Provided by: libxft-dev_2.3.6-1build1_amd64 bug


       Xft - X FreeType interface library


       Xft is a simple library which draws text and graphics:

       •   using information provided by the Fontconfig library,

       •   Xft converts font glyphs using the FreeType rasterizer, and

       •   displays the converted font data using the X Rendering Extension.

       This manual page barely scratches the surface of this library.


       #include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>


              is the major version number of Xft.

              is the minor version number of Xft.

              is the revision number of Xft.

              is XFT_MAJOR times 10000 (ten thousand), plus XFT_MINOR times 100, plus XFT_REVISION.

              is an alias for XFT_VERSION.

       The following example illustrates how Xft's version constants might be used:
             #if (XFT_VERSION >= 20107)
             (void) puts("Version 2.1.7 or later of the Xft library is in"
                         " use.");
             (void) printf("Insufficient version of Xft (%d.%d.%d) installed;
                           " need at least version 2.1.7.\n", XFT_MAJOR,


       Xft datatypes follow a naming convention, prefixing all names with “Xft”

   From Xlib...
       Xlib datatypes do not follow a naming convention.  They are documented in Xlib - C Language Interface.

       Xft uses these names: Bool, Colormap, Display, Drawable, Pixmap, Region, Visual, and XRectangle.

       Some datatypes are especially relevant to Xft:

            Declared  in  <X11/X.h>,  this  is an X resource ID, e.g., a window associated with a display.  Both
            windows and pixmaps can be used as sources and destinations in graphics operations.   These  windows
            and  pixmaps  are collectively known as drawables.  However, an InputOnly window cannot be used as a
            source or destination in a graphics operation.

            Declared in <X11/Xutil.h> and <X11/Xregion.h>, a Region is an arbitrary set of pixel locations which
            Xlib  can  manipulate.   Internally,  a Region is represented by the union of an arbitrary number of
            rectangles.  Xlib maintains a rectangle which tells it the extent of this union.

            Declared in <X11/Xutil.h>, this structure contains information about the possible color mapping.

   From XRender...
       The X Render Extension library datatypes are inspired by Xlib, but lack the corresponding  documentation.
       Refer to the header file for details:


       or read the source code (which provides an outline of libXrender).

       Xft uses these names: Picture, XGlyphInfo, XRenderColor.

   From Fontconfig...
       Fontconfig  datatypes  follow  a naming convention, prefixing all names with “Fc” which are documented in
       Fontconfig Developers Reference.

       Xft uses these Fontconfig names: FcBool, FcChar8, FcChar16,  FcChar32,  FcCharSet,  FcEndian,  FcFontSet,
       FcPattern, and FcResult.

   From FreeType 2...
       FreeType  2  datatypes follow a naming convention, prefixing all names with “FT_” which are documented in
       FreeType API Reference.

       Xft uses these names: FT_Face, FT_Library, and FT_UInt.

       FreeType 2 uses FT_UInt (an unsigned integer) to represent glyphs.

         typedef struct _XftFont {
                   int                  ascent;
                   int                  descent;
                   int                  height;
                   int                  max_advance_width;
                   FcCharSet           *charset;
                   FcPattern           *pattern;
         } XftFont;

       An XftFont is the primary data structure of interest to programmers using Xft; it contains  general  font
       metrics and pointers to the Fontconfig character set and pattern associated with the font.

       XftFonts    are    populated   with   any   of   XftFontOpen(),   XftFontOpenName(),   XftFontOpenXlfd(),
       XftFontOpenInfo(),  or  XftFontOpenPattern().   XftFontCopy()  is  used  to   duplicate   XftFonts,   and
       XftFontClose()  is  used  to  mark  an  XftFont as unused.  XftFonts are internally allocated, reference-
       counted, and freed by Xft; the programmer does not ordinarily need to allocate or free storage for them.

       XftDrawGlyphs(), the XftDrawString*() family, XftDrawCharSpec(), and XftDrawGlyphSpec() use  XftFonts  to
       render  text  to  an  XftDraw  object, which may correspond to either a core X drawable or an X Rendering
       Extension drawable.

