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       recv, recvfrom, recvmsg - receive a message from a socket


       Standard C library (libc, -lc)


       #include <sys/socket.h>

       ssize_t recv(int sockfd, void buf[.len], size_t len,
                        int flags);
       ssize_t recvfrom(int sockfd, void buf[restrict .len], size_t len,
                        int flags,
                        struct sockaddr *_Nullable restrict src_addr,
                        socklen_t *_Nullable restrict addrlen);
       ssize_t recvmsg(int sockfd, struct msghdr *msg, int flags);


       The  recv(),  recvfrom(),  and recvmsg() calls are used to receive messages from a socket.
       They may be used to receive data on both connectionless and  connection-oriented  sockets.
       This  page  first  describes common features of all three system calls, and then describes
       the differences between the calls.

       The only difference between recv() and read(2) is the presence  of  flags.   With  a  zero
       flags  argument,  recv()  is  generally  equivalent to read(2) (but see NOTES).  Also, the
       following call

           recv(sockfd, buf, len, flags);

       is equivalent to

           recvfrom(sockfd, buf, len, flags, NULL, NULL);

       All three calls return the length of the message on successful completion.  If  a  message
       is  too long to fit in the supplied buffer, excess bytes may be discarded depending on the
       type of socket the message is received from.

       If no messages are available at the socket, the  receive  calls  wait  for  a  message  to
       arrive,  unless  the  socket  is nonblocking (see fcntl(2)), in which case the value -1 is
       returned and errno is set to EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK.  The receive calls normally return any
       data  available,  up  to the requested amount, rather than waiting for receipt of the full
       amount requested.

       An application can use select(2), poll(2), or epoll(7) to determine when more data arrives
       on a socket.

   The flags argument
       The flags argument is formed by ORing one or more of the following values:

       MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC (recvmsg() only; since Linux 2.6.23)
              Set  the close-on-exec flag for the file descriptor received via a UNIX domain file
              descriptor using the SCM_RIGHTS operation (described in  unix(7)).   This  flag  is
              useful for the same reasons as the O_CLOEXEC flag of open(2).

       MSG_DONTWAIT (since Linux 2.2)
              Enables  nonblocking  operation;  if the operation would block, the call fails with
              the error EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK.  This provides similar  behavior  to  setting  the
              O_NONBLOCK  flag  (via  the  fcntl(2)  F_SETFL  operation),  but  differs  in  that
              MSG_DONTWAIT is a per-call option, whereas O_NONBLOCK is a setting on the open file
              description  (see open(2)), which will affect all threads in the calling process as
              well as other processes that hold file descriptors referring to the same open  file

       MSG_ERRQUEUE (since Linux 2.2)
              This  flag  specifies  that  queued errors should be received from the socket error
              queue.  The error is passed in an ancillary message with a type  dependent  on  the
              protocol  (for  IPv4  IP_RECVERR).   The  user should supply a buffer of sufficient
              size.  See cmsg(3) and ip(7) for more information.  The  payload  of  the  original
              packet  that caused the error is passed as normal data via msg_iovec.  The original
              destination address of the datagram that caused the error is supplied via msg_name.

              The error is supplied in a sock_extended_err structure:

                  #define SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE    0
                  #define SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL   1
                  #define SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP    2
                  #define SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6   3

                  struct sock_extended_err
                      uint32_t ee_errno;   /* Error number */
                      uint8_t  ee_origin;  /* Where the error originated */
                      uint8_t  ee_type;    /* Type */
                      uint8_t  ee_code;    /* Code */
                      uint8_t  ee_pad;     /* Padding */
                      uint32_t ee_info;    /* Additional information */
                      uint32_t ee_data;    /* Other data */
                      /* More data may follow */

                  struct sockaddr *SO_EE_OFFENDER(struct sock_extended_err *);

              ee_errno contains the errno number of the queued error.  ee_origin  is  the  origin
              code  of  where the error originated.  The other fields are protocol-specific.  The
              macro SO_EE_OFFENDER returns a pointer to the address of the network  object  where
              the  error  originated  from  given  a  pointer  to the ancillary message.  If this
              address is not known, the sa_family member of the sockaddr contains  AF_UNSPEC  and
              the  other  fields  of  the sockaddr are undefined.  The payload of the packet that
              caused the error is passed as normal data.

