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       utimensat, futimens - change file timestamps with nanosecond precision


       Standard C library (libc, -lc)


       #include <fcntl.h>            /* Definition of AT_* constants */
       #include <sys/stat.h>

       int utimensat(int dirfd, const char *pathname,
                     const struct timespec times[_Nullable 2], int flags);
       int futimens(int fd, const struct timespec times[_Nullable 2]);

   Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see feature_test_macros(7)):

           Since glibc 2.10:
               _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200809L
           Before glibc 2.10:

           Since glibc 2.10:
               _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200809L
           Before glibc 2.10:


       utimensat()  and  futimens()  update  the  timestamps of a file with nanosecond precision.
       This contrasts with the historical utime(2) and utimes(2), which permit  only  second  and
       microsecond precision, respectively, when setting file timestamps.

       With  utimensat()  the  file  is  specified  via  the  pathname  given  in pathname.  With
       futimens() the file whose timestamps are to be updated  is  specified  via  an  open  file
       descriptor, fd.

       For  both  calls,  the  new  file  timestamps  are  specified in the array times: times[0]
       specifies  the  new  "last  access  time"  (atime);  times[1]  specifies  the  new   "last
       modification  time" (mtime).  Each of the elements of times specifies a time as the number
       of seconds and nanoseconds  since  the  Epoch,  1970-01-01  00:00:00  +0000  (UTC).   This
       information is conveyed in a timespec(3) structure.

       Updated  file timestamps are set to the greatest value supported by the filesystem that is
       not greater than the specified time.

       If the tv_nsec field of one of the timespec structures has the  special  value  UTIME_NOW,
       then the corresponding file timestamp is set to the current time.  If the tv_nsec field of
       one of the timespec structures has the special value UTIME_OMIT,  then  the  corresponding
       file  timestamp is left unchanged.  In both of these cases, the value of the corresponding
       tv_sec field is ignored.

       If times is NULL, then both timestamps are set to the current time.

       The status change time (ctime) will be set to the current time, even  if  the  other  time
       stamps don't actually change.

   Permissions requirements
       To  set  both  file  timestamps  to the current time (i.e., times is NULL, or both tv_nsec
       fields specify UTIME_NOW), either:

       •  the caller must have write access to the file;

       •  the caller's effective user ID must match the owner of the file; or

       •  the caller must have appropriate privileges.

       To make any change other than setting both timestamps to the current time (i.e., times  is
       not NULL, and neither tv_nsec field is UTIME_NOW and neither tv_nsec field is UTIME_OMIT),
       either condition 2 or 3 above must apply.

       If both tv_nsec fields are specified as UTIME_OMIT, then no file ownership  or  permission
       checks are performed, and the file timestamps are not modified, but other error conditions
       may still be detected.

   utimensat() specifics
       If pathname is relative, then by default it  is  interpreted  relative  to  the  directory
       referred  to  by  the  open  file  descriptor,  dirfd (rather than relative to the current
       working directory of the  calling  process,  as  is  done  by  utimes(2)  for  a  relative
       pathname).  See openat(2) for an explanation of why this can be useful.

       If  pathname  is  relative  and  dirfd  is  the  special  value AT_FDCWD, then pathname is
       interpreted relative to the  current  working  directory  of  the  calling  process  (like

       If pathname is absolute, then dirfd is ignored.

       The  flags  argument is a bit mask created by ORing together zero or more of the following
       values defined in <fcntl.h>:

       AT_EMPTY_PATH (since Linux 5.8)
              If pathname is an empty string, operate on the file referred to by dirfd (which may
              have  been  obtained using the open(2) O_PATH flag).  In this case, dirfd can refer
              to any type of file, not just a directory.  If dirfd is AT_FDCWD, the call operates
              on  the current working directory.  This flag is Linux-specific; define _GNU_SOURCE
              to obtain its definition.

              If pathname specifies a symbolic link, then update  the  timestamps  of  the  link,
              rather than the file to which it refers.


       On  success,  utimensat()  and futimens() return 0.  On error, -1 is returned and errno is
       set to indicate the error.


       EACCES times is NULL, or both tv_nsec values are UTIME_NOW, and the effective user  ID  of
              the  caller  does  not  match the owner of the file, the caller does not have write
              access to the file, and the caller is not privileged (Linux: does not  have  either
              the CAP_FOWNER or the CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE capability).

       EBADF  (futimens()) fd is not a valid file descriptor.

       EBADF  (utimensat())  pathname  is relative but dirfd is neither AT_FDCWD nor a valid file

       EFAULT times pointed to an invalid address; or, dirfd was AT_FDCWD, and pathname  is  NULL
              or an invalid address.

