Provided by: cryptominisat_5.11.21+dfsg1-1_amd64 bug


       cryptominisat5 - manual page for cryptominisat5 5.11.21


       cryptominisat5  [--help] [--version] [--help VAR] [--version] [--verb VAR] [--maxtime VAR]
       [--maxconfl VAR] [--random VAR] [--threads VAR] [--mult VAR] [--nextm  VAR]  [--memoutmult
       VAR] [--maxsol VAR] [--polar VAR] [--scc VAR] [--restart VAR] [--rstfirst VAR] [--gluehist
       VAR] [--lwrbndblkrest VAR] [--locgmult VAR]  [--ratiogluegeom  VAR]  [--blockingglue  VAR]
       [--gluecut0  VAR]  [--gluecut1 VAR] [--adjustglue VAR] [--everylev1 VAR] [--everylev2 VAR]
       [--lev1usewithin VAR] [--branchstr VAR]  [--nobansol]  [--debuglib  VAR]  [--breakid  VAR]
       [--breakideveryn  VAR] [--breakidmaxlits VAR] [--breakidmaxcls VAR] [--breakidmaxvars VAR]
       [--breakidtime VAR] [--breakidcls VAR] [--breakidmatrix VAR] [--sls VAR]  [--slstype  VAR]
       [--slsmaxmem  VAR] [--slseveryn VAR] [--yalsatmems VAR] [--walksatruns VAR] [--slsgetphase
       VAR] [--slsccnraspire VAR] [--slstobump  VAR]  [--slstobumpmaxpervar  VAR]  [--slsbumptype
       VAR] [--transred VAR] [--intree VAR] [--intreemaxm VAR] [--otfhyper VAR] [--schedsimp VAR]
       [--presimp VAR] [--allpresimp VAR] [--nonstop VAR] [--maxnumsimppersolve VAR]  [--schedule
       VAR]  [--preschedule  VAR]  [--occsimp  VAR]  [--confbtwsimp  VAR]  [--confbtwsimpinc VAR]
       [--tern VAR] [--terntimelim VAR] [--ternkeep VAR] [--terncreate VAR] [--ternbincreate VAR]
       [--occredmax   VAR]   [--occredmaxmb   VAR]   [--occirredmaxmb   VAR]  [--strengthen  VAR]
       [--weakentimelim     VAR]     [--substimelim     VAR]     [--substimelimbinratio      VAR]
       [--substimelimlongratio  VAR]  [--strstimelim  VAR]  [--sublonggothrough  VAR] [--bva VAR]
       [--bvaeveryn  VAR]  [--bvalim  VAR]  [--bva2lit  VAR]  [--bvato   VAR]   [--varelim   VAR]
       [--varelimto  VAR]  [--varelimover  VAR]  [--emptyelim VAR] [--varelimmaxmb VAR] [--eratio
       VAR]  [--varelimcheckres  VAR]  [--xor  VAR]  [--maxxorsize   VAR]   [--xorfindtout   VAR]
       [--varsperxorcut   VAR]   [--maxxormat   VAR]   [--forcepreservexors  VAR]  [--gates  VAR]
       [--printgatedot VAR] [--gatefindto VAR] [--recur VAR] [--moreminim  VAR]  [--moremoreminim
       VAR]    [--moremorealways    VAR]    [--decbased    VAR]    [--updateglueonanalysis   VAR]
       [--maxgluehistltlimited VAR] [--diffdeclevelchrono VAR]  [--verbstat  VAR]  [--verbrestart
       VAR]  [--verballrestarts  VAR]  [--printsol,s  VAR]  [--restartprint  VAR] [--distill VAR]
       [--distillbin VAR]  [--distillmaxm  VAR]  [--distillincconf  VAR]  [--distillminconf  VAR]
       [--distilltier0ratio   VAR]  [--distilltier1ratio  VAR]  [--distillirredalsoremratio  VAR]
       [--distillirrednoremratio   VAR]   [--distillshuffleeveryn   VAR]   [--distillsort    VAR]
       [--renumber   VAR]   [--mustconsolidate   VAR]   [--savemem   VAR]   [--mustrenumber  VAR]
       [--fullwatchconseveryn VAR]  [--strmaxt  VAR]  [--implicitmanip  VAR]  [--implsubsto  VAR]
       [--implstrto  VAR]  [--cardfind  VAR] [--sync VAR] [--clearinter VAR] [--zero-exit-status]
       [--printtimes VAR] [--maxsccdepth VAR] [--simfrat VAR] [--sampling  VAR]  [--onlysampling]
       [--assump  VAR]  [--maxmatrixrows  VAR]  [--maxmatrixcols  VAR]  [--autodisablegauss  VAR]
       [--minmatrixrows VAR] [--maxnummatrices  VAR]  [--detachxor  VAR]  [--useallmatrixes  VAR]
       [--detachverb VAR] [--gaussusefulcutoff VAR] [--dumpresult VAR] files


