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       /proc/sys/fs/ - kernel variables related to filesystems


              This  directory  contains the files and subdirectories for kernel variables related
              to filesystems.

       /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr and /proc/sys/fs/aio-nr (since Linux 2.6.4)
              aio-nr is the running total of the number of events specified by io_setup(2)  calls
              for  all  currently  active  AIO  contexts.   If  aio-nr  reaches  aio-max-nr, then
              io_setup(2) will fail with the error EAGAIN.  Raising aio-max-nr does not result in
              the preallocation or resizing of any kernel data structures.

              Documentation  for  files in this directory can be found in the Linux kernel source
              in     the     file      Documentation/admin-guide/binfmt-misc.rst      (or      in
              Documentation/binfmt_misc.txt on older kernels).

       /proc/sys/fs/dentry-state (since Linux 2.2)
              This  file  contains  information about the status of the directory cache (dcache).
              The file contains six numbers, nr_dentry, nr_unused, age_limit  (age  in  seconds),
              want_pages (pages requested by system) and two dummy values.

              •  nr_dentry  is  the number of allocated dentries (dcache entries).  This field is
                 unused in Linux 2.2.

              •  nr_unused is the number of unused dentries.

              •  age_limit is the age in seconds after which dcache entries can be reclaimed when
                 memory is short.

              •  want_pages  is  nonzero when the kernel has called shrink_dcache_pages() and the
                 dcache isn't pruned yet.

              This file can be used to disable or  enable  the  dnotify  interface  described  in
              fcntl(2) on a system-wide basis.  A value of 0 in this file disables the interface,
              and a value of 1 enables it.

              This file shows the maximum number of cached disk quota  entries.   On  some  (2.4)
              systems,  it  is  not  present.  If the number of free cached disk quota entries is
              very low and you have some awesome number of simultaneous system users,  you  might
              want to raise the limit.

              This  file  shows the number of allocated disk quota entries and the number of free
              disk quota entries.

       /proc/sys/fs/epoll/ (since Linux 2.6.28)
              This directory contains the file max_user_watches, which can be used to  limit  the
              amount  of kernel memory consumed by the epoll interface.  For further details, see

              This file defines a  system-wide  limit  on  the  number  of  open  files  for  all
              processes.  System calls that fail when encountering this limit fail with the error
              ENFILE.  (See also setrlimit(2), which can be used by a process  to  set  the  per-
              process limit, RLIMIT_NOFILE, on the number of files it may open.)  If you get lots
              of error messages in the kernel log about running out of file  handles  (open  file
              descriptions)  (look  for  "VFS:  file-max limit <number> reached"), try increasing
              this value:

                  echo 100000 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max

              Privileged processes (CAP_SYS_ADMIN) can override the file-max limit.

              This (read-only) file contains three numbers: the number of allocated file  handles
              (i.e.,  the number of open file descriptions; see open(2)); the number of free file
              handles; and  the  maximum  number  of  file  handles  (i.e.,  the  same  value  as
              /proc/sys/fs/file-max).   If  the  number of allocated file handles is close to the
              maximum, you should consider increasing the maximum.  Before Linux 2.6, the  kernel
              allocated  file  handles  dynamically,  but it didn't free them again.  Instead the
              free file handles were kept in a list for reallocation;  the  "free  file  handles"
              value  indicates  the  size  of  that  list.   A  large number of free file handles
              indicates that there was a past peak in the usage  of  open  file  handles.   Since
              Linux  2.6,  the  kernel  does  deallocate  freed  file handles, and the "free file
              handles" value is always zero.

       /proc/sys/fs/inode-max (only present until Linux 2.2)
              This file contains the maximum number of in-memory inodes.  This  value  should  be
              3–4  times  larger  than  the  value  in  file-max, since stdin, stdout and network
              sockets also need an inode to handle them.  When you regularly run out  of  inodes,
              you need to increase this value.

              Starting with Linux 2.4, there is no longer a static limit on the number of inodes,
              and this file is removed.

              This file contains the first two values from inode-state.

