Provided by: ax25-tools_0.0.10-rc5+git20230513+d3e6d4f-2_amd64 bug


       axparms - Configure AX.25 interfaces.


       axparms --assoc|--forward|--route|--setcall|--version ...


       The  axparms  command is designed to be a multi-function command that allows miscellaneous
       commands to be issued to the Linux AX.25 protocol  layer.   The  different  modes  of  the
       command  are  chosen by the first argument. Subsequent arguments depend upon this argument
       and so no generalised command format can be given.

--assoc Argument

       The format of this option is:

       axparms --assoc <callsign> <username|uid>
       axparms --assoc <callsign> delete
       axparms --assoc policy [default|deny]
       axparms --assoc show

       This option manipulates the kernel uid/callsign mapping table, allowing  callsigns  to  be
       associated and dis-associated with a user. The policy option permits the superuser to have
       all other uid's either default to the actual port name, or to block traffic.

       At power up the table is blank and  the  policy  is  'default',  which  is  thus  backward

--forward Argument

       Allows  the use of many receivers with one transmitter, known as packet forwarding in many
       systems. The format of this command is:

       axparms --forward <portfrom> <portto>
       axparms --forward <portfrom> delete

       Any packets to be transmitted on port portfrom will be transmitted on  port  portto.  This
       will  stay  in  force until the second form of the command is issued which will remove the

--route Argument

       This option allows the internal AX.25 routing table  to  be  manipulated.  This  table  is
       available  for  reading  in  /proc/net/ax25_route,  and  will  be  built up dynamically by
       stations heard. However it is possible to add, delete and list entries via this option.

       The formats of this option are:

       axparms --route add <port> <callsign> [<digis>] [--ipmode V|D]
       axparms --route del <port> <callsign>
       axparms --route list

       Routes added via this command will not be removed from the  internal  routing  table  when
       they  are  “old”  as normal entries are. The --ipmode option sets mode vc or mode datagram
       for this destination.

       If the <callsign> argument is set to “default” then this will set the  default  route  for
       all  outgoing  AX.25 connections which will be used when there is no specific route to the
       required destination.

--setcall Argument

       The format of this option is:

       axparms --setcall <interface> <callsign>

       This changes the callsign associated at the given physical ax25 interface.

       Cave: The interface name is not  the  symbolic  port  name  from  axports,  but  the  real
       interface name (from ifconfig(8)): ax0, ax1, .., sp0, .., bpq0, ... etc..

       The change is permanent as long as the interface exists, or another “axparms --setcall” is

       The interface has to exist already in order to use this option; it may be in state  UP  or

--version Argument

       This option displays the version of the AX.25 utilities that axparms belongs to.




       call(1), getsockopt(2), setsockopt(2), ax25(4), axctl(8), axports(5).


       Alan Cox GW4PTS <>
       Jonathan Naylor G4KLX <>
       Joerg Reuter DL1BKE <>