.

       -U     Apply  ACE  editing  actions  (-a, -D, -M, -S) to SACL (aUdit ACL). The actions are
              appliend to DACL if -U is not specified.

       -a     Add one or more ACEs to an ACL of a security descriptor.  An ACE is added  even  if
              the same ACE exists in the ACL.

       -A     Add  one  or  more  ACEs to the ACL of a security descriptor, while maintaining the
              preferred order of the ACEs.  The preferred order of  ACEs  are  described  in  the
              following                                                            documentation:

       -D     Delete one or more ACEs from an ACL of a security descriptor.  Entire  ACE  has  to
              match in an existing ACL for the listed ACEs to be deleted.

       -M     Modify  one  or  more  ACEs from an ACL of a security descriptor.  SID and type are
              used to match for existing ACEs to be modified with the list of ACEs specified.

       -S     Set an ACL of security descriptor with the list of ACEs Existing  ACL  is  replaced
              entirely with the specified ACEs.

       -o     Set owner SID to one specified as a command line argument.

       -g     Set group SID to one specified as a command line argument.

              The owner/group SID can be specified as a name or a raw SID value.  Every ACE entry
              starts with "ACL:" One or more ACEs are specified within double  quotes.   Multiple
              ACEs are separated by a comma.

              Following fields of a DACL ACE can be modified with possible values:

              • SID - Either a name or a raw SID value.

              • type - ALLOWED (0x0), DENIED (0x1), OBJECT_ALLOWED (0x5), OBJECT_DENIED (0x6)

              • flags  -  OBJECT_INHERIT_FLAG  (OI  or  0x1), CONTAINER_INHERIT_FLAG (CI or 0x2),
                NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_FLAG  (NI  or   0x4),   INHERIT_ONLY_FLAG   (IO   or   0x8),
                INHERITED_ACE_FLAG (IA or 0x10) or a combination/OR of these values.

              • mask   - Either one of FULL, CHANGE, READ, a combination of R W X D P O, or a hex

              Following fields of a SACL ACE can be modified with possible values:

              • SID - Either a name or a raw SID value.

              • type   -    AUDIT    (0x2),    AUDIT_OBJECT    (0x7),    AUDIT_CALLBACK    (0xD),
                SCOPED_POLICY_ID (0x13)

              • flags - SUCCESSFULL_ACCESS (SA or 0x40), FAILED_ACCESS (FA or 0x80)

              • mask  - Either one of FULL, CHANGE, READ, a combination of R W X D P O, or a  hex


   Add an ACE
          setcifsacl -a "ACL:CIFSTESTDOM\user2:DENIED/0x1/D" <file_name>

          setcifsacl -a "ACL:CIFSTESTDOM\user1:ALLOWED/OI|CI|NI/D" <file_name>

          setcifsacl -U -a "ACL:CIFSTESTDOM\user1:AUDIT/SA/D" <file_name>

   Add an ACE and reorder ACL
          setcifsacl   -A   "ACL:CIFSTESTDOMuser3:ALLOWED/OI/FULL"   <file_name>   setcifsacl  -A
          "ACL:CIFSTESTDOMuser2:DENIED/0x1/D"         <file_name>          setcifsacl          -A
          "ACL:CIFSTESTDOMuser1:ALLOWED/OI|CI|NI/D" <file_name>

          After    setting    above    mentioned   ACEs,   below   is   output   of   getcifsacl:
          ACL:CIFSTESTDOMuser2:DENIED/0x1/D                  ACL:CIFSTESTDOMuser3:ALLOWED/OI/FULL

   Delete an ACE
          setcifsacl -D "ACL:S-1-1-0:0x1/OI/0x1201ff" <file_name>

          setcifsacl -U -D "ACL:S-1-1-0:0x2/FA/0xf01ff" <file_name>

   Modify an ACE
          setcifsacl -M "ACL:CIFSTESTDOM\user1:ALLOWED/0x1f/CHANGE" <file_name>

          setcifsacl -U -M "ACL:CIFSTESTDOM\user1:AUDIT_OBJECT/SA/CHANGE" <file_name>

   Set an ACL
          setcifsacl                                                                           -S

          setcifsacl                                     -U                                    -S

   Set owner SID
          setcifsacl -o "S-1-5-21-3338130290-3403600371-1423429424-2102" <file_name>

   Set group SID
          setcifsacl -g "Administrators@BUILTIN" <file_name>


       Kernel  support for getcifsacl/setcifsacl utilities was initially introduced in the 2.6.37


       mount.cifs(8), getcifsacl(1)


       Shirish Pargaonkar wrote the setcifsacl program.

       The Linux CIFS Mailing list is the  preferred  place  to  ask  questions  regarding  these