              This file contains seven numbers: nr_inodes, nr_free_inodes,  preshrink,  and  four
              dummy values (always zero).

              nr_inodes  is  the  number  of  inodes  the  system  has allocated.  nr_free_inodes
              represents the number of free inodes.

              preshrink is nonzero when the nr_inodes > inode-max and the system needs  to  prune
              the  inode  list instead of allocating more; since Linux 2.4, this field is a dummy
              value (always zero).

       /proc/sys/fs/inotify/ (since Linux 2.6.13)
              This  directory   contains   files   max_queued_events,   max_user_instances,   and
              max_user_watches, that can be used to limit the amount of kernel memory consumed by
              the inotify interface.  For further details, see inotify(7).

              This file specifies the grace period that the kernel grants to a process holding  a
              file  lease (fcntl(2)) after it has sent a signal to that process notifying it that
              another process is waiting to open the file.  If the lease holder does  not  remove
              or  downgrade  the  lease  within this grace period, the kernel forcibly breaks the

              This file can be used to enable or disable file leases (fcntl(2)) on a  system-wide
              basis.   If  this  file contains the value 0, leases are disabled.  A nonzero value
              enables leases.

       /proc/sys/fs/mount-max (since Linux 4.9)
              The value in this file specifies the maximum number of mounts that may exist  in  a
              mount namespace.  The default value in this file is 100,000.

       /proc/sys/fs/mqueue/ (since Linux 2.6.6)
              This directory contains files msg_max, msgsize_max, and queues_max, controlling the
              resources used by POSIX message queues.  See mq_overview(7) for details.

       /proc/sys/fs/nr_open (since Linux 2.6.25)
              This file imposes a ceiling on the value to which the RLIMIT_NOFILE resource  limit
              can  be  raised (see getrlimit(2)).  This ceiling is enforced for both unprivileged
              and privileged process.  The default value in this file is 1048576.  (Before  Linux
              2.6.25, the ceiling for RLIMIT_NOFILE was hard-coded to the same value.)

       /proc/sys/fs/overflowgid and /proc/sys/fs/overflowuid
              These files allow you to change the value of the fixed UID and GID.  The default is
              65534.  Some filesystems support only 16-bit UIDs and GIDs, although in Linux  UIDs
              and  GIDs  are  32  bits.   When  one  of  these filesystems is mounted with writes
              enabled, any UID or GID that would exceed 65535 is translated to the overflow value
              before being written to disk.

       /proc/sys/fs/pipe-max-size (since Linux 2.6.35)
              See pipe(7).

       /proc/sys/fs/pipe-user-pages-hard (since Linux 4.5)
              See pipe(7).

       /proc/sys/fs/pipe-user-pages-soft (since Linux 4.5)
              See pipe(7).

       /proc/sys/fs/protected_fifos (since Linux 4.19)
              The value in this file is/can be set to one of the following:

              0   Writing to FIFOs is unrestricted.

              1   Don't  allow  O_CREAT  open(2)  on  FIFOs that the caller doesn't own in world-
                  writable sticky directories, unless the FIFO is  owned  by  the  owner  of  the

              2   As  for  the value 1, but the restriction also applies to group-writable sticky

              The intent of the  above  protections  is  to  avoid  unintentional  writes  to  an
              attacker-controlled FIFO when a program expected to create a regular file.

       /proc/sys/fs/protected_hardlinks (since Linux 3.6)
              When  the  value  in  this file is 0, no restrictions are placed on the creation of
              hard links (i.e., this is the historical behavior  before  Linux  3.6).   When  the
              value in this file is 1, a hard link can be created to a target file only if one of
              the following conditions is true:

              •  The calling process has the CAP_FOWNER capability in its user namespace and  the
                 file UID has a mapping in the namespace.

              •  The  filesystem  UID of the process creating the link matches the owner (UID) of
                 the target file (as described in credentials(7), a process's filesystem  UID  is
                 normally the same as its effective UID).

              •  All of the following conditions are true:

                  •  the target is a regular file;

                  •  the target file does not have its set-user-ID mode bit enabled;

                  •  the  target  file  does  not have both its set-group-ID and group-executable
                     mode bits enabled; and

                  •  the caller has permission to read and write the target file (either via  the
                     file's permissions mask or because it has suitable capabilities).