       A  universal,  fast  SAT  solver  with XOR and Gaussian Elimination support.  Input can be
       either plain or gzipped DIMACS with XOR extension

       cryptominisat5 [options] inputfile [frat-file]

   Positional arguments:
       files  input file and FRAT output [nargs: 0 or more]

   Optional arguments:
       -h, --help
              shows help message and exits

       -v, --version
              prints version information and exits

       -h, --help
              Print extensive help [nargs=0..1] [default: false]

       -v, --version
              Print version info

       --verb [0-10] Verbosity of solver. 0 = only solution [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Stop solving after this much time (s)

              Stop solving after this many conflicts

       -r, --random
              [0..] Random seed [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

       -t, --threads
              Number of threads [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

       -m, --mult
              Time multiplier for all simplification cutoffs [nargs=0..1] [default: 3]

              Global multiplier  when  the  next  inprocessing  should  take  place  [nargs=0..1]
              [default: 1]

              Multiplier  for  memory-out checks on inprocessing functions. It limits things such
              as clause-link-in. Useful when you have limited memory but still want  to  do  some
              inprocessing [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Search   for   given   amount  of  solutions.  Thanks  to  Jannis  Harder  for  the
              decision-based banning idea [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              {true,false,rnd,auto,stable} Selects polarity mode. 'true' -> selects only positive
              polarity  when branching. 'false' -> selects only negative polarity when branching.
              'auto' -> selects last polarity used (also called 'caching') [nargs=0..1] [default:

       --scc  Find equivalent literals through SCC and replace them [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              {geom, glue, luby}  Restart strategy to follow. [nargs=0..1] [default: "auto"]

              The size of the base restart [nargs=0..1] [default: 100]

              The  size of the moving window for short-term glue history of redundant clauses. If
              higher, the minimal number of conflicts between  restarts  is  longer  [nargs=0..1]
              [default: 50]

              Lower  bound  on  blocking  restart  --  don't  block  before  this  many conflicts
              [nargs=0..1] [default: 10000]

              The multiplier used to determine if we should  restart  during  glue-based  restart
              [nargs=0..1] [default: 0.8]

              Ratio of glue vs geometric restarts -- more is more glue [nargs=0..1] [default: 5]

              Do blocking restart for glues [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Glue value for lev 0 ('keep') cut [nargs=0..1] [default: 3]

              Glue value for lev 1 cut ('give another shot' [nargs=0..1] [default: 6]

              If  more than this % of clauses is LOW glue (level 0) then lower the glue cutoff by
              1 -- once and never again [nargs=0..1] [default: 0.7]

              Reduce lev1 clauses every N [nargs=0..1] [default: 10000]

              Reduce lev2 clauses every N [nargs=0..1] [default: 15000]

              Learnt clause must be used in lev1 within this timeframe  or  be  dropped  to  lev2
              [nargs=0..1] [default: 70000]

              Branch  strategy  string  that  switches  between different branch strategies while
              solving e.g. 'vsids1+vsids2' [nargs=0..1] [default: "vmtf+vsids"]

              Don't ban the solution once it's found

              Parse special comments to run solve/simplify during parsing of CNF

              Run BreakID to break symmetries. [nargs=0..1] [default: true]

              Run BreakID every N simplification iterations [nargs=0..1] [default: 5]

              Maximum number of  literals  in  thousands.  If  exceeded,  BreakID  will  not  run
              [nargs=0..1] [default: 3500]

              Maximum  number  of  clauses  in  thousands.  If  exceeded,  BreakID  will  not run
              [nargs=0..1] [default: 600]

              Maximum number of variables  in  thousands.  If  exceeded,  BreakID  will  not  run
              [nargs=0..1] [default: 300]

              Maximum  number  of steps taken during automorphism finding. [nargs=0..1] [default:

              Maximum number of breaking clauses per permutation. [nargs=0..1] [default: 50]

              Detect matrix row interchangability [nargs=0..1] [default: true]

       --sls  Run SLS during simplification [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Which SLS to run. Allowed values: walksat, yalsat, ccnr,  ccnr_yalsat  [nargs=0..1]
              [default: "ccnr"]

              Maximum  number  of  MB to give to SLS solver. Doesn't run SLS solver if the memory
              usage would be more than this. [nargs=0..1] [default: 500]

              Run SLS solver every N simplifications only [nargs=0..1] [default: 2]

              Run Yalsat  with  this  many  mems*million  timeout.  Limits  time  of  yalsat  run
              [nargs=0..1] [default: 10]

              Max 'runs' for WalkSAT. Limits time of WalkSAT run [nargs=0..1] [default: 50]

