Provided by: libbisect-ppx-ocaml-dev_2.8.3+dfsg-2build1_amd64
bisect-ppx-report - Generate coverage reports for OCaml and Reason.
[4mBISECT-PPX-REPORT[24m(1) Bisect-ppx-report Manual [4mBISECT-PPX-REPORT[24m(1) [1mNAME[0m bisect-ppx-report - Generate coverage reports for OCaml and Reason. [1mSYNOPSIS[0m [1mbisect-ppx-report [22m[[4mCOMMAND[24m] ... [1mUSAGE EXAMPLE[0m bisect-ppx-report html bisect-ppx-report send-to Coveralls bisect-ppx-report summary See bisect-ppx-report [4mCOMMAND[24m --help for further information on each command, including options. [1mCOMMANDS[0m [1mcobertura [22m[[1m--coverage-path[22m=[4mDIRECTORY[24m] [[1m--ignore-missing-files[22m] [[1m--source-path[22m=[4mDIRECTORY[24m] [[4mOPTION[24m]... [4mOUTPUT_FILE[24m [[4mCOVERAGE_FILES[24m]... Generate Cobertura XML report [1mcoveralls [22m[[4mOPTION[24m]... [4mOUTPUT_FILE[24m [[4mCOVERAGE_FILES[24m]... Generate Coveralls JSON report (for manual integration with web services). [1mhtml [22m[[4mOPTION[24m]... [[4mCOVERAGE_FILES[24m]... Generate HTML report locally. [1mmerge [22m[[1m--coverage-path[22m=[4mDIRECTORY[24m] [[4mOPTION[24m]... [4mOUTPUT_FILE[0m [[4mCOVERAGE_FILES[24m]... Merge coverage files [1msend-to [22m[[4mOPTION[24m]... [4mSERVICE[24m [[4mCOVERAGE_FILES[24m]... Send report to a supported web service. [1msummary [22m[[1m--coverage-path[22m=[4mDIRECTORY[24m] [[1m--per-file[22m] [[4mOPTION[24m]... [[4mCOVERAGE_FILES[24m]... Write coverage summary to STDOUT. [1mCOMMON OPTIONS[0m [1m--help[22m[=[4mFMT[24m] (default=[1mauto[22m) Show this help in format [4mFMT[24m. The value [4mFMT[24m must be one of [1mauto[22m, [1mpager[22m, [1mgroff [22mor [1mplain[22m. With [1mauto[22m, the format is [1mpager [22mor [1mplain[0m whenever the [1mTERM [22menv var is [1mdumb [22mor undefined. Bisect-ppx-report [4mBISECT-PPX-REPORT[24m(1)
The full documentation for bisect-ppx-report is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and bisect-ppx-report programs are properly installed at your site, the command info bisect-ppx-report should give you access to the complete manual.