Provided by: autofs_5.1.9-1.1ubuntu2_amd64 bug


       autofs.conf - autofs configuration


       Configuration  settings  used  by  automount(8)  may  be changed in the configuration file

       This file contains two primary sections, autofs and amd.

       Configuration entries may be present at the beginning of the configuration file without  a
       section header and are implicitly included as part of the autofs section.

       Each  section name is enclosed in square brackets with spaces between the brackets and the
       section name. The amd section may be followed by further sections, named by the top  level
       mount point path, that contain per mount configuration settings.


       Configuration settings available are:

              Set  the  maximum  number  of open files. Note there may be other limits within the
              system that prevent this from being set, systemd for example may need a setting  in
              the unit file to increase its default. The autofs default is 20480.

              Sets  the  default  mount  timeout  in  seconds. The internal program default is 10
              minutes, but the default  installed  configuration  overrides  this  and  sets  the
              timeout to 5 minutes to be consistent with earlier autofs releases.

              Sets the default maximum number of retries (actual iterations is half this, each is
              delayed by 2 seconds  before  retrying)  waiting  for  the  master  map  to  become
              available  if  it  cannot  be  read  at  program  start  (program  default 10, then
              continue). This can be longer if the map source itself waits for availability (such
              as sss).

              Set the default timeout for caching failed key lookups (program default 60). If the
              equivalent command line option is given it will override this setting.

              Set the default timeout for using cached map entries (program default 120). If  the
              equivalent command line option is given it will override this setting.

              Use  the  verbose  flag when spawning mount(8), and log some process info about the
              requestor and its parent (program default "no").

              Set the default time to wait for a response from a spawned mount(8) before  sending
              it  a  SIGTERM. Note that we still need to wait for the RPC layer to timeout before
              the sub-process exits so this isn't ideal but it is the best we can do. The default
              is to wait until mount(8) returns without intervention.

              Set the default time to wait for a response from a spawned umount(8) before sending
              it a SIGTERM. Note that we still need to wait for the RPC layer to  timeout  before
              the sub-process exits so this isn't ideal but it is the best we can do.

              Maps are browsable by default (program default "yes").

              Set  the  default  protocol that mount.nfs(8) uses when performing a mount (program
              default 3). Autofs needs to know the default NFS protocol that mount.nfs(8) uses so
              it  can  do  special  case  handling  for  its availability probe for different NFS
              protocols. Since we can't identify this default automatically we need to set it  in
              the autofs configuration.

              Determine  whether  global  options,  given on the command line or per mount in the
              master map, are appended to map entry options or if the map entry  options  replace
              the global options (program default "yes", append options).

              set default log level "none", "verbose" or "debug" (program default "none").

              override the use of a prefix with standard environment variables when a program map
              is executed. Since program maps are  run  as  the  privileged  user  setting  these
              standard  environment  variables  opens  automount(8)  to  potential user privilege
              escalation when the program map is written in a language that can  load  components
              from, for example, a user home directory (program default "no").

              This  configuration  option  may  be  used to change the number of hash table slots
              (default 1024).

              This configuration option affects the overhead of searching the map entry cache for
              map  entries  when  there  are a large number of entries.  It affects the number of
              entries that must be looked at to locate a map entry in the map  entry  cache.  For
              example,  the  default  of  1024 and a direct map with 8000 entries would result in
              each slot containing an average of 8 entries, which should be acceptable.

              However, if excessive CPU usage is observed  during  automount  lookups  increasing
              this  option can reduce the CPU overhead considerably because it reduces the length
              of the search chains.

              Note that the number of entries in a map doesn't necessarily relate to  the  number
              of entries used in the map entry cache.

              There  are  two  distinct  cases  where  the  map hash table can make a significant
              difference, direct maps and indirect maps that use the "browse" option.

              For indirect maps that do not use the "browse" option entries are added to the  map
              entry  cache  at  lookup  so  the  number of active cache entries, in this case, is
              usually much less than the number of entries in the map. In this last case it would
              be  unusual  for the map entry cache to grow large enough to warrant increasing the
              default before an event that cleans stale entries, a map re-read for example.

              NFS mounts where the host name resolves to more than one IP address are probed  for
              availability and to establish the order in which mounts to them should be tried. To
              ensure that mount attempts are made only to hosts that are responding and are tried
              in  the  order of hosts with the quickest response the IP address of the host needs
              to be used for the mount.

              If it is necessary to use the hostname  given  in  the  map  entry  for  the  mount
              regardless, then set this option to "yes".

              Be  aware  that if this is done there is no defense against the host name resolving
              to one that isn't responding and while the number of attempts at a successful mount
              will correspond to the number of addresses the host name resolves to the order will
              also not correspond to fastest responding hosts.

              The original request to add this log message needed it to be  unconditional.   That
              produces,  IMHO,  unnecessary  noise  in the log so a configuration option has been
              added to provide the ability to turn it off. The default is "no"  to  maintain  the
              current behaviour.

