Provided by: f2fs-tools_1.16.0-1.1_amd64 bug


       mkfs.f2fs - create an F2FS file system


       mkfs.f2fs  [  -a  heap-based-allocation  ]  [  -c  device-list  ]  [ -d debug-level ] [ -e
       extension-list ] [ -E extension-list ] [ -f ] [ -g default-options ] [ -i ] [  -l  volume-
       label  ]  [  -m  ]  [  -o  overprovision-ratio-percentage  ]  [  -O  feature-list  ]  [ -C
       encoding:flags ] [ -q ] [ -r ] [ -R root_owner ] [ -s #-of-segments-per-section ] [ -S ] [
       -t  nodiscard/discard ] [ -T timestamp ] [ -w wanted-sector-size ] [ -z #-of-sections-per-
       zone ] [ -V ] device [sectors]


       mkfs.f2fs is used to create a f2fs file system (usually in a disk partition).   device  is
       the  special  file  corresponding  to the device (e.g.  /dev/sdXX).  sectors is optionally
       given for specifying the filesystem size.

       The exit code returned by mkfs.f2fs is 0 on success and 1 on failure.


       -a heap-based-allocation
              Specify 1 or 0 to enable/disable heap based block allocation policy.  If the  value
              is equal to 1, each of active log areas are initially assigned separately according
              to the whole volume size.  The default value is 1.

       -c device-list
              Build f2fs with these additional comma separated devices, so that the user can  see
              all the devices as one big volume.  Supports up to 7 devices except meta device.

       -d debug-level
              Specify the level of debugging options.  The default number is 0, which shows basic
              debugging messages.

       -e extension-list
              Specify a list of file extensions that f2fs will treat as cold files.  The data  of
              files  with  those  extensions  will  be  stored in the cold log.  The default list
              includes most of the multimedia file extensions such as jpg, gif, mpeg, mkv, and so

       -E extension-list
              Specify  a  list of file extensions that f2fs will treat as hot files.  The data of
              files with those extensions will be stored  in  the  hot  log.   The  default  list
              includes database file extensions, such as db.

       -f     Force overwrite when an existing filesystem is detected on the device.  By default,
              mkfs.f2fs will not write to the device if it suspects that there is a filesystem or
              partition table on the device already.

       -g default-options
              Use a default set of options.  The following values are supported:

                   android     Use  default  options for Android having "-d1 -f -w 4096 -R 0:0 -O
                               encrypt -O project_quota,extra_attr,{quota} -O verity".

       -i     Enable extended node bitmap.

       -l volume-label
              Specify the volume label to the partition mounted as F2FS.

       -m     Specify f2fs filesystem to supports the  block  zoned  feature.   Without  it,  the
              filesystem doesn't support the feature.

       -o overprovision-ratio-percentage
              Specify the percentage of the volume that will be used as overprovision area.  This
              area is hidden to users, and utilized by F2FS cleaner. If not specified,  the  best
              number will be assigned automatically according to the partition size.

       -O feature-list
              Set  additional  features for the filesystem. Features are comma separated, and the
              flag can be repeated. The following features are supported:

                   encrypt     Enable support for filesystem level encryption.

                   extra_attr  Enable  extra  attr  feature,  required  for  some  of  the  other

                               Enable  project  ID  tracking.  This  is  used  for  projet  quota
                               accounting. Requires extra attr.

                               Enable inode checksum. Requires extra attr.

                               Enable flexible inline xattr. Requires extra attr.

                   quota       Enable quotas.

                               Enable inode creation time feature. Requires extra attr.

                   lost_found  Enable lost+found feature.

                   verity      Enable support for verity protected files (a.k.a. fs-verity).

                   sb_checksum Enable superblock checksum.

                   casefold    Enable casefolding support in the filesystem. Optional  flags  can
                               be passed with -C

                   compression Enable  support  for  filesystem level compression. Requires extra

       -C encoding:flags
              Support casefolding with a specific encoding, with optional comma separated flags.


                               utf8        Use UTF-8 for casefolding.

                               strict      This flag specifies that  invalid  strings  should  be
                                           rejected by the filesystem.  Default is disabled.

       -q     Quiet  mode.   With  it,  mkfs.f2fs does not show any messages, including the basic

       -r     Sets the checkpointing srand seed to 0.

       -R     Give  root_owner  option  for  initial  uid/gid  assignment.   Default  is  set  by
              getuid()/getgid(), and assigned by "-R $uid:$gid".

       -s #-of-segments-per-section
              Specify  the  number  of  segments  per  section.  A  section  consists of multiple
              consecutive segments, and is the unit of garbage collection.  The default number is
              1, which means one segment is assigned to a section.

       -S     Enable sparse mode.

       -t 1/0 Specify  1  or  0  to  enable or disable discard policy, respectively.  The default
              value is 1.

       -T timestamp
              Set inodes times to a given timestamp. By default, the current time will  be  used.
              This behaviour corresponds to the value -1.

       -w wanted-sector-size
              Specify  the  sector  size in bytes.  Without it, the sectors will be calculated by
              device sector size.

       -z #-of-sections-per-zone
              Specify the number of sections per zone. A  zone  consists  of  multiple  sections.
              F2FS  allocates  segments for active logs with separated zones as much as possible.
              The default number is 1, which means a zone consists of one section.

              Number of sectors. Default is determined by device size.

       -V     Print the version number and exit.

       -h, --help
              Print usage and exit.


       This version of mkfs.f2fs has been written by Jaegeuk Kim <>.


       mkfs.f2fs is  available  from  git://


       mkfs(8), fsck.f2fs(8), dump.f2fs(8), defrag.f2fs(8), resize.f2fs(8), sload.f2fs(8).
