Provided by: libsctp-dev_1.0.20+dfsg-1_amd64 bug


       sctp - SCTP protocol.


       #include <sys/socket.h>
       #include <netinet/in.h>
       #include <netinet/sctp.h>

       sctp_socket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_SCTP);
       sctp_socket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_SEQPACKET, IPPROTO_SCTP);


       This  is  an  implementation  of  the SCTP protocol as defined in RFC4960. It is a message
       oriented, reliable transport protocol with direct support for multihoming that runs on top
       of ip(7), and supports both v4 and v6 versions.

       Like  TCP,  SCTP  provides  reliable,  connection  oriented  data delivery with congestion
       control. Unlike TCP,  SCTP  also  provides  message  boundary  preservation,  ordered  and
       unordered   message   delivery,   multi-streaming  and  multi-homing.  Detection  of  data
       corruption, loss of data and duplication of  data  is  achieved  by  using  checksums  and
       sequence  numbers.  A  selective  retransmission  mechanism  is applied to correct loss or
       corruption of data.

       This implementation supports a mapping  of  SCTP  into  sockets  API  as  defined  in  the
       RFC6458(Sockets API extensions for SCTP). Two styles of interfaces are supported.

       A  one-to-many style interface with 1 to MANY relationship between socket and associations
       where the outbound association setup is  implicit.  The  syntax  of  a  one-to-many  style
       socket() call is


       A  typical  server in this style uses the following socket calls in sequence to prepare an
       endpoint for servicing requests.

            1. socket()
            2. bind()
            3. listen()
            4. recvmsg()
            5. sendmsg()
            6. close()

       A typical client uses the following calls in sequence  to  setup  an  association  with  a
       server to request services.

            1. socket()
            2. sendmsg()
            3. recvmsg()
            4. close()

       A  one-to-one  style  interface  with a 1 to 1 relationship between socket and association
       which enables existing TCP applications to be ported to SCTP with very little effort.  The
       syntax of a one-to-one style socket() call is

       sd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_SCTP);

       A typical server in one-to-one style uses the following system call sequence to prepare an
       SCTP endpoint for servicing requests:

            1. socket()
            2. bind()
            3. listen()
            4. accept()

       The accept() call blocks until a new association is set up. It returns with a  new  socket
       descriptor. The server then uses the new socket descriptor to communicate with the client,
       using recv() and send() calls to get requests and send back responses. Then it calls

            5. close()

       to terminate the association. A typical client uses the following system call sequence  to
       setup an association with a server to request services:

            1. socket()
            2. connect()

       After  returning  from  connect(),  the  client  uses  send() and recv() calls to send out
       requests and receive responses from the server. The client calls

            3. close()

       to terminate this association when done.


       SCTP is built on top of IP (see ip(7)).  The address formats defined  by  ip(7)  apply  to
       SCTP.   SCTP only supports point-to-point communication; broadcasting and multicasting are
       not supported.


       These variables can be accessed by the /proc/sys/net/sctp/* files or  with  the  sysctl(2)
       interface.  In addition, most IP sysctls also apply to SCTP. See ip(7).

       Please check kernel documentation for this, at Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.rst.


       These variables can be accessed by the /proc/net/sctp/* files.

       assocs Displays  the following information about the active associations.  assoc ptr, sock
              ptr, socket style, sock state, association  state,  hash  bucket,  association  id,
              bytes in transmit queue, bytes in receive queue, user id, inode, local port, remote
              port, local addresses,  remote  addresses,  heartbeat  interval,  in  streams,  out
              streams, max retransmissions, init retries, shutdown retries, retransmitted chunks,
              sock transmit queue committed bytes, sock transmit queue bytes, and sock  send  and
              receive buffer bytes.

       eps    Displays  the following information about the active endpoints.  endpoint ptr, sock
              ptr, socket style, sock state, hash bucket, local port, user id,  inode  and  local

       snmp   Displays the following statistics related to SCTP states, packets and chunks.

              The  number  of  associations  for  which  the current state is either ESTABLISHED,

              The number of times  that  associations  have  made  a  direct  transition  to  the
              ESTABLISHED  state  from  the  COOKIE-ECHOED  state.  The upper layer initiated the
              association attempt.

              The number of times  that  associations  have  made  a  direct  transition  to  the
              ESTABLISHED  state  from  the  CLOSED  state.  The  remote  endpoint  initiated the
              association attempt.