              An  option to enable the use of autofs pseudo option "disable". This option is used
              as a hint to user space that the mount entry should be  omitted  from  mount  table
              listings. The default is "no" to avoid unexpected changes in behaviour and so is an
              opt-in setting.

              Set the time to wait and retry if sssd is unable to read the master map at  program
              start.  Program  default is 0 (don't wait) or 10 if sss supports returning EHSTDOWN
              when the provider isn't available.

              If the sss library supports returning EHOSTDOWN when the provider is down then this
              value  is  how  long  to wait between retries reading the master map.  When reading
              dependent maps or looking up a map key this value is multiplied by  the  number  of
              retries that would be used when reading the master map.

              Set  whether  to  use a mount request log id so that log entries for specific mount
              requests can be easily identified in logs that have multiple  concurrent  requests.
              Default is don't use mount request log ids.

   LDAP Configuration
       Configuration settings available are:

              Set  the  network  response  timeout  (default  8).   Set  timeout  value  for  the
              synchronous API calls. The default is the  LDAP  library  default  of  an  infinite

              Set the network response timeout (default 8).

              A  space  separated  list  of  server  uris of the form <proto>://<server>[/] where
              <proto> can be ldap or ldaps. The option can be given multiple times.  Map  entries
              that include a server name override this option and it is then not used. Default is
              an empty list in which case either the server given in a  map  entry  or  the  LDAP
              configured  default  is  used.  This  uri  list is read at startup and whenever the
              daemon receives a HUP signal.

              This configuration option can also be used to request autofs lookup SRV RRs  for  a
              domain  of  the  form  <proto>:///[<domain  dn>].  Note  that a trailing "/" is not
              allowed when using this form. If the domain dn is not specified the dns domain name
              (if  any) is used to construct the domain dn for the SRV RR lookup. The server list
              returned from an SRV RR lookup is refreshed according to the minimum ttl  found  in
              the SRV RR records or after one hour, whichever is less.

              The  base  dn  to  use  when  searching  for  amap base dn. This entry may be given
              multiple times and each will be checked for a map base dn in the order  they  occur
              in  the  configuration.  The  search  base list is read at startup and whenever the
              daemon receives a HUP signal.

              The map object class. In the nisMap schema this corresponds to the class nisMap and
              in the automountMap schema it corresponds to the class automountMap.

              The  map  entry  object  class.  In the nisMap schema this corresponds to the class
              nisObject and in the automountMap schema it corresponds to the class automount.

              The attribute used to identify the name of the map to which this entry belongs.  In
              the  nisMap  schema  this  corresponds  to  the  attribute  nisMapName  and  in the
              automountMap schema it corresponds to the attribute ou or automountMapName.

              The attribute used to identify a map key. In the nisMap schema this corresponds  to
              the  attribute  cn  and  in the automountMap schema it corresponds to the attribute

              The attribute used to identify the value of the map entry.  In  the  nisMap  schema
              this  corresponds  to  the  attribute nisMapEntry and in the automountMap schema it
              corresponds to the attribute automountInformation.

       NOTE:  It is essential that entries use class and attribute in  a  consistent  manner  for
              correct  operation  of autofs. For example mixing cn and automountKey attributes in
              automount schema will not work as expected.

              This configuration option may be used to specify an alternate location for the ldap
              authentication   configuration   file.   See   autofs_ldap_auth.conf(5)   for  more


       A number of the amd configuration options are not used by autofs, some  because  they  are
       not  relevant  within  autofs, some because they are done differently in autofs and others
       that are not yet implemented.

       Since mount_type is  always  autofs  (because  there's  no  user  space  NFS  server)  the
       configuration  entries  relating  to  that aren't used.  Also, server availability is done
       differently within autofs so the options that relate to the  amd  server  monitoring  sub-
       system are also not used.

       These    options   are   mount_type,   auto_attrcache,   portmap_program,   nfs_vers_ping,
       nfs_allow_any_interface,   nfs_allow_insecure_port,   nfs_proto,   nfs_retransmit_counter,
       nfs_retransmit_counter_udp,   nfs_retransmit_counter_tcp,   nfs_retransmit_counter_toplvl,
       nfs_retry_interval,            nfs_retry_interval_udp,             nfs_retry_interval_tcp,
       nfs_retry_interval_toplvl and nfs_vers.

       Other options that are not used within the autofs implementation:

       log_file, truncate_log
              sends  its  output to syslog so an alternate log file (or truncating the log) can't
              be used.

              There's no corresponding option for this within autofs.

       use_tcpwrappers, show_statfs_entries
              There's no user space NFS  server  to  control  access  to  so  this  option  isn't
              relevant. The show_statfs_entries can't be implemented for the same reason.

              There's  no  user space NFS server and autofs avoids using file based mtab whenever

              Sun map format is handled by autofs itself.

       plock, show_statfs_entries, preferred_amq_port
              Are not supported by autofs.

       ldap_cache_maxmem, ldap_cache_seconds
              External ldap caching is not used by autofs.

              autofs always attempts to use the highest available ldap protocol version.

       cache_duration, map_reload_interval, map_options
              The map   entry cache is continually updated and stale entries cleaned on  re-load,
              which  is done when map changes are detected so these configuration entries are not
              used by autofs. An exception to this is the case where the map is  large.  In  this
              case  it  may be necessary to read the whole map at startup even if browsing is not
              enabled. Adding the cache:=all option to map_options can be used to for this.

