Provided by: libpam0g-dev_1.5.3-7ubuntu2_amd64 bug


       pam_set_item - set and update PAM information


       #include <security/pam_modules.h>

       int pam_set_item(pam_handle_t *pamh, int item_type, const void *item);


       The pam_set_item function allows applications and PAM service modules to access and to
       update PAM information of item_type. For this a copy of the object pointed to by the item
       argument is created. The following item_types are supported:

           The service name (which identifies that PAM stack that the PAM functions will use to
           authenticate the program).

           The username of the entity under whose identity service will be given. That is,
           following authentication, PAM_USER identifies the local entity that gets to use the
           service. Note, this value can be mapped from something (eg., "anonymous") to something
           else (eg. "guest119") by any module in the PAM stack. As such an application should
           consult the value of PAM_USER after each call to a PAM function.

           The string used when prompting for a user's name. The default value for this string is
           a localized version of "login: ".

           The terminal name prefixed by /dev/ for device files. In the past, graphical X-based
           applications used to store the $DISPLAY variable here, but with the introduction of
           PAM_XDISPLAY this usage is deprecated.

           The requesting user name: local name for a locally requesting user or a remote user
           name for a remote requesting user.

           Generally an application or module will attempt to supply the value that is most
           strongly authenticated (a local account before a remote one. The level of trust in
           this value is embodied in the actual authentication stack associated with the
           application, so it is ultimately at the discretion of the system administrator.

           PAM_RUSER@PAM_RHOST should always identify the requesting user. In some cases,
           PAM_RUSER may be NULL. In such situations, it is unclear who the requesting entity is.

           The requesting hostname (the hostname of the machine from which the PAM_RUSER entity
           is requesting service). That is PAM_RUSER@PAM_RHOST does identify the requesting user.
           In some applications, PAM_RHOST may be NULL. In such situations, it is unclear where
           the authentication request is originating from.

           The authentication token (often a password). This token should be ignored by all
           module functions besides pam_sm_authenticate(3) and pam_sm_chauthtok(3). In the former
           function it is used to pass the most recent authentication token from one stacked
           module to another. In the latter function the token is used for another purpose. It
           contains the currently active authentication token.

           The old authentication token. This token should be ignored by all module functions
           except pam_sm_chauthtok(3).

           The pam_conv structure. See pam_conv(3).

       The following additional items are specific to Linux-PAM and should not be used in
       portable applications:

           A function pointer to redirect centrally managed failure delays. See

           The name of the X display. For graphical, X-based applications the value for this item
           should be the $DISPLAY variable. This value may be used independently of PAM_TTY for
           passing the name of the display.

           A pointer to a structure containing the X authentication data required to make a
           connection to the display specified by PAM_XDISPLAY, if such information is necessary.
           See pam_xauth_data(3).

           The default action is for the module to use the following prompts when requesting
           passwords: "New UNIX password: " and "Retype UNIX password: ". The example word UNIX
           can be replaced with this item, by default it is empty. This item is used by

       For all item_types, other than PAM_CONV and PAM_FAIL_DELAY, item is a pointer to a <NUL>
       terminated character string. In the case of PAM_CONV, item points to an initialized
       pam_conv structure. In the case of PAM_FAIL_DELAY, item is a function pointer: void
       (*delay_fn)(int retval, unsigned usec_delay, void *appdata_ptr)

       Both, PAM_AUTHTOK and PAM_OLDAUTHTOK, will be reset before returning to the application.
       Which means an application is not able to access the authentication tokens.


           The application attempted to set an undefined or inaccessible item.

           Memory buffer error.

           Data was successful updated.

           The pam_handle_t passed as first argument was invalid.


       pam_get_item(3), pam_strerror(3)