              The number of times that associations have made a direct transition to  the  CLOSED
              state  from  any  state  using the primitive 'ABORT'. Ungraceful termination of the

              The number of times that associations have made a direct transition to  the  CLOSED
              state  from either the SHUTDOWN-SENT state or the SHUTDOWN-ACK-SENT state. Graceful
              termination of the association.

              The number of out of the blue packets received by the host.  An  out  of  the  blue
              packet  is  an SCTP packet correctly formed, including the proper checksum, but for
              which the receiver was unable to identify an appropriate association.

              The number of SCTP packets received with an invalid checksum.

              The number of SCTP control chunks sent (retransmissions are not included).  Control
              chunks are those chunks different from DATA.

              The number of SCTP ordered data chunks sent (retransmissions are not included).

              The  number  of  SCTP  unordered chunks(data chunks in which the U bit is set to 1)
              sent (retransmissions are not included).

              The number of SCTP control chunks received (no duplicate chunks included).

              The number of SCTP ordered data chunks received (no duplicate chunks included).

              The number of SCTP unordered chunks(data chunks in which the U bit  is  set  to  1)
              received (no duplicate chunks included).

              The number of user messages that have to be fragmented because of the MTU.

              The number of user messages reassembled, after conversion into DATA chunks.

              The number of SCTP packets sent. Retransmitted DATA chunks are included.

              The number of SCTP packets received. Duplicates are included.

              The number of timer T1 INIT expired.

              The number of timer T1 COOKIE-ECHO expired.

              The number of timer T2 SHUTDOWN expired.

              The number of timer T3 RTX expired.

              The number of timer T4 RTO expired.

              The number of timer T5 SHUTDOWN GUARD expired.

              The number of timer DELAY_SACK expired.

              The number of timer AUTOCLOSE expired.

              The number of T3 timer retransmission.

              The number of PMTUD retransmission.

              The number of FAST retransmission.

              The number of SCTP packets received in Softirq.

              The number of SCTP packets received in Backlog.

              The number of SCTP packets discarded in receiving.

              The number of SCTP data chunks discarded in receiving.


       The  ancillary  data  is  carried  in msg_control field of struct msghdr, which is used in
       sendmsg(2) and recvmsg(2) call. The SCTP stack uses the ancillary data to communicate  the
       attributes, such as SCTP_RCVINFO, of the message stored in msg_iov to the socket endpoint.
       Each ancillary data item is preceded by a struct cmsghdr, see cmsg(3).  The different cmsg
       types  for  SCTP are listed below, and all these related macros and structures are defined
       in /usr/include/netinet/sctp.h.

              This cmsg provides information for initializing new SCTP associations for sendmsg()
              with  struct  sctp_initmsg,  which is the same as SCTP_INITMSG socket option's data

              This  cmsg  specifies  SCTP  options  for  sendmsg()  and  describes  SCTP   header
              information about a received message through recvmsg() with struct sctp_sndrcvinfo.
              It mixes the send and receive path, and SCTP_SNDINFO and  SCTP_RCVINFO  split  this
              information,  so  these structures should be used, when possible, since SCTP_SNDRCV
              is deprecated.  sctp_sendmsg(3) and sctp_send(3) provide a simple way to  use  this

              Note  that an application must use the SCTP_RECVRCVINFO socket option to enable the
              delivery of this information.

              This cmsg specifies SCTP options for  SCTP  header  information  about  a  received
              message  via  recvmsg()  with  struct  sctp_extrcvinfo,  and  this  structure is an
              extended version of SCTP_SNDRCV. Note that data in the next message  is  not  valid
              unless  the  current  message  is completely read, i.e., unless the MSG_EOR is set.
              SCTP_NXTINFO  should  be  used  when  possible,  since  SCTP_EXTRCV  is  considered
              deprecated.  sctp_recvmsg(3) provides a simple way to use this cmsg.

              Note  that an application must use the SCTP_RECVNXTINFO socket option to enable the
              delivery of this information.

              These cmsgs describe SCTP receive information  about  a  received  message  through
              recvmsg()  with  struct  sctp_rcvinfo,  and  SCTP  receive  information of the next
              message that will be delivered through recvmsg() if  this  information  is  already
              available   when   delivering   the   current  message  with  struct  sctp_nxtinfo.
              sctp_recvv(3) provides a simple way to use these cmsgs.

              Note that an application must use the SCTP_RECVRCVINFO and SCTP_RECVNXTINFO  socket
              options accordingly to enable the delivery of this information.

