Provided by: systemd-journal-remote_256.4-2ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       systemd-journal-gatewayd.service, systemd-journal-gatewayd.socket, systemd-journal-
       gatewayd - HTTP server for journal events




       /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journal-gatewayd [OPTIONS...]


       systemd-journal-gatewayd serves journal events over the network. Clients must connect
       using HTTP. The server listens on port 19531 by default. If --cert= is specified, the
       server expects HTTPS connections.

       The program is started by systemd(1) and expects to receive a single socket. Use systemctl
       start systemd-journal-gatewayd.socket to start the service, and systemctl enable
       systemd-journal-gatewayd.socket to have it started on boot.


       The following options are understood:

           Specify the path to a file or AF_UNIX stream socket to read the server certificate
           from. The certificate must be in PEM format. This option switches
           systemd-journal-gatewayd into HTTPS mode and must be used together with --key=.

           Added in version 198.

           Specify the path to a file or AF_UNIX stream socket to read the secret server key
           corresponding to the certificate specified with --cert= from. The key must be in PEM

           Added in version 198.

           Specify the path to a file or AF_UNIX stream socket to read a CA certificate from. The
           certificate must be in PEM format.

           Added in version 236.

       --system, --user
           Limit served entries to entries from system services and the kernel, or to entries
           from services of current user. This has the same meaning as --system and --user
           options for journalctl(1). If neither is specified, all accessible entries are served.

           Added in version 249.

       -m, --merge
           Serve entries interleaved from all available journals, including other machines. This
           has the same meaning as --merge option for journalctl(1).

           Added in version 249.

       -D DIR, --directory=DIR
           Takes a directory path as argument. If specified, systemd-journal-gatewayd will serve
           the specified journal directory DIR instead of the default runtime and system journal

           Added in version 232.

           Takes a file glob as an argument. Serve entries from the specified journal files
           matching GLOB instead of the default runtime and system journal paths. May be
           specified multiple times, in which case files will be suitably interleaved. This has
           the same meaning as --file= option for journalctl(1).

           Added in version 249.

       -h, --help
           Print a short help text and exit.

           Print a short version string and exit.


       The following URLs are recognized:

           Interactive browsing.

           Added in version 197.

           Retrieval of events in various formats.

           The Accept: part of the HTTP header determines the format. Supported values are
           described below.

           The Range: part of the HTTP header determines the range of events returned. Supported
           values are described below.

           GET parameters can be used to modify what events are returned. Supported parameters
           are described below.

           Added in version 197.

           Return a JSON structure describing the machine.


               { "machine_id" : "8cf7ed9d451ea194b77a9f118f3dc446",
                 "boot_id" : "3d3c9efaf556496a9b04259ee35df7f7",
                 "hostname" : "fedora",
                 "os_pretty_name" : "Fedora 19 (Rawhide)",
                 "virtualization" : "kvm",

           Added in version 197.

           Return a list of values of this field present in the logs.

           Added in version 197.


       Accept: format

       Recognized formats:

           The default. Plaintext syslog-like output, one line per journal entry (like journalctl
           --output short).

           Added in version 197.

           Entries are formatted as JSON data structures, one per line (like journalctl --output
           json). See Journal JSON Format[1] for more information.

           Added in version 197.

           Entries are formatted as JSON data structures, wrapped in a format suitable for
           Server-Sent Events[2] (like journalctl --output json-sse).

           Added in version 229.

           Entries are serialized into a binary (but mostly text-based) stream suitable for
           backups and network transfer (like journalctl --output export). See Journal Export
           Format[3] for more information.

           Added in version 197.


       Range: entries=cursor[[:num_skip]:num_entries]

       Range: realtime=[since]:[until][[:num_skip]:num_entries]

       where cursor is a cursor string, since and until are timestamps (seconds since 1970-01-01
       00:00:00 UTC), num_skip is an integer, num_entries is an unsigned integer.

       Range defaults to all available events.


       Following parameters can be used as part of the URL:

           wait for new events (like journalctl --follow, except that the number of events
           returned is not limited).

           Added in version 197.

           Test that the specified cursor refers to an entry in the journal. Returns just this

           Added in version 197.

           Limit events to the current boot of the system (like journalctl -b).

           Added in version 197.

           Match journal fields. See systemd.journal-fields(7).

           Added in version 197.


       Retrieve events from this boot from local journal in Journal Export Format[3]:

           curl --silent -H'Accept: application/vnd.fdo.journal' \

       Listen for core dumps:

           curl 'http://localhost:19531/entries?follow&MESSAGE_ID=fc2e22bc6ee647b6b90729ab34a250b1'


       systemd(1), journalctl(1), systemd.journal-fields(7), systemd-journald.service(8),
       systemd-journal-remote.service(8), systemd-journal-upload.service(8)


        1. Journal JSON Format

        2. Server-Sent Events

        3. Journal Export Format