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       pivot_root - change the root mount


       Standard C library (libc, -lc)


       #include <sys/syscall.h>      /* Definition of SYS_* constants */
       #include <unistd.h>

       int syscall(SYS_pivot_root, const char *new_root, const char *put_old);

       Note: glibc provides no wrapper for pivot_root(), necessitating the use of syscall(2).


       pivot_root()  changes  the root mount in the mount namespace of the calling process.  More
       precisely, it moves the root mount to the directory put_old and  makes  new_root  the  new
       root  mount.   The  calling  process  must  have  the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability in the user
       namespace that owns the caller's mount namespace.

       pivot_root() changes the root directory and the current working directory of each  process
       or thread in the same mount namespace to new_root if they point to the old root directory.
       (See also NOTES.)  On the other hand, pivot_root() does not change  the  caller's  current
       working directory (unless it is on the old root directory), and thus it should be followed
       by a chdir("/") call.

       The following restrictions apply:

       •  new_root and put_old must be directories.

       •  new_root and put_old must not be on the same mount as the current root.

       •  put_old must be at or underneath new_root; that is, adding some nonnegative  number  of
          "/.."  suffixes  to the pathname pointed to by put_old must yield the same directory as

       •  new_root must be a path to a mount point, but can't be "/".  A path that is not already
          a mount point can be converted into one by bind mounting the path onto itself.

       •  The  propagation  type  of  the  parent  mount  of new_root and the parent mount of the
          current root directory must not be MS_SHARED; similarly,  if  put_old  is  an  existing
          mount  point,  its  propagation  type must not be MS_SHARED.  These restrictions ensure
          that pivot_root() never propagates any changes to another mount namespace.

       •  The current root directory must be a mount point.


       On success, zero is returned.  On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set to indicate  the


       pivot_root()  may  fail with any of the same errors as stat(2).  Additionally, it may fail
       with the following errors:

       EBUSY  new_root or put_old  is  on  the  current  root  mount.   (This  error  covers  the
              pathological case where new_root is "/".)

       EINVAL new_root is not a mount point.

       EINVAL put_old is not at or underneath new_root.

       EINVAL The current root directory is not a mount point (because of an earlier chroot(2)).

       EINVAL The current root is on the rootfs (initial ramfs) mount; see NOTES.

       EINVAL Either  the  mount  point at new_root, or the parent mount of that mount point, has
              propagation type MS_SHARED.

       EINVAL put_old is a mount point and has the propagation type MS_SHARED.

              new_root or put_old is not a directory.

       EPERM  The calling process does not have the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability.




       Linux 2.3.41.


       A command-line interface for this system call is provided by pivot_root(8).

       pivot_root() allows the caller to switch to a new root filesystem while at the  same  time
       placing  the old root mount at a location under new_root from where it can subsequently be
       unmounted.  (The fact that it moves all processes that have a root  directory  or  current
       working  directory  on the old root directory to the new root frees the old root directory
       of users, allowing the old root mount to be unmounted more easily.)

       One use of pivot_root() is during system startup, when the system mounts a temporary  root
       filesystem  (e.g.,  an  initrd(4)),  then  mounts the real root filesystem, and eventually
       turns the latter into the root directory of all relevant processes and threads.  A  modern
       use is to set up a root filesystem during the creation of a container.

       The  fact  that  pivot_root() modifies process root and current working directories in the
       manner noted in DESCRIPTION is necessary in order to prevent kernel threads  from  keeping
       the  old  root  mount  busy  with their root and current working directories, even if they
       never access the filesystem in any way.

       The rootfs (initial ramfs) cannot be pivot_root()ed.  The recommended method  of  changing
       the  root filesystem in this case is to delete everything in rootfs, overmount rootfs with
       the new root, attach stdin/stdout/stderr  to  the  new  /dev/console,  and  exec  the  new
       init(1).  Helper programs for this process exist; see switch_root(8).

   pivot_root(".", ".")
       new_root  and  put_old  may  be the same directory.  In particular, the following sequence
       allows a pivot-root operation without needing to create and remove a temporary directory:

           pivot_root(".", ".");
           umount2(".", MNT_DETACH);

       This sequence succeeds because the pivot_root() call stacks the old root  mount  point  on
       top of the new root mount point at /.  At that point, the calling process's root directory
       and current working directory refer to the new root mount point  (new_root).   During  the
       subsequent  umount()  call,  resolution  of "." starts with new_root and then moves up the
       list of mounts stacked at /, with the result that old root mount point is unmounted.

