Provided by: systemd_256.4-2ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       systemd-cgls - Recursively show control group contents


       systemd-cgls [OPTIONS...] [CGROUP...]

       systemd-cgls [OPTIONS...] --unit|--user-unit [UNIT...]


       systemd-cgls recursively shows the contents of the selected Linux control group hierarchy
       in a tree. If arguments are specified, shows all member processes of the specified control
       groups plus all their subgroups and their members. The control groups may either be
       specified by their full file paths or are assumed in the systemd control group hierarchy.
       If no argument is specified and the current working directory is beneath the control group
       mount point /sys/fs/cgroup/, shows the contents of the control group the working directory
       refers to. Otherwise, the full systemd control group hierarchy is shown.

       By default, empty control groups are not shown.


       The following options are understood:

           Do not hide empty control groups in the output.

       -l, --full
           Do not ellipsize process tree members.

           Added in version 198.

       -u, --unit
           Show cgroup subtrees for the specified units.

           Added in version 233.

           Show cgroup subtrees for the specified user units.

           Added in version 233.

           Include kernel threads in output.

       -M MACHINE, --machine=MACHINE
           Limit control groups shown to the part corresponding to the container MACHINE.

           Added in version 203.

       -x, --xattr=
           Controls whether to include information about extended attributes of the listed
           control groups in the output. With the long option, expects a boolean value. Defaults
           to no.

           Added in version 250.

       -c, --cgroup-id=
           Controls whether to include the numeric ID of the listed control groups in the output.
           With the long option, expects a boolean value. Defaults to no.

           Added in version 250.

       -h, --help
           Print a short help text and exit.

           Print a short version string and exit.

           Do not pipe output into a pager.


       On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise.


       systemd(1), systemctl(1), systemd-cgtop(1), systemd-nspawn(1), ps(1)