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       sched_setscheduler, sched_getscheduler - set and get scheduling policy/parameters


       Standard C library (libc, -lc)


       #include <sched.h>

       int sched_setscheduler(pid_t pid, int policy,
                              const struct sched_param *param);
       int sched_getscheduler(pid_t pid);


       The  sched_setscheduler()  system  call sets both the scheduling policy and parameters for
       the thread whose ID is specified in pid.  If pid equals zero, the  scheduling  policy  and
       parameters of the calling thread will be set.

       The  scheduling  parameters  are  specified in the param argument, which is a pointer to a
       structure of the following form:

           struct sched_param {
               int sched_priority;

       In the current implementation, the structure contains only one field, sched_priority.  The
       interpretation of param depends on the selected policy.

       Currently, Linux supports the following "normal" (i.e., non-real-time) scheduling policies
       as values that may be specified in policy:

       SCHED_OTHER   the standard round-robin time-sharing policy;

       SCHED_BATCH   for "batch" style execution of processes; and

       SCHED_IDLE    for running very low priority background jobs.

       For each of the above policies, param->sched_priority must be 0.

       Various "real-time" policies are also supported, for  special  time-critical  applications
       that  need  precise  control  over  the  way  in  which  runnable threads are selected for
       execution.  For the rules governing when a process may use these policies,  see  sched(7).
       The real-time policies that may be specified in policy are:

       SCHED_FIFO    a first-in, first-out policy; and

       SCHED_RR      a round-robin policy.

       For  each of the above policies, param->sched_priority specifies a scheduling priority for
       the thread.  This is a number in the range returned by  calling  sched_get_priority_min(2)
       and  sched_get_priority_max(2)  with  the  specified policy.  On Linux, these system calls
       return, respectively, 1 and 99.

       Since Linux 2.6.32, the SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK flag  can  be  ORed  in  policy  when  calling
       sched_setscheduler().   As a result of including this flag, children created by fork(2) do
       not inherit privileged scheduling policies.  See sched(7) for details.

       sched_getscheduler() returns the current scheduling policy of  the  thread  identified  by
       pid.  If pid equals zero, the policy of the calling thread will be retrieved.


       On  success,  sched_setscheduler() returns zero.  On success, sched_getscheduler() returns
       the policy for the thread (a nonnegative integer).  On error, both calls  return  -1,  and
       errno is set to indicate the error.


       EINVAL Invalid arguments: pid is negative or param is NULL.

       EINVAL (sched_setscheduler()) policy is not one of the recognized policies.

       EINVAL (sched_setscheduler()) param does not make sense for the specified policy.

       EPERM  The calling thread does not have appropriate privileges.

       ESRCH  The thread whose ID is pid could not be found.


       POSIX.1  does  not detail the permissions that an unprivileged thread requires in order to
       call sched_setscheduler(), and details vary across systems.  For example,  the  Solaris  7
       manual page says that the real or effective user ID of the caller must match the real user
       ID or the save set-user-ID of the target.

       The scheduling policy and parameters are in fact  per-thread  attributes  on  Linux.   The
       value returned from a call to gettid(2) can be passed in the argument pid.  Specifying pid
       as 0 will operate on the attributes of the calling thread, and passing the value  returned
       from  a  call to getpid(2) will operate on the attributes of the main thread of the thread
       group.  (If you are using  the  POSIX  threads  API,  then  use  pthread_setschedparam(3),
       pthread_getschedparam(3),  and  pthread_setschedprio(3),  instead of the sched_*(2) system


       POSIX.1-2008 (but see BUGS below).

       SCHED_BATCH and SCHED_IDLE are Linux-specific.




       Further details of the semantics of all of the above "normal" and  "real-time"  scheduling
       policies can be found in the sched(7) manual page.  That page also describes an additional
       policy, SCHED_DEADLINE, which is settable only via sched_setattr(2).

       POSIX systems on which sched_setscheduler() and sched_getscheduler() are available  define
       _POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING in <unistd.h>.


       POSIX.1  says  that on success, sched_setscheduler() should return the previous scheduling
       policy.  Linux sched_setscheduler() does not conform to this requirement, since it  always
       returns 0 on success.


       chrt(1), nice(2), sched_get_priority_max(2), sched_get_priority_min(2),
       sched_getaffinity(2), sched_getattr(2), sched_getparam(2), sched_rr_get_interval(2),
       sched_setaffinity(2), sched_setattr(2), sched_setparam(2), sched_yield(2), setpriority(2),
       capabilities(7), cpuset(7), sched(7)