       XftGlyphExtents() and the XftTextExtents*() family are used to determine the extents (maximum dimensions)
       of an XftFont.

       An  XftFont's  glyph or character coverage can be determined with XftFontCheckGlyph() or XftCharExists().
       XftCharIndex() returns the XftFont-specific character index corresponding to a given Unicode codepoint.

       XftGlyphRender(), XftGlyphSpecRender(), XftCharSpecRender(), and the XftTextRender*() family use XftFonts
       to draw into X Rendering Extension Picture structures.

       Note:  XftDrawGlyphs(),  the XftDrawString*() family, XftDrawCharSpec(), and XftDrawGlyphSpec() provide a
       means of rendering fonts that is independent of the availability of the X Rendering Extension  on  the  X

       is  an  opaque  object  that  stores  information  about a font.  XftFontInfo structures are created with
       XftFontInfoCreate(), freed with XftFontInfoDestroy(), and compared with XftFontInfoEqual().   XftFontInfo
       objects are internally allocated and freed by Xft; the programmer does not ordinarily need to allocate or
       free storage for them.

       Each XftFontInfo structure in use is associated with a unique identifier, which  can  be  retrieved  with
       XftFontInfoHash().  An XftFont can be opened based on XftFontInfo data with XftFontOpenInfo().

         typedef struct _XftColor {
                   unsigned long        pixel;
                   XRenderColor         color;
         } XftColor;

       An  XftColor  object  permits  text  and other items to be rendered in a particular color (or the closest
       approximation offered by the X visual in use).

       XftColorAllocName() and XftColorAllocValue() request a color allocation from the X server (if  necessary)
       and  initialize  the  members  of  XftColor.   XftColorFree()  instructs  the  X server to free the color
       currently allocated for an XftColor.

       Once an XftColor has been initialized, XftDrawSrcPicture(), XftDrawGlyphs(), the XftDrawString*() family,
       XftDrawCharSpec(),  XftDrawCharFontSpec(),  XftDrawGlyphSpec(), XftDrawGlyphFontSpec(), and XftDrawRect()
       may be used to draw various objects using it.

       is an opaque object which holds information used to render  to  an  X  drawable  using  either  the  core
       protocol or the X Rendering extension.

       XftDraw  objects  are created with any of XftDrawCreate() (which associates an XftDraw with an existing X
       drawable), XftDrawCreateBitmap(), or XftDrawCreateAlpha(), and destroyed with  XftDrawDestroy().   The  X
       drawable  associated with an XftDraw can be changed with XftDrawChange().  XftDraw objects are internally
       allocated and freed by Xft; the programmer does not ordinarily need to allocate or free storage for them.

       The  X  Display,  Drawable,  Colormap,  and  Visual  properties  of  an  XftDraw  can  be  queried   with
       XftDrawDisplay(), XftDrawDrawable(), XftDrawColormap(), and XftDrawVisual(), respectively.

       Several  functions use XftDraw objects: XftDrawCharFontSpec(), XftDrawCharSpec(), XftDrawGlyphFontSpec(),
       XftDrawGlyphSpec(),   XftDrawGlyphs(),   XftDrawRect(),   XftDrawSetClip(),   XftDrawSetClipRectangles(),
       XftDrawSetSubwindowMode(), and the XftDrawString*() family.

       The  X  Rendering  Extension  Picture  associated  with  an  XftDraw is returned by XftDrawPicture(), and
       XftDrawSrcPicture().      It     is     used     by     XftCharFontSpecRender(),     XftCharSpecRender(),
       XftGlyphFontSpecRender(), XftGlyphRender(), XftGlyphSpecRender(), and the XftTextRender*() family.

         typedef struct _XftCharSpec {
                   FcChar32             ucs4;
                   short                x;
                   short                y;
         } XftCharSpec;

       XftCharSpec is used by XftDrawCharSpec(), and XftCharSpecRender().

         typedef struct _XftCharFontSpec {
                   XftFont             *font;
                   FcChar32             ucs4;
                   short                x;
                   short                y;
         } XftCharFontSpec;

       XftCharFontSpec is used by XftCharFontSpecRender().

         typedef struct _XftGlyphSpec {
                   FT_UInt               glyph;
                   short                 x;
                   short                 y;
         } XftGlyphSpec;

       XftGlyphSpec is used by XftDrawGlyphSpec().

         typedef struct _XftGlyphFontSpec {
                   XftFont             *font;
                   FT_UInt              glyph;
                   short                x;
                   short                y;
         } XftGlyphFontSpec;

       XftGlyphFontSpec is used by XftDrawGlyphFontSpec(), and XftGlyphFontSpecRender().