              For local errors, no address is passed (this  can  be  checked  with  the  cmsg_len
              member  of  the  cmsghdr).  For error receives, the MSG_ERRQUEUE flag is set in the
              msghdr.  After an error has been passed, the pending socket  error  is  regenerated
              based on the next queued error and will be passed on the next socket operation.

              This  flag  requests  receipt of out-of-band data that would not be received in the
              normal data stream.  Some protocols place expedited data at the head of the  normal
              data queue, and thus this flag cannot be used with such protocols.

              This  flag  causes  the  receive operation to return data from the beginning of the
              receive queue without removing that  data  from  the  queue.   Thus,  a  subsequent
              receive call will return the same data.

       MSG_TRUNC (since Linux 2.2)
              For  raw  (AF_PACKET), Internet datagram (since Linux 2.4.27/2.6.8), netlink (since
              Linux 2.6.22), and UNIX datagram as well  as  sequenced-packet  (since  Linux  3.4)
              sockets:  return the real length of the packet or datagram, even when it was longer
              than the passed buffer.

              For use with Internet stream sockets, see tcp(7).

       MSG_WAITALL (since Linux 2.2)
              This flag requests that the operation block until the full  request  is  satisfied.
              However,  the call may still return less data than requested if a signal is caught,
              an error or disconnect occurs, or the next data to be received is  of  a  different
              type than that returned.  This flag has no effect for datagram sockets.

       recvfrom()  places  the received message into the buffer buf.  The caller must specify the
       size of the buffer in len.

       If src_addr is not NULL, and the underlying protocol provides the source  address  of  the
       message,  that  source  address  is  placed in the buffer pointed to by src_addr.  In this
       case, addrlen is a value-result argument.  Before the call, it should  be  initialized  to
       the  size  of  the  buffer  associated  with src_addr.  Upon return, addrlen is updated to
       contain the actual size of the source address.  The returned address is truncated  if  the
       buffer  provided  is too small; in this case, addrlen will return a value greater than was
       supplied to the call.

       If the caller is not interested in the source address,  src_addr  and  addrlen  should  be
       specified as NULL.

       The  recv()  call  is  normally  used  only on a connected socket (see connect(2)).  It is
       equivalent to the call:

           recvfrom(fd, buf, len, flags, NULL, 0);

       The recvmsg() call uses a msghdr structure to minimize the  number  of  directly  supplied
       arguments.  This structure is defined as follows in <sys/socket.h>:

           struct msghdr {
               void         *msg_name;       /* Optional address */
               socklen_t     msg_namelen;    /* Size of address */
               struct iovec *msg_iov;        /* Scatter/gather array */
               size_t        msg_iovlen;     /* # elements in msg_iov */
               void         *msg_control;    /* Ancillary data, see below */
               size_t        msg_controllen; /* Ancillary data buffer len */
               int           msg_flags;      /* Flags on received message */

       The  msg_name  field points to a caller-allocated buffer that is used to return the source
       address if the socket is unconnected.  The caller should set msg_namelen to  the  size  of
       this buffer before this call; upon return from a successful call, msg_namelen will contain
       the length of the returned address.  If the application does not need to know  the  source
       address, msg_name can be specified as NULL.

