Provided by: auditd_4.0.1-1ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       auditd - The Linux Audit daemon


       auditd [-f] [-l] [-n] [-s disable|enable|nochange] [-c <config_dir>]


       auditd  is  the  userspace  component  to  the Linux Auditing System. It's responsible for
       writing audit records to the disk. Viewing the logs is done with the ausearch or  aureport
       utilities.  Configuring  the  audit  system  or  loading  rules  is done with the auditctl
       utility. During startup, the rules in /etc/audit/audit.rules  are  read  by  auditctl  and
       loaded  into the kernel. Alternately, there is also an augenrules program that reads rules
       located in /etc/audit/rules.d/ and compiles them  into  an  audit.rules  file.  The  audit
       daemon  itself  has  some configuration options that the admin may wish to customize. They
       are found in the auditd.conf file.


       -f     leave the audit daemon in the foreground for debugging. Messages also go to  stderr
              rather than the audit log.

       -l     allow the audit daemon to follow symlinks for config files.

       -n     no fork. This is useful for running off of inittab or systemd.

              specify  when  starting  if  auditd  should change the current value for the kernel
              enabled flag. Valid values for ENABLE_STATE are "disable", "enable" or  "nochange".
              The  default  is  to  enable (and disable when auditd terminates). The value of the
              enabled flag may be changed during the lifetime of auditd using 'auditctl -e'.

       -c     Specify alternate config file directory. Note that  this  same  directory  will  be
              passed to the dispatcher. (default: /etc/audit/)


       SIGHUP causes  auditd  to  reconfigure.  This means that auditd re-reads the configuration
              file. If there are no syntax errors, it will proceed  to  implement  the  requested
              changes. If the reconfigure is successful, a DAEMON_CONFIG event is recorded in the
              logs. If  not  successful,  error  handling  is  controlled  by  space_left_action,
              admin_space_left_action,  disk_full_action,  and  disk_error_action  parameters  in

              caused auditd to discontinue processing audit events, write a shutdown audit event,
              and exit.

              causes   auditd   to   immediately   rotate   the   logs.   It   will  consult  the
              max_log_file_action to see if it should keep the logs or not.

              causes auditd to attempt to resume logging and passing events to plugins.  This  is
              usually  needed  after  logging  has  been  suspended  or  the  internal  queue  is
              overflowed. Either of these conditions  depends  on  the  applicable  configuration

              causes auditd to dump a report of internal state to /var/run/auditd.state.


       1      Cannot adjust priority, daemonize, open audit netlink, write the pid file, start up
              plugins, resolve the machine name, set audit pid, or other initialization tasks.

       2      Invalid or excessive command line arguments

       4      The audit daemon doesn't have sufficient privilege

       6      There is an error in the configuration file


       /etc/audit/auditd.conf - configuration file for audit daemon

       /etc/audit/audit.rules - audit rules to be loaded at startup

       /etc/audit/rules.d/ - directory holding individual sets of rules to be compiled  into  one
       file by augenrules.

       /etc/audit/plugins.d/ - directory holding individual plugin configuration files.

       /etc/audit/audit-stop - These rules are loaded when the audit daemon stops.

       /var/run/auditd.state - report about internal state.


       A  boot  param of audit=1 should be added to ensure that all processes that run before the
       audit daemon starts is marked as auditable by the kernel. Not doing that will make  a  few
       processes impossible to properly audit.

       The  audit  daemon can receive audit events from other audit daemons via the audisp-remote
       plugin. The audit daemon may be linked with tcp_wrappers to  control  which  machines  can
       connect. If this is the case, you can add an entry to hosts.allow and deny.


       auditd.conf(5),  auditd-plugins(5),  ausearch(8), aureport(8), auditctl(8), augenrules(8),


       Steve Grubb