       A  typical  application  using Xft does not explicitly initialize the library.  That is usually done as a
       side-effect of opening a font.

       When Xft initializes, it collects information about the display, and stores some of that information in a
       Fontconfig  pattern  (essentially a collection of properties with typed values).  The calling application
       can modify that pattern to change the library's behavior.

       Not all of the collected information is stored in a pattern.  The remainder is stored  in  internal  data
       structures.  Xft makes some of that available to the application via functions.

       Bool XftDefaultHasRender (
                      Display               *dpy);

              Obtain  information  about  the display dpy if not done already, and return true if Xft found that
              the  display  supports  the  X  Render  extension,  and  if  it  is  able  to  find   a   suitable
              XRenderPictFormat (X Render's datatype which is analogous to Xlib's Visual) on the display.

       Bool XftDefaultSet (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      FcPattern             *defaults);

              Obtain  information  about  the  display  dpy  if not done already, and set the Fontconfig pattern
              holding default properties which Xft will use for this display.

              Xft uses those properties initially to obtain these limits:

                      (maxglyphmemory).  This is the maximum amount of glyph memory for all fonts  used  by  Xft
                      (default: 4*1024*1024).

                      (maxunreffonts).  This is the maximum number of unreferenced fonts (default: 16).

                      (trackmemusage).   When true, Xft tracks usage of glyph memory to improve performance when
                      deciding which to unload when the maximum amount of  glyph  memory  is  reached  (default:

              Xft also uses these default properties in XftDefaultSubstitute().

       void XftDefaultSubstitute (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      int                    screen,
                      FcPattern             *pattern);

              Xft  fills  in  missing properties in the given pattern using default properties for the specified
              display dpy, e.g., as set in XftDefaultSet().

              Typical Xft applications use this function to help  Fontconfig  choose  a  suitable  font.   These
              properties are substituted before calling FcDefaultSubstitute():

                      True if FreeType should use antialiasing (default: False).  (default: True).

                      True if FreeType should use autohinting (default: False).

                      Dots/inch used for resolution (default: computed from the display height).

                      True if FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden() should be used to embolden a font (default: False).

                      True if hinting should be used when filling in properties to open a font (default: True).

                      Hinting style used when filling in properties to open a font (default: FC_HINT_FULL).

                      Parameter    passed   to   FT_Library_SetLcdFilter()   when   loading   glyphs   (default:

                      Minimum space value used when filling in properties to open a font (default: False).

                      RGBA value used when filling in properties to open a font (default:  computed  by  calling

                      Scale used in Fontconfig (default: 1.0).

                      Maximum memory for one font (default: 1024*1024).

                      True    if   the   display   supports   X   Render   extension   (default:   result   from

       FcBool XftInit (
                      _Xconst char          *config);

              Initializes the Fontconfig library (calling FcInit()).

              The config parameter is unused.

              Xft does not deinitialize the Fontconfig library when it is done.

       FcBool XftInitFtLibrary (void);

              Initializes the FreeType library (calling FT_Init_FreeType() to create a library object) if it has
              not  already been initialized.  This is needed before using the FreeType library to read font data
              from a file.

              Xft calls XftInitFtLibrary() internally via XftFontInfoCreate() and XftFontOpenPattern().

              Xft does not discard the library object (e.g., using FT_Done_FreeType()) when it is done.

       int XftGetVersion (void);

              Return XftVersion, enabling an application to determine the actual version of Xft which is in use.