              This is not used within autofs. This configuration option was only used in the  amd
              user space server code and is not relevant within autofs.

       Options that are handled differently within autofs:

              To specify a pid file name a command line option must be used on startup.

              Program  version and feature information is obtained by using the automount command
              line option "-V".

       debug_options ,  log_options
              autofs has somewhat more limited logging  and  debug  logging  options.   When  the
              log_options  options  is encountered it is converted to the nearest matching autofs
              logging option. Since the configuration option debug_options would be  handled  the
              same way it is ignored.

              This  option  has  no sensible meaning within autofs because autofs always tries to
              re-connect to existing mounts. While this has its  own  set  of  problems  not  re-
              connecting  to existing mounts always results in a non-functional automount tree if
              mounts were busy at the last shutdown (as is also the  case  with  amd  when  using
              mount_type autofs).

              Detaching  mounts often causes serious problems for users of existing mounts. It is
              used by autofs in some cases, either at the explicit request of the  user  (with  a
              command line or init option) and in some special cases during program operation but
              is avoided whenever possible.

       A number of configuration options are not yet implemented:

              Always a little frustrating, the compiled in map location should be used to  locate
              maps but isn't in some cases. This requires work within autofs itself and that will
              (obviously) include implementing this configuration option for the amd  map  parser
              as well.

              Not yet implemented.

              Since  autofs  always  tries  to  re-connect to mounts left mounted from a previous
              shutdown this is a sensible option to implement and that will be done.

              Allow map keys to be shown in directory listings. This option can  have  values  of
              "yes" or "no". The default is "no". A variation of this option, "browsable", can be
              used as a pseudo mount option in  type  "auto"  map  entries  to  provide  browsing
              functionality  in  sub-mounts.  The  amd  "browsable_dirs  = full" option cannot be
              implemented within the current autofs framework and is not supported.

              A timeout is not currently used for program maps but this might be  implemented  in
              the future.

              The tag option is not implemented within autofs.

       Supported options:

       arch, karch, os, osver
              These  options  default  to what is returned from uname(2) and can be overridden if

              This option has no default and must be set in the configuration if used in maps.

              If not set defaults to the host domain name. This option corresponds to  the  HP_UX
              cluster name (according to the amd source) and is probably not used in Linux but is
              set anyway.

       vendor This option has a default value of "unknown", it must be set in  the  configuration
              if used in maps.

              Is  the  base  name  of  the mount tree used for external mounts that are sometimes
              needed by amd maps. Its default value is "/a".

              Specifies the autofs map source, such as file, nis, ldap etc. and  has  no  default
              value set.

              This  option  is  used to override /defaults entries within maps and can be used to
              provide different defaults on specific machines without having to modify  centrally
              managed maps. It is empty by default.

              Colon separated paths to search for maps that are not specified as a full path.

              Is  equivalent  to  the autofs timeout option. It is only possible to use this with
              type "auto" mounts due to the way the autofs  kernel  module  performs  expiry.  It
              takes its default value from the autofs internal default of 600 seconds.

              If set to "yes" autofs will attempt to use bind mounts for type "link" entries when
              possible (default is "yes").

              Allows setting of a domain name other than the system default.

              Is used to override (or set) the host domain name.

              If set to "yes" then the contents of ${rhost} is translated in  its  official  host

              If  set  to  "yes"  the  domain  name part of the host is stripped when normalizing
              hostnames. This can be useful when using of the same  maps  in  a  multiple  domain

              This  option  is  set  to  "yes"  by  default  and will collapse multiple unescaped
              occurrences of "/" to a single "/".

       selectors_in_defaults, selectors_on_default
              This option has a default value of "no". If set to "yes" then  any  defaults  entry
              will   be   checked   for   selectors   to   determine   the  values  to  be  used.
              selectors_in_defaults is the preferred option to use.

              iThis option has no default value. It must be set to the base dn that is  used  for
              queries if ldap is to be used as a map source.

              This  option has no default value set. It must be set to the URI of the LDAP server
              to be used for lookups when ldap is used as a map source. It may contain a comma or
              space separated list of LDAP URIs.

              Sets the base name used for hesiod map sources.

              This  is  an  additional  configuration  option  for  the  autofs amd format parser

              There's no simple way to determine what the system default filesystem  is  and  am-
              utils needs to be continually updated to do this and can easily get it wrong ayway.
              So allow it to be set in the configuration.


         [ autofs ]
         timeout = 300
         browse_mode = no

         [ amd ]
         dismount_interval = 300
         map_type = nis
         autofs_use_lofs = no

         [ /expamle/mount ]
         dismount_interval = 60
         map_type = file


       automount(8), auto.master(5), autofs_ldap_auth.conf(5).


       This manual page was written by Ian Kent <>.

                                           23 Jan 2014                             AUTOFS.CONF(5)