Provided by: libcap-ng-utils_0.8.5-1_amd64 bug


       captest - a program to demonstrate capabilities


       captest [ --ambient --drop-all | --drop-caps | --id ] [ --init-grp ] [ --lock ] [ --text ]


       captest  is  a  program that demonstrates and prints out the current process capabilities.
       Each option prints the same report. It will output current capabilities. then it will  try
       to  access  /etc/shadow  directly  to  show  if  that can be done. Then it creates a child
       process that attempts to read /etc/shadow and outputs the results of that. Then it outputs
       the capabilities that a child process would have.

       You  can  also  apply file system capabilities to this program to study how they work. For
       example, filecap /usr/bin/captest chown. Then  run  captest  as  a  normal  user.  Another
       interesting  test is to make captest suid root so that you can see what the interaction is
       between root's credentials and capabilities. For  example,  chmod  4755  /usr/bin/captest.
       When  run  as a normal user, the program will see if privilege escalation is possible. But
       do not leave this app setuid root after you are don testing so  that  an  attacker  cannot
       take advantage of it.


              This attempts to add CAP_CHOWN ambient capability.

              This drops all capabilities including ambient and clears the bounding set.

              This drops just traditional capabilities.

       --id   This  changes to uid and gid 99, drops supplemental groups, and clears the bounding

              This changes to uid and gid 99 and then adds any  supplemental  groups  that  comes
              with  that  account.  You  would  have add them prior to testing because by default
              there are no supplemental groups on account 99.

       --text This option outputs the effective capabilities in text rather than numerically.

       --lock This prevents the ability for child processes to regain privileges if the uid is 0.


       filecap(8), capabilities(7)


       Steve Grubb