   Opening and Matching Fonts
       XftFont *XftFontOpen (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      int                    screen,

              XftFontOpen takes a list of pattern element triples of the form  field,  type,  value  (terminated
              with  a  NULL),  matches  that  pattern  against the available fonts, and opens the matching font,
              sizing it correctly for screen number screen on display dpy.  Return the matched font, or NULL  if
              no match is found.

             font = XftFontOpen (dpy, screen,
                                 XFT_FAMILY, XftTypeString, "charter",
                                 XFT_SIZE, XftTypeDouble, 12.0,

              This  opens  the  “charter”  font  at 12 points.  The point size is automatically converted to the
              correct pixel size based on the resolution of the monitor.

       XftFont *XftFontOpenName (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      int                    screen,
                      _Xconst char          *name);

              XftFontOpenName behaves as XftFontOpen does, except that it  takes  a  Fontconfig  pattern  string
              (which is passed to the Fontconfig library's FcNameParse() function).

       XftFont *XftFontOpenXlfd (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      int                    screen,
                      _Xconst char          *xlfd)

              XftFontOpenXlfd behaves as XftFontOpen does, except that it takes a string containing an X Logical
              Font Description (XLFD), and uses the XftXlfdParse() function.

       FcPattern *XftFontMatch (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      int                    screen,
                      _Xconst FcPattern     *pattern,
                      FcResult              *result);

              Also used internally by the XftFontOpen* functions, XftFontMatch can  also  be  used  directly  to
              determine the Fontconfig font pattern resulting from an Xft font open request.

       FcPattern *XftXlfdParse (
                      _Xconst char          *xlfd_orig,
                      Bool                  ignore_scalable,
                      Bool                  complete);

              XftXlfdParse  parses  the  xlfd_orig  parameter  according  to  the  X  Logical  Font  Description
              Conventions document, but ignores some of the fields: setwidth_name, add_style_name, spacing,  and

              XftXlfdParse  creates  a Fontconfig pattern, setting the property XFT_XLFD to the xlfd_orig value,
              and maps the collected information to Fontconfig properties.  Empty or “*” fields are ignored:

                      from foundry.

                      from family.

                      weight_name, defaulting to FC_WEIGHT_MEDIUM.

                      from slant, defaulting to FC_SLANT_ROMAN.

                      from point_size.

                      from pixel_size.  If point_size was set, as well as resolution_xand resolution_y, then the
                      value is scaled convert the font's height to points.

   Families of Functions
       Xft  provides  groups  of  drawing functions which differ according to the way the data is encoded, e.g.,
       8-bit (ISO-8859-1) versus UTF-8.  Here is a summary of these related functions:

       Encoding   XftDrawString*       XftTextExtents*       XftTextRender*
       8          XftDrawString8       XftTextExtents8       XftTextRender8
       16         XftDrawString16      XftTextExtents16      XftTextRender16
       16BE       XftDrawString16      XftTextExtents16      XftTextRender16BE
       16LE       XftDrawString16      XftTextExtents16      XftTextRender16LE
       32         XftDrawString32      XftTextExtents32      XftTextRender32
       32BE       XftDrawString32      XftTextExtents32      XftTextRender32BE
       32LE       XftDrawString32      XftTextExtents32      XftTextRender32LE
       UTF-8      XftDrawStringUtf8    XftTextExtentsUtf8    XftTextRenderUtf8
       UTF-16     XftDrawStringUtf16   XftTextExtentsUtf16   XftTextRenderUtf16

   Determining Text Extents
       Xft provides several functions for determining the required height  and  width  for  displaying  a  text-
       string.   After  accounting  for  the offset, in cases where the string will be shifted up, down, left or
       right, these numbers are referred to as text extents.

       void XftTextExtents8 (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      XftFont               *font,
                      _Xconst FcChar8       *string,
                      int                    len,
                      XGlyphInfo            *extents);

              XftTextExtents8 computes the pixel extents on display dpy of no more than len glyphs of  a  string
              consisting of eight-bit characters when drawn with font, storing them in extents.

       void XftTextExtents16 (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      XftFont               *font,
                      _Xconst FcChar16      *string,
                      int                    len,
                      XGlyphInfo            *extents);

              XftTextExtents16  computes the pixel extents on display dpy of no more than len glyphs of a string
              consisting of sixteen-bit characters when drawn with font, storing them in extents.

