Provided by: sp800-90b-entropy-assessment_1.1.8-3_amd64
ea_restart - Run restart tests for entropy assesment
ea_restart [-i|-n] [-v] [-q] <file_name> [bits_per_symbol] <H_I>
Run restart tests for entropy assesment. <file_name>: Must be relative path to a binary file with at least 1 million entries (samples), and in the "row dataset" format described in SP800-90B Section [bits_per_symbol]: Must be between 1-8, inclusive. <H_I>: Initial entropy estimate. [-i|-n]: '-i' for IID data, '-n' for non-IID data. Non-IID is the default. -v: Optional verbosity flag for more output. -q: Quiet mode, less output to screen. Restart samples are assumed to be packed into 8-bit values, where the rightmost 'bits_per_symbol' bits constitute the sample. This program performs restart testing as described in Restart Tests (Section 3.1.4). The data consists of 1000 restarts, each with 1000 samples. The data is converted to rows and columns as described Section The sanity check (Section and the validation test (Section are performed on this data. If the restart data passes the sanity check and validation test, this program returns min(H_r, H_c, H_I), which is either the validated entropy assessment or used to derive 'h_in' if conditioning is used (Section 3.1.5). --version: Prints tool version information
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