              These  cmsgs specifie a couple of SCTP options for sendmsg() for SEND, PRSCTP, AUTH
              and DSTADDR information with struct sctp_sndinfo,  sctp_prinfo,  sctp_authinfo  and
              in(6)_addr accordingly.  sctp_sendv(3) provides a simple way to use these cmsgs.


       An  SCTP  application  may need to understand and process events and errors that happen on
       the SCTP stack. These events include network status changes, association startups,  remote
       operational  errors,  and  undeliverable messages.  When a notification arrives, recvmsg()
       returns the notification in the application-supplied data buffer  via  msg_iov,  and  sets
       MSG_NOTIFICATION  in  msg_flags.  See socket option SCTP_EVENT for the event enabling. The
       different events are listed below, and all these related macros and structures are defined
       in /usr/include/netinet/sctp.h.

              Communication  notifications  inform  the  application that an SCTP association has
              either begun or ended. The notification format is struct sctp_assoc_change.

              When a destination address of a multi-homed peer encounters a state change, a  peer
              address change event is sent. The notification format is struct sctp_paddr_change.

              A  remote  peer  may  send  an  Operation  Error message to its peer.  This message
              indicates a variety of error conditions on an association.  The notification format
              is struct sctp_remote_error.

              If  SCTP cannot deliver a message, it can return back the message as a notification
              if the SCTP_SEND_FAILED  event  is  enabled.  The  notification  format  is  struct
              sctp_send_failed.   Please   note   that   this  notification  is  deprecated.  Use
              SCTP_SEND_FAILED_EVENT instead.

              When a peer sends a  SHUTDOWN,  SCTP  delivers  this  notification  to  inform  the
              application  that  it  should cease sending data. The notification format is struct

              When a peer sends an Adaptation Layer  Indication  parameter,  SCTP  delivers  this
              notification   to   inform  the  application  about  the  peer's  adaptation  layer
              indication. The notification format is struct sctp_adaptation_event.

              When a receiver is engaged in a partial delivery of a  message,  this  notification
              will  be  used  to  indicate  various  events.  The  notification  format is struct

              This is used to report different events relating to the use  of  the  extension  to
              authenticate SCTP messages. The notification format is struct sctp_authkey_event.

              When  the SCTP stack has no more user data to send or retransmit, this notification
              is given to the user.  Also, at the time when a user app subscribes to this  event,
              if  there  is  no data to be sent or retransmit, the stack will immediately send up
              this notification. The notification format is struct sctp_sender_dry_event.

              If SCTP cannot deliver a message, it can return back the message as a  notification
              if  the  SCTP_SEND_FAILED_EVENT event is enabled. The notification format is struct


       To set or get a SCTP socket option, call getsockopt(2) to read or setsockopt(2)  to  write
       the option with the option level argument set to SOL_SCTP.  Note that all these macros and
       structures described for parameters are defined in  /usr/include/netinet/sctp.h,  and  for
       one-to-one style sockets a specified assoc_id works the same as SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.

              This  option  is  used to get or set the protocol parameters used to initialize and
              bound retransmission timeout(RTO).

              The parameter type is struct sctp_rtoinfo, for reading and writing.   srto_assoc_id
              is a specified assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.

              Default:     srto_max=sysctl_net.sctp.rto_max,    srto_min=sysctl_net.sctp.rto_min,

              This option is used to both  examine  and  set  various  association  and  endpoint

              The   parameter   type   is  struct  sctp_assocparams,  for  reading  and  writing.
              sasoc_assoc_id is a specified assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC. Note that some  fields
              of this structure are for reading only:

                struct sctp_assocparams {
                        sctp_assoc_t    sasoc_assoc_id;
                        __u16           sasoc_asocmaxrxt; (RW)
                        __u16           sasoc_number_peer_destinations; (R)
                        __u32           sasoc_peer_rwnd; (R)
                        __u32           sasoc_local_rwnd; (R)
                        __u32           sasoc_cookie_life; (RW)

              Default:                  sasoc_asocmaxrxt=sysctl_net.sctp.association_max_retrans,

              This option is used  to  get  or  set  the  protocol  parameters  for  the  default
              association initialization.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_initmsg, for reading and writing.

              Default:               sinit_num_ostreams=10,               sinit_max_instreams=10,

              Turn on/off any Nagle-like algorithm. This means that packets are generally sent as
              soon as possible and no unnecessary delays are introduced,  at  the  cost  of  more
              packets in the network.