       void XftTextExtents32 (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      XftFont               *font,
                      _Xconst FcChar32      *string,
                      int                    len,
                      XGlyphInfo            *extents);

              XftTextExtents32 computes the pixel extents on display dpy of no more than len glyphs of a  string
              consisting of thirty-two-bit characters when drawn with font, storing them in extents.

       void XftTextExtentsUtf8 (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      XftFont               *font,
                      _Xconst FcChar8       *string,
                      int                    len,
                      XGlyphInfo            *extents);

              XftTextExtentsUtf8  computes the pixel extents on display dpy of no more than len bytes of a UTF-8
              encoded string when drawn with font, storing them in extents.

       void XftTextExtentsUtf16 (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      XftFont               *font,
                      _Xconst FcChar8       *string,
                      FcEndian               endian,
                      int                    len,
                      XGlyphInfo            *extents);

              XftTextExtentsUtf16 computes the pixel extents on display dpy of no  more  than  len  bytes  of  a
              UTF-16LE-  or  UTF-16BE-encoded  string  when  drawn  with  font,  storing  them  in extents.  The
              endianness of string must be specified in endian.

       void XftGlyphExtents (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      XftFont               *font,
                      _Xconst FT_UInt       *glyphs,
                      int                    nglyphs,
                      XGlyphInfo            *extents);

              Also used internally by  the  XftTextExtents*()  functions,  XftGlyphExtents  computes  the  pixel
              extents  on  display dpy of no more than nglyphs in the array glyphs drawn with font, storing them
              in extents.

              If any  of  the  glyphs  are  missing  (determined  by  a  check  with  XftFontCheckGlyph()),  the
              corresponding entry in extents is filled with zeroes.

   Managing XftColor
       Bool XftColorAllocName (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      _Xconst Visual        *visual,
                      Colormap               cmap,
                      _Xconst char          *name,
                      XftColor              *result);

              Use XAllocNamedColor() to look up the named color name for the screen associated with the colormap

              •   If XAllocNamedColor() returns nonzero, XftColorAllocName() fills  in  the  resulting  XftColor
                  pixel  field  with  the closest color supported by the screen, as well as the exact red, green
                  and blue fields from the database, and returns True.

              •   If XAllocNamedColor() returns zero, XftColorAllocName() returns False, and does not update the
                  XftColor referenced by result.

              The visual parameter is unused.

       Bool XftColorAllocValue (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      Visual                *visual,
                      Colormap               cmap,
                      _Xconst XRenderColor  *color,
                      XftColor              *result);

              Allocate a color value:

              •   If  the  visual  class is TrueColor, XftColorAllocValue() sets the pixel field in the XftColor
                  referenced by result using the red, green and blue fields from the color parameter.

              •   If the visual class is not TrueColor, XftColorAllocValue() calls XAllocColor() to allocate  an
                  entry  in  the  colormap  cmap.   which  returns  the  pixel value of the color closest to the
                  specified RGB elements supported by the hardware.

                  If XAllocColor() succeeds XftColorAllocValue() stores that pixel  value  in  the  XRenderColor
                  referenced by result and returns True.

                  If XAllocColor() fails, XftColorAllocValue() returns False and does not modify the result.

       void XftColorFree (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      Visual                *visual,
                      Colormap               cmap,
                      XftColor              *color);

              If  the visual class is not TrueColor, Xft calls XFreeColors() to free the entry from the colormap
              cmap whose pixel value in the color parameter was allocated by XftColorAllocName().

   Managing XftDraw
       XftDraw *XftDrawCreate (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      Drawable               drawable,
                      Visual                *visual,
                      Colormap               colormap);

              XftDrawCreate creates a structure that can be  used  to  render  text  and  rectangles  using  the
              specified drawable, visual, and colormap on display.

       XftDraw *XftDrawCreateBitmap (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      Pixmap                 bitmap);

              XftDrawCreateBitmap  behaves  as XftDrawCreate(), except that it uses an X pixmap of color depth 1
              instead of an X drawable.

