Provided by: nfs-common_2.6.4-4ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       showmount - show mount information for an NFS server


       showmount  [ -adehv ]  [ --all ]  [ --directories ] [ --exports ] [ --help ] [ --version ]
       [ host ]


       showmount queries the mount daemon on a remote host for information about the state of the
       NFS  server  on  that machine.  With no options showmount lists the set of clients who are
       mounting from that host.  The output from showmount is designed to  appear  as  though  it
       were processed through ``sort -u''.


       -a or --all
              List  both  the  client  hostname  or  IP address and mounted directory in host:dir
              format. This info should not be considered reliable. See  the  notes  on  rmtab  in

       -d or --directories
              List only the directories mounted by some client.

       -e or --exports
              Show the NFS server's export list.

       -h or --help
              Provide a short help summary.

       -v or --version
              Report the current version number of the program.

              Suppress the descriptive headings from the output.


       rpc.mountd(8), rpc.nfsd(8)


       The  completeness and accuracy of the information that showmount displays varies according
       to the NFS server's implementation.

       Because showmount sorts and uniqs the output, it  is  impossible  to  determine  from  the
       output whether a client is mounting the same directory more than once.

       showmount  works  by contacting the server's MNT service directly. NFSv4-only servers have
       no need to advertise their exported root filehandles via this method, and may  not  expose
       their MNT service to clients.


       Rick Sladkey <>

                                          6 October 1993                             SHOWMOUNT(8)