              The parameter type is int boolean, for reading and writing.

              Default: 0.

              This socket option is applicable to the one-to-many style socket only.  When set it
              will cause associations that are idle for more than the specified number of seconds
              to  automatically  close.  An association being idle is defined an association that
              has NOT sent or received user data within a period.

              The parameter type is int(seconds), for reading and writing. 0  indicates  that  no
              automatic close of any associations should be performed.

              Default: sysctl_net.sctp.max_autoclose.

              Requests  that  the  peer mark the enclosed address as the association primary. The
              enclosed address must be one of the association's locally bound addresses.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_setpeerprim, for writing only.  sspp_assoc_id  is
              a specified assoc_id.

              Default: the 1st local address added.  Require: SCTP_ASCONF_SUPPORTED.

              Requests that the local SCTP stack use the enclosed peer address as the association
              primary. The enclosed address must be one of the association peer's addresses.

              The parameter type is  struct  sctp_prim,  for  writing  only.  ssp_assoc_id  is  a
              specified assoc_id.

              Default: the 1st peer address added.  Require: SCTP_ASCONF_SUPPORTED.

              If  enabled  no  SCTP message fragmentation will be performed. Instead if a message
              being sent exceeds the current PMTU size, the message will NOT be sent and an error
              will be indicated to the user.

              The parameter type is int boolean, for reading and writing.

              Default: 0.

              Using  this  option,  applications  can  enable  or disable heartbeats for any peer
              address of  an  association,  modify  an  address's  heartbeat  interval,  force  a
              heartbeat  to  be  sent  immediately,  and  adjust  the address's maximum number of
              retransmissions sent before an address is considered unreachable.

              The  parameter  type  is  struct  sctp_paddrparams,  for   reading   and   writing.
              spp_address  is  a  specified  transport  address or 0, spp_assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.

              Default:                                    hbinterval=sysctl_net.sctp.hb_interval,
              pathmaxrxt=sysctl_net.sctp.path_max_retrans,                   pathmtu=dev/route's,
              param_flags=HB_ENABLE|PMTUD_ENABLE|SACKDELAY_ENABLE, flowlabel=0, dscp=0.

              Applications  that  wish  to  use  the  sendto()  system call may wish to specify a
              default set of parameters that would normally be supplied through the inclusion  of
              ancillary data. This option has been obsoleted by SCTP_DEFAULT_SNDINFO.

              The  parameter  type  is  struct  sctp_sndrcvinfo. For reading, sinfo_assoc_id is a
              specified assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC. For writing, sinfo_assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id or SCTP_{FUTURE|CURRENT|ALL}_ASSOC.

              Default:   default_stream=0,  default_flags=0,  default_ppid=0,  default_context=0,

              This socket option is used to specify various notifications and ancillary data  the
              user wishes to receive. This option has been obsoleted by SCTP_EVENT.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_event_subscribe, for reading and writing.

              Default: 0.

              This socket option is used to turn on or off mapped V4 addresses. If this option is
              turned on and the socket is type PF_INET6, then IPv4 addresses will be mapped to V6
              representation.  If  this  option is turned off, then no mapping will be done of V4
              addresses and a user will receive both PF_INET6 and PF_INET type addresses  on  the

              The parameter type is int boolean, for reading and writing.

              Default: 1.

              This  socket  option  specifies  the  maximum size to put in any outgoing SCTP DATA
              chunk. If a message is larger than this size it will be fragmented by SCTP into the
              specified  size.  Note  that  the  underlying SCTP implementation may fragment into
              smaller sized chunks when the PMTU of the underlying association  is  smaller  than
              the  value  set by the user. 0 indicates the user is NOT limiting fragmentation and
              only the PMTU will effect SCTP's choice of DATA chunk size.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_assoc_value, for reading and  writing.   assoc_id
              is a specified assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.

              Default: 0(no limit).

              Applications   can  retrieve  current  status  information  about  an  association,
              including association state, peer receiver window  size,  number  of  unacked  data
              chunks, and number of data chunks pending receipt.

              The  parameter  type  is  struct sctp_status, for reading only. sstat_assoc_id is a
              specified assoc_id.

              Applications  can  retrieve  information  about  a  specific  peer  address  of  an
              association,   including   its   reachability   state,   congestion   window,   and
              retransmission timer values.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_paddrinfo, for reading only. spinfo_address is  a
              specified   transport   address,   sas_assoc_id   is   a   specified   assoc_id  or

              Applications can retrieve current statistics about an association, including  SACKs
              sent and received, SCTP packets sent and received.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_assoc_stats, for reading only.  sas_assoc_id is a
              specified assoc_id.