       XftDraw * XftDrawCreateAlpha (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      Pixmap                 pixmap,
                      int                    depth);

              XftDrawCreateAlpha behaves as XftDrawCreate(), except that it uses an  X  pixmap  of  color  depth
              depth instead of an X drawable.

       void XftDrawChange (
                      XftDraw               *draw,
                      Drawable               drawable);

              XftDrawChange  changes  the  X  drawable association of the existing Xft draw object draw from its
              current value to drawable.

       Display *XftDrawDisplay (
                      XftDraw               *draw);

              XftDrawDisplay returns a pointer to the display associated with the Xft draw object draw.

       Drawable XftDrawDrawable (
                      XftDraw               *draw);

              XftDrawDrawable returns the X drawable associated with the Xft draw object draw.

       Colormap XftDrawColormap (
                      XftDraw               *draw);

              XftDrawColormap() returns the colormap associated with the Xft draw object draw.

       Visual *XftDrawVisual (
                      XftDraw               *draw);

              XftDrawVisual returns a pointer to the visual associated with the Xft draw object draw.

       Picture XftDrawPicture (
                      XftDraw               *draw);

              XftDrawPicture returns the picture associated with the Xft draw object draw.

              If the the X server does not support the X Rendering Extension, 0 is returned.

       Picture XftDrawSrcPicture (
                      XftDraw               *draw,
                      _Xconst XftColor      *color);

              Return  an  X  Render  Picture  object,  which  is  used  for   rendering   glyphs,   e.g.,   with
              XftGlyphRender(),   XftGlyphSpecRender(),   or   XftGlyphFontSpecRender(),   by   XftDrawGlyphs(),
              XftDrawGlyphSpec(), XftDrawGlyphFontSpec(), respectively.

              If the X server does not support the X  Render  extension,  those  functions  use  XftGlyphCore(),
              XftGlyphSpecCore(), or XftGlyphFontSpecCore().

       void XftDrawDestroy (
                      XftDraw               *draw);

              XftDrawDestroy  destroys  draw  (created  by  one of the XftDrawCreate*() functions) and frees the
              memory that was allocated for it.

       Bool XftDrawSetClip (
                      XftDraw               *draw,
                      Region                 r);

              Set up clipping for the given XftDraw parameter draw starting with a Region:

              •   If the Region parameter r is not null, Xft creates a new Region (to copy the parameter),

              •   Xft destroys any existing clipping region.

              •   Xft sets the clip_type for the draw parameter to XftClipTypeRegion if the r parameter was  not
                  null.  Otherwise it sets the clip_type to XftClipTypeNone.

              •   Finally,  Xft  updates  clipping  for existing objects, updates the clip_mask for its X Render
                  Picture object and sets the clipping-mask in the graphic  context  (GC)  associated  with  the
                  XftDraw parameter.

              XftDrawSetClip()  returns  True  if  no  change  was necessary, or if the operation succeeded.  It
              returns False if it was unable to create the new Region().

       Bool XftDrawSetClipRectangles (
                      XftDraw               *draw,
                      int                    xOrigin,
                      int                    yOrigin,
                      _Xconst XRectangle    *rects,
                      int                    n);

              Like XftDrawSetClip(), XftDrawSetClipRectangles() sets up clipping for the given XftDraw parameter
              draw  but  uses  a  set  of  n rectangles (the rects parameter) which could be used to construct a
              Region .

              Xft sets the clip_type for draw to XftClipTypeRectangles and uses  XSetClipRectangles()  for  core
              (X11) clipping and XRenderSetPictureClipRectangles() for X Render clipping.

       void XftDrawSetSubwindowMode (
                      XftDraw               *draw,
                      int                    mode);

              Sets  the  subwindow-mode  for  the  given  XftDraw  parameter  draw.   The  mode  can  be  either
              ClipByChildren (the default), or IncludeInferiors:

              •   For ClipByChildren, both source and  destination  windows  are  additionally  clipped  by  all
                  viewable InputOutput children.

              •   For  IncludeInferiors,  neither  source  nor destination window is clipped by inferiors.  This
                  will result in including subwindow contents  in  the  source  and  drawing  through  subwindow
                  boundaries of the destination.