   Historical notes
       For many years, this manual page carried the following text:

              pivot_root() may or may not  change  the  current  root  and  the  current  working
              directory of any processes or threads which use the old root directory.  The caller
              of pivot_root() must ensure that processes with root or current  working  directory
              at the old root operate correctly in either case.  An easy way to ensure this is to
              change their root  and  current  working  directory  to  new_root  before  invoking

       This text, written before the system call implementation was even finalized in the kernel,
       was probably intended to warn users at that time  that  the  implementation  might  change
       before final release.  However, the behavior stated in DESCRIPTION has remained consistent
       since this system call was first implemented and will not change now.


       The program below demonstrates the use of pivot_root() inside a mount  namespace  that  is
       created using clone(2).  After pivoting to the root directory named in the program's first
       command-line argument, the child created by clone(2) then executes the  program  named  in
       the remaining command-line arguments.

       We  demonstrate  the  program  by  creating  a  directory  that will serve as the new root
       filesystem and placing a copy of the (statically linked)  busybox(1)  executable  in  that

           $ mkdir /tmp/rootfs
           $ ls -id /tmp/rootfs    # Show inode number of new root directory
           319459 /tmp/rootfs
           $ cp $(which busybox) /tmp/rootfs
           $ PS1='bbsh$ ' sudo ./pivot_root_demo /tmp/rootfs /busybox sh
           bbsh$ PATH=/
           bbsh$ busybox ln busybox ln
           bbsh$ ln busybox echo
           bbsh$ ln busybox ls
           bbsh$ ls
           busybox  echo     ln       ls
           bbsh$ ls -id /          # Compare with inode number above
           319459 /
           bbsh$ echo 'hello world'
           hello world

   Program source

       /* pivot_root_demo.c */

       #define _GNU_SOURCE
       #include <err.h>
       #include <limits.h>
       #include <sched.h>
       #include <signal.h>
       #include <stdio.h>
       #include <stdlib.h>
       #include <sys/mman.h>
       #include <sys/mount.h>
       #include <sys/stat.h>
       #include <sys/syscall.h>
       #include <sys/wait.h>
       #include <unistd.h>

       static int
       pivot_root(const char *new_root, const char *put_old)
           return syscall(SYS_pivot_root, new_root, put_old);

       #define STACK_SIZE (1024 * 1024)

       static int              /* Startup function for cloned child */
       child(void *arg)
           char        path[PATH_MAX];
           char        **args = arg;
           char        *new_root = args[0];
           const char  *put_old = "/oldrootfs";

           /* Ensure that 'new_root' and its parent mount don't have
              shared propagation (which would cause pivot_root() to
              return an error), and prevent propagation of mount
              events to the initial mount namespace. */

           if (mount(NULL, "/", NULL, MS_REC | MS_PRIVATE, NULL) == -1)
               err(EXIT_FAILURE, "mount-MS_PRIVATE");

           /* Ensure that 'new_root' is a mount point. */

           if (mount(new_root, new_root, NULL, MS_BIND, NULL) == -1)
               err(EXIT_FAILURE, "mount-MS_BIND");

           /* Create directory to which old root will be pivoted. */

           snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", new_root, put_old);
           if (mkdir(path, 0777) == -1)
               err(EXIT_FAILURE, "mkdir");

           /* And pivot the root filesystem. */

           if (pivot_root(new_root, path) == -1)
               err(EXIT_FAILURE, "pivot_root");

           /* Switch the current working directory to "/". */

           if (chdir("/") == -1)
               err(EXIT_FAILURE, "chdir");

           /* Unmount old root and remove mount point. */

           if (umount2(put_old, MNT_DETACH) == -1)
           if (rmdir(put_old) == -1)

           /* Execute the command specified in argv[1]... */

           execv(args[1], &args[1]);
           err(EXIT_FAILURE, "execv");

       main(int argc, char *argv[])
           char *stack;

           /* Create a child process in a new mount namespace. */

           stack = mmap(NULL, STACK_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                        MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_STACK, -1, 0);
           if (stack == MAP_FAILED)
               err(EXIT_FAILURE, "mmap");

           if (clone(child, stack + STACK_SIZE,
                     CLONE_NEWNS | SIGCHLD, &argv[1]) == -1)
               err(EXIT_FAILURE, "clone");

           /* Parent falls through to here; wait for child. */

           if (wait(NULL) == -1)
               err(EXIT_FAILURE, "wait");



       chdir(2),  chroot(2),  mount(2),  stat(2),  initrd(4), mount_namespaces(7), pivot_root(8),