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       get_mempolicy - retrieve NUMA memory policy for a thread


       NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) policy library (libnuma, -lnuma)


       #include <numaif.h>

       long get_mempolicy(int *mode,
                          unsigned long nodemask[(.maxnode + ULONG_WIDTH - 1)
                                                 / ULONG_WIDTH],
                          unsigned long maxnode, void *addr,
                          unsigned long flags);


       get_mempolicy()  retrieves  the  NUMA policy of the calling thread or of a memory address,
       depending on the setting of flags.

       A NUMA machine has different memory controllers with different distances to specific CPUs.
       The memory policy defines from which node memory is allocated for the thread.

       If flags is specified as 0, then information about the calling thread's default policy (as
       set by set_mempolicy(2)) is returned, in the buffers pointed to by mode and nodemask.  The
       value  returned in these arguments may be used to restore the thread's policy to its state
       at the time of the call to get_mempolicy() using set_mempolicy(2).  When flags is 0,  addr
       must be specified as NULL.

       If  flags  specifies MPOL_F_MEMS_ALLOWED (available since Linux 2.6.24), the mode argument
       is ignored and the set of nodes (memories) that  the  thread  is  allowed  to  specify  in
       subsequent  calls  to  mbind(2)  or set_mempolicy(2) (in the absence of any mode flags) is
       returned in nodemask.  It is not permitted  to  combine  MPOL_F_MEMS_ALLOWED  with  either

       If  flags  specifies  MPOL_F_ADDR, then information is returned about the policy governing
       the memory address given in addr.  This policy may be different from the thread's  default
       policy  if  mbind(2)  or one of the helper functions described in numa(3) has been used to
       establish a policy for the memory range containing addr.

       If the mode argument is not NULL, then get_mempolicy() will store the policy mode and  any
       optional  mode  flags  of  the  requested  NUMA  policy in the location pointed to by this
       argument.  If nodemask is not NULL, then the nodemask associated with the policy  will  be
       stored  in the location pointed to by this argument.  maxnode specifies the number of node
       IDs that can be stored into nodemask—that is, the maximum node ID  plus  one.   The  value
       specified by maxnode is always rounded to a multiple of sizeof(unsigned long)*8.

       If  flags specifies both MPOL_F_NODE and MPOL_F_ADDR, get_mempolicy() will return the node
       ID of the node on which the address addr is allocated into  the  location  pointed  to  by
       mode.   If  no page has yet been allocated for the specified address, get_mempolicy() will
       allocate a page as if the thread had performed a read (load) access to that  address,  and
       return the ID of the node where that page was allocated.

       If  flags  specifies  MPOL_F_NODE, but not MPOL_F_ADDR, and the thread's current policy is
       MPOL_INTERLEAVE or MPOL_WEIGHTED_INTERLEAVE,  then  get_mempolicy()  will  return  in  the
       location pointed to by a non-NULL mode argument, the node ID of the next node that will be
       used for interleaving of internal kernel pages allocated on behalf of the  thread.   These
       allocations  include  pages  for memory-mapped files in process memory ranges mapped using
       the mmap(2) call with the MAP_PRIVATE flag for read accesses, and in memory ranges  mapped
       with the MAP_SHARED flag for all accesses.

       Other flag values are reserved.

       For an overview of the possible policies see set_mempolicy(2).


       On  success,  get_mempolicy()  returns  0;  on  error,  -1 is returned and errno is set to
       indicate the error.


       EFAULT Part of all of the memory range specified by nodemask and  maxnode  points  outside
              your accessible address space.

       EINVAL The value specified by maxnode is less than the number of node IDs supported by the
              system.  Or flags specified values other than MPOL_F_NODE or MPOL_F_ADDR; or  flags
              specified  MPOL_F_ADDR  and  addr is NULL, or flags did not specify MPOL_F_ADDR and
              addr is not NULL.  Or, flags specified MPOL_F_NODE  but  not  MPOL_F_ADDR  and  the
              current thread policy is neither MPOL_INTERLEAVE nor MPOL_WEIGHTED_INTERLEAVE.  Or,
              flags specified MPOL_F_MEMS_ALLOWED with either MPOL_F_ADDR or  MPOL_F_NODE.   (And
              there are other EINVAL cases.)




       Linux 2.6.7.


       For information on library support, see numa(7).


       getcpu(2), mbind(2), mmap(2), set_mempolicy(2), numa(3), numa(7), numactl(8)