Provided by: llvm-19_19.1.0~++rc3-1~exp2ubuntu6_amd64 bug


       dsymutil - manipulate archived DWARF debug symbol files


       dsymutil [options] executable


       dsymutil  links  the  DWARF  debug information found in the object files for an executable
       executable by using debug symbols information contained in its symbol table.  By  default,
       the  linked  debug  information  is  placed  in  a  .dSYM bundle with the same name as the


       --accelerator=<accelerator type>
              Specify the desired type of accelerator table. Valid options are 'Apple',  'Dwarf',
              'Default' and 'None'.

       --arch <arch>
              Link   DWARF   debug   information  only  for  specified  CPU  architecture  types.
              Architectures may be specified by name. When using this option, an  error  will  be
              returned  if  any  architectures  can  not  be properly linked.  This option can be
              specified multiple times, once for each desired architecture. All CPU architectures
              will  be linked by default and any architectures that can't be properly linked will
              cause dsymutil to return an error.

       --build-variant-suffix <suffix=buildvariant>
              Specify the build variant suffix used to build the executable file.  There  can  be
              multiple variants for the binary of a product, each built slightly differently. The
              most common build variants are 'debug' and 'profile'. Setting the DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX
              environment variable will cause dyld to load the specified variant at runtime.

              Dump  the executable's debug-map (the list of the object files containing the debug
              information) in YAML format and exit. No DWARF link will take place.

              -D <path>

              Specify a directory that contain dSYM files  to  search  for.   This  is  used  for
              mergeable  libraries,  so  dsymutil  knows where to look for dSYM files with  debug
              information about symbols present in those libraries.

              Use a 64-bit header when emitting universal binaries.

       --flat, -f
              Produce a flat dSYM file. A .dwarf extension will be  appended  to  the  executable
              name unless the output file is specified using the -o option.

              Generate   a   reproducer   consisting   of  the  input  object  files.  Alias  for

       --help, -h
              Print this help output.

              Make a static variable keep the enclosing function  even  if  it  would  have  been
              omitted otherwise.

       --minimize, -z
              When  used when creating a dSYM file, this option will suppress the emission of the
              .debug_inlines,  .debug_pubnames,  and  .debug_pubtypes  sections  since   dsymutil
              currently  has  better  equivalents:  .apple_names  and  .apple_types. When used in
              conjunction with --update option, this  option  will  cause  redundant  accelerator
              tables to be removed.

              Do not use ODR (One Definition Rule) for uniquing C++ types.

              Do the link in memory, but do not emit the result file.

              Don't check the timestamp for swiftmodule files.

       --num-threads <threads>, -j <threads>
              Specifies  the  maximum  number  (n)  of  simultaneous  threads to use when linking
              multiple architectures.

       --object-prefix-map <prefix=remapped>
              Remap object file paths (but no source paths)  before  processing.   Use  this  for
              Clang    objects   where   the   module   cache   location   was   remapped   using
              -fdebug-prefix-map; to help dsymutil find the Clang module cache.

       --oso-prepend-path <path>
              Specifies a path to prepend to all debug symbol object file paths.

       --out <filename>, -o <filename>
              Specifies an alternate path to place the dSYM bundle. The default dSYM bundle  path
              is created by appending .dSYM to the executable name.

       -q, --quiet
              Enable quiet mode and limit output.

              Drop  remarks  without  valid  debug locations. Without this flags, all remarks are

       --remarks-output-format <format>
              Specify the format to be used when serializing the linked remarks.

       --remarks-prepend-path <path>
              Specify a directory to prepend the paths of the external remark files.

       --reproducer <mode>
              Specify  the  reproducer  generation  mode.  Valid  options  are  'GenerateOnExit',
              'GenerateOnCrash', 'Use', 'Off'.

              Print  statistics  about  the  contribution of each object file to the linked debug
              info. This prints a table after linking with the object file name, the size of  the
              debug info in the object file (in bytes) and the size contributed (in bytes) to the
              linked dSYM. The table is sorted by the output size listing the object  files  with
              the largest contribution first.

       -s, --symtab
              Dumps the symbol table found in executable or object file(s) and exits.

       -S     Output textual assembly instead of a binary dSYM companion file.

       --toolchain <toolchain>
              Embed the toolchain in the dSYM bundle's property list.

       -u, --update
              Update  an  existing  dSYM  file to contain the latest accelerator tables and other
              DWARF optimizations. This option will rebuild the '.apple_names' and '.apple_types'
              hashed accelerator tables.

       --use-reproducer <path>
              Use the object files from the given reproducer path. Alias for --reproducer=Use.

              Display verbose information when linking.

              Run the DWARF verifier on the linked DWARF debug info.

       -v, --version
              Display the version of the tool.

       -y     Treat executable as a YAML debug-map rather than an executable.


       dsymutil  returns  0 if the DWARF debug information was linked successfully. Otherwise, it
       returns 1.




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       2003-2024, LLVM Project