              These options will affect the way delayed  SACKs  are  performed.  They  allow  the
              application  to  get  or set the delayed SACK time, in milliseconds, and also allow
              changing the delayed SACK frequency. Changing  the  frequency  to  1  disables  the
              delayed SACK algorithm. Note that if sack_delay or sack_freq is 0 when setting this
              option, the current values will remain unchanged.

              The parameter type is  struct  sctp_sack_info.  For  reading,  sack_assoc_id  is  a
              specified  assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC. For writing, sack_assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id or SCTP_{FUTURE|CURRENT|ALL}_ASSOC.

              Default: sackdelay=sysctl_net.sctp.sack_timeout,sackfreq=2.

              This option allows the setting, on an association basis, of a default context  that
              will be received on reading messages from the peer.  This is especially helpful for
              an application when using one-to-many style sockets to keep some  reference  to  an
              internal  state  machine that is processing messages on the association.  Note that
              the setting of this value only affects received messages from the peer and does not
              affect the value that is saved with outbound messages.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_assoc_value. For reading, assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC. For writing, assoc_id is  a  specified  assoc_id  or

              Default: 0.

              Fragmented  interleave  controls  how  the  presentation of messages occurs for the
              message receiver. There are three levels of fragment interleave defined:  level  0:
              SCTP_FRAGMENT_INTERLEAVE  =  0;  level  1:  SCTP_FRAGMENT_INTERLEAVE  = 1; level 2:

              The parameter type is int boolean, for reading and writing.

              Default: 0.

              This option will set or get the SCTP partial delivery point.   This  point  is  the
              size  of  a  message where the partial delivery API will be invoked to help free up
              rwnd space for the peer.   Setting  this  to  a  lower  value  will  cause  partial
              deliveries  to happen more often.  This option expects an integer that sets or gets
              the partial delivery point in bytes.  Note also that the call will fail if the user
              attempts  to  set  this value larger than the socket receive buffer size. Note that
              any single message having a length smaller  than  or  equal  to  the  SCTP  partial
              delivery point will be delivered in a single read call as long as the user-provided
              buffer is large enough to hold the message.

              The parameter type is uint32_t, for reading and writing.

              Default: 0.

              This option will allow a user to change the maximum burst of packets  that  can  be
              emitted by this association.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_assoc_value. For reading, assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC. For writing, assoc_id is  a  specified  assoc_id  or

              Default: sysctl_net.sctp.max_burst.

              This option adds a chunk type that the user is requesting to be received only in an
              authenticated way, and it only affects the future associations.

              The parameter type is struct sauth_chunk, for writing only.

              Default: no chunks.  Require: SCTP_AUTH_SUPPORTED.  RFC: RFC4895.

              This option gets or sets the list of  Hashed  Message  Authentication  Code  (HMAC)
              algorithms that the local endpoint requires the peer to use.

              The  parameter type is struct sctp_hmacalgo, for reading and writing.  shmac_idents
              can include SCTP_AUTH_HMAC_ID_{SHA1|SHA256}.

              Default: SCTP_AUTH_HMAC_ID_SHA1.  Require: SCTP_AUTH_SUPPORTED.

              This option will set a shared secret key that  is  used  to  build  an  association
              shared key.

              The  parameter  type  is  struct  sctp_authkey, for writing only. sca_assoc_id is a
              specified assoc_id or SCTP_{FUTURE|CURRENT|ALL}_ASSOC.

              Default: null_key.  Require: SCTP_AUTH_SUPPORTED.

              This option will get or set  the  active  shared  key  to  be  used  to  build  the
              association shared key.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_authkeyid, for writing only.  scact_assoc_id is a
              specified assoc_id or SCTP_{FUTURE|CURRENT|ALL}_ASSOC.

              Default: 0.  Require: SCTP_AUTH_SUPPORTED.

              This set option indicates that the application will no longer  send  user  messages
              using the indicated key identifier.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_authkeyid, for writing only.  scact_assoc_id is a
              specified assoc_id or SCTP_{FUTURE|CURRENT|ALL}_ASSOC.

              Require: SCTP_AUTH_SUPPORTED.

              This set option will delete an SCTP association's shared secret key that  has  been

              The parameter type is struct sctp_authkeyid, for writing only.  scact_assoc_id is a
              specified assoc_id or SCTP_{FUTURE|CURRENT|ALL}_ASSOC.

