Provided by: systemd_256.4-2ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       varlinkctl - Introspect with and invoke Varlink services


       varlinkctl [OPTIONS...] info ADDRESS

       varlinkctl [OPTIONS...] list-interfaces ADDRESS

       varlinkctl [OPTIONS...] introspect ADDRESS INTERFACE

       varlinkctl [OPTIONS...] call ADDRESS METHOD [ARGUMENTS]

       varlinkctl [OPTIONS...] validate-idl [FILE]


       varlinkctl may be used to introspect and invoke Varlink[1] services.

       Services are referenced by one of the following:

       •   A Varlink service reference starting with the "unix:" string, followed by an absolute
           AF_UNIX socket path, or by "@" and an arbitrary string (the latter for referencing
           sockets in the abstract namespace).

       •   A Varlink service reference starting with the "exec:" string, followed by an absolute
           path of a binary to execute.

       •   A Varlink service reference starting with the "ssh:" string, followed by an SSH host
           specification, followed by ":", followed by an absolute AF_UNIX socket path. (This
           requires OpenSSH 9.4 or newer on the server side, abstract namespace sockets are not

       For convenience these two simpler (redundant) service address syntaxes are also supported:

       •   A file system path to an AF_UNIX socket, either absolute (i.e. begins with "/") or
           relative (in which case it must begin with "./").

       •   A file system path to an executable, either absolute or relative (as above, must begin
           with "/", resp.  "./").


       The following commands are understood:

       info ADDRESS
           Show brief information about the specified service, including vendor name and list of
           implemented interfaces. Expects a service address in one of the formats described

           Added in version 255.

       list-interfaces ADDRESS
           Show list of interfaces implemented by the specified service. Expects a service
           address in one of the formats described above.

           Added in version 255.

       introspect ADDRESS INTERFACE
           Show interface definition of the specified interface provided by the specified
           service. Expects a service address in one of the formats described above and a Varlink
           interface name.

           Added in version 255.

           Call the specified method of the specified service. Expects a service address in the
           format described above, a fully qualified Varlink method name, and a JSON arguments
           object. If the arguments object is not specified, it is read from STDIN instead. To
           pass an empty list of parameters, specify the empty object "{}".

           The reply parameters are written as JSON object to STDOUT.

           Added in version 255.

       validate-idl [FILE]
           Reads a Varlink interface definition file, parses and validates it, then outputs it
           with syntax highlighting. This checks for syntax and internal consistency of the
           interface. Expects a file name to read the interface definition from. If omitted reads
           the interface definition from STDIN.

           Added in version 255.

           Show command syntax help.

           Added in version 255.


       The following options are understood:

           When used with call: expect multiple method replies. If this flag is set the method
           call is sent with the more flag set, which tells the service to generate multiple
           replies, if needed. The command remains running until the service sends a reply
           message that indicates it is the last in the series. This flag should be set only for
           method calls that support this mechanism.

           If this mode is enabled output is automatically switched to JSON-SEQ mode, so that
           individual reply objects can be easily discerned.

           Added in version 255.

           This is similar to --more but collects all responses in a JSON array, and prints it,
           rather than in JSON_SEQ mode.

           Added in version 256.

           When used with call: do not expect a method reply. If this flag is set the method call
           is sent with the oneway flag set (the command exits immediately after), which tells
           the service not to generate a reply.

           Added in version 255.

           Selects the JSON output formatting, one of "pretty" (for nicely indented, colorized
           output) or "short" (for terse output with minimal whitespace and no newlines),
           defaults to "short".

           Added in version 255.

           Equivalent to --json=pretty when invoked interactively from a terminal. Otherwise
           equivalent to --json=short, in particular when the output is piped to some other

           Added in version 255.

           Do not pipe output into a pager.

       -h, --help
           Print a short help text and exit.

           Print a short version string and exit.


       Example 1. Investigating a Service

       The following three commands inspect the "io.systemd.Resolve" service implemented by
       systemd-resolved.service(8), listing general service information and implemented
       interfaces, and then displaying the interface definition of its primary interface:

           $ varlinkctl info /run/systemd/resolve/io.systemd.Resolve
               Vendor: The systemd Project
              Product: systemd (systemd-resolved)
              Version: 254 (254-1522-g4790521^)
           Interfaces: io.systemd
           $ varlinkctl list-interfaces /run/systemd/resolve/io.systemd.Resolve
           $ varlinkctl introspect /run/systemd/resolve/io.systemd.Resolve io.systemd.Resolve
           interface io.systemd.Resolve
           type ResolvedAddress(
                   ifindex: ?int,

       (Interface definition has been truncated in the example above, in the interest of

       Example 2. Invoking a Method

       The following command resolves a hostname via systemd-resolved.service(8)'s
       ResolveHostname method call.

           $ varlinkctl call /run/systemd/resolve/io.systemd.Resolve io.systemd.Resolve.ResolveHostname '{"name":"","family":2}' -j
                   "addresses" : [
                                   "ifindex" : 2,
                                   "family" : 2,
                                   "address" : [
                   "name" : "",
                   "flags" : 1048577

       Example 3. Investigating a Service Executable

       The following command inspects the /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-pcrextend executable and the
       IPC APIs it provides. It then invokes a method on it:

           # varlinkctl info /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-pcrextend
               Vendor: The systemd Project
              Product: systemd (systemd-pcrextend)
              Version: 254 (254-1536-g97734fb)
           Interfaces: io.systemd
           # varlinkctl introspect /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-pcrextend io.systemd.PCRExtend
           interface io.systemd.PCRExtend

           method Extend(
                   pcr: int,
                   text: ?string,
                   data: ?string
           ) -> ()
           # varlinkctl call /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-pcrextend io.systemd.PCRExtend.Extend '{"pcr":15,"text":"foobar"}'


       busctl(1), Varlink[1]


        1. Varlink