Provided by: mingetty_1.08-7_amd64 bug


       mingetty - minimal getty for consoles


       mingetty     [--noclear]    [--nonewline]    [--noissue]    [--nohangup]    [--nohostname]
       [--long-hostname]   [--loginprog=/bin/login]   [--nice=10]   [--delay=5]   [--chdir=/home]
       [--chroot=/chroot] [--autologin username] [--loginpause] tty


       mingetty  is  a  minimal getty for use on virtual consoles.  Unlike agetty(8), mingetty is
       not suitable for serial lines.  I recommend using mgetty(8) for this purpose.


              Do not clear the screen before prompting for the login name (the screen is normally

              Do not print a newline before writing out /etc/issue.

              Do not output /etc/issue.

              Do not call vhangup() to disable writing to this tty by other applications.

              Do not print the hostname before the login prompt.

              By  default  the  hostname  is  only printed until the first dot.  With this option
              enabled, the full text from gethostname() is shown.

       --loginprog /bin/login
              Change the login app.

       --nice 10
              Change the priority by calling nice().

       --delay 5
              Sleep this many seconds after startup of mingetty.

       --chdir /home
              Change into this directory before calling the login prog.

       --chroot /chroot
              Call chroot() with this directory name.

       --autologin username
              Log the specified user automatically  in  without  asking  for  a  login  name  and
              password. Check the -f option from /bin/login for this.

              Wait  for  any  key  before  dropping  to  the  login prompt.  Can be combined with
              --autologin to save memory by lazily spawning shells.


       mingetty recognizes the following  escapes  sequences  which  might  be  embedded  in  the
       /etc/issue file:

       \d     insert current day (localtime),

       \l     insert line on which mingetty is running,

       \m     inserts machine architecture (uname -m),

       \n     inserts machine's network node hostname (uname -n),

       \o     inserts domain name,

       \r     inserts operating system release (uname -r),

       \t     insert current time (localtime),

       \s     inserts operating system name,

       \u     resp.  \U the current number of users which are currently logged in.  \U inserts "n
              users", where as \u only inserts "n".

       \v     inserts operating system version (uname -v).


       "Linux eos i386 #1 Tue Mar 19 21:54:09 MET 1996" was  produced  by  putting  "\s \n \m \v"
       into /etc/issue.


       /etc/issue, /var/run/utmp.


       mgetty(8), agetty(8).


       Copyright  ©  1996  Florian La Roche <>.  Man-page written by David Frey
       <> and Florian La Roche.