              Require: SCTP_AUTH_SUPPORTED.

              This option gets a list of chunk types for a specified association  that  the  peer
              requires to be received authenticated only.

              The  parameter type is struct sctp_authchunks, for reading only.  gauth_assoc_id is
              a specified assoc_id.

              Require: SCTP_AUTH_SUPPORTED.

              This option gets a list of chunk types for a specified association that  the  local
              endpoint requires to be received authenticated only.

              The  parameter type is struct sctp_authchunks, for reading only.  gauth_assoc_id is
              a specified assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.

              Require: SCTP_AUTH_SUPPORTED.

              This option gets the current number of associations that are attached to a  one-to-
              many  style  socket. Note that this number is only a snapshot.  This means that the
              number of associations may have changed  when  the  caller  gets  back  the  option

              The parameter type is uint32_t, for reading only.

              This  option  gets  the  current  list  of SCTP association identifiers of the SCTP
              associations handled by a one-to-many style socket. It uses  struct  sctp_assoc_ids
              and  must provide a large enough buffer to hold all association identifiers. If the
              buffer  is  too  small,  an  error  must  be  returned.  The  user  can   use   the
              SCTP_GET_ASSOC_NUMBER  socket  option to get an idea of how large the buffer has to

              The parameter type is struct sctp_assoc_ids, for reading only.

              Applications  can  control  the  exposure   of   the   PF   path   state   in   the
              SCTP_PEER_ADDR_CHANGE  event,  and  if  pf_expose is not 'enabled', no notification
              will be sent for a  transport  state  change  to  SCTP_PF.   It  also  affects  the
              SCTP_GET_PEER_ADDR_INFO  socket  option,  and if pf_expose is 'disabled', users can
              not access the transport info via SCTP_GET_PEER_ADDR_INFO option.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_assoc_value, for reading and  writing.   assoc_id
              is a specified assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.

              Default: sysctl_net.sctp.pf_expose.

              Applications  can  control the SCTP-PF behavior by getting or setting the number of
              consecutive timeouts before a peer address is considered PF or unreachable..

              The parameter type is struct sctp_paddrthlds, for reading and writing.  spt_address
              is  a  specified  transport  address  or 0, spt_assoc_id is a specified assoc_id or

              Default:                               pathmaxrxt=sysctl_net.sctp.path_max_retrans,

              Similar to SCTP_PEER_ADDR_THLDS, but it can also be used by applications to set and
              get the number of timeouts before the primary path is changed automatically by  the
              Primary Path Switchover function.

              The   parameter  type  is  struct  sctp_paddrthlds_v2,  for  reading  and  writing.
              spt_address is a specified transport address or  0,  spt_assoc_id  is  a  specified
              assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.

              Default:                               pathmaxrxt=sysctl_net.sctp.path_max_retrans,
              ps_retrans=sysctl_net.sctp.ps_retrans, pf_retrans=sysctl_net.sctp.pf_retrans.

              Setting this option specifies that SCTP_RCVINFO (SCTP receive information  about  a
              received  message) is returned as ancillary data by recvmsg(). See CONTROL MSGS for
              more details.

              The parameter type is int, for reading and writing.

              Default: 0.

              Setting this option specifies that SCTP_NXTINFO (SCTP receive  information  of  the
              next  message)  is  returned  as  ancillary data by recvmsg(). See CONTROL MSGS for

              The parameter type is int, for reading and writing.

              Default: 0.

              This option obsoletes SCTP_DEFAULT_SEND_PARAM.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_sndinfo. For reading, snd_assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC. For writing, snd_assoc_id is a specified assoc_id or

              Default: default_stream=0, default_flags=0, default_ppid=0, default_context=0.

              This option is similar to  the  socket  level  option  SO_REUSEADDR,  besides  only
              supports one-to-one style SCTP sockets and must not be used after calling bind() or

              The parameter type is int, for reading and writing.

              Default: 0.

              This option allows the user to bind a specific subset of addresses or, if the  SCTP
              extension  ASCONF is supported (see SCTP_ASCONF_SUPPORTED), add specific addresses.
              The API sctp_bindx() is based on this.

              The parameter type is struct sockaddr[], for writing only.

              Similar  to  SCTP_SOCKOPT_BINDX_ADD,  but  delete  specific  addresses.   The   API
              sctp_bindx() is based on this.