       EINVAL Invalid value in flags.

       EINVAL Invalid  value  in one of the tv_nsec fields (value outside range [0, 999,999,999],
              and not UTIME_NOW or UTIME_OMIT); or an invalid value in one of the tv_sec fields.

       EINVAL pathname is NULL, dirfd is not AT_FDCWD, and flags contains AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW.

       ELOOP  (utimensat()) Too many symbolic links were encountered in resolving pathname.

              (utimensat()) pathname is too long.

       ENOENT (utimensat()) A component of pathname does not refer to an  existing  directory  or
              file, or pathname is an empty string.

              (utimensat())  pathname is a relative pathname, but dirfd is neither AT_FDCWD nor a
              file descriptor referring to a directory; or,  one  of  the  prefix  components  of
              pathname is not a directory.

       EPERM  The  caller  attempted  to  change one or both timestamps to a value other than the
              current time, or to change one of the timestamps to the current time while  leaving
              the  other  timestamp unchanged, (i.e., times is not NULL, neither tv_nsec field is
              UTIME_NOW, and neither tv_nsec field is UTIME_OMIT) and either:

              •  the caller's effective user ID does not match the owner of file, and the  caller
                 is not privileged (Linux: does not have the CAP_FOWNER capability); or,

              •  the file is marked append-only or immutable (see chattr(1)).

       EROFS  The file is on a read-only filesystem.

       ESRCH  (utimensat())  Search  permission  is  denied  for  one of the prefix components of


       For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see attributes(7).

       │InterfaceAttributeValue   │
       │utimensat(), futimens()                                        │ Thread safety │ MT-Safe │


   C library/kernel ABI differences
       On Linux, futimens() is a library function implemented on top of  the  utimensat()  system
       call.   To  support  this,  the  Linux  utimensat()  system  call implements a nonstandard
       feature: if pathname is NULL, then the call modifies the timestamps of the  file  referred
       to  by  the  file  descriptor  dirfd  (which  may  refer to any type of file).  Using this
       feature, the call futimens(fd, times) is implemented as:

           utimensat(fd, NULL, times, 0);

       Note, however, that the glibc wrapper for utimensat() disallows passing NULL as the  value
       for pathname: the wrapper function returns the error EINVAL in this case.




              Linux 2.6.22, glibc 2.6.  POSIX.1-2008.

              glibc 2.6.  POSIX.1-2008.


       utimensat() obsoletes futimesat(2).

       On  Linux,  timestamps  cannot be changed for a file marked immutable, and the only change
       permitted for files marked append-only is to set  the  timestamps  to  the  current  time.
       (This is consistent with the historical behavior of utime(2) and utimes(2) on Linux.)

       If  both  tv_nsec  fields  are  specified  as UTIME_OMIT, then the Linux implementation of
       utimensat() succeeds even if the file referred to by dirfd and pathname does not exist.


       Several bugs afflict utimensat() and futimens()  before  Linux  2.6.26.   These  bugs  are
       either  nonconformances  with  the  POSIX.1  draft  specification  or inconsistencies with
       historical Linux behavior.

       •  POSIX.1 specifies that if one  of  the  tv_nsec  fields  has  the  value  UTIME_NOW  or
          UTIME_OMIT,  then  the  value  of  the  corresponding  tv_sec  field should be ignored.
          Instead, the value of the tv_sec field is  required  to  be  0  (or  the  error  EINVAL

       •  Various  bugs  mean  that  for the purposes of permission checking, the case where both
          tv_nsec fields are set to UTIME_NOW isn't always treated the same as  specifying  times
          as  NULL, and the case where one tv_nsec value is UTIME_NOW and the other is UTIME_OMIT
          isn't treated the same as specifying times as a  pointer  to  an  array  of  structures
          containing  arbitrary  time values.  As a result, in some cases: a) file timestamps can
          be updated by a process that shouldn't have permission  to  perform  updates;  b)  file
          timestamps  can't  be  updated  by  a  process  that  should have permission to perform
          updates; and c) the wrong errno value is returned in case of an error.

       •  POSIX.1 says that a process that has write access to the file  can  make  a  call  with
          times  as  NULL, or with times pointing to an array of structures in which both tv_nsec
          fields are UTIME_NOW, in order to update both timestamps to the current time.  However,
          futimens()  instead  checks  whether  the  access  mode  of  the file descriptor allows


       chattr(1), touch(1), futimesat(2), openat(2), stat(2), utimes(2), futimes(3), timespec(3),
       inode(7), path_resolution(7), symlink(7)