Provided by: fwupd_1.9.24-1_amd64 bug


       fwupdmgr — firmware update manager client utility


       fwupdmgr [CMD]


       fwupdmgr  is  a command line fwupd client intended to be used interactively.  The terminal
       output between versions of fwupd is not guaranteed to  be  stable,  but  if  you  plan  on
       parsing the results then adding --json might be just what you need.

       There  are  also  graphical  tools  to  firmware  available  for  GNOME  and  KDE.   These
       applications may be more useful to many users compared to using the command line.

       • GNOME Software: <>

       • GNOME Firmware: <>

       • KDE Discover: <>

       On most systems fwupd is configured to download metadata from the  Linux  Vendor  Firmware
       Service  and  more  information  about  the  LVFS  is  available here:

       Most users who want to just update all devices to the  latest  versions  can  do  fwupdmgr
       refresh  and then fwupdmgr update.  At this point the system will asking for confirmation,
       update some devices, and may then reboot to deploy other updates offline.


       The fwupdmgr command takes various options depending on the action.  Run  fwupdmgr  --help
       for the full list.


       Commands that successfully execute will return “0”, with generic failure as “1”.

       There  are  also  several other exit codes used: A return code of “2” is used for commands
       that have no actions but were successfully executed, and “3” is used when a  resource  was
       not found.


       See GitHub Issues: <>


       <fwupdtool(1)> <fwupd.conf(5)>