              In  addition  to  the  subwindow-mode  maintained  by  Xft,  it updates the subwindow mode for any
              associated graphics context GC using XSetSubwindowMode() as well as for an X Render Picture  using

   Drawing Strings
       void XftDrawString8 (
                      XftDraw               *d,
                      _Xconst XftColor      *color,
                      XftFont               *font,
                      int                    x,
                      int                    y,
                      _Xconst FcChar8       *string,
                      int                    len);

              XftDrawString8  draws  no  more than len glyphs of string to Xft drawable d using font in color at
              position x, y.

   Drawing Other Things
       void XftDrawRect (
                      XftDraw               *d,
                      _Xconst XftColor      *color,
                      int                    x,
                      int                    y,
                      unsigned int           width,
                      unsigned int           height);

              XftDrawRect draws a solid rectangle of the specified color, width, and height at position x, y  to
              Xft drawable d.

       void XftCharFontSpecRender (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      int                    op,
                      Picture                src,
                      Picture                dst,
                      int                    srcx,
                      int                    srcy,
                      _Xconst XftCharFontSpec*chars,
                      int                    len);

              XftCharFontSpecRender()  converts  the  chars  parameter from XftCharFontSpec to XftGlyphFontSpec,
              passing the converted array along with the other parameters unchanged to  XftGlyphFontSpecRender()
              to render the data.

       void XftDrawGlyphFontSpec (
                      XftDraw               *draw,
                      _Xconst XftColor      *color,
                      _Xconst XftGlyphFontSpec*glyphs,
                      int                    len);

              Draw  a  list  of glyphs associated with fonts at specified coordinates, passed as an array of len
              XftGlyphFontSpec structures via the parameter glyphs.  All of the glyphs are drawn using the color
              specified in the color parameter.

              For each entry in the glyphs array:

              •   If  the associated font uses the X Render extension, then Xft uses XftGlyphFontSpecRender() to
                  draw the glyph, using a Picture obtained from calling XftDrawSrcPicture () with the  draw  and
                  color parameters.

              •   Otherwise, Xft provides an analogous feature using Xlib.

       void XftGlyphFontSpecRender (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      int                    op,
                      Picture                src,
                      Picture                dst,
                      int                    srcx,
                      int                    srcy,
                      _Xconst XftGlyphFontSpec*glyphs,
                      int                    nglyphs);

              This involves several steps:

              •   First, Xft ensures that the glyphs array is complete using XftFontCheckGlyph() and loading any
                  missing glyphs with XftFontLoadGlyphs().

              •   Then Xft examines the glyphs to find the maximum Unicode value.  That determines the  encoding
                  size, i.e., the width.

              •   Then,  for  each  glyph, Xft checks if its Unicode value is handled by the corresponding font.
                  If not, the value is set to zero (0), to ignore it.  While  doing  this,  Xft  also  remembers
                  which was the first font used, and computes the position at which each glyph will be drawn.

              •   Xft  then  constructs  an  equivalent  array  of glyphs in the format expected by the X Render

              •   Finally, XftGlyphFontSpecRender() uses the X Render extension to draw  the  glyphs,  with  the
                  appropriate  XRenderCompositeText*()  function  according to the width, and discards temporary

                  The op, dst, src, srcx, and srcy parameters are used as described in the documentation for the
                  X Render library.

   Manipulating patterns
       FcFontSet *XftListFonts (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      int                    screen,

              Xft  uses  FcPatternVapBuild()  and FcObjectSetVapBuild() to process the variable-length parameter
              list, and FcFontList() to obtain a list of matching Fontconfig patterns, which it returns  to  the
              caller.  The caller can dispose of the return value using FcPatternDestroy().

       FcPattern *XftNameParse (
                      _Xconst char          *name);

              Xft uses Fontconfig to parse the name, passing the name to FcNameParse(), returning the result.

       FcBool XftNameUnparse (
                      FcPattern             *pat,
                      char                  *dest,
                      int                    len);

              Like  XfgNameParse(),  Xft uses Fontconfig.  In this case, it uses FcNameUnparse(), which converts
              the pattern pat back into a string that can be parsed.  XftNameUnparse() stores the result via the
              caller's  pointer dest, but checks first if it will fit, using the len parameter.  If it fits, Xft
              copies the string and returns FcTrue, otherwise it returns FcFalse.