       The  fields  msg_iov  and  msg_iovlen  describe  scatter-gather locations, as discussed in

       The field msg_control, which has length msg_controllen,  points  to  a  buffer  for  other
       protocol  control-related  messages  or  miscellaneous  ancillary data.  When recvmsg() is
       called, msg_controllen should contain the length of the available buffer  in  msg_control;
       upon  return  from  a  successful  call  it will contain the length of the control message

       The messages are of the form:

           struct cmsghdr {
               size_t cmsg_len;    /* Data byte count, including header
                                      (type is socklen_t in POSIX) */
               int    cmsg_level;  /* Originating protocol */
               int    cmsg_type;   /* Protocol-specific type */
           /* followed by
               unsigned char cmsg_data[]; */

       Ancillary data should be accessed only by the macros defined in cmsg(3).

       As an example, Linux uses this ancillary  data  mechanism  to  pass  extended  errors,  IP
       options, or file descriptors over UNIX domain sockets.  For further information on the use
       of ancillary data in various socket domains, see unix(7) and ip(7).

       The msg_flags field in the msghdr is set on return of recvmsg().  It can  contain  several

              indicates  end-of-record; the data returned completed a record (generally used with
              sockets of type SOCK_SEQPACKET).

              indicates that the trailing  portion  of  a  datagram  was  discarded  because  the
              datagram was larger than the buffer supplied.

              indicates  that  some control data was discarded due to lack of space in the buffer
              for ancillary data.

              is returned to indicate that expedited or out-of-band data was received.

              indicates that no data was received but an extended error  from  the  socket  error

       MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC (since Linux 2.6.23)
              indicates that MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC was specified in the flags argument of recvmsg().


       These calls return the number of bytes received, or -1 if an error occurred.  In the event
       of an error, errno is set to indicate the error.

       When a stream socket peer has performed an orderly shutdown, the return value  will  be  0
       (the traditional "end-of-file" return).

       Datagram  sockets  in  various  domains (e.g., the UNIX and Internet domains) permit zero-
       length datagrams.  When such a datagram is received, the return value is 0.

       The value 0 may also be returned if the requested number of bytes to receive from a stream
       socket was 0.


       These  are  some  standard errors generated by the socket layer.  Additional errors may be
       generated and returned from the underlying protocol modules; see their manual pages.

              The socket is marked nonblocking and  the  receive  operation  would  block,  or  a
              receive  timeout  had  been  set  and the timeout expired before data was received.
              POSIX.1 allows either error to be returned for this  case,  and  does  not  require
              these  constants to have the same value, so a portable application should check for
              both possibilities.

       EBADF  The argument sockfd is an invalid file descriptor.

              A remote host refused to allow the network connection (typically because it is  not
              running the requested service).

       EFAULT The receive buffer pointer(s) point outside the process's address space.

       EINTR  The  receive was interrupted by delivery of a signal before any data was available;
              see signal(7).

       EINVAL Invalid argument passed.

       ENOMEM Could not allocate memory for recvmsg().

              The socket is associated with a  connection-oriented  protocol  and  has  not  been
              connected (see connect(2) and accept(2)).

              The file descriptor sockfd does not refer to a socket.


       According  to POSIX.1, the msg_controllen field of the msghdr structure should be typed as
       socklen_t, and the msg_iovlen field should be typed as int, but glibc currently types both
       as size_t.




       POSIX.1-2001, 4.4BSD (first appeared in 4.2BSD).

       POSIX.1 describes only the MSG_OOB, MSG_PEEK, and MSG_WAITALL flags.


       If  a  zero-length  datagram  is pending, read(2) and recv() with a flags argument of zero
       provide different behavior.  In this circumstance, read(2) has  no  effect  (the  datagram
       remains pending), while recv() consumes the pending datagram.

       See  recvmmsg(2)  for  information  about a Linux-specific system call that can be used to
       receive multiple datagrams in a single call.


       An example of the use of recvfrom() is shown in getaddrinfo(3).


       fcntl(2), getsockopt(2), read(2), recvmmsg(2), select(2), shutdown(2), socket(2), cmsg(3),
       sockatmark(3), ip(7), ipv6(7), socket(7), tcp(7), udp(7), unix(7)