              The  default  value  in  this  file  is  0.   Setting  the  value  to  1 prevents a
              longstanding class of security  issues  caused  by  hard-link-based  time-of-check,
              time-of-use  races,  most commonly seen in world-writable directories such as /tmp.
              The common method of exploiting this flaw is to  cross  privilege  boundaries  when
              following  a  given  hard link (i.e., a root process follows a hard link created by
              another user).  Additionally, on systems without separated partitions,  this  stops
              unauthorized  users  from  "pinning"  vulnerable set-user-ID and set-group-ID files
              against being upgraded by the administrator, or linking to special files.

       /proc/sys/fs/protected_regular (since Linux 4.19)
              The value in this file is/can be set to one of the following:

              0   Writing to regular files is unrestricted.

              1   Don't allow O_CREAT open(2) on regular files that the  caller  doesn't  own  in
                  world-writable  sticky  directories,  unless  the  regular file is owned by the
                  owner of the directory.

              2   As for the value 1, but the restriction also applies to  group-writable  sticky

              The  intent  of  the above protections is similar to protected_fifos, but allows an
              application to avoid writes to  an  attacker-controlled  regular  file,  where  the
              application expected to create one.

       /proc/sys/fs/protected_symlinks (since Linux 3.6)
              When  the value in this file is 0, no restrictions are placed on following symbolic
              links (i.e., this is the historical behavior before Linux 3.6).  When the value  in
              this file is 1, symbolic links are followed only in the following circumstances:

              •  the  filesystem UID of the process following the link matches the owner (UID) of
                 the symbolic link (as described in credentials(7), a process's filesystem UID is
                 normally the same as its effective UID);

              •  the link is not in a sticky world-writable directory; or

              •  the symbolic link and its parent directory have the same owner (UID)

              A  system  call  that  fails  to  follow  a  symbolic  link  because  of  the above
              restrictions returns the error EACCES in errno.

              The default value in this file is 0.  Setting the value to 1 avoids a  longstanding
              class  of  security issues based on time-of-check, time-of-use races when accessing
              symbolic links.

       /proc/sys/fs/suid_dumpable (since Linux 2.6.13)
              The value in  this  file  is  assigned  to  a  process's  "dumpable"  flag  in  the
              circumstances  described in prctl(2).  In effect, the value in this file determines
              whether core dump files are produced for set-user-ID or otherwise protected/tainted
              binaries.   The  "dumpable"  setting  also  affects  the  ownership  of  files in a
              process's /proc/pid directory, as described above.

              Three different integer values can be specified:

              0 (default)
                     This provides the traditional (pre-Linux 2.6.13) behavior.  A core dump will
                     not  be  produced  for  a  process which has changed credentials (by calling
                     seteuid(2), setgid(2), or similar, or by executing  a  set-user-ID  or  set-
                     group-ID program) or whose binary does not have read permission enabled.

              1 ("debug")
                     All  processes  dump  core  when  possible.   (Reasons  why  a process might
                     nevertheless not dump core are described in  core(5).)   The  core  dump  is
                     owned  by  the  filesystem user ID of the dumping process and no security is
                     applied.  This is intended for system debugging situations only:  this  mode
                     is  insecure  because  it  allows  unprivileged  users to examine the memory
                     contents of privileged processes.

              2 ("suidsafe")
                     Any binary which normally would not be dumped  (see  "0"  above)  is  dumped
                     readable  by  root  only.  This allows the user to remove the core dump file
                     but not to read it.  For security reasons core dumps in this mode  will  not
                     overwrite  one  another  or  other  files.   This  mode  is appropriate when
                     administrators are attempting to debug problems in a normal environment.

                     Additionally, since Linux 3.6, /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern must either  be
                     an  absolute  pathname  or a pipe command, as detailed in core(5).  Warnings
                     will be written to the kernel log if  core_pattern  does  not  follow  these
                     rules, and no core dump will be produced.

              For  details  of the effect of a process's "dumpable" setting on ptrace access mode
              checking, see ptrace(2).

              This file controls the maximum number of superblocks, and thus the  maximum  number
              of  mounted  filesystems  the kernel can have.  You need increase only super-max if
              you need to mount more filesystems than the current value in super-max  allows  you

              This file contains the number of filesystems currently mounted.


       proc(5), proc_sys(5)