              Get phase from SLS solver, set as new phase for CDCL [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Turn aspiration on/off for CCANR [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              How many variables to bump in CCNR [nargs=0..1] [default: 100]

              How  many  times  to  bump  an  individual variable's activity in CCNR [nargs=0..1]
              [default: 100]

              How to calculate what variable to bump. 1 = clause-based, 2 = var-flip-based,  3  =
              var-score-based [nargs=0..1] [default: 6]

              Remove useless binary clauses (transitive reduction) [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Carry out intree-based probing [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Time in mega-bogoprops to perform intree probing [nargs=0..1] [default: 400]

              Perform hyper-binary resolution during probing [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Perform  simplification  rounds. If 0, we never perform any. [nargs=0..1] [default:

              Perform simplification at the very start [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

              Perform simplification at EVERY start -- only matters in library mode  [nargs=0..1]
              [default: 0]

       -n, --nonstop
              Never stop the search() process in class SATSolver [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

              Maximum number of simplifiactions to perform for every solve() call. After this, no
              more inprocessing will take place. [nargs=0..1] [default: 25]

              Schedule for simplification during run

              Schedule for simplification at startup

              Perform occurrence-list-based  optimisations  (variable  elimination,  subsumption,
              bounded variable addition...) [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Start first simplification after this many conflicts [nargs=0..1] [default: 40000]

              Simp rounds increment by this power of N [nargs=0..1] [default: 1.4]

       --tern Perform Ternary resolution [nargs=0..1] [default: true]

              Time-out  in  bogoprops  M  of  ternary  resolution as per paper 'Look-Ahead Versus
              Look-Back for Satisfiability Problems' [nargs=0..1] [default: 100]

              Keep ternary resolution clauses only if they are touched within  this  multiple  of
              'lev1usewithin' [nargs=0..1] [default: 5]

              Create  only  this  multiple (of linked in cls) ternary resolution clauses per simp
              run [nargs=0..1] [default: 0.3]

              Allow ternary resolving to generate binary clauses [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

              Don't add to  occur  list  any  redundant  clause  larger  than  this  [nargs=0..1]
              [default: 50]

              Don't  allow  redundant occur size to be beyond this many MB [nargs=0..1] [default:

              Don't allow irredundant occur size to be beyond this many MB [nargs=0..1] [default:

              Perform  clause  contraction  through  self-subsuming  resolution  as  part  of the
              occurrence-subsumption system [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Time-out in bogoprops M of weakeaning used [nargs=0..1] [default: 300]

              Time-out in bogoprops M of subsumption of long clauses  with  long  clauses,  after
              computing occur [nargs=0..1] [default: 300]

              Ratio  of  subsumption  time  limit  to  spend  on  sub&str  long  clauses with bin
              [nargs=0..1] [default: 0.1]

              Ratio of subsumption time limit to spend on sub long clauses with long [nargs=0..1]
              [default: 0.9]

              Time-out  in  bogoprops M of strengthening of long clauses with long clauses, after
              computing occur [nargs=0..1] [default: 300]

              How many times go through subsume [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

       --bva  Perform bounded variable addition [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Perform BVA only every N occ-simplify calls [nargs=0..1] [default: 7]

              Maximum number of variables to add by BVA per call [nargs=0..1] [default: 250000]

              BVA with 2-lit difference hack, too. Beware,  this  reduces  the  effectiveness  of
              1-lit diff [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              BVA time limit in bogoprops M [nargs=0..1] [default: 50]

              Perform variable elimination as per Een and Biere [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Var elimination bogoprops M time limit [nargs=0..1] [default: 750]

              Do  BVE  until the resulting no. of clause increase is less than X. Only power of 2
              makes sense, i.e. 2,4,8... [nargs=0..1] [default: 16]

              Perform empty resolvent elimination using bit-map trick [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Maximum extra MB of memory to use  for  new  clauses  during  varelim  [nargs=0..1]
              [default: 1000]

              Eliminate  this  ratio of free variables at most per variable elimination iteration
              [nargs=0..1] [default: 1.6]

              BVE should check whether  resolvents  subsume  others  and  check  for  exact  size
              increase [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

       --xor  Discover long XORs [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Maximum XOR size to find [nargs=0..1] [default: 7]

              Time limit for finding XORs [nargs=0..1] [default: 400]

              Number of _real_ variables per XOR when cutting them. So 2 will have XORs of size 4
              because 1 = connecting to previous, 1 = connecting to next, 2 in the midde. If  the
              XOR is 4 long, it will be just one 4-long XOR, no connectors [nargs=0..1] [default:

              Maximum matrix size (=num elements) that we should try to  echelonize  [nargs=0..1]
              [default: 400]

              Force  preserving  XORs when they have been found. Easier to make sure XORs are not
              lost through simplifiactions such as strenghtening [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Find gates. [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