              The parameter type is struct sockaddr[], for writing only.

              This  option  branches  off an UDP type association into a separate socket returned
              back to users. The API sctp_peeloff() is based on this option.

              The parameter type is sctp_peeloff_arg_t, for reading only. associd is a  specified

              Peel  off  an  UDP  type  association from a socket similar to SCTP_SOCKOPT_PEELOFF
              option, but it allows the flags like O_CLOEXEC  and  O_NONBLOCK  to  be  used  when
              creating the new socket. The API sctp_peeloff_flags() is based on this option.

              The  parameter  type  is  sctp_peeloff_flags_arg_t,  for reading only. associd is a
              specified assoc_id.

              This option allows a user to specify multiple addresses at  which  a  peer  can  be
              reached,  and  the  kernel  stack  will  use  the  list  of addresses to set up the
              association. The API sctp_connectx() is based on this option.

              The parameter type is struct sockaddr[], for writing only.

              Similar to SCTP_SOCKOPT_CONNECTX_OLD, but it returns the new assoc's id.   The  API
              sctp_connectx2() is based on this option.

              The  parameter  type  is struct sockaddr[], for writing only. The new assoc's id is
              passed to users by the return value.

              Similar to SCTP_SOCKOPT_CONNECTX, but it uses different  type  parameter.  The  API
              sctp_connectx3() is based on this option.

              The  parameter  type is struct sctp_getaddrs_old, for reading only. assoc_id is set
              to the new assoc's id by kernel and passed to users.

              This option is used  to  gets  all  peer  addresses  in  an  association.  The  API
              sctp_getpaddrs() is based on this option.

              The  parameter  type  is  struct  sctp_getaddrs,  for  reading  only. assoc_id is a
              specified assoc_id.

              This option is used  to  get  all  local  addresses  in  an  association.  The  API
              sctp_getladdrs() is based on this option.

              The  parameter  type  is  struct  sctp_getaddrs,  for  reading  only. assoc_id is a
              specified assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.

              This option requests that the local endpoint set  the  specified  Adaptation  Layer
              Indication parameter for all future INIT and INIT-ACK exchanges.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_setadaptation, for reading and writing.

              Default: 0.

              This option obsoletes SCTP_EVENTS socket option, and it can set or get one specific
              type of event for a specified association.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_event. For reading, se_assoc_id  is  a  specified
              assoc_id  or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC. For writing, se_assoc_id is a specified assoc_id or
              SCTP_{FUTURE|CURRENT|ALL}_ASSOC. se_type can be one of enum sctp_sn_type.

              Default: 0.

              This socket option allows the enabling or disabling of the negotiation  of  PR-SCTP
              support for future associations.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_assoc_value. For reading, assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC. For writing, assoc_id is SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.

              Default: sysctl_net.sctp.prsctp_enable.  RFC: RFC7496.

              This option sets and gets the default parameters for PR-SCTP.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_default_prinfo. For  reading,  pr_assoc_id  is  a
              specified  assoc_id  or  SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC. For writing, pr_assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id     or     SCTP_{FUTURE|CURRENT|ALL}_ASSOC.     pr_policy      can      be

              Default: SCTP_PR_SCTP_NONE.  Require: SCTP_DEFAULT_PRINFO.

              This option is used to get Association-Specific PR-SCTP Status.

              The  parameter type is struct sctp_prstatus, for reading only.  sprstat_assoc_id is
              a specified assoc_id, sprstat_policy can be SCTP_PR_SCTP_{TTL|RTX|PRIO|ALL}.

              This option is used to get Stream-Specific PR-SCTP Status.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_prstatus, for reading only.  sprstat_assoc_id  is
              a specified assoc_id, sprstat_policy can be SCTP_PR_SCTP_{TTL|RTX|PRIO|ALL}.

              Enable  the  Stream  Reconfiguration(RECONF)  for  the  future  associations.   For
              different type of requests enabling, see SCTP_ENABLE_STREAM_RESET option.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_assoc_value. For reading, assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC. For writing, assoc_id is SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.

              Default: sysctl_net.sctp.reconf_enable.  RFC: RFC6525.

              This  option  allows  a  user  to  control  whether  the kernel processes or denies
              incoming requests in RECONF chunks.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_assoc_value. For reading, assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id  or  SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.  For  writing, assoc_id is a specified assoc_id or
              SCTP_{FUTURE|CURRENT|ALL}_ASSOC.           assoc_value            can            be

              Default: 0.  Require: SCTP_RECONFIG_SUPPORTED.