   Manipulating Font data
       void XftFontLoadGlyphs (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      XftFont               *pub,
                      FcBool                 need_bitmaps,
                      _Xconst FT_UInt       *glyphs,
                      int                    nglyph);

              Using FT_Load_Glyph(), load nglyphs for the glyph indices (Unicode values)  listed  in  the  array
              glyphs from the given font pub.

              Loading  a glyph entails more than just reading data into memory.  Xft uses the Fontconfig pattern
              associated with the display dpy (e.g., via XftDefaultSet()) to determine whether to use a bounding
              box,  clip the glyphs into those bounds, scale the glyphs, compute font metrics, and add it to the
              X Render extension using XRenderAddGlyphs().

       void XftFontUnloadGlyphs (
                      Display               *dpy,
                      XftFont               *pub,
                      _Xconst FT_UInt       *glyphs,
                      int                    nglyph);

              Discards data for up to nglyph glyphs whose glyph indices (Unicode values) are listed in the array
              glyphs  for  the  given font pub.  If the glyphs were added to the X Render extension, Xft removes
              those using XRenderFreeGlyphs().  Xft keeps track of the amount of memory  used  for  glyphs,  and
              updates the usage associated with the display dpy.

       FT_Face XftLockFace (
                      XftFont               *pub);

              If  no  FreeType 2 “face” (in-memory representation of a given typeface in a given style) has been
              created for the pub font, create one using FT_New_Face().  Face-locks are a reference  count  used
              by  Xft  to  ensure  that  only  one face is created, and that it is retained until the font is no
              longer used.

              Face-locking is used directly in XftCharIndex() and XftFontLoadGlyphs(), which in turn are used in
              many functions of Xft.

              Face-locking  was  introduced  in  version 1 (October 2002).  A few applications, such as Gdk/Gimp
              relied upon these functions.  In version 2.1.9 (June 2006), face-locking was retained as  part  of
              the public API when improved shared-library configurations provided for hiding private symbols.

       void XftUnlockFace (
                      XftFont               *pub);

              Decrements the reference count for the FreeType 2 “face” associated with the font.

              FT_Face  objects  are deallocated using FT_Done_Face().  Xft does this in XftFontInfoDestroy() and
              when cleaning up on failure in XftFontInfoCreate() and XftFontOpenPattern().


       Xft reads the environment variable XFT_DEBUG and converts that to an integer.  Each bit in the  resulting
       value tells Xft to print debugging information to the standard output:

       1    font-opening

       2    additional font-matching and opening (verbose)

       4    shows details about the XRenderPictFormat which will be used.

       8    shows the string which XftDrawString8() will draw.

       16   shows which font-ids are matched.

       32   shows useful information about the glyphs which will be drawn

       64   shows an ASCII-art representation of the glyphs.

       128  shows details about the memory-cache management

       256  shows details about managing glyph cached-memory

       512  shows a report on memory-usage

       1024 shows details on extended management of glyph cached-memory


       As  of  version  2  (May 2002), Xft became relatively stable.  It is expected to retain source and binary
       compatibility in future releases.

       Xft provides a compatibility interface to its previous major version, Xft 1.x, described below.

   Xft 1.x Header File
       #include <X11/Xft/XftCompat.h>

   Xft 1.x Data Types
              holds a set of names with associated value lists; each name  refers  to  a  property  of  a  font.
              XftPatterns  are used as inputs to the matching code as well as holding information about specific

              contains a list of XftPatterns.  Internally, Xft uses this data structure to hold sets  of  fonts.
              Externally, Xft returns the results of listing fonts in this format.

              holds  a set of names and is used to specify which fields from fonts are placed in the the list of
              returned patterns when listing fonts.


       Keith Packard
       Thomas E. Dickey (performance improvements)


       Fontconfig Developers Reference
       FreeType API Reference
       Xlib - C Language Interface
       X Logical Font Description Conventions