Provided by: systemd_256.4-2ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       systemd-ssh-proxy - SSH client plugin for connecting to AF_VSOCK and AF_UNIX sockets


       Host unix/* vsock/*
           ProxyCommand /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-ssh-proxy %h %p
           ProxyUseFdpass yes

       /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-ssh-proxy [ADDRESS] [PORT]


       systemd-ssh-proxy is a small "proxy" plugin for the ssh(1) tool that allows connecting to
       AF_UNIX and AF_VSOCK sockets. It implements the interface defined by ssh's ProxyCommand
       configuration option. It's supposed to be used with an ssh_config(5) configuration
       fragment like the following:

           Host unix/* vsock/*
               ProxyCommand /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-ssh-proxy %h %p
               ProxyUseFdpass yes
               CheckHostIP no

           Host .host
               ProxyCommand /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-ssh-proxy unix/run/ssh-unix-local/socket %p
               ProxyUseFdpass yes
               CheckHostIP no

       A configuration fragment along these lines is by default installed into

       With this in place, SSH connections to host string "unix/" followed by an absolute AF_UNIX
       file system path to a socket will be directed to the specified socket, which must be of
       type SOCK_STREAM. Similar, SSH connections to "vsock/" followed by an AF_VSOCK CID will
       result in an SSH connection made to that CID. Moreover connecting to ".host" will connect
       to the local host via SSH, without involving networking.

       This tool is supposed to be used together with systemd-ssh-generator(8) which when run
       inside a VM or container will bind SSH to suitable addresses.  systemd-ssh-generator is
       supposed to run in the container of VM guest, and systemd-ssh-proxy is run on the host, in
       order to connect to the container or VM guest.


       On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise.


       Example 1. Talk to a local VM with CID 4711

           ssh vsock/4711

       Example 2. Talk to the local host via ssh

           ssh .host

       or equivalent:

           ssh unix/run/ssh-unix-local/socket


       systemd(1), systemd-ssh-generator(8), vsock(7), unix(7), ssh(1), sshd(8)