              Print gate structure regularly to file '' [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

              Max time in bogoprops M to find gates [nargs=0..1] [default: 200]

              Perform recursive minimisation [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Perform strong minimisation at conflict gen. [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Perform even stronger minimisation at conflict gen. [nargs=0..1] [default: 2]

              Always strong-minimise clause [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

              Create  decision-based  conflict  clauses  when  the  UIP  clause  is   too   large
              [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Update glues while analyzing [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Maximum  glue  used  by  glue-based  restart strategy when populating glue history.
              [nargs=0..1] [default: 50]

              Difference in decision level is more than this, perform  chonological  backtracking
              instead  of  non-chronological  backtracking. Giving -1 means it is never turned on
              (overrides '--confltochrono -1' in this case). [nargs=0..1] [default: 20]

              Change verbosity of statistics at  the  end  of  the  solving  [0..3]  [nargs=0..1]
              [default: 2]

              Print more thorough, but different stats [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

              Print a line for every restart [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

              Print assignment if solution is SAT [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Print restart status lines at least every N conflicts [nargs=0..1] [default: 8192]

              Regularly execute clause distillation [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Regularly execute clause distillation [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Maximum  number  of Mega-bogoprops(~time) to spend on vivifying/distilling long cls
              by enqueueing and propagating [nargs=0..1] [default: 20]

              Multiplier for current number of conflicts OTF distill [nargs=0..1] [default: 0.1]

              Minimum number of conflicts between OTF distill [nargs=0..1] [default: 10000]

              How much of tier 0 to distill [nargs=0..1] [default: 10]

              How much of tier 1 to distill [nargs=0..1] [default: 0.03]

              How much of irred to distill when doing also removal [nargs=0..1] [default: 1.2]

              How much of irred to distill when doing no removal [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Shuffle to-be-distilled clauses every N cases randomly [nargs=0..1] [default: 3]

              Distill sorting type [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Renumber variables to increase CPU cache efficiency [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Always  consolidate,  even  if  not  useful.  This  is  used  for  debugging   ONLY
              [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

              Save  memory  by  deallocating  variable  space  after  renumbering.  Only works if
              renumbering is active. [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Treat all 'renumber' strategies as 'must-renumber' [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

              Consolidate  watchlists  fully   once   every   N   conflicts.   Scheduled   during
              simplification rounds. [nargs=0..1] [default: 4000000]

              Maximum  MBP  to  spend  on  distilling long irred cls through watches [nargs=0..1]
              [default: 20]

              Subsume and strengthen implicit clauses with each other [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              Timeout (in bogoprop Millions) of implicit subsumption [nargs=0..1] [default: 100]

              Timeout (in bogoprop Millions) of  implicit  strengthening  [nargs=0..1]  [default:

              Find cardinality constraints [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

       --sync Sync threads every N conflicts [nargs=0..1] [default: 7000]

              Interrupt threads cleanly, all the time [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

              Exit with status zero in case the solving has finished without an issue

              Print  time  it  took  for each simplification run. If set to 0, logs are easier to
              compare [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]

              The maximum for scc search depth [nargs=0..1] [default: 10000]

              Simulate FRAT [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

              Sampling vars, separated by comma [nargs=0..1] [default: ""]

              Print and ban(!) solutions' vars only in 'c ind' or as --sampling '...'

              Assumptions file [nargs=0..1] [default: ""]

              Set maximum no. of rows for gaussian matrix. Too large matricesshould bee discarded
              for reasons of efficiency [nargs=0..1] [default: 2000]

              Set  maximum  no.  of  columns  for  gaussian  matrix. Too large matricesshould bee
              discarded for reasons of efficiency [nargs=0..1] [default: 1000]

              Automatically disable gauss when performing badly [nargs=0..1] [default: true]

              Set minimum no. of rows for gaussian  matrix.  Normally,  too  small  matrices  are
              discarded for reasons of efficiency [nargs=0..1] [default: 3]

              Maximum number of matrices to treat. [nargs=0..1] [default: 5]

              Detach and reattach XORs [nargs=0..1] [default: false]

              Force using all matrices [nargs=0..1] [default: false]

              If  set,  verbosity  for  XOR  detach  code  is  upped,  ignoring  normal verbosity
              [nargs=0..1] [default: 0]

              Turn off Gauss if less than this many usefulenss  ratio  is  recorded  [nargs=0..1]
              [default: 0.2]

              Write solution(s) to this file

   Normal run schedules:
              Default                                                                   schedule:

              Schedule at startup: sub-impl, occ-backw-sub,scc-vrepl,breakid, occ-bve,occ-xor


       The  full documentation for cryptominisat5 is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the info
       and cryptominisat5 programs are properly installed at your site, the command

              info cryptominisat5

       should give you access to the complete manual.