              This  option  allows  the  user  to  request  the reset of incoming and/or outgoing

              The parameter type is struct sctp_reset_streams, for writing only.  srs_assoc_id is
              a specified assoc_id.

              Require: SCTP_ENABLE_STREAM_RESET.

              This option allows a user to request the reset of the SSN/TSN.

              The parameter type is sctp_assoc_t, for writing only. It is a specified assoc_id.

              Require: SCTP_ENABLE_STREAM_RESET.

              This  option  allows  a user to request the addition of a number of incoming and/or
              outgoing streams.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_add_streams, for writing only.  sas_assoc_id is a
              specified assoc_id.

              Require: SCTP_ENABLE_STREAM_RESET.

              This option is used to select a stream scheduler for data sending.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_assoc_value. For reading, assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC. For writing, assoc_id is  a  specified  assoc_id  or
              SCTP_{FUTURE|CURRENT|ALL}_ASSOC. assoc_value can be SCTP_SS_{FCFS|PRIO|RR|FC|WFQ}.

              Default: SCTP_SS_FCFS.  RFC: RFC8260.

              Some  stream  schedulers  require  additional  information to be set for individual

              The parameter type is struct sctp_assoc_value. For reading, assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id. For writing, assoc_id is a specified assoc_id or SCTP_CURRENT_ASSOC.

              Require: SCTP_STREAM_SCHEDULER.

              This  socket  option  allows  the  enabling or disabling of the negotiation of user
              message interleaving support for future associations.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_assoc_value. For reading, assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC. For writing, assoc_id is SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.

              Default:  sysctl_net.sctp.intl_enable.   Require:  SCTP_FRAGMENT_INTERLEAVE.   RFC:

              Enable the Dynamic Address Reconfiguration(ASCONF) for the future associations.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_assoc_value. For reading, assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC. For writing, assoc_id is SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.

              Default: sysctl_net.sctp.addip_enable.  RFC: RFC5061.

              This  option  will  enable or disable the use of the automatic generation of ASCONF
              chunks to add and delete addresses to an  existing  association.   Note  that  this
              option  has  two  caveats,  namely a) it only affects sockets that are bound to all
              addresses available to the SCTP stack, and b) the system administrator may have  an
              overriding  control  that  turns  the ASCONF feature off no matter what setting the
              socket option may have.

              The parameter type is int boolean, for reading and writing.

              Default: sysctl_net.sctp.default_auto_asconf.

              Enable AUTH for the future associations.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_assoc_value. For reading, assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC. For writing, ssoc_id is SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.

              Default: sysctl_net.sctp.auth_enable.  RFC: RFC4895.

              Enable ECN for the future associations.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_assoc_value. For reading, assoc_id is a specified
              assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC. For writing, assoc_id is SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.

              Default: sysctl_net.sctp.ecn_enable.

              This option is used to set the encapsulation port(a remote listening or dest  port)
              for  SCTP  over  UDP, which allows SCTP traffic to pass through legacy NATs that do
              not provide native SCTP support.

              The parameter type is struct sctp_udpencaps, for reading and writing.   sue_address
              is  a  specified  transport  address  or 0, sue_assoc_id is a specified assoc_id or

              Default: sysctl_net.sctp.encap_port.  RFC: RFC6951.

              This option is used to configure the PROBE_INTERVAL  for  the  Packetization  Layer
              Path MTU Discovery(PLPMTUD). It can be set to a value >= 5000 or 0(disabled).

              The   parameter  type  is  struct  sctp_probeinterval,  for  reading  and  writing.
              spi_address is a specified transport address or  0,  spi_assoc_id  is  a  specified
              assoc_id or SCTP_FUTURE_ASSOC.

              Default: 0(disabled).  RFC: RFC8899.


       Sridhar Samudrala <>


       socket(7),  socket(2),  ip(7),  bind(2),  listen(2),  accept(2),  connect(2),  sendmsg(2),
       recvmsg(2), sysctl(2), getsockopt(2),  sctp_bindx(3),  sctp_connectx(3),  sctp_sendmsg(3),
       sctp_sendv(3),     sctp_send(3),    sctp_recvmsg(3),    sctp_recvv(3),    sctp_peeloff(3),
       sctp_getladdrs(3), sctp_getpaddrs(3), sctp_opt_info(3).

       RFC2960, RFC3309 for the SCTP specification.